This useful tool was outdated and written really clumsily. This commit rewrites bash code to Python, adds options like peeking logs, deploying from a commit or branch and fixes deploying from a gerrit change. Change-Id: Icaa01d660b2cdf376d6f000230114986a454c4fb
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Kuryr Heat Templates
This set of scripts and Heat templates are useful for deploying DevStack scenarios. It handles the creation of an all-in-one DevStack nova instance and its networking needs.
Packages to install on the host you run devstack-heat (not on the cloud server):
- python-openstackclient
After creating the instance, devstack-heat will immediately start creating a devstack stack user and using devstack to stack kuryr-kubernetes. When it is finished, there'll be a file names /opt/stack/ready.
How to run
In order to run it, make sure you reviewed values in hot/parameters.yml (especially the image, flavor and public_net properties, the last one telling in which network to create the floating IPs). The cloud credentials should be in ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml. Then the most basic run requires executing:
./ -c <cloud-name> stack -e hot/parameters.yml <stack-name>
This will deploy the latest master on cloud <cloud-name> in a stack <stack-name>. You can also specify other sources than master:
--gerrit GERRIT ID of Kuryr Gerrit change
--commit COMMIT Kuryr commit ID
--branch BRANCH Kuryr branch
--devstack-branch DEVSTACK_BRANCH DevStack branch to use
Note that some options are excluding other ones.
Besides that you can customize deployments using those options:
-p KEY=VALUE, --parameter KEY=VALUE Heat stack parameters
--local-conf LOCAL_CONF URL to DevStack local.conf file
--bashrc BASHRC URL to bashrc file to put on VM
--additional-key ADDITIONAL_KEY URL to additional SSH key to add for
stack user
stack will save you a private key for the deployment in <stack-name>.pem file in current directory.
Getting inside the deployment
You can then ssh into the deployment in two ways:
./ show <stack-name>
Write down the FIP it tells you and then (might be skipped, key should be there):
./ key <stack-name> > ./<stack-name>.pem
Finally to get in (use the default username for the distro of your chosen glance image, in the example below centos):
ssh -i ./<stack-name>.pem ubuntu@<floating-ip>
Alternatively, if you wait a bit, devstack-heat will have set up the devstack stack user and you can just do:
./ ssh <stack-name>
If you want to observe the progress of the installation you can use join to make it stream logs:
./ join <stack-name>
Note that you can make stack join automatically using its --join option.
To delete the deployment:
./ unstack <stack-name>
Supported images
Scripts were tested with latest Ubuntu 20.04 cloud images.