Change-Id: I67d6b8d77e6b703aa3598de28ae964fee1035c0b Co-Authored-By: Luis Tomas Bolivar <ltomasbo@redhat.com>
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Kuryr Kubernetes Port CRD Usage
The purpose of this document is to present Kuryr Kubernetes Port and PortPool CRD1 usage, capturing the design decisions currently taken by the Kuryr team.
The main purpose of the Port CRD is to keep Neutron resources tracking as part of K8s data model. The main idea behind is to try to minimize the amount of calls to Neutron by ensuring port and port pools consistent usage. Port and PortPool CRD will allow faster synchronization between Kuryr Controller and Kuryr CNI Daemon. Maintaining Neutron resources via K8s CRD objects will allow proper handling of Kuryr Controller restart flow. Having the details in K8s data model should also serve the case where Kuryr is used as generic SDN K8s integration framework. This means that Port CRD can be not neutron specific.
Interactions between Kuryr and Neutron may take more time than desired from the container management perspective.
To optimize this interaction and speed up both container creation and deletion, the Kuryr-Kubernetes Ports Pools were added: Neutron ports are created before container creation, and Neutron ports are deleted after container deletion.
But there is still a need to keep the Ports and Port pools details and have them available in case of Kuryr Controller restart. Since Kuryr is stateless service, the details should be kept either as part of Neutron or Kubernetes data. Due to the perfromance costs, K8s option is more performant.
Proposed Solution
The proposal is to start relying on K8s CRD objects more and more. The first action is to create a KuryrPort CRD where the needed information about the Neutron Ports will be stored (or any other SDN).
Currently, the pods are annotated with the vif information of the port assigned to it:
"kind": "Pod",
"metadata": {
"annotations": {
"openstack.org/kuryr-vif": "{\"eth0\": {\"versioned_object.data\": {\"active\": true, \"address\": \"fa:16:3e:bf:84:ff\", \"has_traffic_filtering\
": false, \"id\": \"18f968a5-c420-4318-92d7-941eb5f9e60e\", \"network\": {\"versioned_object.data\": {\"id\": \"144164d9-8c21-4274-acec-43245de0aed0\", \"labe
l\": \"ns/luis-net\", \"mtu\": 1350, \"multi_host\": false, \"should_provide_bridge\": false, \"should_provide_vlan\": false, \"subnets\": {\"versioned_object
.data\": {\"objects\": [{\"versioned_object.data\": {\"cidr\": \"\", \"dns\": [], \"gateway\": \"\", \"ips\": {\"versioned_object.data\":
{\"objects\": [{\"versioned_object.data\": {\"address\": \"\"}, \"versioned_object.name\": \"FixedIP\", \"versioned_object.namespace\": \"os_vif\",
\"versioned_object.version\": \"1.0\"}]}, \"versioned_object.name\": \"FixedIPList\", \"versioned_object.namespace\": \"os_vif\", \"versioned_object.version\"
: \"1.0\"}, \"routes\": {\"versioned_object.data\": {\"objects\": []}, \"versioned_object.name\": \"RouteList\", \"versioned_object.namespace\": \"os_vif\", \
"versioned_object.version\": \"1.0\"}}, \"versioned_object.name\": \"Subnet\", \"versioned_object.namespace\": \"os_vif\", \"versioned_object.version\": \"1.0
\"}]}, \"versioned_object.name\": \"SubnetList\", \"versioned_object.namespace\": \"os_vif\", \"versioned_object.version\": \"1.0\"}}, \"versioned_object.name
\": \"Network\", \"versioned_object.namespace\": \"os_vif\", \"versioned_object.version\": \"1.1\"}, \"plugin\": \"noop\", \"preserve_on_delete\": false, \"vi
f_name\": \"tap18f968a5-c4\", \"vlan_id\": 1346}, \"versioned_object.name\": \"VIFVlanNested\", \"versioned_object.namespace\": \"os_vif\", \"versioned_object
.version\": \"1.0\"}}"
The proposal is to store the information of the VIF in the new defined KuryrPort CRD as a new KuryrPort object, including similar information to the one we currently have on os_vif objects. Then we annotate the KuryrPort object selfLink at the pod by using oslo.versionedobject to easy identify the changes into the annotation format. Note the selfLink should contain the Neutron Port UUID if that is used as the name for the KuryrPort CRD object. In case of other SDN a unique value that represents the port should be used as the name for the KuryrPort CRD object:
$ kubectl get POD_NAME -o json
"kind": "Pod",
"metadata": {
"annotations": {
"openstack.org/kuryr-vif": "{"eth0": {\"versioned_object.data\": {\"selfLink\": \"/apis/openstack.org/v1/kuryrports/18f968a5-c420-4318-92d7-941eb5f9e60e\"}},
\"versioned_object.name\": \"KuryrPortCRD\", \"versioned_object.version\": \"1.0\"}"
$ openstack port show 18f968a5-c420-4318-92d7-941eb5f9e60e
| Field | Value |
| admin_state_up | UP |
| allowed_address_pairs | |
| binding_host_id | None |
| binding_profile | None |
| binding_vif_details | None |
| binding_vif_type | None |
| binding_vnic_type | normal |
| created_at | 2018-06-18T15:58:23Z |
| data_plane_status | None |
| description | |
| device_id | |
| device_owner | trunk:subport |
| dns_assignment | None |
| dns_domain | None |
| dns_name | None |
| extra_dhcp_opts | |
| fixed_ips | ip_address='', subnet_id='fa660385-65f1-4677-8dc7-3f4f9cd15d7f' |
| id | 18f968a5-c420-4318-92d7-941eb5f9e60e |
| ip_address | None |
| mac_address | fa:16:3e:bf:84:ff |
| name | |
| network_id | 144164d9-8c21-4274-acec-43245de0aed0 |
| option_name | None |
| option_value | None |
| port_security_enabled | True |
| project_id | d85bdba083204fe2845349a86cb87d82 |
| qos_policy_id | None |
| revision_number | 4 |
| security_group_ids | 32704585-8cbe-43f3-a4d5-56ffe2d3ab24 |
| status | ACTIVE |
| subnet_id | None |
| tags | |
| trunk_details | None |
| updated_at | 2018-06-18T15:58:30Z |
$ kubectl get kuryrports 18f968a5-c420-4318-92d7-941eb5f9e60e -o json
"apiVersion": "openstack.org/v1",
"kind": "KuryrPort",
"metadata": {
"resourceVersion": "164682",
"selfLink": "/apis/openstack.org/v1/kuryrports/18f968a5-c420-4318-92d7-941eb5f9e60e",
"uid": "d2834c13-6e6e-11e8-8acd-fa163ed12aae"
"name": "18f968a5-c420-4318-92d7-941eb5f9e60e"
"portStatus": "created"
"spec": {
"active": true",
"address": "fa:16:3e:bf:84:ff",
"id": "18f968a5-c420-4318-92d7-941eb5f9e60e",
"network": {
"id": "144164d9-8c21-4274-acec-43245de0aed0",
"mtu": 1350,
This allows a more standard way of annotating the pods, ensuring all needed information is there regardless of the SDN backend.
In addition, in case of failures it is easier to find orphaned resources that were created but not in use anymore. As an example we could check the KuryrPorts objects that were annotated with deleting label at the portStatus field at metatdata, and remove the associated Neutron resources (e.g. ports) in case the controller crashed while deleting the Neutron (or any other SDN) associated resources.
As for the Ports Pools, right now they reside on memory on the Kuryr-controller and need to be recovered everytime the controller gets restarted. To perform this recovery we are relying on Neutron Port device-owner information which may not be completely waterproof in all situations (e.g., if there is another entity using the same device owner name). Consequently, by storing the information into K8s CRD objests we have the benefit of:
- Calling K8s API instead of Neutron API
- Being sure the recovered ports into the pools were created by kuryr-controller
In addition to these advantages, moving to CRDs will easier the transition for kuryr-cni handling the ports pools as kuryr-cni has access to the K8S API but not to the Neutron API. This leads also to the idea of also having KuryrPortPool CRDs that will keep track of what ports belong to what pool. This would remove the need for recovering them upon kuryr-controller reboot completely. An example of the PortPool CRD spec is the next:
Note this is similar to the approach already followed by the network per namespace subnet driver and it could be similarly applied to other SDN resources, such as LoadBalancers.