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Kuryr Kubernetes Health Manager Design


The purpose of this document is to present the design decision behind Kuryr Kubernetes Health Manager.

The main purpose of the Health Manager is to perform Health verifications that assures Kuryr Controller readiness and liveness, and so improve the management that Kubernetes does on Kuryr Controller pod.


Kuryr Controller might get to a broken state due to problems like: unable to connect with services it depends on and they being not healthy.

It is important to check health of these services so that Kubernetes and its users know when Kuryr Controller it is ready to perform its networking tasks. Also, it is necessary to check the health state of Kuryr components in order to assure Kuryr Controller service is alive. To provide these functionalities, Health Manager will verify and serve the health state of these services and components to the probe.

Proposed Solution

One of the endpoints provided by The Health Manager will check whether it is able to watch the Kubernetes API, authenticate with Keystone and talk to Neutron, since these are services needed by Kuryr Controller. These checks will assure the Controller readiness. The other endpoint, will verify the health state of Kuryr components and guarantee Controller liveness.

The idea behind the Manager is to combine all the necessary checks in a server running inside Kuryr Controller pod and provide the checks result to the probe.