Liping Mao (limao) 95e22ab2b6 Kuryr-libnetwork container ssl error in multi-thread
When use kuryr-libnetwork container with multi-thread and neutron
service under https, uwsgi will has ssl error.

Change-Id: I897d84742570dcc2d4daba1ea40882814a38679f
Related-Bug: #1675301
2017-03-24 14:26:55 +08:00

462 lines
15 KiB

Team and repository tags
.. image:: http://governance.openstack.org/badges/kuryr-libnetwork.svg
:target: http://governance.openstack.org/reference/tags/index.html
.. Change things from this point on
.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openstack/kuryr/master/doc/images/kuryr_logo.png
:alt: Kuryr mascot
:align: center
Docker for OpenStack Neutron
Kuryr-libnetwork is `Kuryr's <https://github.com/openstack/kuryr>`_ Docker
libnetwork driver that uses Neutron to provide networking services. It provides
containerised images for the common Neutron plugins.
This repo provides libnetwork specific functionalities such as handler methods
for libnetwork apis. All the logic/utilities that can be shared among
different container networking frameworks such as Docker's libnetwork,
K8s's CNI and so on, is maintained in separate Kuryr repo as a common library.
* Free software: Apache license
* Documentation: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/kuryr-libnetwork
* Source: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/kuryr-libnetwork
* Bugs: http://bugs.launchpad.net/kuryr-libnetwork
* Docker libnetwork remote driver
* Docker libnetwork IPAM driver
* Support for Linux Bridge, Open vSwitch, Midonet, and IOvisor port bindings
* Support for using existing Neutron networks::
docker network create -d kuryr --ipam-driver=kuryr --subnet= --gateway= \
-o neutron.net.uuid=d98d1259-03d1-4b45-9b86-b039cba1d90d mynet
docker network create -d kuryr --ipam-driver=kuryr --subnet= --gateway= \
-o neutron.net.name=my_neutron_net mynet
* Support for using existing Neutron ports::
docker run -it --net=kuryr_net --ip= ubuntu
if a port in the corresponding subnet with the requested ip address
already exists and it is unbound, that port is used for the
* Support for the Docker "expose" option::
docker run --net=my_kuryr_net --expose=1234-1238/udp -it ubuntu
This feature is implemented by using Neutron security groups.
* Docker 1.12 with SwarmKit (the new Swarm) does not support remote
drivers. Therefore, it cannot be used with Kuryr. This limitation is
to be removed in Docker 1.13.
Getting it running with a service container
The necessary components for an operating environment to run Kuryr are:
* Keystone (preferably configured with Keystone v3),
* Neutron (preferably mitaka or newer),
* DB management system such as MySQL or Mariadb (for Neutron and Keystone),
* Neutron agents for the vendor you choose,
* Rabbitmq if the Neutron agents for your vendor require it,
* Docker 1.9+
Building the container
The Dockerfile in the root of this repository can be used to generate a wsgi
Kuryr Libnetwork server container with docker build::
docker build -t your_docker_username/libnetwork:latest .
Additionally, you can pull the upstream container::
docker pull kuryr/libnetwork:latest
Note that you can also specify the tag of a stable release for the above
command instead of *latest*.
How to run the container
First we prepare Docker to find the driver::
sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/docker/plugins/kuryr
sudo curl -o /usr/lib/docker/plugins/kuryr/kuryr.spec \
sudo service docker restart
Then we start the container::
docker run --name kuryr-libnetwork \
--net=host \
--cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
-e SERVICE_USER=admin \
-v /var/log/kuryr:/var/log/kuryr \
-v /var/run/openvswitch:/var/run/openvswitch \
USER_DOMAIN_NAME are OpenStack credentials
* IDENTITY_URL is the url to the OpenStack Keystone v3 endpoint
* A volume is created so that the logs are available on the host
* NET_ADMIN capabilities are given in order to perform network operations on
the host namespace like ovs-vsctl
Other options you can set as '-e' parameters in Docker run:
* CAPABILITY_SCOPE can be "local" or "global", the latter being for when there
is a cluster store plugged into the docker engine.
* LOG_LEVEL for defining, for example, "DEBUG" logging messages.
* PROCESSES for defining how many kuryr processes to use to handle the
libnetwork requests.
Note that you will probably have to change the IDENTITY_URL address
for the address where your Keystone is running. In this case it is
because the example assumes running the container with *--net=host* on an all
in one deployment where Keystone is also binding locally.
Alternatively, if you have an existing kuryr.conf, you can use it for the
docker run --name kuryr-libnetwork \
--net host \
--cap-add NET_ADMIN \
-v /etc/kuryr:/etc/kuryr:ro \
-v /var/log/kuryr:/var/log/kuryr:rw \
-v /var/run/openvswitch:/var/run/openvswitch:rw \
Getting it from source
$ git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/kuryr-libnetwork
$ cd kuryr-libnetwork
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
Installing Kuryr's libnetwork driver
Running the following will grab the requirements and install kuryr::
$ sudo pip install .
Configuring Kuryr
Generate sample config, `etc/kuryr.conf.sample`, running the following::
$ ./tools/generate_config_file_samples.sh
Rename and copy config file at required path::
$ cp etc/kuryr.conf.sample /etc/kuryr/kuryr.conf
For using Keystone v3, edit the Neutron section in `/etc/kuryr/kuryr.conf`, replace ADMIN_PASSWORD::
auth_url =
username = admin
user_domain_name = Default
project_name = service
project_domain_name = Default
auth_type = password
Alternatively, for using Keystone v2, edit the Neutron section in `/etc/kuryr/kuryr.conf`, replace ADMIN_PASSWORD::
auth_url =
username = admin
project_name = service
auth_type = password
In the same file uncomment the `bindir` parameter with the path for the Kuryr
vif binding executables. For example, if you installed it on Debian or Ubuntu::
bindir = /usr/local/libexec/kuryr
Running Kuryr
Currently, Kuryr utilizes a bash script to start the service.
Make sure that you have installed `tox` before the execution of
the following commands:
If SSL needs to be enabled follow this step or skip to next step::
$tox -egenconfig
Add these 3 parameters in generated file[etc/kuryr.conf.sample]:
ssl_cert_file <Absolute Path for Cert file>
ssl_key_file <Absolute Path for private key>
enable_ssl <True or False>
$export SSL_ENABLED=True
Add the path names in [contrib/tls/kuryr.json]:
InsecureSkipVerify <false/true>
CAFile: <Absolute Path for CA file>
CertFile: <Absolute Path for Cert file>
KeyFile: <Absolute Path for private key>
Placement of cert files:
By default Kuryr places it certs in /var/lib/kuryr/certs directory,
Please make sure that certs are on proper location as mentioned in kuryr.conf
Verification of kuryr.json:
Please make sure that your kuryr.json look similar to below sample
with appropiate paths of certs updated, and remove older .spec files
if any exists.
and https configuration url::
"Name": "kuryr",
"Addr": "",
"TLSConfig": {
"InsecureSkipVerify": false,
"CAFile": "/var/lib/kuryr/certs/ca.pem",
"CertFile": "/var/lib/kuryr/certs/cert.pem",
"KeyFile": "/var/lib/kuryr/certs/key.pem"
For locally generating and testing, please refer to below link:
Run Kuryr Server from command below::
$ sudo ./scripts/run_kuryr.sh
After Kuryr starts, please restart your Docker service, e.g.::
$ sudo service docker restart
The bash script creates the following file if it is missing:
* ``/usr/lib/docker/plugins/kuryr/kuryr.json``: Json spec file for libnetwork.
Note the root privilege is required for creating and deleting the veth pairs
with `pyroute2 <http://docs.pyroute2.org/>`_ to run.
How to try out nested-containers locally
1. Installing OpenStack running devstack with the desired local.conf file but
including the next to make use of OVS-firewall and enabling Trunk Ports::
2. Launch a VM with `Neutron trunk port.
3. Inside the VM install kuryr and kuryr-libnetwork following the normal
installation steps (see above steps at `Installing Kuryr's libnetwork
4. Reconfigure kuryr inside the VM to point to the neutron server and to use the
vlan driver:
- Configure `/etc/kuryr/kuryr.conf`::
driver = kuryr.lib.binding.drivers.vlan
link_iface = eth0 # VM vNIC
auth_url = http://KEYSTONE_SERVER_IP:35357/v3/
username = admin
user_domain_name = Default
project_name = service
project_domain_name = Default
auth_type = password
- Restart kuryr service inside the VM
Known nested-containers limitations
1. Due to the `Neutron Trunk service implementation choice <https://github.com/openstack/neutron/blob/master/doc/source/devref/openvswitch_agent.rst#tackling-the-network-trunking-use-case>`_
deployments with iptables hybrid security groups driver do not support
trunk service.
2. QoS rules are not applied properly on sub-ports due to a `Neutron bug
<https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1639186>`_, i.e. nested-container
Testing Kuryr
For a quick check that Kuryr is working, create a IPv4 network::
$ docker network create --driver kuryr --ipam-driver kuryr \
--subnet --gateway= test_v4_net
$ docker network ls
785f8c1b5ae4 test_v4_net kuryr local
Or you can test with a dual-stack network::
$ docker network create --driver kuryr --ipam-driver kuryr \
--subnet --gateway= --ipv6 --subnet 2001:db8:a0b:12f0::/64 \
--gateway 2001:db8:a0b:12f0::1 test_net
$ docker network ls
81e1a12eedfb test_net kuryr local
Known IPv6 network limitations
Due to the `Docker --ipv6 tag bug <https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/28055>`_ version
1.12 and 1.13 have problem to create network only with IPv6.
To test it with tox::
$ tox
You can also run specific test cases using the ``-e`` flag, e.g., to only run
the *fullstack* test case::
$ tox -e fullstack
Also you can run *fullstack* test using credentials from openrc config file,
this requires you source openrc file in your DevStack or production environment.
In DevStack, you can using command "source openrc admin" in your devstack directory.
For production environment, please refer "Create OpenStack client environment scripts"
in OpenStack install guide.
Generating Documentation
We use `Sphinx <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Sphinx>`_ to maintain the
documentation. You can install Sphinx using pip::
$ pip install -U Sphinx
In addition to Sphinx you will also need the following requirements
(not covered by `requirements.txt`)::
$ pip install oslosphinx reno 'reno[sphinx]'
The source code of the documentation are under *doc*, you can generate the
html files using the following command. If the generation succeeds,a
*build/html* dir will be created under *doc*::
$ cd doc
$ make html
Now you can serve the documentation at http://localhost:8080 as a simple
$ cd build/html
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
To create Docker networks with subnets having same/overlapping cidr, it is
expected to pre-create Neutron subnetpool and pass the pool name for each
such network creation Docker command. Docker cli options -o and --ipam-opt
should be used to pass pool names as shown below::
$ neutron subnetpool-create --pool-prefix neutron_pool1
$ sudo docker network create --driver=kuryr --ipam-driver=kuryr \
--subnet --gateway= --ip-range \
-o neutron.pool.name=neutron_pool1 \
--ipam-opt=neutron.pool.name=neutron_pool1 \
Now Docker user creates another network with same cidr as the previous one,
i.e, but with different pool name, neutron_pool2::
$ neutron subnetpool-create --pool-prefix neutron_pool2
$ sudo docker network create --driver=kuryr --ipam-driver=kuryr \
--subnet --gateway= --ip-range \
-o neutron.pool.name=neutron_pool2 \
--ipam-opt=neutron.pool.name=neutron_pool2 \
Alternatively, Docker user can pass an existing pool uuid if there are multiple
pools with the same name::
$ sudo sudo docker network create --driver=kuryr --ipam-driver=kuryr \
--subnet --gateway= --ip-range \
-o neutron.pool.uuid=2d5767a4-6c96-4522-ab1d-a06d7adc9e23 \
--ipam-opt=neutron.pool.uuid=2d5767a4-6c96-4522-ab1d-a06d7adc9e23 \
External Resources
The latest and most in-depth documentation is available at: