In Docker 1.11 support for the two newly added libnetwork methods is not required. However, not having these supported result in errors that may be confusing to users. These two methods are to make support for exported and published ports on a per container basis as discussed here: https://github.com/docker/libnetwork/issues/992 It is proposed that by Docker version 1.12 support for these methods become mandatory. Support for exposed port will be added in a separate patchset. Support for publishing port may be added later on when needed support in Neutron is available. Change-Id: Idf69a094eda2141cfa25b79d3095010871e1c9e8
Docker for OpenStack Neutron
Kuryr is a Docker network plugin that uses Neutron to provide networking services to Docker containers. It provides containerised images for the common Neutron plugins.
- Free software: Apache license
- Documentation: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/kuryr
- Source: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/kuryr
- Bugs: http://bugs.launchpad.net/kuryr
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
Installing Kuryr's libnetwork driver
Running the following will grab the requirements and install kuryr
- ::
$ sudo pip install .
Running Kuryr
Currently, Kuryr utilizes a bash script to start the service. Make sure that you have installed tox before the execution of the below command.
$ sudo ./scripts/run_kuryr.sh
After the booting, please restart your Docker service, e.g.,
- ::
$ sudo service docker restart
The bash script creates the following files if they are missing.
: Json spec file for libnetwork;/etc/kuryr/kuryr.conf
: Configuration file for Kuryr.
Note the root privilege is required for creating and deleting the veth pairs with pyroute2 to run.
Testing Kuryr
$ tox
You can also run specific test cases using the -e
e.g., to only run the fullstack test case.
$ tox -e fullstack
Generating Documentation
We use Sphinx to maintain the documentation. You can install Sphinx using pip.
$ pip install -U Sphinx
In addition to Sphinx you will also need the following requirements (not covered by requirements.txt):
$ pip install oslosphinx reno 'reno[sphinx]'
The source code of the documentation are under doc, you can generate the html files using the following command. If the generation succeeds,a build/html dir will be created under doc.
$ cd doc
$ make html
Now you can serve the documentation at http://localhost:8080 as a simple website.
$ cd build/html
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080