Change-Id: I93254c10204b23d2507f0259325c98b56a8d49c7
Docker for OpenStack Neutron
Kuryr is a Docker network plugin that uses Neutron to provide networking services to Docker containers. It provides containerised images for the common Neutron plugins.
- Free software: Apache license
- Documentation: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/kuryr
- Source: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/kuryr
- Bugs: http://bugs.launchpad.net/kuryr
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
Installing Kuryr's libnetwork driver
Running the following will grab the requirements and install kuryr
$ sudo pip install .
Configuring Kuryr
Edit keystone section in /etc/kuryr/kuryr.conf, replace ADMIN_PASSWORD:
auth_uri =
admin_user = admin
admin_tenant_name = service
admin_password = ADMIN_PASSWORD
In the same file uncomment the bindir parameter with the path for the Kuryr vif binding executables:
bindir = /usr/local/libexec/kuryr
Running Kuryr
Currently, Kuryr utilizes a bash script to start the service. Make sure that you have installed tox before the execution of the below command.
$ sudo ./scripts/run_kuryr.sh
After the booting, please restart your Docker service, e.g.,
$ sudo service docker restart
The bash script creates the following files if they are missing.
: Json spec file for libnetwork;/etc/kuryr/kuryr.conf
: Configuration file for Kuryr.
Note the root privilege is required for creating and deleting the veth pairs with pyroute2 to run.
Testing Kuryr
For a quick check that Kuryr is working create a network:
$ docker network create --driver kuryr test_net
$ docker network ls
785f8c1b5ae4 test_net kuryr
To test it with tox:
$ tox
You can also run specific test cases using the -e
e.g., to only run the fullstack test case.
$ tox -e fullstack
Generating Documentation
We use Sphinx to maintain the documentation. You can install Sphinx using pip.
$ pip install -U Sphinx
In addition to Sphinx you will also need the following requirements (not covered by requirements.txt):
$ pip install oslosphinx reno 'reno[sphinx]'
The source code of the documentation are under doc, you can generate the html files using the following command. If the generation succeeds,a build/html dir will be created under doc.
$ cd doc
$ make html
Now you can serve the documentation at http://localhost:8080 as a simple website.
$ cd build/html
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080