liberasurecode is an Erasure Code API library written in C with pluggable Erasure Code backends.
Unified Erasure Coding interface for common storage workloads.
Pluggable Erasure Code backends - liberasurecode supports the following backends:
- 'liberasurecode_rs_vand' - Native, software-only Erasure Coding implementation that supports a Reed-Solomon backend
- 'Jerasure' - Erasure Coding library that supports Reed-Solomon, Cauchy backends [1]
- 'ISA-L' - Intel Storage Acceleration Library - SIMD accelerated Erasure Coding backends [2]
- 'SHSS' - NTT Lab Japan's hybrid Erasure Coding backend [4]
- 'Flat XOR HD' - built-in to liberasurecode, based on [3]
- 'libphazr' - Phazr.IO's erasure code backend with built-in privacy [5]
- 'NULL' template backend implemented to help future backend writers
True 'plugin' architecture - liberasurecode uses Dynamically Loaded (DL) libraries to realize a true 'plugin' architecture. This also allows one to build liberasurecode indepdendent of the Erasure Code backend libraries.
Cross-platform - liberasurecode is known to work on Linux (Fedora/Debian flavors), Solaris, BSD and Darwin/Mac OS X.
Community support - Developed alongside Erasure Code authority Kevin Greenan, liberasurecode is an actively maintained open-source project with growing community involvement (Openstack Swift, Ceph, PyECLib, NTT Labs).
Active Users
- PyECLib - Python EC library:
- Openstack Swift Object Store -
Build and Install
Install dependencies -
Debian/Ubuntu hosts:
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libtool
Fedora/RedHat/CentOS hosts:
$ sudo yum install -y gcc make autoconf automake libtool
To build the liberasurecode repository, perform the following from the top-level directory:
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make test
$ sudo make install
[1] Jerasure, C library that supports erasure coding in storage applications,
[2] Intel(R) Storage Acceleration Library (Open Source Version),
[3] Greenan, Kevin M et al, "Flat XOR-based erasure codes in storage systems",
[4] Kota Tsuyuzaki, "NTT SHSS Erasure Coding backend"
[5] Jim Cheung, "Phazr.IO libphazr erasure code backend with built-in privacy"