Jason Dunsmore caf811b974 Update docs to use positional name argument
Using the optional --name argument will result in a deprecation

Change-Id: Id2be01f9ec40d53c2b7ddd0807e38ee550d7ab8a
Implements: blueprint positional-name
2017-03-03 14:45:35 -06:00

11 KiB

Launch an instance

In environments that include the Container Infrastructure Management service, you can provision container clusters made up of virtual machines or baremetal servers. Then, you can use the appropriate COE client or endpoint to create containers.

Provision a cluster and create a container

The Container Infrastructure Management service uses Cluster Templates < #clustertemplate>__ to describe how a Cluster < developer/magnum/userguide.html#cluster>__ is constructed. Following this example, you will provision a Docker Swarm cluster with one master and one node. Then, using docker's native API you will create a container.

  1. Download the latest Fedora Atomic image built by magnum team, which is required to provision the cluster:

    $ wget
  2. Source the demo credentials to perform the following steps as a non-administrative project:

    $ . demo-openrc
  3. Register the image to the Image service setting the os_distro property to fedora-atomic:

    $ openstack image create \
                          --disk-format=qcow2 \
                          --container-format=bare \
                          --file=fedora-atomic-latest.qcow2 \
                          --property os_distro='fedora-atomic' \
    | Field            | Value                                                |
    | checksum         | a987b691e23dce54c03d7a57c104b195                     |
    | container_format | bare                                                 |
    | created_at       | 2016-09-14T12:58:01Z                                 |
    | disk_format      | qcow2                                                |
    | file             | /v2/images/81b25935-3400-441a-9f2e-f984a46c89dd/file |
    | id               | 81b25935-3400-441a-9f2e-f984a46c89dd                 |
    | min_disk         | 0                                                    |
    | min_ram          | 0                                                    |
    | name             | fedora-atomic-latest                                 |
    | owner            | c4b42942156741dfbc4775dbcb032841                     |
    | properties       | os_distro='fedora-atomic'                            |
    | protected        | False                                                |
    | schema           | /v2/schemas/image                                    |
    | size             | 507928064                                            |
    | status           | active                                               |
    | tags             |                                                      |
    | updated_at       | 2016-09-14T12:58:03Z                                 |
    | virtual_size     | None                                                 |
    | visibility       | private                                              |
  4. Create a keypair on the Compute service:

    $ openstack keypair create --public-key ~/.ssh/ mykey
    | Field       | Value                                           |
    | fingerprint | 05:be:32:07:58:a7:e8:0b:05:9b:81:6d:80:9a:4e:b1 |
    | name        | mykey                                           |
    | user_id     | 2d4398dbd5274707bf100a9dbbe85819                |
  5. Create a cluster template for a Docker Swarm cluster using the above image, m1.small as flavor for the master and the node, mykey as keypair, public as external network and for DNS nameserver, with the following command:

    $ magnum cluster-template-create swarm-cluster-template \
                         --image fedora-atomic-latest \
                         --keypair mykey \
                         --external-network public \
                         --dns-nameserver \
                         --master-flavor m1.small \
                         --flavor m1.small \
                         --coe swarm
    | Property              | Value                                |
    | insecure_registry     | -                                    |
    | labels                | {}                                   |
    | updated_at            | -                                    |
    | floating_ip_enabled   | True                                 |
    | fixed_subnet          | -                                    |
    | master_flavor_id      | m1.small                             |
    | uuid                  | 47c6ce77-50ae-43bd-8e2a-06980392693d |
    | no_proxy              | -                                    |
    | https_proxy           | -                                    |
    | tls_disabled          | False                                |
    | keypair_id            | mykey                                |
    | public                | False                                |
    | http_proxy            | -                                    |
    | docker_volume_size    | -                                    |
    | server_type           | vm                                   |
    | external_network_id   | public                               |
    | cluster_distro        | fedora-atomic                        |
    | image_id              | fedora-atomic-latest                 |
    | volume_driver         | -                                    |
    | registry_enabled      | False                                |
    | docker_storage_driver | devicemapper                         |
    | apiserver_port        | -                                    |
    | name                  | swarm-cluster-template               |
    | created_at            | 2016-09-14T13:05:11+00:00            |
    | network_driver        | docker                               |
    | fixed_network         | -                                    |
    | coe                   | swarm                                |
    | flavor_id             | m1.small                             |
    | master_lb_enabled     | False                                |
    | dns_nameserver        |                              |
  6. Create a cluster with one node and one master with the following command:

    $ magnum cluster-create swarm-cluster \
                            --cluster-template swarm-cluster-template \
                            --master-count 1 \
                            --node-count 1
    Request to create cluster 2582f192-480e-4329-ac05-32a8e5b1166b has been accepted.

    Your cluster is now being created. Creation time depends on your infrastructure's performance. You can check the status of you cluster using the commands: magnum cluster-list or magnum cluster-show swarm-cluster.

    $ magnum cluster-list
    | uuid                                 | name          | node_count | master_count | status          |
    | 2582f192-480e-4329-ac05-32a8e5b1166b | swarm-cluster | 1          | 1            | CREATE_COMPLETE |
    $ magnum cluster-show swarm-cluster
    | Property            | Value                                                      |
    | status              | CREATE_COMPLETE                                            |
    | cluster_template_id | 47c6ce77-50ae-43bd-8e2a-06980392693d                       |
    | uuid                | 2582f192-480e-4329-ac05-32a8e5b1166b                       |
    | stack_id            | 3d7bbf1c-49bd-4930-84e0-ab71ba200687                       |
    | status_reason       | Stack CREATE completed successfully                        |
    | created_at          | 2016-09-14T13:36:54+00:00                                  |
    | name                | swarm-cluster                                              |
    | updated_at          | 2016-09-14T13:38:08+00:00                                  |
    | discovery_url       | |
    | api_address         | tcp://                                     |
    | coe_version         | 1.2.5                                                      |
    | master_addresses    | ['']                                            |
    | create_timeout      | 60                                                         |
    | node_addresses      | ['']                                             |
    | master_count        | 1                                                          |
    | container_version   | 1.9.1                                                      |
    | node_count          | 1                                                          |
  7. Add the credentials of the above cluster to your environment:

    $ mkdir myclusterconfig
    $ $(magnum cluster-config swarm-cluster --dir myclusterconfig)

    The above command will save the authentication artifacts in the myclusterconfig directory and it will export the environmental variables: DOCKER_HOST, DOCKER_CERT_PATH and DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY. Sample output:

    export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
    export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=myclusterconfig
    export DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=True
  8. Create a container:

    $ docker run busybox echo "Hello from Docker!"
    Hello from Docker!
  9. Delete the cluster:

    $ magnum cluster-delete swarm-cluster
    Request to delete cluster swarm-cluster has been accepted.