Colleen Murphy 14c7c93e03 Fix database grant instructions in install guide
On at least mariadb, there is a default grant that restricts connections
from localhost and supercedes other permissions. In order for the db
sync command to work later on, we need to specifically enable
connections from localhost for the 'magnum' user. Moreover, it is
redundant to grant permissions for hostname 'controller' and the
wildcard host '%'. This patch fixes the error and makes magnum's
database configuration instructions consistent with the main install

Change-Id: I21f2c9a2f3978ae6011b4b7b49c8edd826781284
2017-04-04 14:11:24 +02:00

7.6 KiB


Before you install and configure the Container Infrastructure Management service, you must create a database, service credentials, and API endpoints.

  1. To create the database, complete these steps:

    • Use the database access client to connect to the database server as the root user:

      $ mysql -u root -p
    • Create the magnum database:

      CREATE DATABASE magnum;
    • Grant proper access to the magnum database:

      GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON magnum.* TO 'magnum'@'localhost' \
      GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON magnum.* TO 'magnum'@'%' \

      Replace MAGNUM_DBPASS with a suitable password.

    • Exit the database access client.

  2. Source the admin credentials to gain access to admin-only CLI commands:

    $ . admin-openrc
  3. To create the service credentials, complete these steps:

    • Create the magnum user:

      $ openstack user create --domain default \
        --password-prompt magnum
      User Password:
      Repeat User Password:
      | Field     | Value                            |
      | domain_id | default                          |
      | enabled   | True                             |
      | id        | a8ebafc275c54d389dfc1bff8b4fe286 |
      | name      | magnum                           |
    • Add the admin role to the magnum user:

      $ openstack role add --project service --user magnum admin


      This command provides no output.

    • Create the magnum service entity:

      $ openstack service create --name magnum \
        --description "OpenStack Container Infrastructure Management Service" \
      | Field       | Value                                                 |
      | description | OpenStack Container Infrastructure Management Service |
      | enabled     | True                                                  |
      | id          | 194faf83e8fd4e028e5ff75d3d8d0df2                      |
      | name        | magnum                                                |
      | type        | container-infra                                       |
  4. Create the Container Infrastructure Management service API endpoints:

    $ openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne \
      container-infra public http://CONTROLLER_IP:9511/v1
    | Field        | Value                            |
    | enabled      | True                             |
    | id           | cb137e6366ad495bb521cfe92d8b8858 |
    | interface    | public                           |
    | region       | RegionOne                        |
    | region_id    | RegionOne                        |
    | service_id   | 0f7f62a1f1a247d2a4cb237642814d0e |
    | service_name | magnum                           |
    | service_type | container-infra                  |
    | url          | http://CONTROLLER_IP:9511/v1     |
    $ openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne \
      container-infra internal http://CONTROLLER_IP:9511/v1
    | Field        | Value                            |
    | enabled      | True                             |
    | id           | 17cbc3b6f51449a0a818118d6d62868d |
    | interface    | internal                         |
    | region       | RegionOne                        |
    | region_id    | RegionOne                        |
    | service_id   | 0f7f62a1f1a247d2a4cb237642814d0e |
    | service_name | magnum                           |
    | service_type | container-infra                  |
    | url          | http://CONTROLLER_IP:9511/v1     |
    $ openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne \
      container-infra admin http://CONTROLLER_IP:9511/v1
    | Field        | Value                            |
    | enabled      | True                             |
    | id           | 30f8888e6b6646d7b5cd14354c95a684 |
    | interface    | admin                            |
    | region       | RegionOne                        |
    | region_id    | RegionOne                        |
    | service_id   | 0f7f62a1f1a247d2a4cb237642814d0e |
    | service_name | magnum                           |
    | service_type | container-infra                  |
    | url          | http://CONTROLLER_IP:9511/v1     |

    Replace CONTROLLER_IP with the IP magnum listens to. Alternatively, you can use a hostname which is reachable by the Compute instances.

  5. Magnum requires additional information in the Identity service to manage COE clusters. To add this information, complete these steps:

    • Create the magnum domain that contains projects and users:

      $ openstack domain create --description "Owns users and projects \
        created by magnum" magnum
        | Field       | Value                                     |
        | description | Owns users and projects created by magnum |
        | enabled     | True                                      |
        | id          | 66e0469de9c04eda9bc368e001676d20          |
        | name        | magnum                                    |
    • Create the magnum_domain_admin user to manage projects and users in the magnum domain:

      $ openstack user create --domain magnum --password-prompt \
        User Password:
        Repeat User Password:
        | Field     | Value                            |
        | domain_id | 66e0469de9c04eda9bc368e001676d20 |
        | enabled   | True                             |
        | id        | 529b81cf35094beb9784c6d06c090c2b |
        | name      | magnum_domain_admin              |
    • Add the admin role to the magnum_domain_admin user in the magnum domain to enable administrative management privileges by the magnum_domain_admin user:

      $ openstack role add --domain magnum --user-domain magnum --user \
        magnum_domain_admin admin


      This command provides no output.