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Magnum User Guide

This guide is intended for users who use Magnum to deploy and manage clusters of hosts for a Container Orchestration Engine. It describes the infrastructure that Magnum creates and how to work with them.

Section 1-3 describe Magnum itself, including an overview, the CLI and Horizon interface. Section 4-8 describe the Container Orchestration Engine's supported along with a guide on how to select one that best meets your needs. Section 9-14 describe the low level OpenStack infrastructure that is created and managed by Magnum to support the Container Orchestration Engine's.


  1. Overview
  2. Python Client
  3. Horizon Interface
  4. Choosing COE
  5. Native clients
  6. Kubernetes
  7. Swarm
  8. Mesos
  9. Transport Layer Security
  10. Networking
  11. High Availability
  12. Scaling
  13. Storage
  14. Image Management



A bay is the construct in which Magnum launches container orchestration engines. After a bay has been created the user is able to add containers to it either directly, or in the case of the Kubernetes container orchestration engine within pods - a logical construct specific to that implementation. A bay is created based on a baymodel.


A baymodel in Magnum is roughly equivalent to a flavor in Nova. It acts as a template that defines options such as the container orchestration engine, keypair and image for use when Magnum is creating bays using the given baymodel.

Container Orchestration Engine (COE)

A container orchestration engine manages the lifecycle of one or more containers, logically represented in Magnum as a bay. Magnum supports a number of container orchestration engines, each with their own pros and cons, including Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, and Mesos.


To be filled in

Magnum rationale, concept, compelling features

Bay Model

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To be filled in

Python Client

To be filled in

Horizon Interface

To be filled in with screenshots

Choosing COE

To be filled in

Buyer's guide with example use case, can use this as model:

Native clients

To be filled in


To be filled in


To be filled in


To be filled in

Transport Layer Security

To be filled in

Native Client Configuration guide for each COE


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High Availability

To be filled in


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Include Autoscaling


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Image Management

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