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Magnum Cluster Stats API
Launchpad blueprint:
This proposal is to add a new Magnum statistics API to provide useful metrics to OpenStack administrators/service providers as well as users.
Problem Description
Currently there is no magnum API to get usage metrics. This specification document proposes to add a new stats endpoint to Magnum API. The proposed stats endpoint will provide useful metrics such as overall current usage info to OpenStack service providers and also non-admin tenants will be able to fetch tenant scoped statistics.
Use Cases
Below given are some of the use cases that can be addressed by implementing stats API for Magnum:
- A Magnum tenant with admin role would like to get the total number of active clusters, nodes, floating IPs and Cinder volumes for all active tenants.
- A Magnum tenant with admin role would like to get the total number of active clusters, nodes, floating IPs and Cinder volumes for a specific tenant.
- A Magnum tenant without admin role can get the total number of active clusters, nodes, floating IPs and Cinder volumes scoped to that tenant.
- A Magnum tenant would like to discover the sum of allocated server capacity for a given cluster (in terms of aggregate vcpu, memory, local storage, and cinder volume storage).
- A Magnum tenant with admin role would like to discover the aggregate server capacity (in terms of aggregate vcpu, memory, local storage, and cinder volume storage) allocated by all clusters belonging to a specific tenant or all the tenants.
Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of use cases and additional specs will be proposed based on the community needs.
Proposed Changes
The proposed change is to add a new '/stats' REST API endpoint to Magnum service that will provide total number of clusters, nodes, floating IPs, Cinder volumes and also a summary view of server capacity (in terms of aggregate vcpu, memory, local storage, and cinder volume storage) allocated to a cluster, or to all the clusters owned by the given tenant or all the tenants.
- Add an API that returns total number of clusters, nodes, floating IPs, and Cinder volumes of all tenants.
- Add an API that returns total number of clusters, nodes, floating IPs, and Cinder volumes of a specific tenant.
- Add an API that returns aggregate vcpu, memory, local storage, and cinder volume storage for the given cluster.
- Add an API that returns aggregate vcpu, memory, local storage, and cinder volume storage allocated by all clusters belonging to a specific tenant.
- Update policy.json file to enable access to '/stats' endpoint to owner and admin (using a policy rule admin_or_owner).
In the initial implementation stats data will be aggregated from Magnum DB and/or from other OpenStack services on demand. There will be some interaction between the conductor and the drivers through an interface. If needed, this on-demand stats aggregation implementation can be updated in future without affecting the REST API behavior. For example, if the proposed on-demand data aggregation is not responsive, Magnum conductor may need to collect the stats periodically and save in the Magnum DB.
Initial work in progress review [2].
Without proposed stats endpoint, an administrator could use OpenStack clients to get some basic statistics such as server count, volume count etc. by relying on the Magnum naming convention. For example, to get nova instance count: nova list | grep -e "kube-" -e "swarm-" -e "mesos-" | wc
For the number of cinder volumes: cinder list | grep "docker_volume" | wc -l
For float IPs count: openstack ip floating list -f value|wc -l
For clusters count: magnum cluster-list | grep "CREATE_COMPLETE" | wc -l
Data model impact
None, because data will be aggregated and summarized at the time of each stats API request, so no stats need to be persisted in the data store.
REST API impact
Add a new REST endpoint '/stats' as shown below:
A GET request with admin role to '/stats?type=cluster' will return the total clusters, nodes, floating IPs and Cinder volumes for all active tenants.
A GET request without admin role to '/stats?type=cluster' will return the total clusters, nodes, floating IPs and Cinder volumes for the current tenant.
A GET request with admin role to '/stats?type=cluster&tenant=<tenant-id>' will return the total clusters, nodes, floating IPs and Cinder volumes for the given tenant.
A GET request to '/stats?type=cluster&tenant=<tenant-id>' without admin role will result in HTTP status code 403 (Permission denied) if the requester tenant-id does not match the tenant-id provided in the URI. If it matches, stats will be scoped to the requested tenant.
Other Implementation Option
Existing /cluster API can be updated to include stats info as shown below:
A 'GET' request with admin role to '/cluster/stats' will return total active clusters and nodes across all the tenants.
A 'GET' request to '/cluster/stats/<tenant-id>' will return total clusters and nodes for the given tenant.
A 'GET' request without admin role to '/cluster/stats/<tenant-id>' will result in HTTP status code 403 (Permission denied).
This option was discussed and rejected due to the fact that /cluster/stats collide with /cluster/<cluster-name/id>.
Security impact
There will be changes to policy.json file that enable access to '/stats' endpoint to owner and admin (using a policy rule admin_or_owner).
Notifications impact
Other end user impact
New /stats endpoint will be available to users.
Performance impact
Other deployer impact
Developer impact
- Primary assignee
Work Items
- Implement /stats API in Magnum service.
- Document new API.
- Update Magnum CLI to expose stats functionality.
- Since a new stats endpoint will be introduced with this proposal, need to update some unit tests.
- Add unit tests and functional tests for new functionality introduced.
Documentation Impact
Update API documentation to include stats API information.
[1] - Magnum cluster statistics API blueprint:
[2] - Proposed change under review: