This patch is adding some comments for why adding delete logic in bay_create for bay_k8s_heat.py Closes-Bug: #1407832 Change-Id: I7cb103e5370f1c367b20272918314231e65f35e7
new Openstack project for containers.
- Free software: Apache license
- Documentation: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/magnum
- Source: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/stackforge/magnum
- Bugs: http://bugs.launchpad.net/magnum
- ReST Client: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/stackforge/python-magnumclient
There are six different types of objects in the Magnum system:
- Bay: A collection of node objects where work is scheduled
- BayModel: An object stores template information about the bay which is used to create new bays consistently
- Node: A baremetal or virtual machine where work executes
- Pod: A collection of containers running on one physical or virtual machine
- Service: An abstraction which defines a logical set of pods and a policy by which to access them
- Container: A docker container
Two binaries work together to compose the Magnum system. The first binary accessed by the python-magnumclient code is the magnum-api ReST server. The ReST server may run as one process or multiple processes. When a ReST request is sent to the client API, the request is sent via AMQP to the magnum-backend process. The ReST server is horizontally scalable. AT this time, the backend is limited to one process, but we intend to add horizontal scalability to the backend as well.
The magnum-backend process runs on a controller machine and connects to a kubernetes or docker ReST API endpoint. The kubernetes and docker ReST API endpoints are managed by the bay object.
When service or pod objects are created, Kubernetes is directly contacted via the k8s ReST API. When container objects are acted upon, the docker ReST API is directly contacted.
- Abstractions for bays, containers, nodes, pods, and services
- Integration with Kubernetes and Docker for backend container technology.
- Integration with Keystone for multi-tenant security.
- Integraiton with Neutron for k8s multi-tenancy network security.
Installation and Usage
- Getting Started Guides: [doc/source/dev/dev-quickstart.rst](doc/source/dev/dev-quickstart.rst)