vponomaryov d5d1f4bfe7 Add spec for Scenario tests
Define list of scenario tests that should be implemented in
tempest plugin for manila.

Related blueprint scenario-tests

Change-Id: I224a52521033b47574ff5fd5a94b096c91593aa7
2016-12-09 13:34:51 +02:00

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Scenario tests design

Manila has good functional test coverage of its features, but narrow coverage of scenarios. And with addition of new features this coverage becomes even less.

Problem description

Drivers often lack features or implement them incorrectly and it's very difficult for humans to notice this in code review. Tests ensure that drivers which lack features must explicitly skip tests to get a passing result, and the non-skipped tests ensure that the drivers implement features correctly. Documentation for how features should work is often sparse and driver authors don't always know what is the correct behavior when implementing a driver feature. Tests allow driver authors to code the feature to pass the test, which simplifies the driver author's job.

Use Cases

Consider the case when new manila deployment becomes ready. And one wants to verify that main user use cases work in general. Having automatic scenario tests one could test his deployment much faster than manually, as it is now. Also, it could be used in CI systems to test share drivers continuously.

Proposed change

It is proposed to get agreement on scenario tests design (this spec) and implement them in manila plugin for tempest. After that these tests could be used in CI systems as well as on customer deployments. This spec covers only existing features in manila as of last available (Newton) release. All newly added features should be covered separately.

Prerequisites for scenarios:

  • Depending on share driver mode, it can be required to create share-network with or without security-services.
  • Depending on protocol, its versions and access type, “mount” operations should be defined explicitly. Scenario tests assume it as predefined and known. Hence, scenarios do not include difference between access type (IP, User, Cert). Due to this, scenario tests should be data driven by “access_type”, “access_proto”, “access_level” and “mount command with all expected options”.
  • Bold texts depend on specific implementations and can be unsupported by share backends.
  • Text in brackets depend on share driver configuration and may be optional.
  • All user machines are separate VMs from share-nodes. They should have network connectivity with share host. User VMs should be built with image that has shared file systems clients.
  • Share host should have open ports for SSH protocol and protocols of shared file systems.

Here is list of scenarios for implementation:

  • 1) Share access and file operations
  • 2) Share access with multiple guests
  • 3) Relationships between source shares and child shares
  • 4) Create/extend share and write data
  • 5) Create/shrink share and write data
  • 6) Create/manage share and write data
  • 7) Create/manage share and snapshot and write data
  • 8) Replicate writable share and write data
  • 9) Replicate and promote readable share and write data
  • 10) Replicate and promote dr share and write data
  • 11) Get a snapshot of a replicated share
  • 12) Migrate share and write data

_1) Share access and file operations

Driver mode: any

Involved APIs:

  • [create share network]
  • [create share type]
  • create share
  • allow share access
  • deny share access
  • delete share
Scenario 1 steps
Step Action Result
1 Create user VM (UVM) ok, created
2 Create share (S) ok, created
3 SSH to UVM ok, connected
4 Try mount S to UVM fail, access denied
5 Provide RO access to S ok, provided
6 Try mount S to UVM ok, mounted
7 Try create files on S fail, access denied
8 Unmount S from UVM ok, unmounted
9 Remove RO access from S ok, removed
10 Try mount S to UVM fail, access denied
11 Provide RW access to S ok, provided
12 Try mount S to UVM ok, mounted
13 Try write files to S ok, written
14 Try read files from S ok, read
15 Try delete files on S ok, deleted
16 Unmount S from UVM ok, unmounted
17 Delete S ok, deleted
18 Try mount S fail, not found
19 Delete UVM ok, deleted

_2) Share access with multiple guests

Driver mode: any

Involved APIs:

  • [create share network]
  • [create share type]
  • create share
  • allow share access
  • delete share
Scenario 2 steps
Step Action Result
1 Create UVM1 ok, created
2 Create UVM2 ok, created
3 Create share S ok, created
4 Add RW access to UVM1 ok, added
5 SSH to UVM1 ok, connected
6 Try mount S from UVM1 ok, mounted
7 SSH to UVM2 ok, connected
8 Try mount S from UVM2 fail, access denied
9 Add RW access for UVM2 ok, added
10 Try mount S from UVM2 ok, two VMs have it mounted at once.
11 Create test file in mounted share from UVM1 ok, created. Available from UVM2
12 Write data to test file from UVM2 ok, written. Available from UVM1 too
13 Unmount S on UVM1 ok, unmounted
14 Unmount S on UVM2 ok, unmounted
15 Delete UVM1 ok, deleted
16 Delete UVM2 ok, deleted
17 Delete S ok, deleted

_3) Relationships between source shares and child shares

Driver mode: any

Involved APIs:

  • [create share network]
  • [create share type]
  • create share
  • allow share access
  • create share snapshot
  • delete share snapshot
  • delete share
Scenario 3 steps
Step Action Result
1 Create UVM ok, created
2 Create share S1 ok, created
3 Provide RW access to S1 ok, provided
4 SSH to UVM ok, connected
5 Try mount S1 to UVM ok, mounted
6 Create “file1” ok, created
7 Create snapshot SS1 from S1 ok, created
8 Create “file2” in share S1 ok, created. We expect that snapshot will not contain any data created after snapshot creation.
9 Create share S2 from SS1 ok, created
10 Try mount S2 fail, access denied. We test that child share did not get access rules from parent share.
11 Provide RW access to S2 ok, provided
12 Try mount S2 ok, mounted
13 List files on S2 only “file1” exists
14 Create file3 on S2 ok, file created
15 List files on S1 two files exist - “file1” and “file2”
16 List files on S2 two files exist - “file1” and “file3”
17 Unmount S1 and S2 ok, unmounted
18 Delete S2, then SS1, then S1, then UVM ok, all deleted

_4) Create/extend share and write data

Driver mode: any

Involved APIs:

  • [create share network]
  • [create share type]
  • create share
  • allow share access
  • extend share
  • delete share
Scenario 4 steps
Step Action Result
1 Create UVM ok, created
2 Create share S1 of 1Gb size ok, created
3 Provide RW access to S1 ok, provided
4 SSH to UVM ok, connected
5 Try mount S1 to UVM ok, mounted
6 Create “file1” ok, created
7 Fill file1 with data as possible size of a file does not exceed share size quota
8 Extend share S1 to 2Gb ok, extended
9 Write additional data to file1 data written, size of a file does not exceed new share size quota and it is more than old one
10 Unmount S1 ok, unmounted
11 Delete share S1 ok, deleted
12 Delete UVM ok, deleted

_5) Create/shrink share and write data

Driver mode: any

Involved APIs:

  • [create share network]
  • [create share type]
  • create share
  • allow share access
  • shrink share
  • delete share
Scenario 5 steps
Step Action Result
1 Create UVM ok, created
2 Create share S1 of 2Gb size ok, created
3 Provide RW access to S1 ok, provided
4 SSH to UVM ok, connected
5 Try mount S1 to UVM ok, mounted
6 Write some data for 2 Gb ok, created
7 Fill file1 with data as possible size of a file does not exceed share size quota
8 Try shrink share S1 to 1Gb fail, possible data loss exception
9 Delete data for amount of 1 Gb data deleted
10 Shrink share S1 to 1Gb ok, shrinked
11 Try write data more than new size of 1 Gb fail, cannot write
12 Unmount S1 ok, unmounted
13 Delete share S1 ok, deleted
14 Delete UVM ok, deleted

_6) Create/manage share and write data

Driver mode: DHSS=False only

Involved APIs:

  • [create share type]
  • create share
  • allow share access
  • manage share
  • unmanage share
  • delete share
Scenario 6 steps
Step Action Result
1 Create UVM ok, created
2 Create share S1 of 1Gb size ok, created
3 Provide RW access to S1 ok, provided
4 SSH to UVM ok, connected
5 Try mount S1 to UVM ok, mounted
6 Write some data ok, written
7 Unmount S1 ok, unmounted
8 Unmanage share ok, unmanaged
9 Try get share S1 fail, 404 code in response
10 Manage share S1 ok, managed.
11 Provide RW access to S1 again ok, provided. We make sure that even if rule has existed on backend, we do not fail if explicitly try add it again after manage operation.
12 Try mount S1 to UVM ok, mounted. Previously created data still there.
13 Unmount S1 ok, unmounted
14 Delete share ok, deleted
15 Try manage share again fail, resource not found
16 Delete UVM ok, deleted

_7) Create/manage share and snapshot and write data

Driver mode: DHSS=False only

Involved APIs:

  • [create share type]
  • create share
  • allow share access
  • create snapshot
  • manage share
  • unmanage share
  • manage snapshot
  • unmanage snapshot
  • delete snapshot
  • delete share
Scenario 7 steps
Step Action Result
1 Create UVM ok, created
2 Create share S1 of 1Gb size ok, created
3 Provide RW access to S1 ok, provided
4 SSH to UVM ok, connected
5 Try mount S1 to UVM ok, mounted
6 Write some data ok, written
7 Create snapshot SS1 ok, created
8 Unmanage snapshot SS1 ok, unmanaged
9 Unmanage share S1 ok, unmanaged
10 Try get share S1 fail, 404 code in response
11 Manage share S1 ok, managed.
12 Provide RW access to S1 again ok, provided. We make sure that even if rule has existed on backend, we do not fail if explicitly try add it again after manage operation.
13 Try mount S1 to UVM ok, mounted. Previously created data still there.
14 Manage snapshot SS1 ok, managed
15 Delete snapshot SS1 ok, deleted
16 Unmount S1 ok, unmounted
17 Delete share S1 ok, deleted
18 Try manage share S1 again fail, resource not found
19 Delete S1 ok, deleted
20 Delete UVM ok, deleted

_8) Replicate writable share and write data

Driver mode: DHSS=false only

Involved APIs:

  • [create share type]
  • create share
  • allow share access
  • create replica
  • delete replica
  • delete share
Scenario 8 steps
Step Action Result
1 Create UVM1 ok, created
2 Create share S1-R1 of 1Gb size ok, created
3 Provide RW access to S1-R1 ok, provided
4 SSH to UVM1 ok, connected
5 Try mount S1-R1 to UVM1 ok, mounted
6 Create file1 ok, created
7 Create share replica S1-R2 ok, created
8 Create UVM2 ok, created
9 SSH to UVM2 ok, connected
10 Try mount S1-R2 to UVM2 fail, access denied
11 Try mount S1-R2 to UVM1 ok,mounted. Same files exist.
12 Provide RW access to S1-R2 ok, provided
13 Try mount S1-R2 to UVM2 ok, mounted
14 Create file2 in S1-R2 ok, created. S1-R1 has both files too.
15 Create file3 in S1-R1 ok, created. Both replicas have three created files.
16 Unmount both replicas ok, unmounted
17 Delete original replica S1-R1 ok, deleted. second and the only replica now still exists and has all files that were created.
18 Delete share S1 ok, deleted

_9) Replicate and promote readable share and write data

Driver mode: DHSS=false only

Involved APIs:

  • [create share type]
  • create share
  • allow share access
  • create replica
  • promote replica
  • delete replica
  • delete share
Scenario 9 steps
Step Action Result
1 Create UVM1 ok, created
2 Create share S1-R1 of 1Gb size ok, created
3 Provide RW access to S1-R1 ok, provided
4 SSH to UVM1 ok, connected
5 Try mount S1-R1 to UVM1 ok, mounted
6 Create file1 ok, created
7 Create share replica S1-R2 ok, created
8 Create UVM2 ok, created
9 SSH to UVM2 ok, connected
10 Try mount S1-R2 to UVM2 fail, access denied
11 Try mount S1-R2 to UVM1 ok, mounted. Same files exist.
12 Provide RW access to S1-R2 ok, provided
13 Try mount S1-R2 to UVM2 ok, mounted
14 Try create some file in S1-R2 fail, filesystem is RO only.
15 Create file2 in S1-R1 ok, created. Both replicas have two created files.
16 Promote S1-R2 to active ok, promoted. S1-R1 became RO.
17 Create file3 in S1-R2 ok, created. S1-R1 has all files too.
18 Try create some file in S1-R1 fail, filesystem is RO
19 Unmount both replicas ok, unmounted
20 Delete original (now RO) replica S1-R1 ok, deleted. Second and the only replica (active) now still exists and has all files that were created.
21 Delete share S1 ok, deleted

_10) Replicate and promote dr share and write data

Driver mode: DHSS=false only

Involved APIs:

  • [create share type]
  • create share
  • allow share access
  • create replica
  • promote replica
  • delete replica
  • delete share
Scenario 10 steps
Step Action Result
1 Create UVM ok, created
2 Create share S1-R1 ok, created
3 Provide RW access to S1-R1 ok, provided
4 SSH to UVM ok, connected
5 Try mount S1-R1 to UVM ok, mounted
6 Create file1 ok, created
7 Create share replica S1-R2 ok, created
8 Unmount S1-R1 ok, unmounted
9 Promote S1-R2 ok, promoted. S1-R1 became dr-only
10 Try mount S1-R2 to UVM ok, mounted. file1 exists
11 Create file2 ok, created
12 Unmount S1-R2 ok, unmounted
13 Promote S1-R1 ok, promoted. S1-R2 became dr-only.
14 Try mount S1-R1 to UVM ok, mounted. Files file1 and file2 exist.
15 Unmount S1-R1 ok, unmounted
16 Delete S1-R2 (current secondary) ok, deleted.
17 Delete share ok, deleted

_11) Get a snapshot of a replicated share

Driver mode: DHSS=false only

Involved APIs:

  • [create share type]
  • create share
  • allow share access
  • create snapshot
  • create share from snapshot
  • create replica
  • promote replica
  • delete replica
  • delete snapshot
  • delete share
Scenario 11 steps
Step Action Result
1 Create UVM ok, created
2 Create share S1-R1 ok, created
3 Provide RW access to S1-R1 ok, provided
4 SSH to UVM ok, connected
5 Try mount S1-R1 to UVM ok, mounted
6 Create file1 ok, created
7 Create snapshot SS1 ok, created
8 Create replica S1-R2 ok, created
9 Create file2 ok, created
10 Create snapshot SS2 ok, created
11 Unmount S1-R1 ok, unmounted
12 Promote S1-R2 (For non-writable replication types) ok, promoted
13 Try mount S1-R2 to UVM ok, mounted
15 Delete S1-R1 ok, deleted
16 Create share S2 from SS2 ok, created
17 Provide RW access to S2 ok, provided
18 SSH to UVM ok, connected
19 Try mount S2 to UVM ok, mounted. All created files exist
20 Unmount S2 ok, unmounted
21 Delete S2, SS2, SS1, S1 ok, deleted

_12) Migrate share and write data

Driver mode: any

Involved APIs:

  • [create share network]
  • [create share type]
  • create share
  • allow share access
  • migration-start share
  • migration-complete share
  • delete share
Scenario 12 steps
Step Action Result
1 Create UVM ok, created
2 Create share S1 of 1Gb size ok, created
3 Provide RW access to S1 ok, provided
4 SSH to UVM ok, connected
5 Try mount S1 to UVM ok, mounted
6 Create file1 ok, created
7 Unmount share S1 ok, unmounted
8 Do “migration-start” ok, finished. 1 phase is completed.
9 Do “migration-complete” ok, share instance only one - new one. it has previously created file1.
10 Try mount S1 to UVM ok, mounted. Created file1 exists
11 Unmount share S1 ok, unmounted
12 Delete share S1 ok, deleted
13 Delete UVM ok, deleted


Alternative is what we have now. It is requirement to test each share driver manually and dependency on presence of detailed docs for each feature share drivers implement.

Data model impact


REST API impact


Driver impact


Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact

End users will be able to run scenario tests against their manila deployment to test workability of various features.

Performance Impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Primary assignee:

  • vponomaryov

Other contributors:

  • TBD

Work Items

  • Implement designed scenario tests in manila plugin for tempest.




It is expected that all first-party drivers as well as third-party drivers will be covered in CI systems with designed here scenario tests. Due to big amount of optional features that are covered by scenario tests, only appropriate scenario tests for specific back-end should run in CI systems. Scenarios that include only required features (1-4) are a must for running in CI systems for each share driver.

Documentation Impact

Doc describing usage of manila plugin for tempest [1] should be extended with configuration and usage details of scenario tests.
