Clinton Knight 54491d591e Add spec for Manila share revert to snapshot
In Manila, the only thing users can do with snapshots is to create new
shares from them. Alternate snapshot semantics were discussed in Tokyo
and Austin. At the Austin Summit, the community agreed one of the new
snapshot semantics would be to revert a share (in place) by restoring
the most recent snapshot of that share taken by Manila.

Partially implements: blueprint revert-to-snapshot
Change-Id: Id79c0f6eae25f8380dadde3d65241a56aafa18a8
2016-11-08 13:14:10 -05:00

12 KiB

Add share revert-to-snapshot feature to manila

In manila, the only thing users can do with snapshots is to create new shares from them. Alternate snapshot semantics were discussed in Tokyo and Austin. At the Austin Summit, the community agreed one of the new snapshot semantics would be to revert a share (in place) by restoring the most recent snapshot of that share taken by manila.

Problem description

There are some drivers which can take snapshots but are unable to create new shares from those snapshots (or doing so is prohibitively expensive). And even if creating a share from a snapshot is possible, doing so consumes quota and in some cases real space on a backend storage system.

Use cases

Consider the case where a file system becomes corrupted or even unusable, perhaps due to a virus or accidental installation of libraries or other dependencies, or even a malicious "rm -rf" attack. In such cases, it would be valuable to be able to turn back the clock to a point before the corruption occurred, without having to do so using a new share or restoring files from a mounted snapshot.

Proposed change

As agreed by the manila community in Austin, manila can address this need by adding the ability to revert a share (in place) from a snapshot.

Theoretically, if multiple snapshots exist, a storage system could restore a share to any one of those snapshots. But reverting a share to a snapshot which is not the most recent one typically deletes the later snapshots, which is a form of data loss and may not be what the user intends. So this feature will limit manila to restoring the most recent share snapshot known to manila.

For this use case, reverting backwards in time starting with the most recent snapshot makes sense. Only the user can determine whether a share is usable or must be reverted, so getting back to a good state is a manual iterative process:

Observe corruption in active file system
Revert to most recent snapshot
While corruption is present in active file system:
  Delete most recent snapshot
  Revert to most recent snapshot

An early suggestion to keep the REST interface simple was to merely include the share ID and allow manila to determine the most recent snapshot, but that opens a potential concurrency bug. If two users call share-revert-to-snapshot and snapshot-create at the same time, the two calls race and one user could be surprised about which snapshot was used to revert the share. Similarly, if two users call share-revert-to-snapshot and snapshot-delete at the same time, the calls race and someone may be surprised when the share is reverted to an even earlier snapshot than expected (which is a form of data loss).

To keep the REST interface explicit, and to avoid the race conditions described above, the manila community decided the interface will accept the ID of the snapshot to be restored. Manila will verify that the snapshot is the most recent one via the created_at field on the snapshot object, returning an error if not. At no time will manila delete any snapshots during the revert operation, and it will not operate on any snapshot other than the one specified in the REST call. Once user messages are available in manila, it would be helpful to include a message indicating that the snapshot restoration was successful.

The share size might have changed after the snapshot to be restored was taken. The size of any share at the time it is snapshotted is stored in the DB in the snapshot record. This should be used to ensure a quota will not be exceeded by restoring the snapshot, and it may be used to update the share record as well as the user's share size quota with the original size after the restoration has succeeded.

The CLI would look like:

usage: manila revert-to-snapshot <snapshot>

Revert a share to the specified snapshot.

Positional arguments:
  <snapshot>  Name or ID of the snapshot to restore.

Note that this feature is proposed in the short term for individual shares, but it could apply equally well to share groups. Since groups aren't yet fully baked, revert-to-group-snapshot should come later.


Manila could simply rely on creating new shares from snapshots. But not all snapshot-capable drivers can do this, and it involves either copying data from the new share to the old one, or updating an application to point to the new share.

Manila could also add a backup feature to address use cases such as this one (complete restoration to an earlier point in time to resolve share-wide corruption, etc.). But backups typically involve an off-site data copy (either full or differential) and so are inherently slower than a snapshot restore operation performed in place by a storage controller.

Data model impact

No changes to the database schema are required.

During a snapshot restoration, there are two objects that are affected whose states must reflect the operation. The share is being "reverted", while the snapshot is being "restored". Other operations must not be allowed to either object during the restoration, so each will be updated with a transitional status:

  • Share —> 'reverting'
  • Snapshot —> 'restoring'

After a successful restoration, both objects' states will again be set to 'available'. If the restoration fails, the share will be set to 'reverting_error', and the snapshot will be set to 'available'.

For replicated shares, all "active" replicas must be reverted immediately, and other replicas will be "out-of-sync" until they are again consistent with the "active" replicas. For the purpose of determining the most recent snapshot, the created_at field on the snapshot object will be used; it would be incorrect to look at the snapshot_instance objects because they may be created much later during replica creation.

REST API impact

A single API method is required for revert-to-snapshot. The REST API is modeled after other share actions, such as deny_access:

Method = POST
URL = /shares/{share_id}/action
Body = {'revert': {'snapshot_id': <snapshot_id>}}

Calling this method reverts a share to the specified snapshot. It is intended for both tenants and admins to use, and the policy.json file will be updated to reflect allowed use by all. If the snapshot is not the most recent one known to manila, or the state of either share or snapshot is not 'available', the API will return the HTTP error code 409 (Conflict). If the share isn't found, 404. If the snapshot doesn't exist, 400 (because it isn't explicitly referenced in the URL).

Driver impact

There will be one new driver entry point to revert a share to a snapshot, and another to revert a replicated share to a snapshot. Drivers may explicitly advertise support for the revert feature using the 'revert_to_snapshot_support' pool attribute, but the share manager will be able to discern that automatically as it already does for 'snapshot_support' by looking for the presence of the entry point(s).

Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact

This feature will be available in python-manilaclient, and it should be straightforward to implement it in manila-ui as well. In the latter case, the GUI should only present the action on the snapshot known to be the most recent one.

Performance impact

To correctly identify the latest snapshot known to manila, the existing snapshot-create workflow must be protected with locks to ensure no races occur that can cause the snapshot record timestamps to be out of order relative to the order in which the snapshots were taken on the storage controller. This could cause delays in cases where multiple snapshots of a share are taken in rapid succession, such as in automated tests.

The community decided to place a share in a 'snapshotting' state while taking a snapshot in order to prevent multiple simultaneous snapshot operations. Complete correctness of the revert-to-snapshot feature depends on this work being completed, although they could merge in any order.

Also, determining which snapshot is the latest requires a database query that sorts by a timestamp (the created_at field on the snapshot object). This would be slightly slower than a query that does not care about result ordering.

Other deployer impact


Developer impact

As with other snapshot semantics, including the ability to take a snapshot, a driver must advertise its ability to restore a snapshot. This will be done using the driver method discovery code that exists today to report the share revert capability to the scheduler. The new field shall be 'revert_to_snapshot_support'. It will also be reported as an optional public extra spec on the share type to enable user-facing tools to selectively offer the feature on a per-snapshot basis, and the value will be copied from the share type to the share at the time of share creation. Shares created before this feature is released will not have the attribute set, so the revert-to-snapshot action will not be available on those even if the backend support is present. The default value of 'revert_to_snapshot_support' on a share object will be False if the corresponding key is not set on the share type.



Primary assignee:

  • clintonk (manila & python-manilaclient)

Other contributors:

  • vponomaryov (manila-ui)
  • bswartz (LVM driver)
  • TBD (generic driver)
  • vponomaryov (ZFS driver)
  • akerr (functional tests)
  • TBD (scenario tests)

Work items

  • Implement snapshot locks to remove race conditions that cause snapshot timestamps to be unreliable for the purpose of finding the most recent one. These can be file locks as provided by Oslo concurrency, but they should become distributed locks once the Tooz adoption code is available.
  • Implement revert-to-snapshot command in python-manilaclient
  • Implement core feature
  • Implement revert-to-snapshot in at least one first-party driver, covering both normal and replicated snapshots
  • Implement tempest support
  • Implement manila-ui support


  • For the purpose of determining the most recent snapshot, the created_at field on the snapshot object will be used. The snapshot-create API must place a share in the 'snapshotting' state to ensure only one snapshot operation occurs on a given share at the same time. Otherwise, manila's view of the latest snapshot on a share with multiple snapshots could differ from the actual latest snapshot on the storage controller.


Tempest coverage may be added that checks for the existence of the 'revert_to_snapshot_support' capability and exercises the corresponding API. Tests should include cases where the share size is changed after the original snapshot is taken to ensure the share size and quotas are correct after the revert operation. Negative tests should include attempts to restore snapshots other than the most recent one.

To guarantee that a snapshot restore actually took place, a new scenario test will be needed that writes data to a share, creates a snapshot, modifies the share, restores the snapshot, and ensures the original data is present in the share.

Documentation impact

  • API Ref: Add content about the API.
  • User Guide: Add content about the revert feature and new public extra spec.
  • Admin Guide: Add content regarding the revert_to_snapshot_support common capability.
  • Developer Ref: Add revert_to_snapshot_support to common capabilities and the infamous driver matrix.
