haixin dd22bb0e69 the message-list command now support filter since and before.
Change-Id: I252db293ee1ade43ce451d9dd7d4b4d4cd605fb8
2020-04-01 10:08:24 +08:00

4.1 KiB

Support to query user messages filtering by timestamp comparison

Add support for querying user messages by specifying a timestamp, which will be compared to the created_at field, and Manila will return all the messages that match to the given time condition.

Problem description

Manila API only support filtering user messages by discrete values (such as message_id or resource_id), even though user messages have timestamp fields as created_at, users can not query by a given period. Users may be interested in user messages in specific periods in order to analyze causes of asynchronous errors. Currently they need to retrieve and filter the resource messages by themselves. This change will improve the usability when searching for user messages and the efficiency of timestamp based queries.

Use Cases

In large scale environment, lots of asynchronous error messages may be created . In order to quickly locate the cause of the error, user or system manager only need to get user messages corresponding to the resource which was created during a specified time period, instead of querying all asynchronous error messages of the resource.

Proposed change

The following changes are proposed:

  • Introduce two additional parameters in the url that searches for user messages, being both timestamps.
    • created_before Return results older than the specified time.
    • created_since Return results since the specified time.



Data model impact


REST API impact

List user messages API will accept new query string parameters. User can add created_before to the url to query user messages older than the specified time and created_since to query user messages newer than the specified time, or use both of them to query user messages that were created during the specified time interval. This changes also need to bump the microversion of API to keep forward compatibility.

  • GET /v2/{project_id}/messages?created_since=2019-11-01T01:00:00&created_before=2019-11-02T01:00:00

The time format is ISO 8601, it can be as follows:

  • 2019-11-01
  • 2019-11-01T01:00
  • 2019-11-01T01:00:00Z
  • 2019-11-01T01:00:00+05:00

Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact

One command will be updated:

manila message-list [--resource_id <resource_id>]
                    [--resource_type <type>] [--action_id <id>]
                    [--detail_id <id>] [--request_id <request_id>]
                    [--level <level>] [--limit <limit>]
                    [--offset <offset>] [--sort-key <sort_key>]
                    [--sort-dir <sort_dir>] [--columns <columns>]
                    [--before <b_time>] [--since <s_time>]

Python client may add help to inform users this new filter, and will update the corresponding cli command.

Performance Impact

Performance can be improved for timestamp based queries while using the database engine. Additionally, using indexes, the query performance will be enhanced.

Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Primary assignee:


Work Items

  • Add API filter
  • Add querying support in sql
  • Add related unit and functional tests
  • Add python-manilaclient support
  • Add docs update




  1. Unit test to test if those filters can be correctly applied.
  2. Tempest test if change filter work correctly from API perspective.

Documentation Impact

  1. The manila API documentation will need to be updated to reflect the REST API changes.

