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Manage / Unmanage with Share Servers
This spec proposes enhancement to manila's Manage/Unmanage functionality so
that drivers running in ``DHSS=True`` mode can:
* import existing shares and snapshots, bringing them under manila's
* release shares and their snapshots from manila's management without
destroying them.
Problem description
Cloud administrators cannot bring pre-existing shares under manila's management
when those shares pertain to a back end driver operating in
``driver_handles_share_servers = True`` mode `[1]`_. For brevity, we will refer
to this mode as ``DHSS = True`` in this document. Since ``DHSS = True`` is the
mode in which manila guarantees secure multi-tenant isolation, cloud-users end
up having to make an unfortunate tradeoff, using their imported shares in
``DHSS = False`` mode.
We lack manage/unmanage for ``DHSS=True`` mode drivers today because of the
following complexities:
* **Share server setup and networking:** In ``DHSS = True`` mode, manila
provisions and manages the lifecycle of share servers for each of the
tenant's networks. When creating the share servers, manila has to allocate
network ports (and later de-allocate them when share servers are deleted).
However, in ``DHSS = False`` mode the concept of share servers do not apply,
it is up to the administrator and the driver to do whatever is necessary for
the back end's export locations to be accessible from the client hosts.
* **Managing shares:** In ``DHSS = False``, manila requests the driver to find
a pre-existing share in the configured back end based on an export location
given at the API call. Shares being managed are expected to be accessible
from client hosts as any share created from manila would. In ``DHSS = True``
mode, any existing share would be in a share server, therefore to manage a
share, one would have to manage its share server first and then manage the
share within the share server.
* **Managing snapshots:** Since currently there is no way to manage a share
in manila in ``DHSS = True`` mode, there is no way to manage snapshots as
well. Additionally, unmanaging of snapshots is currently disallowed.
* **Lifecycle of a share server:** In ``DHSS = True`` mode, manila provisions
the share servers and network resources associated with it, therefore it also
deletes them when appropriate (like when the share server is not serving any
shares). In ``DHSS = False``, manila only manages the lifecycle of the
resources it creates, such as shares, snapshots, replicas and access rules.
As per the aspects mentioned previously, it becomes clear that to manage a
share or snapshot in ``DHSS = True`` mode, one needs an API to manage a share
server first.
Use Cases
Cloud administrators that have been using storage devices to provision shares
and their snapshots should have the ability to import the existing shares when
migrating over to manila. Manila drivers that support ``DHSS = True`` mode
could accomplish that if there was such API implemented in Manila.
Similarly, manila shares and snapshots could be unmanaged in ``DHSS = True``
mode to be migrated to another system or to have maintenance performed, but
this would only make sense if they could be managed back.
Proposed change
The following changes are proposed:
* **Add a Manage Share Server API:** Through this API, share servers shall be
managed. Their state transitions will be similar to when managing shares. In
other words, they will be created with the status ``manage_starting`` and
transition either to ``available`` in case of success or to ``manage_error``
otherwise. The following parameters are expected to be supplied:
* **Host:** back end name ("<node_hostname>@<backend_stanza>").
* **Share Network:** share network associated with the neutron network the
share server is connected to.
* **Identifier:** a driver-specific share server identifier required by the
driver to manage the share server.
* **Driver Options:** optional list of driver-specific key-value pairs that
may be necessary to assist the driver managing the share server.
* **Network allocations pre-requisites:** Since connectivity is expected
between an existing share server and the client hosts, the share server
will already have interfaces with MAC and IP addresses but neutron and
manila know nothing of them. Before taking the share server into manila's
management, the cloud administrator must create neutron ports corresponding
to these share server interfaces, allocate the proper addresses to these
ports, and set each of the port's ``device_owner`` to ``manila:share``.
When managing the share server, the share server IP addresses will be
requested by the driver and once retrieved, matched with neutron ports
owned by ``manila:share`` present in the neutron subnet associated with the
share network provided or configured network plugin. If not all allocations
are found, the operation is aborted with an error. When using the
Standalone Network Plugin, this step is not required since Neutron is not
* **Security services pre-requisites:** Any pre-existing authentication
services set up with share servers to be managed must be configured as
security services associated with the share network before managing a share
server. Manila offers no capability to update security services on existing
manila provisioned share servers today. This specification does not add
an ability to update security services on managed share servers.
* **Implementation:** When a request to manage a share server is received,
the API parameters are validated and then a share server model with the
``is_imported`` field set is created. The share service that runs the
back end stanza specified in the host specified is invoked through RPC, and
the driver method ``manage_server`` is invoked to obtain the back end
details and network allocations of the share server to be managed. The
back end details returned are saved in the database and the network
allocations retrieved are then passed to the configured network plugins to
validate the network allocations previously created by the admin. After the
validation, the network allocation is saved in manila's
``network_allocations`` database table.
* **Add a Unmanage Share Server API:** Through this API, share servers shall be
unmanaged. No parameters are required beyond the ID of the share server to be
unmanaged. The share server specified is removed from manila database. We are
not going to remove the allocations, as for any existing untracked resource
in a network, it will be bound to result in conflicts in the future if the
ports are de-allocated. It will be up to the administrator to de-allocate the
ports if desired. The state transitions will be similar to unmanaging a
share, thus it would transition from ``available`` to ``unmanage_starting``,
then either to ``deleted`` in case of success or to ``unmanage_error``
* **Implementation:** When a request to unmanage a share server is received,
the API parameters are validated and then the share service responsible by
the given share server is invoked through RPC. The driver is then invoked
to perform any operation that may be necessary to proceed with unmanaging,
and finally the network allocations are deleted from manila's
``network_allocations`` database table.
* **Add share_server_id parameter to Manage Share API:** Whenever managing a
share and passing a share type defined with ``driver_handles_share_servers``
set to ``True``, the parameter share_server_id will be required, else the API
will return ``400 BadRequest``. The Manage Snapshot API does not require this
parameter since it will read it from the parent share's model.
* **Allow unmanaging of shares and snapshots in ``DHSS = True`` mode:**
Currently it is not allowed to unmanage shares and snapshots that were
created in this mode. We will change the API to allow it (and thus no longer
return an error) when the newer microversion is specified. There are no
behavioral changes required other than this one at the API layer.
* **Update driver interface of Manage/Unmanage Share and Snapshot to pass
the share server:** Since the existing implementation has never expected to
work in ``DHSS = True`` driver mode, the driver interfaces do not include a
share server parameter. The driver interfaces will be updated to receive the
share server model to perform for manage and unmanage operations of shares
and snapshots. The parameter is optional, so it will not affect existing
``DHSS = False`` driver implementations in any way.
* **Prevent automatic deletion of managed share servers:** As opposed to share
servers created by manila, we will not attempt to automatically delete
managed share servers that have no manila shares, as there may be existing
shares unknown to manila within it.
* **Manual deletion of managed share servers:** Share servers managed by manila
may contain existing shares and not all of those shares may be managed by
manila. If admins decide to delete the share server, it will be up to the
admin to try to delete it along with any existing shares that are unknown to
manila. However, it will be up to the driver to allow the operation to
succeed, as some back ends do not allow the share server to be deleted if
there are remaining shares. If that is the case, the share server will go to
error state and the admin will have to either unmanage it, or delete the
remaining shares (that are unknown to manila) either manually in the back end
or by managing them.
Instead of adding the Manage Share Server API, a previously discussed approach
was a Manage Share API that would have two phases in ``DHSS = True`` mode. Such
approach presents the following characteristics:
* Same complexity and amount of technical work as the proposed solution, but
done by a single API.
* Several additional parameters that make sense only for ``DHSS = True`` mode.
* More complex error handling, as there would need to be statuses and errors
specific to each phase (managing a share server or managing a share within).
* The user experience degrades when we have a single API behaving so
differently, as the user can get confused when using it on both driver modes.
Alternatively to requiring the neutron ports to be created by the admin before
managing a share server, we could have manila create the network allocations
when managing the share servers, as this would be easier for the admin when
doing a "bulk" manage of share servers. The downsides to this approach are:
* It is reasonable to assume that the share servers we are managing are already
connected to the share networks and accessible by hosts. Therefore, it is
correct to also assume that a port in neutron should already exist to prevent
the network allocations of those share servers from conflicting with other
resources in the same subnet.
* When unmanaging a share server, we would not remove the network allocations,
since it is assumed these share servers may remain connected to the share
networks and would need those network allocations to prevent conflicts with
other resources in the same subnet. This behavior would be asymmetrical to
creating the ports when managing share servers.
If resorting to not change the APIs, there is no way to import existing
resources to be managed by manila. If this is not implemented, the
administrators would need to manage their storage devices outside of manila, or
accept the limitation of using only ``DHSS = False`` mode, lacking the benefits
present in the ``DHSS = True``.
Data model impact
Since there is the need to distinguish share servers created by manila from
managed ones, we proposed the addition of a boolean column in the
``ShareServer`` table named ``is_imported`` defaulting to ``False``. The
database schema upgrade will add the column with the value ``False`` for all
existing share servers, while the database schema downgrade will remove the
REST API impact
There are a couple of new APIs introduced and a few others changed. The policy
for both new APIs are admin-only like the existing manage/unmanage APIs. There
are no changes for the existing policies. The API microversion will be bumped
to the next one for the listed changes.
**Managing a share server**::
POST /v2/{tenant-id}/share-servers/manage
Request parameters::
"share_server": {
"host": "host@backend",
"share_network_id": "e76be4e9-4054-4df3-9e5c-178e68fb0949",
"identifier": "0e73a5e1-e233-4635-b6df-db568307385f",
"driver_options": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"
Parameter ``driver_options`` is optional. If any of the other parameters
is missing or invalid, the API will return ``400 BadRequest``.
Code: 202 Accepted
"status": "manage_starting",
"created_at": 2018-09-17T18:05:34.000000,
"updated_at": 2018-09-17T18:05:34.000000,
"share_network_id": "e76be4e9-4054-4df3-9e5c-178e68fb0949",
"share_network_name": "my_share_net",
"host": "host@backend",
"project_id": "0ebbe03068554da9b9d9ad11983bb08a",
"id": "fa4e4d78-d3d9-46cf-8e61-514da5008cee",
"is_imported": "True",
"backend_details": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"
**Unmanaging a share server**::
POST /v2/{tenant-id}/share-servers/{share_server_id}/action
Request parameters::
"unmanage": null
Code: 202 Accepted
* If the share server does not exist the API will return ``404 NotFound``.
* If the share server status is not in ``error``, ``active``, ``inactive``,
``manage_error`` or ``unmanage_error``, the API will return
``400 BadRequest``.
* If the share server has shares registered in manila, it will return
``409 Conflict``.
**Displaying a share server**:
After the microversion bump, the share server view will include the field
``is_imported`` whenever a newer microversion is used.
**Managing a share**::
POST /v2/{tenant-id}/shares/manage
Request parameters::
"share": {
"protocol": "NFS",
"name": "my_share",
"share_type": "my_type",
"description": null,
"driver_options": {},
"is_public": false,
"service_host": "host@backend#pool",
"export_path": "",
"share_server_id": "fa4e4d78-d3d9-46cf-8e61-514da5008cee"
The new parameter ``share_server_id`` is required if the share type given
specifies ``DHSS = True`` mode. If ``share_server_id``is not given, or is given
while the given share type specifies ``DHSS = False`` mode, the API will return
``400 BadRequest``.
Code: 202 Accepted
There are no changes proposed to the response body.
**Unmanaging a share**::
POST /v2/{tenant-id}/shares/{share_id}/action
Request parameters::
"unmanage": null
Code: 202 Accepted
This API will no longer return ``403 Forbiddden`` when attempting to unmanage a
share that was created in ``DHSS = True`` mode.
**Managing a snapshot**:
No API changes are required. The API currently does not validate if the
snapshot being managed is associated with a share that was created in
``DHSS = True`` mode.
**Unmanaging a snapshot**::
POST /v2/{tenant-id}/snapshots/{snapshot_id}/action
Request parameters::
"unmanage": null
Code: 202 Accepted
This API will no longer return ``403 Forbiddden`` when attempting to unmanage a
snapshot of a share that was created in ``DHSS = True`` mode.
Driver impact
A new driver interface is introduced in order to get share server network
allocation data. This data shall be used to validate the network allocations
previously created by the admin. Drivers that support ``DHSS = True`` mode
must implement this interface to support the Manage Share Servers
def manage_server(self, context, share_server, identifier, driver_options):
"""Return compiled back end details and network allocations.
:param context: Current context.
:param share_server: Share server model.
:param identifier: A driver-specific share server identifier
:param driver-options: Dictionary of driver options to assist managing
the share server
:return Dictionary with back end details to be saved in the database
and a list containing IP addresses allocated in the back end.
{'server_name': 'my_old_server'},['', 'fd11::2000']
raise NotImplementedError()
If the driver does not implement this interface, an exception will be raised
and the operation will be aborted.
The driver interfaces **manage_existing**, **unmanage**,
**manage_existing_snapshot** and **unmanage_snapshot** will be updated to
receive the share server model parameter. All drivers which implement those
interface will have their method definition updated to avoid issues. In
def manage_existing(self, share, driver_options, share_server=None):
"""Brings an existing share under Manila management.
If the provided share is not valid, then raise a
ManageInvalidShare exception, specifying a reason for the failure.
If the provided share is not in a state that can be managed, such as
being replicated on the backend, the driver *MUST* raise
ManageInvalidShare exception with an appropriate message.
The share has a share_type, and the driver can inspect that and
compare against the properties of the referenced backend share.
If they are incompatible, raise a
ManageExistingShareTypeMismatch, specifying a reason for the failure.
:param share: Share model
:param driver_options: Driver-specific options provided by admin.
:param share_server: Share server model or None.
:return: share_update dictionary with required key 'size',
which should contain size of the share.
raise NotImplementedError()
def unmanage(self, share, share_server=None):
"""Removes the specified share from Manila management.
Does not delete the underlying backend share.
For most drivers, this will not need to do anything. However, some
drivers might use this call as an opportunity to clean up any
Manila-specific configuration that they have associated with the
backend share.
If provided share cannot be unmanaged, then raise an
UnmanageInvalidShare exception, specifying a reason for the failure.
def manage_existing_snapshot(self, snapshot, driver_options,
"""Brings an existing snapshot under Manila management.
If provided snapshot is not valid, then raise a
ManageInvalidShareSnapshot exception, specifying a reason for
the failure.
:param snapshot: ShareSnapshotInstance model with ShareSnapshot data.
'id': <instance id>,
'snapshot_id': < snapshot id>,
'provider_location': <location>,
:param driver_options: Optional driver-specific options provided
by admin.
'key': 'value',
:param share_server: Share server model or None.
:return: model_update dictionary with required key 'size',
which should contain size of the share snapshot, and key
'export_locations' containing a list of export locations, if
snapshots can be mounted.
raise NotImplementedError()
def unmanage_snapshot(self, snapshot, share_server=None):
"""Removes the specified snapshot from Manila management.
Does not delete the underlying backend share snapshot.
For most drivers, this will not need to do anything. However, some
drivers might use this call as an opportunity to clean up any
Manila-specific configuration that they have associated with the
backend share snapshot.
If provided share snapshot cannot be unmanaged, then raise an
UnmanageInvalidShareSnapshot exception, specifying a reason for
the failure.
Security impact
As admin-only APIs, all the information necessary for managing share servers
and the shares within is restricted to the admin by virtue of default policy.
Notifications impact
Since the new API proposed is an admin-only API, there is no need for a user
message notification.
Other end user impact
New commands will be added to python-manilaclient::
manila share-server-manage <host> <share_network_id> <identifier> [--driver_options key1=value1 [key2=value2] ...]
manila share-server-unmanage <share_server_id>
One command will be updated::
manila manage [--name <name>] [--description <description>]
[--share_type <share-type>]
[--share_server_id <share-server-id>]
[--driver_options [<key=value> [<key=value> ...]]]
<service_host> <protocol> <export_path>
As for manila-ui, there will be a new button "Manage Share Server" and a
context option "Unmanage Share Server" which will only be displayed if there
are no manila shares associated with the given share server.
Performance Impact
No significant performance impact is expected.
Other deployer impact
Developer impact
The work proposed by this spec is impacted by [2]. The ``share_network_id``
parameter for the Manage Share Server will need to be replaced in favor of
Primary assignee:
Work Items
* Implement main patch for manila that includes:
* Database schema migration
* Manage Share Server API
* Unmanage Share Server API
* Updates to Manage Share, Unmanage Share, Manage Snapshot and Unmanage
Snapshot APIs
* Add ``manage_server`` driver interface
* Update existing affected driver interfaces
* Share Manager adjustments to prevent automatic deletion of managed share
* Adaptations to network plugins
* Implementation in a First Party Driver
* Functional Tests in manila-tempest-plugin
* Python-manilaclient update
* Docs update
* Manila-UI update
The functional tests of this change will consist of creating a share (which
will create a regular share server), obtain its details, unmanage it, manage
it, create another share in it, and then delete the share and the server.
The existing config option "run_manage_unmanage_tests", now in combination with
"multitenancy_enabled" will control whether those tests will run. If any of
those are disabled the tests will be skipped.
Documentation Impact
The following documentation sections will be updated:
* API reference: Will add the Manage Share Server API information and parameter
details. The Manage Share API will be updated to include the
``share_server_id`` parameter as well.
* Admin reference: Will add instructions on how about to manage shares in
``DHSS = True`` mode (including pre-requisite steps) and how to the use the
new/updated CLI commands.
* Developer reference: Will add information on how the functionality works and
how to implement support for it in drivers.