Douglas Viroel 74ad6da383 Update Create Share from Snapshot in Another Pool
This patch update and move the spec Create Share From
Snapshot in Another Pool or Back End to Ussuri.
The spec updates were based on PTG discussions [1].


Change-Id: Icbdaaf4c4d1063c6251de30a95283d9e08177b9d
2020-02-06 09:18:09 -03:00

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Raw Blame History

Create share from snapshots in another pool or back end

One of the current limitations present in most Manila drivers is the inability to create new shares from snapshots in pools other than the source share's.

Given that some storage back ends have the ability to fast clone a share from a snapshot to another pool or back end, having this feature working in Manila will greatly improve the user experience.

This spec proposes changes to the current design of scheduling new shares created from snapshots. We will introduce a new scheduler capability and improve the behavior of an existing API parameter. By allowing the user to choose the desired availability zone and the admin to optimize its placement, we can improve our scheduler to be smarter for better load balancing and space efficiency results, while also preventing erroneous behavior.

One of the result of the improvements proposed is that drivers will be able to rely on a proper scheduling mechanism that makes sure new shares created from snapshots can land on compatible destinations.

Problem description

Manila has the scheduler's configuration option use_scheduler_creating_share_from_snapshot that controls whether the scheduler should consider all available pools or just the source one as candidates to schedule a new share created from a snapshot. This option is disabled by default and is crucial to be set this way for drivers that cannot create shares anywhere other than the source pool. When enabled, this option allows different results:

  • The new share from snapshot may land on the same pool. This works for all drivers.
  • The new share from snapshot may land on another pool in the same back end. This works for the generic driver and may work on others (we do not know which). In case it does not work, it will result in an error in the driver.
  • The new share from snapshot may land on another compatible back end. This can work for the generic driver and is unlikely to work on others (we do not know which). In case it does not work, it will result in an error in the destination pool's driver.
  • The new share from snapshot may land on another incompatible back end. This will certainly not work for any of the drivers in manila.

The main benefit from enabling this option is that the scheduler can select a different compatible back end to place the new share, even when the source share's back end has space enough to handle it. In order to have it working properly, we need to address the following:

  • Guarantee that only compatible back ends will receive requests;
  • Guarantee that, when more than one compatible back end is available, the scheduler will choose the best fit;
  • No regressions are inserted to the current behavior when the option is disabled.

Use Cases

Given that there are storage back ends that support (or may want to support) new shares from snapshots to be efficiently created in pools or back ends different than the source share's, a cloud administrator may want to enable this functionality, in order to balance the space usage across the several configured different compatible back ends in the environment.

Furthermore, if a new share from a snapshot may be placed on a back end other than the source share's, it may as well be placed in a different availability zone. Since AZs are user-facing and are already included as a parameter in the Create share API, users could greatly benefit from this to create independent copies of their shares in AZs that are closer to their application.

From the user's perspective there are two different ways of requesting new shares from snapshot:

  1. User doesn't provide the destination AZ. The user doesn't specify an AZ to place the new share from snapshot. The scheduler won't filter out the back ends based on a specific AZ, will filter out only the back ends that are not compatible with source share's pool. The list of compatible back ends will be weighed based on configured weigher classes.
  2. User provides the destination AZ. The scheduler will filter out all back ends that do not belong to the user's specified AZ and all back ends that are not compatible with source share's pool. The list of compatible back ends will be weighed based on configured weigher classes.

Proposed Changes

The proposed changes will only affect the existing behavior if the option use_scheduler_creating_share_from_snapshot is enabled. Otherwise, the API will skip the scheduler's processing, with the new share being created into the same source share's pool. Even so, if the user specifies a destination AZ to place the share from snapshot with the scheduler's processing disabled, the API will return an error to the user about the erroneous usage of the parameter.

This spec proposes changes in order to have this functionality working as expected:

1. Change how the API handles the availability zone parameter, which is currently ignored when creating new shares from snapshots;

2. Create a new scheduler's filter CreateFromSnapshotFilter, to identify compatible back ends;

3. Create a new weigher, to improve the scheduler's selection of the best destination pool;

4. Update the Share Manager's workflow when requesting a share creation from a snapshot. The driver interface for create_share_from_snapshot will be updated to return a model update when an asynchronous operation is needed.

5. Create a new periodic task to track and update the status of shares that were created from snapshots.

  1. Provide a proper configuration and guidelines for the feature.

The required changes are detailed in the following subsections.

API's Semantic

Currently, the AZ parameter is ignored in case a new share is created from a snapshot (potentially a bug, as it should return an error stating that a different AZ should not be specified). With the option use_scheduler_creating_share_from_snapshot enabled, the API will need to forward the AZ parameter into the request sent to the scheduler, otherwise, the request will fail and the user will be notified about the reasons of the failure.

Scheduler's Improvement

The scheduler should be able to distinguish drivers that support creating new shares from snapshots in pools or back ends different than the source share's. This ability will be addressed by existing filters and the use of an already implemented property:replication_domain.

The replication feature is tightly related to the ability of creating a share in another pool. If two or more back ends are coupled for replication, they commonly have a fast data link between each other, that can be used by some storage vendors to move, copy and replicate data among the back ends in the replication domain.

This spec proposes to create a new filter, CreateFromSnapshotFilter, to use the property replication_domain to identify compatible storage back ends, i.e., remote pools and back ends capable of creating shares from snapshots in an efficient way.

In this proposal it is considered that back ends that can replicate data between each other should also be able to create new shares in an efficient way, instead of depending on generic data copy methods. Although, drivers still need to implement mechanisms to perform this kind of operation efficiently based on back end capabilities.

At this point, this proposal would have solved the filtering problem, but not efficiently or with good performance, considering that some back ends that support this functionality have to create the new share from snapshot locally and move it over to the destination. Moreover, consider that some back ends are able to create these new shares from snapshots as COW (Copy-On-Write) clones, using no significant additional space.

Therefore, we could enhance the aforementioned proposal by creating a new weigher to assist on new share's placement when creating from a snapshot. A new weigher called HostAffinityWeigher will always prefer to create the new share, from a snapshot, closer to the source's pool, whenever it has space available and the AZ is the same as the source's pool. The weigher will classify the compatible back ends based on their relative location with the source share's location. If the source and destination hosts are located on:

  1. same back ends and pools, the destination host is a perfect choice (e.g. 100 points)
  2. same back ends and different pools, the destination host is a very good choice (e.g. 75 points)
  3. different back ends with the same AZ: the destination host is a good choice (e.g. 50 points)
  4. different back ends and AZ's: the destination host isn't a good choice (e.g. 25 points)

Even so, this strategy still doesn't solve the used space balance use case at all, i.e., if no AZ is specified, the source pool will still be used until it runs out of space. This limitation won't be handled by the new weigher itself, but it can be mitigated by the cloud administrator, who can specify filters or goodness functions to fulfill her/his own needs. An example of a possible configuration is presented below:

  • If the administrator wants to use the source pool until the free capacity goes under 500 GiB, he/she can provide a filter function to avoid the selection of this pool:
    • filter_function = "share.snapshot_id and capabilities.free_capacity_gb < 500"

If COW clones are available at the source share's pool, its very unlikely that the administrator will want to place the new share in another pool when working within the same AZ. But at the end, it is up to him/her to decide when a host should be filtered when creating shares from snapshot.

We can finally combine these approaches presented here and describe our proposed scheduling algorithm improvement:

  1. The scheduler request will be updated to include source share's host location needed by the new filter and weigher functions. It will be submitted through a list of scheduler filters, including the AvailabilityZoneFilter which will exclude back ends that don't satisfy an availability zone restriction, if specified by the user during the share creation.
  2. Alongside the scope of back ends determined by regular filters, we submit them through the CreateFromSnapshotFilter in order to filter incompatible back ends that don't fulfill at least one of the restrictions:
    1. Pools located in the same parent's share back end.
    2. Back ends and respective pools that match the same parent's share string set in replication_domain.
  3. After that, we submit them through the regular weighers. If there are no valid weighed back ends, we error out with the usual No valid host found message.
  4. In case there is more than one candidate, the new HostAffinityWeigher will be used to weigh hosts based on their proximity to the source's pool.

In this proposal, we assume that drivers that implement replication features between compatible back ends shall also be capable of creating new shares from snapshots in another pool or back end different from the source's share.

Share Manager's Updates

When creating new shares from snapshots, the driver interface create_share_from_snapshot is called and a string or a list of export locations is expected as return in a success scenario. However, by enabling the creation of shares from snapshot in another pool or back end can potentially increase the time spent by the driver to complete the requested operation, considering that it may lead to a data copy between different pools or back ends. To avoid performance impacts, the driver interface will be updated to work in an asynchronous way, by returning a model update, containing the status of the new share and a list of export locations, if available at share creation time. The driver can return one of the following status to indicate the current status of the share creation from snapshot:

1. STATUS_AVAILABLE: the share was already created on the destination pool and an export location should be available.

2. STATUS_CREATING_FROM_SNAPSHOT: the share is in creating status and can take some time to be available to the user. The share manager will periodically check the status of this share through a new periodic task.

For backward compatibility, the vendors can continue to suppress the share status from the returned dictionary, that the share will be considered as available to user.

A new intermediate status, STATUS_CREATING_FROM_SNAPSHOT, will be added to assist share manager on filtering shares that are still working on copying data from a source snapshot. The new status will also be available to end users that request shares information through the API.

The share manager will have a new periodic task responsible for checking, using driver's interfaces, if shares that are in STATUS_CREATING_FROM_SNAPSHOT state have an update in their status. The manager will apply changes to the database and notify the user about them.


There are no known alternatives that could fully solve the before-mentioned use cases. However, the alternatives below can address some of the current problems and partially solve the use cases:

  • Remove the config option ``use_scheduler_creating_share_from_snapshot`` and thus make the functionality restrictive and consistent across all drivers: This would also remove an existing functionality (even if it does not work as intended at all times). The API would be changed to return an error if the AZ parameter is specified when creating new shares from snapshots. This will not address the case of spreading out the creation of new shares from snapshots.
  • Use the Data Service for a generic implementation: This could partially address the use case, as it would allow drivers that are compatible with the Data Service to be seamlessly compatible with each other. However, any driver-specific optimizations that could allow the operation to be performed more efficiently between compatible drivers would not be able to be used. This is an approach that could be used as a fallback from the main proposal, in case the AZ parameter is specified but there are no drivers at the destination AZ that are compatible with the source share's driver.

Data model impact

A new progress field will be added to manila.db.sqlalchemy.models.ShareInstance indicating the progress of a share creation.

REST API impact

Currently the AZ parameter is erroneously ignored when creating new shares from snapshots. The proposal changes the API behavior to use the AZ parameter to determine the AZ to schedule the new share from snapshot to, therefore the AZ parameter will not be ignored anymore. In the same way, if the requested AZ isn't the same as the source share's AZ when the configuration option [DEFAULT]/use_scheduler_creating_share_from_snapshot is set to False, the API will return a HTTP 400, Bad Request.

Driver impact

There is no impact for drivers that do not support or want to support the proposed feature. If the cloud administrator enables the option use_scheduler_creating_share_from_snapshot, the scheduler filter will guarantee that unsupported back ends will not receive these kind of requests. Vendors that want to support this feature will need to change their drivers implementation to properly handle this use case. In order to have it working, some prerequisites are needed:

1. Use the configuration option replication_domain and supply it to the scheduler together with the storage pool stats.

2. The driver implementation for create_share_from_snapshot will need to be modified to accept a destination pool different from the source share's pool, and be prepared to return asynchronously if a slow copy operation is needed to complete the share creation.

3. Implement a new driver interface, get_share_status, that will be used by the share manager to periodically check the status of shares created from snapshots. The driver will be able to provide the current status, the creation progress information in a percentage value, and the export locations for shares that become available. If omitted, the progress information will be set to 0% for shares in STATUS_CREATING_FROM_SNAPSHOT and 100% for shares in STATUS_AVAILABLE.

Security impact


Notifications impact

New scheduler code introduced will include error notifications for when a new share from snapshot fails to be scheduled. The message and code for those notifications will continue to be No valid host found. New manager code will include share status notifications when an asynchronous creation mode is used to create a new share from snapshot. The user will be notified that the share will take more time to be created and be notified when the share status is updated by the share manager.

Other end user impact

No changes to python-manilaclient are necessary. End users will be able to create new shares from snapshots in AZs other than the source share's using the current python-manilaclient.

Performance Impact

The performance impact should be minimal. The share manager will need to check in regular intervals whether the driver has finished the share creation for shares that remain with status equal to STATUS_CREATING_FROM_SNAPSHOT.

Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Primary assignee:


Work Items

  • Implement main patch for manila that includes:

    • Share API adjustments to pass AZ parameter;
    • ShareInstance's new progress field will be included to provide the total progress of a share creation.
    • Scheduler's new weigher will be added to rate host based on their proximity to the source's share;
    • Scheduler's new filter CreateFromSnapshotFilter will be added to filter out incompatible back ends, only when the source share's snapshot_id is provided.
    • Share manager will introduce new periodic checks for asynchronous operations, update share's status in the database and notify users about share's status changes;
    • New driver interface to check for updates on shares that were created from snapshots in an asynchronous mode.
  • Testing:
    • Implement functionality in ZFSonLinux driver to validate correct scheduling and share creation from snapshot on different pools.
  • Functional tests in manila-tempest-plugin.

  • Docs update.




New functional tests will be added to create a new share from a snapshot in a given AZ different than the existing one. Negative tests will check if user's requested AZ is available and if the operation is compatible with the configured option use_scheduler_creating_share_from_snapshot.

The new tests will run at the gate for the ZFSonLinux driver configured with at least two AZs. Vendors that implement support for the new capabilities in their drivers will be encouraged to run the tests in their third party CI.

Documentation Impact

The following documentation sections will be updated:

  • API reference: Will update the Create Share API information, adding some detail on the impact of the availability_zone parameter when creating new shares from snapshots.
  • Admin reference: Will add detailed information on how the Create Share API behaves according to the AZ parameter when creating new shares from snapshots.
  • Developer reference: Will add information on how the functionality works, the optimizations and new capabilities.


[1] [2] [3]