This patch adds a specification for migrating share servers and all its resources to a new destination. This spec proposes a mechanism similar to the existent share migration. APIImpact Partially-Implements: bp share-server-migration Change-Id: I535efdc6d8f5517163b6c285e7c1503a4313b6ee Signed-off-by: Douglas Viroel <>
19 KiB
Share Server Migration
Manila supports the deployment model where share drivers are able to handle the creation and the management of share servers as well as shares and their capabilities[1]. By managing different share servers per tenant level, Manila leverages its capability of configuring storage entities and provides more manageability for administrators. As presented in Liberty release, and later improved on Mitaka, Newton and Ocata releases, share migration operation allows administrators to move a share across backends, in a non-disruptive manner, by implementing a 2-phase migration approach. This spec now proposes to extend this migration concept to the share server entity, relying on share drivers that can do this operation in an atomic and efficient way.
Problem description
Administrators might need to handle situations like back end evacuation or rebalancing, and face the problem of migrating lots of shares, one by one, to a specific, and probably common, destination. Even with additional tools or scripts this task can be hard to manage and mainly, to recover from failure states. The lack of a feature that helps administrators to rebalance/evacuate large storage systems is the reason for proposing the following solution.
Use Cases
There are several scenarios where share server migration comes handy and provides benefits to cloud administrators:
- Rebalance: move shares to a back end that has more free capacity, freeing up space for other shares to grow over the time;
- Optimization: move shares and spare a back end in order to conserve power. Move data closer to the hosts for a better network performance;
- Evacuation: evacuate a back end that is too old or that is experiencing failures;
- Maintenance: move shares to a newer hardware version/model;
- Others: change shares' configuration like: share network, security services, etc.
Proposed change
As designed for share migration on Newton release[2], the 2-phase migration logic will be also implemented for share servers. By invoking share-server-migration-start, the share server migration can start to copy all data, from source to destination, including all shares, snapshots and shares' access, if supported by the driver that implements it.
After finishing the 1st phase, administrators can plan and start the 2nd phase, by invoking 'share-server-migration-complete' to finish the operation, that usually causes the disruption of share's access, since share's export locations might be updated.
It is important to note that when migrating a share server, many share attributes won't be modified during the process, while share server attributes might change depending on the provided parameters. Administrators will be able to provide a new 'Share Network' to associate to the new share server, but won't be able to change its shares' attributes like 'Share Type' since this is a share level entity and different 'Share Types' can live in the same share server.
Share API and Manager Changes
The share API will hold all validations needed before proceeding with driver's calls and database updates. The API will check if any of the shares within the share server being migrated are in an invalid state or have any dependent resource that cannot be migrated together with the share. The migration can fail earlier if one of those validations cannot be satisfied.
Before starting the migration, the share server and all its shares
will have their status updated to reflect the operation that is being
executed and to block any other operation that could be triggered after
this one started. The source share server and all its shares will have
their status updated to server_migrating
while the
destination share server will be updated to
. By changing all shares' status, users
will be able to identify that a group of shares is blocked for receiving
any other operation.
After running through all validations with success, the share
server's new attribute called task_state
will be updated to server_migration_starting
and the
scheduler will be invoked to validate if the host matches with the
provided share types.
By reaching share manager's migration start method, a driver's call will be triggered to analyze if the destination back end can handle such operation before starting the migration. If one of the required options can't be satisfied, the migration will fail.
The share manager will update the share server's task_state to server_migrating
all its instances' status to server_migrating
. A new share
server might be requested in the destination back end to hold all the
data from source. It is expected that drivers will be able to identify
that a new server is being requested for migration purposes. After that,
the driver will be called to start the share server migration and to
return immediately.
A share manager periodic task will continuously check share servers
that have the task_state set to
to invoke the driver's call share_server_migration_continue to track the
progress of share servers that are in the 1st phase of the migration.
After successfully finishing the 1st phase, the share server task_state will be updated to
Finally, share manager's share_server_migration_complete method can be
invoked for share servers that already completed the 1st phase, to
finish the migration. In this phase, the driver is called to finish the
share server migration and perform the last steps in the back end and
return the list of export locations for all its shares. The task_state of the share server is set to
and all its shares have their
export paths updated before they become available
Before moving to the 2nd phase, during the data copy or at the 1st phase completed, administrators can cancel the operation by invoking the share_server_migration_cancel API. If supported by the driver, the cancel operation will delete everything new that was created during the process, and the share server and all its shares will go back to the initial state.
Scheduler Changes
The scheduler filters can be used to validate if the destination host can hold all shares associated to the share server being migrated. Share API will need to provide the share server's total size along with all associated share types' capabilities in order to validate if the destination host is suitable for the new share server. However, the Scheduler won't be able to validate share servers that spans across multiple pools, and for this type of scenario, share server migration will need to rely on driver's checks to validate the feasibility of such operation.
The alternative is to use scripts or any other automation tool to move all shares to a new destination, one by one, using share migration feature.
Data model impact
A new field will be added to Share Server table to help tracking the states of a share server migration. The new field task_state will work like the same field that already exists on Share table. Administrator will be able to reset the task_state by issuing the API share-server-reset-task-state, as shown in the next section.
REST API impact
For admin-only, new API methods will be implemented:
- share-server-migration-start
Migrates a share server:
POST /share-servers/{share_server_id}/action
"migration_start": {
"writable": true,
"nondisruptive": true,
"preserve_snapshots": true,
"host": "host@dummy1#pool2",
"new_share_network_id": "new_share_network_id"
The host contains the string host where the share server will be migrated to. The capabilities preserve_metadata, writable, nondisruptive and preserve_snapshots, if enabled, must be supported by the drivers that implement such feature. If one of the capabilities isn't supported, the migration will fail later in the driver's compatibility check.
By setting writable to
it's expected that all shares remain writable during
the first phase of the migration, where the data copy usually occurs.
However it doesn't guarantee that will remain writable
during the second phase, where the cutover usually happens for drivers
that don't support a nondisruptive
By specifying nondisruptive equal to
, the migration will be performed without disrupting
clients during the entire process, which usually means that export
locations won't be modified, and hence new network allocations won't be
made for the new share server.
If preserve_snapshots is set, it's expected that all snapshots from all shares will be migrated together with the share server. If not supported by the driver, users will need to consider unmanaging or deleting all snapshots before proceeding with the migration.
The only optional parameters is 'new_share_network_id', which may need to be provided to fit destination network requirements.
If the provided share_server_id
doesn't exist, the API will respond with 404 Not Found
. If
one of the optional parameters is invalid or doesn't exist, the API will
respond with 400 Bad Request
. If during the initial
validations in the Share API, one of the resources is busy or has an
invalid status, the API will respond with 409 Conflict
Upon a failure, the share server and all its share will have their
status updated to available
and their task_state set to
- share-server-migration-complete
Start the 2nd phase of migration:
POST /share-servers/{share_server_id}/action
{"migration_complete": {}}
Triggers the start of the 2nd phase of migration on a share server that already finished the 1st phase.
If the provided share_server_id
doesn't exist, the API will respond with 404 Not Found
. If
the operation can't be performed due to unsupported migration state, the
API will respond with 400 Bad Request
Upon a failure in the second phase of the migration, the share server
and all its shares will have their status updated to error
and their task_state set to
. At this point, it won't be possible
to determine the status of the share server and its shares, and it will
be up to the administrator to manually fix this problem.
- share-server-migration-cancel
Attempts to cancel migration:
POST /share-servers/{share_server_id}/action
{"migration_cancel": {}}
To cancel a migration in progress, the operation must not be in the 2nd phase and the driver must support such operation.
If the provided share_server_id
doesn't exist, the API will respond with with
404 Not Found
. If the operation can't be performed due to
unsupported migration state or unsupported operation within the driver,
the API will respond with 400 Bad Request
After a successful migration cancellation operation, the share server
and all its shares will have their status updated to
and their task_state set to
- share-server-migration-get-progress
Attempts to obtain migration progress:
POST /share-servers/{share_server_id}/action
{"migration_get_progress": {}}
{"total_progress": 30}
Gives the current migration progress in a percentage value. Drivers might also provide additional information together with total_progress info.
If the provided share_server_id
doesn't exist, the API will respond with 404 Not Found
. If
the provided share_server_id isn't
performing a migration, the API will respond with
400 Bad Request
- share-server-reset-task-state
Reset task state field value:
POST /share-servers/{share_server_id}/action
"reset_task_state": {
"task_state": "migration_error"
If the provided share_server_id
doesn't exist, the API will respond with 404 Not Found
- share-server-migration-check
Check if a share server can be migrated to a destination host:
POST /share-servers/{share_server_id}/action
"migration_check": {
"writable": true,
"nondisruptive": true,
"preserve_snapshots": true,
"host": "host@dummy1#pool2",
"new_share_network_id": "new_share_network_id"
"compatible": true,
"requested_capabilities": {
"writable": true,
"nondisruptive": true,
"preserve_snapshots": true,
"host": "host@dummy1#pool2",
"new_share_network_id": "new_share_network_id"
"supported_capabilities": {
"writable": true,
"nondisruptive": false,
"preserve_snapshots": true,
"new_share_network_id": "new_share_network_id"
"migration_cancel": true,
"migration_get_progress" false,
Checks the feasibility of migrating a share server to a destination host. Drivers will be able to check if the provided destination host can hold the share server and which migration options will be available for this operation.
By answering compatible equal to
or false
, the admin will know if the
provided host is a feasible destination for the share server.
The migration options writable, nondisruptive and preserve_snapshots show if the driver supports such options while migrating the share server. If supported, the current share network or, if provided, the new_share_network_id will also appear in the supported_capabilities field.
The migration operations migration_cancel and migration_get_progress may also be available depending on the driver implementation.
Driver impact
Vendors that want to support share server migration must implement the following interfaces:
- choose_share_server_compatible_for_migration: interface needed to tell the share manager which compatible share server can be used as destination in a migration operation;
- share_server_migration_check_compatibility: it will be always called before starting the migration to check if the driver supports migrating the share server to the required destination, and answer which kind of capabilities will be supported on such operation;
- share_server_migration_start: called to start the first phase of migration. The procedure should be started in the back end and return immediately.
- share_server_migration_continue: will be called to monitor the progress of a share server migration. Drivers will answer if the 1st phase was already finished or raise an exception in case of failure.
- share_server_migration_complete: starts the 2nd phase of the migration, to complete the operation by cutting over the access from the source and providing access through the destination.
- share_server_migration_cancel: drivers will implement this call if they support the cancellation of a migration operation that is already in progress. The migration cancellation won't be available for share servers that already started the 2nd phase;
- share_server_migration_get_progress: drivers will implement this call to provide the total progress of the migration.
As implemented in share migration approach, drivers will be invoked to check the compatibility with the destination back end before starting the migration. During this validation, drivers will be able to return the capabilities supported for migrating a share server to the provided destination, such as remaining writable, preserving snapshots and others.
After that, share_server_migration_start will take place and ask drivers to start the 1st phase of the migration, that should be answered asynchronously. Manila will reuse the same periodic task from share migration to continuously check if the 1st phase is already completed by calling the driver interface share_server_migration_continue.
Finally, the driver will need to perform the last steps to complete the share server migration when the share_server_migration_complete is invoked. At this moment, the access to the source share server shares may be interrupted, depending on driver's capabilities, and moved to the new destination.
Security impact
Notifications impact
Other end user impact
During the migration process users won't be able to perform any management operation in all shares that belong to the share server being migrated. Depending on driver's capabilities, users may also lose write access to those shares.
Performance Impact
No performance impact is expected on implementing this feature. However, depending on how many shares are placed within a share server, other operations can be impacted due to the number of database operations triggered by a share server migration, during sanity checks and status updates on all affected resources (shares, snapshots, access, etc).
Other deployer impact
Drivers that implement share server migration might need to retrieve the configuration from other back ends in order to access it and provide a way of copying all the data. Administrators will need to keep these files up to date in all its share service instances.
Developer impact
- Primary assignee:
Work Items
- Implement main patch that contains:
- New API methods for share server migration;
- New Scheduler call for share server migration start;
- Share Manager implementation for share server migration;
- Database updates for Share Server model;
- New driver interfaces for migration of share servers.
- Update python-manilaclient with new share server's CLI commands.
- For testing:
- Improve and implement both container and dummy drivers to support share server migration across different back ends.
- New functional tests in manila-tempest-plugin.
- Documentation updates.
The container driver will need to be improved to support share server migration across different back ends.
New functional tests will be added to perform share server migration on the same back end and across different back ends. Vendors that implement support for this feature will be encouraged to run these tests in their CI.
Documentation Impact
The following documentation will be updated:
- API reference: Will update the Share Server API by adding the new actions for share server migration procedure.
- Admin reference: Will add information on how the functionality works and which drivers supports it.
- Developer reference: Will add information on how the new functionality works, and which interfaces need to be implemented.