Implement new manila driver for MapR-FS distributed file system DocImpact Co-Authored-By: Grigoriy Rozhkov <groghkov@maprtech.com> Implements: blueprint maprfs-driver Change-Id: I6073edf76fbf11bf9d3c521129c377c96e57a21
22 KiB
Quick start
This document describes how to install manila from the OpenStack Mitaka release. Note that the process differs from previous releases and is likely to change again in subsequent releases.
Manila consists of the following main services, which are similar to those of the OpenStack cinder project:
- manila-api
- manila-data
- manila-scheduler
- manila-share
Installations of manila-api and manila-scheduler are common for almost all deployments. But configuration of manila-share is backend-specific and can differ from deployment to deployment. This document will cover only a single use case, configuring the "Generic" driver that uses the cinder project as its backend.
Note that the manila-share service can run in two modes, with and without handling of share servers. In most cases share servers are virtual machines that export file shares via various network file systems. The example in this document describes a backend that manages share servers using network resources provided by neutron.
Manila supports any network architecture. When a driver is managing its own share servers, it can use any of several network plug-ins that provide network resources. Manila includes plug-ins for neutron and nova-network, as well as a StandaloneNetworkPlugin for simple networks. When a driver is not managing share servers, it has no need for network plug-ins.
- MySQL database
- RabbitMQ message bus
- OpenStack keystone
- Git
For Generic driver:
- OpenStack cinder
- OpenStack glance
- OpenStack neutron
- OpenStack nova
Steps to perform
- Installation of manila binaries
- Installation of manila client
- Registration in keystone
- Preparation of external files (configs, etc...)
- Basic configuration of manila
- Database setup
- Running manila services
- Creation of pilot share
Installation of manila binaries
Manila binaries may be installed using various distribution packages or from source code. In our case we will use the latter, installation by cloning a git repository.
Clone repo:
$ git clone -b stable/mitaka https://github.com/openstack/manila
Then run the installation script:
$ sudo python setup.py install
It will install the manila binaries and their dependencies. These are the expected binaries:
- manila-all
- manila-api
- manila-data
- manila-manage
- manila-scheduler
- manila-share
Installation of manila client
To send requests to manila we need to install the manila client.
Install it using PIP:
$ sudo pip install python-manilaclient>=1.8.1
The starting version of the manila client for Mitaka release is 1.8.1
The above will install the manila binary that will be used for issuing manila requests.
Registration in keystone
Like all other OpenStack projects, manila should be registered with keystone. Here are the registration steps, similar to those of cinder:
- Create manila service user:
$ openstack user create --password %PASSWORD% manila
- Add the admin role to the manila user:
$ openstack role add --user manila --project service admin
Tenant/project may differ, but it should be the same as for all other service users such as ‘cinder’, ‘nova’, etc.
- Create the manila service entities:
$ openstack service create \
--name manila \
--description "OpenStack Shared Filesystems"\
$ openstack service create \
--name manilav2 \
--description "OpenStack Shared Filesystems V2"\
| Property | Value |
| description | OpenStack Shared Filesystems |
| enabled | True |
| id | 4c13e9ff7ec04f4e95a26f72ecdf9919 |
| name | manila |
| type | share |
| Property | Value |
| description | OpenStack Shared Filesystems V2 |
| enabled | True |
| id | 2840d1e7b033437f8776a7bd5045b28d |
| name | manilav2 |
| type | sharev2 |
- Create the Share Filesystems service API endpoints:
$ openstack endpoint create \
--region RegionOne \
--publicurl http://%controller%:8786/v1/%\(tenant_id\)s \
--internalurl http://%controller%:8786/v1/%\(tenant_id\)s \
--adminurl http://%controller%:8786/v1/%\(tenant_id\)s \
Result should be similar to:
| Field | Value |
| adminurl | http://%controller%:8786/v1/%(tenant_id)s |
| id | 118230f5aa514809a9866ae411636b43 |
| internalurl | http://%controller%:8786/v1/%(tenant_id)s |
| publicurl | http://%controller%:8786/v1/%(tenant_id)s |
| region | RegionOne |
| service_id | 4c13e9ff7ec04f4e95a26f72ecdf9919 |
| service_name | manila |
| service_type | share |
$ openstack endpoint create \
--region RegionOne \
--publicurl http://%controller%:8786/v2/%\(tenant_id\)s \
--internalurl http://%controller%:8786/v2/%\(tenant_id\)s \
--adminurl http://%controller%:8786/v2/%\(tenant_id\)s \
Result should be similar to:
| Field | Value |
| adminurl | http://%controller%:8786/v2/%(tenant_id)s |
| id | 228230f5aa514809a9866ae411636b8d |
| internalurl | http://%controller%:8786/v2/%(tenant_id)s |
| publicurl | http://%controller%:8786/v2/%(tenant_id)s |
| region | RegionOne |
| service_id | 2840d1e7b033437f8776a7bd5045b28d |
| service_name | manilav2 |
| service_type | sharev2 |
Port ‘8786’ is the default port for manila. It may be changed to any other port, but this change should also be made in the manila configuration file using opt ‘osapi_share_listen_port’ which defaults to ‘8786’.
Preparation of external files
Copy files from %git_dir%/etc/manila to dir ‘/etc/manila’:
Then generate a config sample file using tox:
$ tox -e genconfig
This will create a file with the latest config options and their descriptions:
Copy this file to the same directory as the above files, removing the suffix ‘.sample’ from its name:
$ cp %git_dir%/etc/manila/manila.conf.sample /etc/manila/manila.conf
Manila configuration file may be used from different places. /etc/manila/manila.conf is one of expected paths by default.
Basic configuration of manila
In our case we will set up one backend with generic driver (using cinder as its backend) configured to manage its own share servers. Below is an example of the configuration file, /etc/manila/manila.conf, outlining some core sections.
signing_dir = /var/cache/manila
admin_password = %password_we_used_with_user_creation_operation%
admin_user = manila
admin_tenant_name = %service_project_name_we_used_with_user_creation_operation%
auth_protocol = http
auth_port = 35357
auth_host = %address_of_machine_with_keystone_endpoint%
# Set up MySQL connection. In following ‘foo’ is username,
# ‘bar’ is password and ‘quuz’ is host name or address:
connection = mysql+pymysql://foo:bar@quuz/manila?charset=utf8
# Following opt defines directory to be used for lock files creation.
# Should be owned by user that runs manila-share processes.
# Defaults to env var ‘OSLO_LOCK_PATH’. It is used by manila-share services
# and is required to be set up. Make sure this dir is created and owned
# by user that run manila-share services.
lock_path = /etc/manila/custom_manila_lock_path
# Set pretty logging output. Not required, but may be useful.
logging_exception_prefix = %(color)s%(asctime)s.%(msecs)d TRACE %(name)s ^[[01;35m%(instance)s^[[00m
logging_debug_format_suffix = ^[[00;33mfrom (pid=%(process)d) %(funcName)s %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d^[[00m
logging_default_format_string = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)d %(color)s%(levelname)s %(name)s [^[[00;36m-%(color)s] ^[[01;35m%(instance)s%(color)s%(message)s^[[00m
logging_context_format_string = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)d %(color)s%(levelname)s %(name)s [^[[01;36m%(request_id)s ^[[00;36m%(user_id)s %(project_id)s%(color)s] ^[[01;35m%(instance)s%(color)s%(message)s^[[00m
# Set auth strategy for usage of keystone
auth_strategy = keystone
# Set message bus creds
rabbit_userid = %rabbit_username%
rabbit_password = %rabbit_user_password%
rabbit_hosts = %address_of_machine_with_rabbit%
rpc_backend = rabbit
# Following opt is used for definition of share backends that should be enabled.
# Values are conf groupnames that contain per manila-share service opts.
enabled_share_backends = london
# Enable protocols ‘NFS’ and ‘CIFS’ as those are the only supported
# by Generic driver that we are configuring in this set up.
# All available values are (‘NFS’, ‘CIFS’, ‘GlusterFS’, ‘HDFS’, 'CEPHFS', ‘MapRFS’)
enabled_share_protocols = NFS,CIFS
# Manila requires ‘share-type’ for share creation.
# So, set here name of some share-type that will be used by default.
default_share_type = default_share_type
state_path = /opt/stack/data/manila
osapi_share_extension = manila.api.contrib.standard_extensions
rootwrap_config = /etc/manila/rootwrap.conf
api_paste_config = /etc/manila/api-paste.ini
share_name_template = share-%s
# Set scheduler driver with usage of filters. Recommended.
scheduler_driver = manila.scheduler.drivers.filter.FilterScheduler
# Set following opt to ‘True’ to get more info in logging.
debug = True
# Only needed by generic or windows drivers, the only drivers
# as of Mitaka that require it.
username = nova
password = %password%
project_domain_id = default
project_name = service
user_domain_id = default
auth_url =
auth_type = password
# Only needed when the networking drivers use nova and "generic" driver,
# as used in this example.
username = neutron
password = %password%
project_domain_id = default
project_name = service
user_domain_id = default
auth_url =
auth_type = password
# Only needed by generic or windows drivers, the only drivers
# as of Mitaka that require it.
username = cinder
password = %password%
project_domain_id = default
project_name = service
user_domain_id = default
auth_url =
auth_type = password
# This is custom opt group that is used for storing opts of share-service.
# This one is used only when enabled using opt `enabled_share_backends`
# from DEFAULT group.
# Set usage of Generic driver which uses cinder as backend.
share_driver = manila.share.drivers.generic.GenericShareDriver
# Generic driver supports both driver modes - with and without handling
# of share servers. So, we need to define explicitly which one we are
# enabling using this driver.
driver_handles_share_servers = True
# Generic driver uses a glance image for building service VMs in nova.
# The following options specify the image to use.
# We use the latest build of [1].
# [1] https://github.com/openstack/manila-image-elements
service_instance_password = manila
service_instance_user = manila
service_image_name = manila-service-image
# These will be used for keypair creation and inserted into service VMs.
path_to_private_key = /home/stack/.ssh/id_rsa
path_to_public_key = /home/stack/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
# Custom name for share backend.
share_backend_name = LONDON
The Generic driver does not use network plugins, so none is part of the above configuration. Other drivers that manage their own share servers may require one of manila's network plug-ins.
Database setup
Manila supports different SQL dialects in theory, but it is only tested with MySQL, so this step assumes that MySQL has been installed.
Create the database for manila:
Then create manila's tables and apply all migrations:
$ manila-manage db sync
Here is the list of tables for the Mitaka release of manila:
| Tables_in_manila |
| alembic_version |
| availability_zones |
| cgsnapshot_members |
| cgsnapshots |
| consistency_group_share_type_mappings |
| consistency_groups |
| drivers_private_data |
| network_allocations |
| project_user_quotas |
| quota_classes |
| quota_usages |
| quotas |
| reservations |
| security_services |
| services |
| share_access_map |
| share_instance_access_map |
| share_instance_export_locations |
| share_instance_export_locations_metadata |
| share_instances |
| share_metadata |
| share_network_security_service_association |
| share_networks |
| share_server_backend_details |
| share_servers |
| share_snapshot_instances |
| share_snapshots |
| share_type_extra_specs |
| share_type_projects |
| share_types |
| shares |
Running manila services
Run manila-api first:
$ manila-api \
--config-file /etc/manila/manila.conf & \
echo $! >/opt/stack/status/stack/m-api.pid; \
fg || echo "m-api failed to start" | \
tee "/opt/stack/status/stack/m-api.failure"
Create a default share type before running manila-share service:
$ manila type-create default_share_type True
Where default_share_type is custom name of share-type and True is value for required extra-spec driver_handles_share_servers. These are required params for creation of share-type.
| Property | Value |
| required_extra_specs | driver_handles_share_servers : True |
| Name | default_share_type |
| Visibility | public |
| is_default | - |
| ID | %some_id% |
| optional_extra_specs | snapshot_support : True |
Service manila-api may be restarted to get updated information about default share type. So, get list of share types after restart of service `manila-api`:
$ manila type-list
| ID | Name | visibility | is_default | required_extra_specs | optional_extra_specs |
| %some_id% | default_share_type | public | YES | driver_handles_share_servers : True | snapshot_support : True |
Add any additional extra specs to share-type if needed using following command:
$ manila type-key default_share_type set key=value
This may be viewed as follows:
$ manila extra-specs-list
Run manila-scheduler:
$ manila-scheduler \
--config-file /etc/manila/manila.conf & \
echo $! >/opt/stack/status/stack/m-sch.pid; \
fg || echo "m-sch failed to start" | \
tee "/opt/stack/status/stack/m-sch.failure"
Run manila-share:
$ manila-share \
--config-file /etc/manila/manila.conf & \
echo $! >/opt/stack/status/stack/m-shr.pid; \
fg || echo "m-shr failed to start" | \
tee "/opt/stack/status/stack/m-shr.failure"
Run manila-data:
$ manila-data \
--config-file /etc/manila/manila.conf & \
echo $! >opt/stack/status/stack/m-dat.pid; \
fg || echo "m-dat failed to start" | \
tee "/opt/stack/status/stack/m-dat.failure"
Creation of pilot share
In this step we assume that the following services are running:
- keystone
- nova (used by Generic driver, not strict dependency of manila)
- neutron (default network backend for Generic driver, used when driver handles share servers)
- cinder (used by Generic driver)
To operate a driver that handles share servers, we must create a share network, which is a set of network information that will be used during share server creation. In our example, to use neutron, we will do the following:
$ neutron net-list
Here we note the ID of a neutron network and one of its subnets.
Some configurations of the Generic driver may require this network be attached to a public router. It is so by default. So, if you use the default configuration of Generic driver, make sure the network is attached to a public router.
Then define a share network using the neutron network and subnet IDs:
$ manila share-network-create \
--name test_share_network \
--neutron-net-id %id_of_neutron_network% \
--neutron-subnet-id %id_of_network_subnet%
Now we can create a share using the following command:
$ manila create NFS 1 --name testshare --share-network test_share_network
The above command will instruct manila to schedule a share for creation. Once created, configure user access to the new share before attempting to mount it via the network:
$ manila access-allow testshare ip --access-level rw
We added read-write access to all IP addresses. Now, you can try mounting this NFS share onto any host. To determine the path required to mount the share onto a host, run:
# manila share-export-location-list testshare
| ID | Path | Preferred |
| 6921e862-88bc-49a5-a2df-efeed9acd583 | | False |
| b6bd76ce-12a2-42a9-a30a-8a43b503867d | | False |