Tom Barron 78dda3ab8e Purge doc of references to nova net
since support for nova network was removed back in Ocata [1] [2].

Also fix a self-referential link.

[1] 0f33dcf62b61547e54011e831f3af939e472e5bc

[2] I8b9a559fbea61979f01737ed1dc272276c4f1269


Change-Id: I7f7fdcbf72c2ed38a9141977a0b48dc3fec2f46e
2017-10-31 04:51:19 -04:00

40 KiB

Manage shares

A share is provided by file storage. You can give access to a share to instances. To create and manage shares, you use manila client commands.

Create a share network

  1. Create a share network.

    $ manila share-network-create \
        --name mysharenetwork \
        --description "My Manila network" \
        --neutron-net-id dca0efc7-523d-43ef-9ded-af404a02b055 \
        --neutron-subnet-id 29ecfbd5-a9be-467e-8b4a-3415d1f82888
    | Property          | Value                                |
    | name              | mysharenetwork                       |
    | segmentation_id   | None                                 |
    | created_at        | 2016-03-24T14:13:02.888816           |
    | neutron_subnet_id | 29ecfbd5-a9be-467e-8b4a-3415d1f82888 |
    | updated_at        | None                                 |
    | network_type      | None                                 |
    | neutron_net_id    | dca0efc7-523d-43ef-9ded-af404a02b055 |
    | ip_version        | None                                 |
    | cidr              | None                                 |
    | project_id        | 907004508ef4447397ce6741a8f037c1     |
    | id                | c895fe26-92be-4152-9e6c-f2ad230efb13 |
    | description       | My Manila network                    |
  2. List share networks.

    $ manila share-network-list
    | id                                   | name           |
    | c895fe26-92be-4152-9e6c-f2ad230efb13 | mysharenetwork |

Create a share

  1. Create a share.

    $ manila create NFS 1 \
        --name myshare \
        --description "My Manila share" \
        --share-network mysharenetwork \
        --share-type default
    | Property                    | Value                                |
    | status                      | creating                             |
    | share_type_name             | default                              |
    | description                 | My Manila share                      |
    | availability_zone           | None                                 |
    | share_network_id            | c895fe26-92be-4152-9e6c-f2ad230efb13 |
    | share_server_id             | None                                 |
    | share_group_id              | None                                 |
    | host                        |                                      |
    | access_rules_status         | active                               |
    | snapshot_id                 | None                                 |
    | is_public                   | False                                |
    | task_state                  | None                                 |
    | snapshot_support            | True                                 |
    | id                          | 8d8b854b-ec32-43f1-acc0-1b2efa7c3400 |
    | size                        | 1                                    |
    | name                        | myshare                              |
    | share_type                  | bf6ada49-990a-47c3-88bc-c0cb31d5c9bf |
    | has_replicas                | False                                |
    | replication_type            | None                                 |
    | created_at                  | 2016-03-24T14:15:34.000000           |
    | share_proto                 | NFS                                  |
    | project_id                  | 907004508ef4447397ce6741a8f037c1     |
    | metadata                    | {}                                   |
  2. Show a share.

    $ manila show myshare
    | Property                    | Value                                                         |
    | status                      | available                                                     |
    | share_type_name             | default                                                       |
    | description                 | My Manila share                                               |
    | availability_zone           | nova                                                          |
    | share_network_id            | c895fe26-92be-4152-9e6c-f2ad230efb13                          |
    | export_locations            |                                                               |
    |                             | path = |
    |                             | preferred = False                                             |
    |                             | is_admin_only = False                                         |
    |                             | id = b6bd76ce-12a2-42a9-a30a-8a43b503867d                     |
    |                             | share_instance_id = e1c2d35e-fe67-4028-ad7a-45f668732b1d      |
    |                             | path =   |
    |                             | preferred = False                                             |
    |                             | is_admin_only = True                                          |
    |                             | id = 6921e862-88bc-49a5-a2df-efeed9acd583                     |
    |                             | share_instance_id = e1c2d35e-fe67-4028-ad7a-45f668732b1d      |
    | share_server_id             | 2e9d2d02-883f-47b5-bb98-e053b8d1e683                          |
    | share_group_id              | None                                                          |
    | host                        | nosb-devstack@london#LONDON                                   |
    | access_rules_status         | active                                                        |
    | snapshot_id                 | None                                                          |
    | is_public                   | False                                                         |
    | task_state                  | None                                                          |
    | snapshot_support            | True                                                          |
    | id                          | 8d8b854b-ec32-43f1-acc0-1b2efa7c3400                          |
    | size                        | 1                                                             |
    | name                        | myshare                                                       |
    | share_type                  | bf6ada49-990a-47c3-88bc-c0cb31d5c9bf                          |
    | has_replicas                | False                                                         |
    | replication_type            | None                                                          |
    | created_at                  | 2016-03-24T14:15:34.000000                                    |
    | share_proto                 | NFS                                                           |
    | project_id                  | 907004508ef4447397ce6741a8f037c1                              |
    | metadata                    | {}                                                            |
  3. List shares.

    $ manila list
    | ID                                   | Name    | Size | Share Proto | Status    | Is Public | Share Type Name | Host                        | Availability Zone |
    | 8d8b854b-ec32-43f1-acc0-1b2efa7c3400 | myshare | 1    | NFS         | available | False     | default         | nosb-devstack@london#LONDON | nova              |
  4. List share export locations.

    $ manila share-export-location-list myshare
    | ID                                   | Path                                                   | Preferred |
    | 6921e862-88bc-49a5-a2df-efeed9acd583 |   | False     |
    | b6bd76ce-12a2-42a9-a30a-8a43b503867d | | False     |

Allow read-write access

  1. Allow access.

    $ manila access-allow myshare ip
    | Property     | Value                                |
    | share_id     | 8d8b854b-ec32-43f1-acc0-1b2efa7c3400 |
    | access_type  | ip                                   |
    | access_to    |                          |
    | access_level | rw                                   |
    | state        | new                                  |
    | id           | 0c8470ca-0d77-490c-9e71-29e1f453bf97 |
  2. List access.

    $ manila access-list myshare
    | id                                   | access_type | access_to   | access_level | state  |
    | 0c8470ca-0d77-490c-9e71-29e1f453bf97 | ip          | | rw           | active |

    The access is created.

Allow read-only access

  1. Allow access.

    $ manila access-allow myshare ip --access-level ro
    | Property     | Value                                |
    | share_id     | 8d8b854b-ec32-43f1-acc0-1b2efa7c3400 |
    | access_type  | ip                                   |
    | access_to    |                          |
    | access_level | ro                                   |
    | state        | new                                  |
    | id           | f151ad17-654d-40ce-ba5d-98a5df67aadc |
  2. List access.

    $ manila access-list myshare
    | id                                   | access_type | access_to   | access_level | state  |
    | 0c8470ca-0d77-490c-9e71-29e1f453bf97 | ip          | | rw           | active |
    | f151ad17-654d-40ce-ba5d-98a5df67aadc | ip          | | ro           | active |

    The access is created.

Deny access

  1. Deny access.

    $ manila access-deny myshare 0c8470ca-0d77-490c-9e71-29e1f453bf97
    $ manila access-deny myshare f151ad17-654d-40ce-ba5d-98a5df67aadc
  2. List access.

    $ manila access-list myshare
    | id | access type | access to | access level | state |

    The access is removed.

Create snapshot

  1. Create a snapshot.

    $ manila snapshot-create --name mysnapshot --description "My Manila snapshot" myshare
    | Property          | Value                                |
    | status            | creating                             |
    | share_id          | 8d8b854b-ec32-43f1-acc0-1b2efa7c3400 |
    | description       | My Manila snapshot                   |
    | created_at        | 2016-03-24T14:39:58.232844           |
    | share_proto       | NFS                                  |
    | provider_location | None                                 |
    | id                | e744ca47-0931-4e81-9d9f-2ead7d7c1640 |
    | size              | 1                                    |
    | share_size        | 1                                    |
    | name              | mysnapshot                           |
  2. List snapshots.

    $ manila snapshot-list
    | ID                                   | Share ID                             | Status    | Name       | Share Size |
    | e744ca47-0931-4e81-9d9f-2ead7d7c1640 | 8d8b854b-ec32-43f1-acc0-1b2efa7c3400 | available | mysnapshot | 1          |

Create share from snapshot

  1. Create a share from a snapshot.

    $ manila create NFS 1 \
        --snapshot-id e744ca47-0931-4e81-9d9f-2ead7d7c1640 \
        --share-network mysharenetwork \
        --name mysharefromsnap
    | Property                    | Value                                |
    | status                      | creating                             |
    | share_type_name             | default                              |
    | description                 | None                                 |
    | availability_zone           | nova                                 |
    | share_network_id            | c895fe26-92be-4152-9e6c-f2ad230efb13 |
    | share_server_id             | None                                 |
    | share_group_id              | None                                 |
    | host                        | nosb-devstack@london#LONDON          |
    | access_rules_status         | active                               |
    | snapshot_id                 | e744ca47-0931-4e81-9d9f-2ead7d7c1640 |
    | is_public                   | False                                |
    | task_state                  | None                                 |
    | snapshot_support            | True                                 |
    | id                          | e73ebcd3-4764-44f0-9b42-fab5cf34a58b |
    | size                        | 1                                    |
    | name                        | mysharefromsnap                      |
    | share_type                  | bf6ada49-990a-47c3-88bc-c0cb31d5c9bf |
    | has_replicas                | False                                |
    | replication_type            | None                                 |
    | created_at                  | 2016-03-24T14:41:36.000000           |
    | share_proto                 | NFS                                  |
    | project_id                  | 907004508ef4447397ce6741a8f037c1     |
    | metadata                    | {}                                   |
  2. List shares.

    $ manila list
    | ID                                   | Name            | Size | Share Proto | Status    | Is Public | Share Type Name | Host                        | Availability Zone |
    | 8d8b854b-ec32-43f1-acc0-1b2efa7c3400 | myshare         | 1    | NFS         | available | False     | default         | nosb-devstack@london#LONDON | nova              |
    | e73ebcd3-4764-44f0-9b42-fab5cf34a58b | mysharefromsnap | 1    | NFS         | available | False     | default         | nosb-devstack@london#LONDON | nova              |
  3. Show the share created from snapshot.

    $ manila show mysharefromsnap
    | Property                    | Value                                                         |
    | status                      | available                                                     |
    | share_type_name             | default                                                       |
    | description                 | None                                                          |
    | availability_zone           | nova                                                          |
    | share_network_id            | c895fe26-92be-4152-9e6c-f2ad230efb13                          |
    | export_locations            |                                                               |
    |                             | path = |
    |                             | preferred = False                                             |
    |                             | is_admin_only = False                                         |
    |                             | id = 5419fb40-04b9-4a52-b08e-19aa1ce13a5c                     |
    |                             | share_instance_id = 4c00cb49-51d9-478e-abc1-d1853efaf6d3      |
    |                             | path =   |
    |                             | preferred = False                                             |
    |                             | is_admin_only = True                                          |
    |                             | id = 26f55e4c-6edc-4e55-8c55-c62b7db1aa9f                     |
    |                             | share_instance_id = 4c00cb49-51d9-478e-abc1-d1853efaf6d3      |
    | share_server_id             | 2e9d2d02-883f-47b5-bb98-e053b8d1e683                          |
    | share_group_id              | None                                                          |
    | host                        | nosb-devstack@london#LONDON                                   |
    | access_rules_status         | active                                                        |
    | snapshot_id                 | e744ca47-0931-4e81-9d9f-2ead7d7c1640                          |
    | is_public                   | False                                                         |
    | task_state                  | None                                                          |
    | snapshot_support            | True                                                          |
    | id                          | e73ebcd3-4764-44f0-9b42-fab5cf34a58b                          |
    | size                        | 1                                                             |
    | name                        | mysharefromsnap                                               |
    | share_type                  | bf6ada49-990a-47c3-88bc-c0cb31d5c9bf                          |
    | has_replicas                | False                                                         |
    | replication_type            | None                                                          |
    | created_at                  | 2016-03-24T14:41:36.000000                                    |
    | share_proto                 | NFS                                                           |
    | project_id                  | 907004508ef4447397ce6741a8f037c1                              |
    | metadata                    | {}                                                            |

Delete share

  1. Delete a share.

    $ manila delete mysharefromsnap
  2. List shares.

    $ manila list
    | ID                                   | Name            | Size | Share Proto | Status    | Is Public | Share Type Name | Host                        | Availability Zone |
    | 8d8b854b-ec32-43f1-acc0-1b2efa7c3400 | myshare         | 1    | NFS         | available | False     | default         | nosb-devstack@london#LONDON | nova              |
    | e73ebcd3-4764-44f0-9b42-fab5cf34a58b | mysharefromsnap | 1    | NFS         | deleting  | False     | default         | nosb-devstack@london#LONDON | nova              |

    The share is being deleted.

Delete snapshot

  1. List snapshots before deleting.

    $ manila snapshot-list
    | ID                                   | Share ID                             | Status    | Name       | Share Size |
    | e744ca47-0931-4e81-9d9f-2ead7d7c1640 | 8d8b854b-ec32-43f1-acc0-1b2efa7c3400 | available | mysnapshot | 1          |
  2. Delete a snapshot.

    $ manila snapshot-delete mysnapshot
  3. List snapshots after deleting.

    $ manila snapshot-list
    | ID | Share ID | Status | Name | Share Size |

    The snapshot is deleted.

Extend share

  1. Extend share.

    $ manila extend myshare 2
  2. Show the share while it is being extended.

    $ manila show myshare
    | Property                    | Value                                                         |
    | status                      | extending                                                     |
    | share_type_name             | default                                                       |
    | description                 | My Manila share                                               |
    | availability_zone           | nova                                                          |
    | share_network_id            | c895fe26-92be-4152-9e6c-f2ad230efb13                          |
    | export_locations            |                                                               |
    |                             | path = |
    |                             | preferred = False                                             |
    |                             | is_admin_only = False                                         |
    |                             | id = b6bd76ce-12a2-42a9-a30a-8a43b503867d                     |
    |                             | share_instance_id = e1c2d35e-fe67-4028-ad7a-45f668732b1d      |
    |                             | path =   |
    |                             | preferred = False                                             |
    |                             | is_admin_only = True                                          |
    |                             | id = 6921e862-88bc-49a5-a2df-efeed9acd583                     |
    |                             | share_instance_id = e1c2d35e-fe67-4028-ad7a-45f668732b1d      |
    | share_server_id             | 2e9d2d02-883f-47b5-bb98-e053b8d1e683                          |
    | share_group_id              | None                                                          |
    | host                        | nosb-devstack@london#LONDON                                   |
    | access_rules_status         | active                                                        |
    | snapshot_id                 | None                                                          |
    | is_public                   | False                                                         |
    | task_state                  | None                                                          |
    | snapshot_support            | True                                                          |
    | id                          | 8d8b854b-ec32-43f1-acc0-1b2efa7c3400                          |
    | size                        | 1                                                             |
    | name                        | myshare                                                       |
    | share_type                  | bf6ada49-990a-47c3-88bc-c0cb31d5c9bf                          |
    | has_replicas                | False                                                         |
    | replication_type            | None                                                          |
    | created_at                  | 2016-03-24T14:15:34.000000                                    |
    | share_proto                 | NFS                                                           |
    | project_id                  | 907004508ef4447397ce6741a8f037c1                              |
    | metadata                    | {}                                                            |
  3. Show the share after it is extended.

    $ manila show myshare
    | Property                    | Value                                                         |
    | status                      | available                                                     |
    | share_type_name             | default                                                       |
    | description                 | My Manila share                                               |
    | availability_zone           | nova                                                          |
    | share_network_id            | c895fe26-92be-4152-9e6c-f2ad230efb13                          |
    | export_locations            |                                                               |
    |                             | path = |
    |                             | preferred = False                                             |
    |                             | is_admin_only = False                                         |
    |                             | id = b6bd76ce-12a2-42a9-a30a-8a43b503867d                     |
    |                             | share_instance_id = e1c2d35e-fe67-4028-ad7a-45f668732b1d      |
    |                             | path =   |
    |                             | preferred = False                                             |
    |                             | is_admin_only = True                                          |
    |                             | id = 6921e862-88bc-49a5-a2df-efeed9acd583                     |
    |                             | share_instance_id = e1c2d35e-fe67-4028-ad7a-45f668732b1d      |
    | share_server_id             | 2e9d2d02-883f-47b5-bb98-e053b8d1e683                          |
    | share_group_id              | None                                                          |
    | host                        | nosb-devstack@london#LONDON                                   |
    | access_rules_status         | active                                                        |
    | snapshot_id                 | None                                                          |
    | is_public                   | False                                                         |
    | task_state                  | None                                                          |
    | snapshot_support            | True                                                          |
    | id                          | 8d8b854b-ec32-43f1-acc0-1b2efa7c3400                          |
    | size                        | 2                                                             |
    | name                        | myshare                                                       |
    | share_type                  | bf6ada49-990a-47c3-88bc-c0cb31d5c9bf                          |
    | has_replicas                | False                                                         |
    | replication_type            | None                                                          |
    | created_at                  | 2016-03-24T14:15:34.000000                                    |
    | share_proto                 | NFS                                                           |
    | project_id                  | 907004508ef4447397ce6741a8f037c1                              |
    | metadata                    | {}                                                            |

Shrink share

  1. Shrink a share.

    $ manila shrink myshare 1
  2. Show the share while it is being shrunk.

    $ manila show myshare
    | Property                    | Value                                                         |
    | status                      | shrinking                                                     |
    | share_type_name             | default                                                       |
    | description                 | My Manila share                                               |
    | availability_zone           | nova                                                          |
    | share_network_id            | c895fe26-92be-4152-9e6c-f2ad230efb13                          |
    | export_locations            |                                                               |
    |                             | path = |
    |                             | preferred = False                                             |
    |                             | is_admin_only = False                                         |
    |                             | id = b6bd76ce-12a2-42a9-a30a-8a43b503867d                     |
    |                             | share_instance_id = e1c2d35e-fe67-4028-ad7a-45f668732b1d      |
    |                             | path =   |
    |                             | preferred = False                                             |
    |                             | is_admin_only = True                                          |
    |                             | id = 6921e862-88bc-49a5-a2df-efeed9acd583                     |
    |                             | share_instance_id = e1c2d35e-fe67-4028-ad7a-45f668732b1d      |
    | share_server_id             | 2e9d2d02-883f-47b5-bb98-e053b8d1e683                          |
    | share_group_id              | None                                                          |
    | host                        | nosb-devstack@london#LONDON                                   |
    | access_rules_status         | active                                                        |
    | snapshot_id                 | None                                                          |
    | is_public                   | False                                                         |
    | task_state                  | None                                                          |
    | snapshot_support            | True                                                          |
    | id                          | 8d8b854b-ec32-43f1-acc0-1b2efa7c3400                          |
    | size                        | 2                                                             |
    | name                        | myshare                                                       |
    | share_type                  | bf6ada49-990a-47c3-88bc-c0cb31d5c9bf                          |
    | has_replicas                | False                                                         |
    | replication_type            | None                                                          |
    | created_at                  | 2016-03-24T14:15:34.000000                                    |
    | share_proto                 | NFS                                                           |
    | project_id                  | 907004508ef4447397ce6741a8f037c1                              |
    | metadata                    | {}                                                            |
  3. Show the share after it is being shrunk.

    $ manila show myshare
    | Property                    | Value                                                         |
    | status                      | available                                                     |
    | share_type_name             | default                                                       |
    | description                 | My Manila share                                               |
    | availability_zone           | nova                                                          |
    | share_network_id            | c895fe26-92be-4152-9e6c-f2ad230efb13                          |
    | export_locations            |                                                               |
    |                             | path = |
    |                             | preferred = False                                             |
    |                             | is_admin_only = False                                         |
    |                             | id = b6bd76ce-12a2-42a9-a30a-8a43b503867d                     |
    |                             | share_instance_id = e1c2d35e-fe67-4028-ad7a-45f668732b1d      |
    |                             | path =   |
    |                             | preferred = False                                             |
    |                             | is_admin_only = True                                          |
    |                             | id = 6921e862-88bc-49a5-a2df-efeed9acd583                     |
    |                             | share_instance_id = e1c2d35e-fe67-4028-ad7a-45f668732b1d      |
    | share_server_id             | 2e9d2d02-883f-47b5-bb98-e053b8d1e683                          |
    | share_group_id              | None                                                          |
    | host                        | nosb-devstack@london#LONDON                                   |
    | access_rules_status         | active                                                        |
    | snapshot_id                 | None                                                          |
    | is_public                   | False                                                         |
    | task_state                  | None                                                          |
    | snapshot_support            | True                                                          |
    | id                          | 8d8b854b-ec32-43f1-acc0-1b2efa7c3400                          |
    | size                        | 1                                                             |
    | name                        | myshare                                                       |
    | share_type                  | bf6ada49-990a-47c3-88bc-c0cb31d5c9bf                          |
    | has_replicas                | False                                                         |
    | replication_type            | None                                                          |
    | created_at                  | 2016-03-24T14:15:34.000000                                    |
    | share_proto                 | NFS                                                           |
    | project_id                  | 907004508ef4447397ce6741a8f037c1                              |
    | metadata                    | {}                                                            |