linpeiwen bab899068c Delete unavailable py2 package
The openstack Ussuri and Victoria versions no longer support the
Centos7 and pyrhon2 environment packages. Correct the missing
problems in the latest document

Change-Id: If139927730071448abc04e1ea7ebb615749e7e3d
2020-12-16 01:11:41 +00:00

1.6 KiB

Install and configure controller node on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS

This section describes how to install and configure the Shared File Systems service, code-named manila, on the controller node that runs Red Hat Enterprise Linux or CentOS. This service requires at least one additional share node that manages file storage back ends.

Install and configure components

  1. Install the packages:

    # yum install openstack-manila python3-manilaclient
  2. Edit the /etc/manila/manila.conf file and complete the following actions:

    • In the [database] section, configure database access:

      connection = mysql+pymysql://manila:MANILA_DBPASS@controller/manila

      Replace MANILA_DBPASS with the password you chose for the Shared File Systems database.

  1. Populate the Shared File Systems database:

    # su -s /bin/sh -c "manila-manage db sync" manila


    Ignore any deprecation messages in this output.

Finalize installation

  1. Start the Shared File Systems services and configure them to start when the system boots:

    # systemctl enable openstack-manila-api.service openstack-manila-scheduler.service
    # systemctl start openstack-manila-api.service openstack-manila-scheduler.service