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Using Mistral with docker

In order to minimize the work needed to run the current Mistral code, or be able to spin up independent or networked Mistral instances in seconds, Docker containers are a very good option. This guide describes the process to launch an all-in-one Mistral container.

Docker installation

In order to install the latest docker engine, run:

curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com/ | sh

If you are behind a proxy, additional configuration may be needed to be able to execute further steps in the setup process. For detailed information on this process, check out the official guide at.

Build the Mistral image

The build.sh script takes care of creating the mistral-all image locally. This is image is configured to use RabbitMQ for transport and MySQL as database backend. It is possible to run Mistral with Sqlite as database backend but it is very unreliable, thus, MySQL was selected as the default database backend for this image.

Running Mistral with MySQL

The start_mistral_rabbit_mysql.sh script sets up a rabbitmq container, a mysql container and a mistral container to work together.

The script can be invoked with:

start_mistral_rabbit_mysql.sh [single|multi]

single mode (this is the default) will create

  • rabbitmq container,
  • the mysql container,
  • and the mistral container that runs all Mistral services.

multi mode will create

  • rabbitmq,
  • mysql,
  • mistral-api,
  • one mistral-engine,
  • two mistral-executors

Check out the script for more detail and examples for different setup options.

Using Mistral

Depending on the mode, you may need to use the mistral or the mistral-api container.

With the multi option execute commands inside the container:

docker exec -it mistral-api bash

E.g. to list workflows, issue:

mistral workflow-list

The script also configures the containers so that the Mistral API will be accessible from the host machine on the default port 8989. So it is also possible to install the mistral-pythonclient to the host machine and execute commands there.

Configuring Mistral

The Mistral configuration is stored in the Docker image. The changes to the configuration should be synchronized between all deployed containers to ensure consistent behavior. This can be achieved by mounting the configuration as a volume:

export EXTRA_OPTS='-v <path to local mistral.conf>:/etc/mistral/mistral.conf:ro'
start_mistral_rabbit_mysql.sh multi