Joseph Davis 8d4bd979d5 Add remove configuration for matching arguments
The remove_config() function only removes an exact match for
the configured instance.
This will allow removing plugin configuration when all config is
not known.

Use case: A compute node has been removed, so any host_alive
ping checks that are configured for it should be removed.  But at
the time of removal the list of target_hostnames to match are
not known.

Change-Id: I8050e1eed68d7b64f7a968b061afa69fe2e86d72
Story: 2004539
Task: 28287
2020-04-23 15:56:21 -07:00

20 KiB

Table of Contents


The Monasca Agent is the component of the Monasca monitoring system that collects metrics from the system it is running on and sends them to the Monasca API.

A metric is identified by a name and dimensions. The fields required in a metric are name, timestamp, and value. A metric can also have 0..n dimensions. Some standard dimensions are sent with all metrics that are sent by the agent.

Monasca Agent Diagram

The flow of the agent application goes like this:

  • The collector runs based on a configurable interval and collects system metrics such as cpu or disk utilization as well as any metrics from additional configured plugins such as mySQL or Kafka.
  • The statsd daemon allows users to send statsd type messages to the agent at any time. These messages are flushed periodically to the forwarder.
  • The forwarder takes the metrics from the collector and statsd daemon and forwards them on to the Monasca-API.
  • Once sent to the Monasca-API, the metrics continue through the Monasca pipeline and end up in the Metrics Database.
  • The collector then waits for the configured interval and restarts the collection process.

The Agent is composed of the following components:

Component Name Process Name Description
Collector monasca-collector Gathers system & application metrics on a configurable interval and sends them to the Forwarder process. The collector runs various plugins for collection of different plugins.
Forwarder monasca-forwarder Gathers data from the collector and statsd and submits it to Monasca API over SSL (tcp/17123)
Statsd Daemon monasca-statsd Statsd engine capable of handling dimensions associated with metrics submitted by a client that supports them. Also supports metrics from the standard statsd client. (udp/8125)
Monasca Setup monasca-setup The monasca-setup script configures the agent. The Monasca Setup program can also auto-detect and configure certain agent plugins

It is possible to Start, Stop and Reset all components by using is the systemd configuration that allows to manage all monasca-agent services.


The Agent (monasca-agent) is available for installation from the Python Package Index (PyPI). To install it, you first need pip installed on the node to be monitored. Instructions on installing pip may be found at The Agent will NOT run under any flavor of Windows or Mac OS at this time but has been tested thoroughly on Ubuntu and should work under most flavors of Linux. Support may be added for Mac OS and Windows in the future. Example of an Ubuntu or Debian based install:

$ sudo apt-get install python-pip

To ensure you are running the latest version of pip

$ sudo pip install --upgrade pip

Warning, the Agent is known to not install properly under python-pip version 1.0, which is packaged with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin).

The Agent can be installed using pip as follows:

$ sudo pip install monasca-agent


The Agent requires configuration in order to run. There are two ways to configure the agent, either using the monasca-setup script or manually.

The Monasca agent has a script, called "monasca-setup", that should be used to automatically configure the Agent to send metrics to a Monasca API. This script will create the agent.yaml configuration file as well as any plugin configuration yaml files needed to monitor the processes on the local machine. Additionally this will create an appropriate startup script for the system and enable the agent to start on boot. The monasca-setup script will then auto-detect certain applications and OpenStack processes that are running on the machine. Lastly it will start the agent.

The agent configuration files are located in /etc/monasca/agent.

The plugin configuration files are located in /etc/monasca/agent/conf.d.

monasca-setup is located in [installed prefix dir]/bin/monasca-setup and can be run as follows:

$ sudo monasca-setup --username KEYSTONE_USERNAME \
  --keystone_url http://URL_OF_KEYSTONE_API:35357/v3

It is also possible to skip most detection plugins in monasca-setup with the --system_only flag. You can then come back later and run individual detection plugins without additional arguments, for example monasca-setup -d mysql. This allows a base install to setup the agent and required credentials then later easily add additional services and monitoring.

Alternatively you can disable selected detection plugins with the --skip_detection_plugins parameter.

Explanation of primary monasca-setup command-line parameters:

All parameters require a '--' before the parameter such as '--verbose'. Run monasca-setup --help for a full listing of options.

Parameter Description Example Value
username This is a required parameter that specifies the username needed to login to Keystone to get a token myuser
password This is a required parameter that specifies the password needed to login to Keystone to get a token mypassword
user_domain_id User domain id for username scoping dcff2e7ede243eb7b3c2c1d57cfc46d1
user_domain_name User domain name for username scoping MyDomain
project_name Specifies the name of the Keystone project name to store the metrics under, defaults to users default project. myproject
project_domain_id Project domain id for keystone authentication
project_domain_name Project domain name for keystone authentication
project_id Keystone project id for keystone authentication
check_frequency How often to run metric collection in seconds 60
num_collector_threads Number of threads to use in collector for running checks 1
pool_full_max_retries Maximum number of collection cycles where all of the threads in the pool are still running plugins before the collector will exit 4
plugin_collect_time_warn Number of seconds a plugin collection time exceeds that causes a warning to be logged for that plugin 6
keystone_url This is a required parameter that specifies the url of the keystone api for retrieving tokens. It must be a v3 endpoint.
dimensions A comma separated list of key:value pairs to include as dimensions in all submitted metrics region:a,az:1
service This is an optional parameter that specifies the name of the service associated with this particular node nova, cinder, myservice
monasca_url This is an optional parameter that specifies the url of the monasca api for retrieving tokens. By default this is obtained from the registered service in keystone.
skip_enable This is an optional parameter. By default the service is enabled, which requires the script run as root. Set this parameter to skip that step.
verbose This is an optional parameter that specifies whether the monasca-setup script will print additional information for debugging purposes
dry_run If specified no config changes will be made but what changes will happen will be reported.
service Service this node is associated with, added as a dimension.
system_only This optional parameter if set true will cause only the basic system checks to be configured all other detection will be skipped. Basic system checks include cpu, disk, load, memory, network.
detection_plugins Skip base config and service setup and only configure provided space separated list of plugins. This assumes the base config has already run. kafka ntp
skip_detection_plugins Skip provided space separated list of detection plugins. system
overwrite This is an optional parameter to overwrite the plugin configuration. Use this if you don't want to keep the original configuration. If this parameter is not specified, the configuration will be appended to the existing configuration, possibly creating duplicate checks. NOTE: The agent config file, agent.yaml, will always be overwritten, even if this parameter is not specified.
detection_args Some detection plugins can be passed arguments. This is a string that will be passed to the detection plugins. ""
detection_args_json A JSON string can be passed to the detection plugin. (See example below)
max_measurement_buffer_size Integer value for the maximum number of measurements to buffer locally while unable to connect to the monasca-api. If the queue exceeds this value, measurements will be dropped in batches. A value of '-1' indicates no limit 100000
backlog_send_rate Integer value of how many batches of buffered measurements to send each time the forwarder flushes data 1000
max_batch_size Maximum batch size of measurements to write to monasca-api, 0 is no limit 0
monasca_statsd_port Integer value for statsd daemon port number 8125
monasca_statsd_interval Integer value for the statsd metric aggregation interval (seconds) 20
remove_config Flag to remove the configuration that exactly matches the other given arguments. See below
remove_matching_args Flag to search for and remove all configurations that match the given configuration items. WARNING: This option is not compatible with --detection_args_json. See below

An example of a JSON value which could be used for --detection_args_json is:


This example JSON specifies the monasca-api and monasca-notification processes with the dimension service:monitoring.

A note around using monasca-agent with different versions of Keystone

Keystone comes in two version: v2.0 and v3. These versions differ between each other when it comes to the set of acceptable parameters that client library can send to Keystone API.

monasca-agent can work with either of versions mentioned above. However there are certain limitations. Examine a list below to see what parameters should be provided via monasca-setup (or manually in agent.yaml) to successfully configure connectivity with Keystone.

For v2_0 arguments are:

  • username
  • password
  • project_id (internally mapped to tenant_id)
  • project_name (internally mapped to tenant_name)

For v3 arguments are:

  • username
  • password
  • project_id
  • project_name
  • project_domain_id
  • project_domain_name
  • user_domain_id
  • user_domain_name

Providing Arguments to Detection plugins

When running individual detection plugins you can specify arguments that augment the configuration created. In some instances the arguments just provide additional information for the detection plugin, for example monasca-setup -d nova -a disable_http_check=true. In others detection is skipped entirely and the arguments provide the configuration details. For the argument based plugins monasca-setup is used not for detection but as a tool to merge various configurations details without having to parse the configuration. For example, monasca-setup -d httpcheck -a 'url=http://ip:port/ dimensions=service:my_service'. Both the httpcheck and hostalive check are argument based plugins.

Manual Configuration of the Agent

This is not the recommended way to configure the agent but if you are having trouble running the monasca-setup program, you can manually configure the agent using the steps below:

Start by creating an agent.yaml file. An example configuration file can be found in <install_dir>/share/monasca/agent/.

$ sudo mkdir -p /etc/monasca/agent
$ sudo cp /usr/local/share/monasca/agent/agent.yaml.template /etc/monasca/agent/agent.yaml

and then edit the file with your favorite text editor (vi, nano, emacs, etc.)

$ sudo nano /etc/monasca/agent/agent.yaml

In particular, replace any values that have curly braces. Example: Change

username: {args.username}


username: myuser

You must replace all of the curly brace values and you can also optionally tweak any of the other configuration items as well like a port number in the case of a port conflict. The config file options are documented in the agent.yaml.template file. You may also specify zero or more dimensions that would be included in every metric generated on that node, using the dimensions: value. Example: (include no extra dimensions on every metric)

dimensions: (No dimensions example)
dimensions: (Single dimension example)
    service: nova
dimensions: (3 dimensions example)
    service: nova
    group: group_a
    zone: 2

Once the configuration file has been updated and saved, monasca-agent must be restarted.

$ sudo service monasca-agent restart

Dimension Precedence

If a dimension is specified in /etc/monasca/agent/agent.yaml with the same name (e.g. service)

  check_freq: 15
    service: monitoring
  hostname: mini-mon

The default internal dimension for a specific plugin will be overwritten (e.g. by the agent configuration

dimensions = self._set_dimensions({'component': 'mysql', 'service': 'mysql'}, instance)

Your final dimension value from agent.yaml would prevail

service: monitoring

Manual Configuration of Plugins

If you did not run monasca-setup and/or there are additional plugins you would like to activate there are two options.

If a detection plugin exists for monasca-setup you can run monasca-setup with the --detection_plugins flage, ie monasca-setup --detection-plugins kafka.

To manually configure a plugin follow the steps below:

Agent plugins are activated by placing a valid configuration file in the /etc/monasca/agent/conf.d/ directory. Configuration files are in YAML format, with the file extension .yaml. You may find example configuration files in /usr/local/share/monasca/agent/conf.d/

For example, to activate the http_check plugin:

$ sudo mkdir -p /etc/monasca/agent/conf.d
$ sudo cp /usr/local/share/monasca/agent/conf.d/http_check.yaml.example \

and then edit the file as needed for your configuration.

$ sudo nano /etc/monasca/agent/conf.d/http_check.yaml

The plugins are annotated and include the possible configuration parameters. In general, though, configuration files are split into two sections: init_config and instances The init_config section contains global configuration parameters for the plugin. The instances section contains one or more check to run. For example, multiple API servers can be checked from one http_check.yaml configuration by listing YAML-compatible stanzas in the instances section.

A plugin config is specified something like this:

    is_jmx: true

    # Metrics collected by this check. You should not have to modify this.
        # Aggregate cluster stats
        - include:
          domain: '"kafka.server"'
          bean: '"kafka.server":type="BrokerTopicMetrics",name="AllTopicsBytesOutPerSec"'
                  metric_type: counter

    - host: localhost
      port: 9999
      name: jmx_instance
      user: username
      password: password
      #java_bin_path: /path/to/java #Optional, should be set if the agent cannot find your java executable
      #trust_store_path: /path/to/trustStore.jks # Optional, should be set if ssl is enabled
      #trust_store_password: password
          env: stage
          newDim: test

monasca-collector service can receive a --config-file argument, which represents an alternate agent configuration file, instead of the default /etc/monasca/agent.yaml.


monasca-collector --config-file="/path/to/monasca_agent.yaml"


The monasca-setup command will create an appropriate startup script for the agent and so the agent can be run by using the standard daemon control tool for your operating system. If you have configured manually the startup script templates can be found in the code under the packaging directory.

Running the collector with multiple threads

The number of threads to use for running the plugins is via num_collector_threads. Setting this value to greater than 1 can be very useful when some plugins take a relatively long time to run. With num_collector_threads set to 1, the plugins are run serially. If the sum of the collection times for each plugin is greater than the check_frequency, then the metrics will not be collected as often as they should be. With more threads, the collection time is closer to the longest plugin collection time.

The collector is optimized for collecting as many metrics on schedule as possible. The plugins are run in reverse order of their collection time, i.e., the fastest plugin first. Also, if a plugin does not complete within the collection frequency, that plugin will be skipped in the next collection cycle. These two optimizations together ensure that plugins that complete with collection frequency seconds will get run on every collection cycle.

If there is some problem with multiple plugins that end up blocking the entire thread pool, the collector will exit so that it can be restarted by the monasca-agent systemd target. The parameter pool_full_max_retries controls when this happens. If pool_full_max_retries consecutive collection cycles have ended with the Thread Pool completely full, the collector will exit.

Some of the plugins have their own thread pools to handle asynchronous checks. The collector thread pool is separate and has no special interaction with those thread pools.

Removing Monasca Agent monitoring

There are two flags available in monasca-setup for triggering the methods to remove monitoring when it is no longer needed.

The --remove_config flag is used as an opposite operation to creating monitoring configuration. The same set of parameters must be provided as were used to create a configuration. If the parameters don't match exactly, no configuration is removed.

The --remove_matching_args flag triggers a search for and removal of all configurations that match the given configuration items. This may be useful when a node has been removed and any monitoring that references that node needs to be removed. However, it should be used with caution as the search is powerful and if not specified correctly could match broadly against other monitoring configuration that should not be removed.

WARNING: --remove_matching_args does not support JSON formatted detection arguments. In other words, this option is not compatible with --detection_args_json.

Also see the Agent Internals Developer Docs.


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