Selvakumar S 98acc0c7ff Added qg-*, sg-* and vhu-* ports as default in included_interface_re.
By default router ports(qg-*), SG ports (sg-* VM SNAT traffic) and
VHU(vhost-user) ports for DPDK environment are enabled in
included_interface_re field in ovs.yaml.

Removed tap-* ports and qr-* ports to avoid data bloating.
If user still wants to configure the non default port they can
configure in ovs.yaml file and restart the monasca-gent to collect
the metrics.

Change-Id: Ie09ff86848bdec3e02d1ef8e0a50dc9e52fb0641
2016-06-29 03:58:33 -07:00

10 KiB

Table of Contents

Open vSwitch Neutron Router Monitoring


This plugin provides metrics for neutron virtual routers implemented with Open vSwitch. Much like the libvirt plugin, this plugin will publish metrics both to the project associated with the virtual router, as well as the infrastructure project. Also similar to the libvirt plugin, metric names that are cross-posted to the infrastructure project will have the ovs. prefix.

NOTE: The /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl command requires sudo to run. See notes in ovs_cmd section below for how to customize this plugin to work around this requirement if sudo is not allowed in certain installations.


This plugin is not currently automatically configured using the monasca-setup program -- it must be explicitly configured using the configuration file example below.

admin_password password for the neutron user.

admin_tenant_name is the project/tenant to POST metrics with the vm. prefix.

admin_user is the username capable of making administrative neutron calls.

neutron_refresh is the number of seconds to wait before updating the neutron router cache file. This requires two neutron calls to get port and router info, so we intentionally overload neutron by making these calls each time the agent wakes up.

identity_url is the keystone endpoint for auth.

region_name is used to add the region dimension to metrics.

cache_dir will be used to cache metric counters and neutron router/port info to not overwhelm neutron each time metrics are calculated/POSTed.

network_use_bits will submit network metrics in bits rather than bytes. This will stop submitting the metrics router.in_bytes_sec and router.out_bytes_sec, and instead submit router.in_bits_sec and router.out_bits_sec.

use_absolute_metrics will submit the raw counters from ovs-vsctl command output for the given network interface. If this flag is disabled then default rate metrics will get collected for the enabled network interfaces.

check_router_ha will check router HA status if set to true. This should be set to false if not configuring routers for HA, as setting this to true will cause the plugin to make additional neutron calls.

ovs_cmd is the location of the open vswitch command. Installations that allow sudo should set this to sudo /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl and add mon-agent ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/ovs-vsctl to the /etc/sudoers file. Installations that don't allow usage of sudo should copy the ovs-vsctl command to another location and use the setcap command to allow the monasca-agent to run that command. The new location of the ovs-vsctl command should be what is set in the config file for ovs_cmd.

instances are not used and should be empty in ovs.yaml because like the ovs plugin it runs against all routers hosted on the node at once.

included_interface_re will include network interfaces for collecting the ovs statistics matching the given regex. By default qg, vhu(dpdk) and sg interfaces will be enabled by detection plugin.

use_rate_metrics will submit the rate metrics derived from ovs-vsctl command output for the given network interface.

use_health_metrics will submit the health related metrics from ovs-vsctl command output for the given network interface. Example metric names are in_dropped, out_dropped, out_error and in_errors.

Example config (ovs.yaml):

  admin_password: password
  admin_tenant_name: services
  admin_user: neutron
  neutron_refresh: 14400
  identity_uri: ''
  region_name: 'region1'
  cache_dir: /dev/shm
  network_use_bits: true
  use_absolute_metrics: true
  ovs_cmd: 'sudo /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl' 
  included_interface_re: qg.*|vhu.*|sg.*
  use_rate_metrics: true
  use_health_metrics: true

 - {}

Per-Router Rate Metrics

Name Description
vrouter.in_bytes_sec Inbound bytes per second for the router (if network_use_bits is false)
vrouter.out_bytes_sec Outgoing bytes per second for the router (if network_use_bits is false)
vrouter.in_bits_sec Inbound bits per second for the router (if network_use_bits is true)
vrouter.out_bits_sec Outgoing bits per second for the router (if network_use_bits is true)
vrouter.in_packets_sec Incoming packets per second for the router
vrouter.out_packets_sec Outgoing packets per second for the router
vrouter.in_dropped_sec Incoming dropped packets per second for the router
vrouter.out_dropped_sec Outgoing dropped packets per second for the router
vrouter.in_errors_sec Number of incoming errors per second for the router
vrouter.out_errors_sec Number of outgoing errors per second for the router

Per-Router Metrics

Name Description
vrouter.in_bytes Inbound bytes for the router (if network_use_bits is false)
vrouter.out_bytes Outgoing bytes for the router (if network_use_bits is false)
vrouter.in_bits Inbound bits for the router (if network_use_bits is true)
vrouter.out_bits Outgoing bits for the router (if network_use_bits is true)
vrouter.in_packets Incoming packets for the router
vrouter.out_packets Outgoing packets for the router
vrouter.in_dropped Incoming dropped packets for the router
vrouter.out_dropped Outgoing dropped packets for the router
vrouter.in_errors Number of incoming errors for the router
vrouter.out_errors Number of outgoing errors for the router

Per-DHCP port Metrics

Name Description
vswitch.in_bytes Inbound bytes for the DHCP port (if network_use_bits is false)
vswitch.out_bytes Outgoing bytes for the DHCP port (if network_use_bits is false)
vswitch.in_bits Inbound bits for the DHCP port (if network_use_bits is true)
vswitch.out_bits Outgoing bits for the DHCP port (if network_use_bits is true)
vswitch.out_packets Outgoing packets for the DHCP port
vswitch.in_packets Incoming packets for the DHCP port
vswitch.out_dropped Incoming dropped packets for the DHCP port
vswitch.in_dropped Outgoing dropped packets for the DHCP port
vswitch.out_error Errors transmitted for the DHCP port
vswitch.in_error Errors received for the DHCP port

Per-DHCP Rate Metrics

Name Description
vswitch.out_bytes_sec Outgoing Bytes per second on DHCP port(if network_use_bits is false)
vswitch.in_bytes_sec Incoming Bytes per second on DHCP port(if network_use_bits is false)
vswitch.out_bits_sec Outgoing Bits per second on DHCP port(if network_use_bits is true)
vswitch.in_bits_sec Incoming Bits per second on DHCP port(if network_use_bits is true)
vswitch.out_packets_sec Outgoing packets per second for the DHCP port
vswitch.in_packets_sec Incoming packets per second for the DHCP port
vswitch.out_dropped_sec Outgoing dropped packets per second for the DHCP port
vswitch.in_dropped_sec Incoming dropped per second for the DHCP port
vswitch.out_error_sec Outgoing errors per second for the DHCP port
vswitch.in_error_sec Incoming errors per second for the DHCP port

Router Metric Dimensions

Dimension Name Customer Value Operations Value
hostname (N/A) hostname hosting the router
resource_id resource ID of router resource ID of router
service "networking" "networking"
component "ovs" "ovs"
router_name name of the virtual router name of the virtual router
tenant_id (N/A) project owner of the router
port_id port ID of the router port ID of the router

OVS Port Metric Dimensions

Dimension Name Customer Value Operations Value
hostname (N/A) hostname hosting the ports
resource_id resource ID of port resource id of the port
service "networking" "networking"
component "ovs" "ovs"
tenant_id (N/A) project owner of the port
port_id port ID of VM port ID of VM


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