zhouxinyong 3fbcb10690 Update url in HACKING.rst
Change-Id: I7090d72ecacee9d5807b0b8fb0bb61908c20c9b4
2018-11-16 10:48:35 +08:00

5.2 KiB


Development Environment

MoNanas's repository comes with a Vagrantfile for a quick deployment on the client system. To use vagrant, simple do the following.

At the root of the project there is a Makefile which provides common tasks:

  • make test: Run the test suite.
  • make style: Check for pep8 compliance on the entire code base.
  • make testspec <> A handy way to test only a TestCase subclass.
  • make all: Run both test and style.
  • make start: Start Monanas and send the start_streaming action via the REST interface.

Adding Custom Components

As illustrated in Monasca/Design, MoNanas's architecture was designed to be pluggable. Therefore, integrating a new component or a new statistical/machine learning algorithm is very simple. The following shows a step-by-step guide on how to add a new data source and a new learning algorithm. A custom implementation of other components can be added in similar fashion.

Add New Data Sources

When creating a new data source, everything you need is located in main/source package, and new sources should be contained in that package in order to keep the convention. All you need to do is extend the class BaseSource in main/source/ module.

Default configuration and Validation

The first step in the Data Source life-cycle is its creation and configuration validation. Also, a default configuration is needed by DSL in order to add a component to the configuration, and it can be very convenient for users to have a default configuration. Please, implement the following methods:

  • validate_config It should validate the schema of the configuration passed as parameter, checking that expected parameters are there, and values have the expected type and/or values. Please, check other classes validate_config implementations in order to have examples on how to use the Schema library. Please, make this method static by annotating it with the @staticmethod decorator.

  • get_default_config It should return a dictionary containing the default schema of this component. This method will be called by DSL when creating a component of this type. Please, make this method static by annotating it with the @staticmethod decorator.

Main logic functions

The aim of a source class is to provide data which will then be consumed by ingestors. When MoNanas is ordered to start streaming data, the source classes will be asked to create a stream of data, and other components in the pipeline may be interested in the features of the data provided by the source class.

  • create_dstream It should create a spark dstream using the Spark Streaming Context passed as parameter. Please, refer to spark documentation if you want more details about dstream object, and feel free to view implementations of this function by other source classes.

  • get_feature_list It should return a list of strings in order representing the features provided by the dstream.

Termination functions

When MoNanas is ordered to stop streaming data, it will call terminate_source in all the sources that are streaming.

  • terminate_source It should do any necessary cleanup of the source when it is terminated. For example, if the source was running a TCP server generating traffic, at this point it may want to stop it.

Add New Learning Algorithms

When adding a new algorithm, everything you need is located in: main/sml package, and new algorithms should be contained in that package in order to keep the convention. All you need to do is extend the class BaseSML in main/sml/ module.

Default configuration and Validation

Please, refer to the 'Add New Data Sources' section.

Main logic functions

The aim of a SML class is to train a machine learning algorithm, or do statistics to learn something, using a batch of data provided by the aggregator. When data is available, it will be manipulated by the logic implemented in the learn_structure function; the data flow will be stopped by MoNanas when all the SMLs have consumed at least the number of samples provided by the number_of_samples_required function.

  • learn_structure This is the function that implements the logic of the algorithm. The data is provided as a parameter, and it should return the structure learned from the data (e.g. causality matrix, or trained classifier object).

  • number_of_samples_required this function should return the number of samples that the algorithm requires in order to provide reliable results.

Coding Standards

Python: All Python code conforms to the OpenStack standards at:

  • Developers must add unit tests for all logical components before merging to master.
  • Pull Requests are welcome and encouraged to ensure good code quality. Label the PR as ready for review when all the features are completed.