- upgrade maven and use https repo - temporary disable some jobs - upgrade librdkafka Change-Id: Ifaecf9039581cd3851b47344f71ad2c1c390484d
Team and repository tags
is a collection of modules containing
reusable application and platform code for building monitoring related
To install the Python monasca-common modules, git clone the source and run the following command:
$ sudo python setup.py install
To run the unit tests use:
$ tox -e py35
For information on contributing, see Contribution Guidelines.
- License: Apache License, Version 2.0
- Source: https://opendev.org/openstack/monasca-common
- Bugs: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/865
Build Instructions
Download and do mvn install.
$ cd java
$ mvn clean install
There is a pom.xml in the base directory but that should only be used for the Zuul build.
The issue is that currently StackForge’s bare-precise system only has Maven 2 on it and at least one of the modules of monasca-common requires Maven 3.
In order to get around this problem, the pom.xml in the base directory uses the exec-maven-plugin to run the script run_maven.sh. This script checks if the version of mvn is Maven 3 and if it is not, it downloads Maven 3 and then uses it to run the build in the java directory.
In addition, the run_maven.sh script copies the jar files that get
built from java/*
/target directories to the target
directory in the base project directory. This is because the StackForge
“monasca-common-localrepo-upload” job uploads any jar files from that
directory to https://tarballs.opendev.org/openstack/ci/monasca-common.
Copying the jar files to that directory made it so there didn’t have to
be changes made to the “monasca-common-localrepo-upload” job. The build
for monasca-thresh downloads the jars it depends on from that location
on tarballs.openstack.org.
A change has been submitted to StackForge to switch to bare-trusty for this build in the hopes that those systems will have maven 3, but it is not known how long that change will take to be accepted.
Application Specific Sub-Projects
- monasca-common-model - Common domain and event models for monitoring services.
Platform Sub-Projects
- monasca-common-dropwizard - Utilities for building and testing dropwizard services.
- monasca-common-hibernate - Hibernate based model of Monasca SQL schema
- monasca-common-influxdb - InfluxDB related utilities.
- monasca-common-kafka - Various utilities for working with Kafka.
- monasca-common-persistence - Persistence related infrastructure and utilities.
- monasca-common-streaming - Streaming related utilities.
- monasca-common-testing - A set of testing related dependencies.
- monasca-common-util - Various utilities such as for serialization, dependency injection, date and time, invocation retries, concurrency, etc.