Witold Bedyk 61f67d306e Add description for Alembic migrations
Change-Id: I1fd5535afc113adf3f88f09e6f50773b5534b347
2018-06-13 16:37:05 +02:00

158 lines
7.2 KiB

.. _rocky-priorities:
Rocky Project Priorities
List of priorities the Monasca drivers team is prioritizing in Rocky.
The owners listed are responsible for tracking the status of that work and
helping get that work done. They are not the only contributors to this work,
and not necessarily doing most of the coding!
Essential Priorities
| Title | Owners |
| `Kafka upgrade`_ | witek |
| `Alembic migrations`_ | jgr |
| Metrics retention policy | jgu |
| Monasca Transformer refresh | aagate, joadavis |
| `Run API under WSGi`_ | witek |
| `Support Python 3.5`_ | witek, sc |
| Enable mutable configuration | |
| `Policy in Code`_ | amofakhar |
High Priorities
| Title | Owners |
| `Templating webhook notifications`_ | dougsz |
| :ref:`service-agent-domain` | jgr |
| `Add Monasca publisher to Ceilometer`_ | joadavis, aagate |
| Alarm grouping, silencing, inhibition | witek |
| Documentation refresh | |
Optional Priorities
| Title | Owners |
| New agent plugins for OpenStack | |
| Cross-project integrations | |
| Monasca Query Language | |
| Create Docker images from OpenStack repos | |
| `Kolla deployment`_ | dougsz |
| `Query logs pipeline`_ | dougsz |
| New monasca-thresh | |
| Monasca-persister performance improvements | sgrasley, jgu |
Kafka upgrade
The goal is to upgrade all Monasca components to use Apache Kafka 1.0.x.
Currently used embedded forked version of kafka-python client should be
replaced with pykafka (or alternatively confluent-kafka-python). The
integration should be preceded by extensive performance and endurance testing.
Alembic migrations
The goal is to provide a consistent and easy to use way to maintain SQL schema
changes. The implementation should allow schema initialization and migration
from one version to another. `Alembic`_ is a lightweight database migration
tool which optimally fulfills our requirements.
.. _Alembic:
Run API under WSGi
This is a community-wide release goal for Pike. `The goal`_ is to:
* Provide WSGI application script files.
* Switch devstack jobs to deploy Monasca APIs under uwsgi with Apache acting as
a front end proxy.
.. _The goal:
Support Python 3.5
This is a community-wide release goal for Pike. The goal is to
support, test and running with `Python 3.5`_.
.. _Python 3.5:
Policy in Code
The goal is to register and document default `policies`_ for the APIs in code.
.. _policies:
Add Monasca publisher to Ceilometer
Monasca-Ceilometer (aka. Ceilosca) code currently exists in its own project.
This is for historical reasons. With changes in Ceilometer and the
Telemetry project, it may be possible to have the Monasca publisher from
monsasca-ceilometer `merged into the Ceilometer`_ repository. This could reduce
future workload in maintenance.
.. _merged into the Ceilometer:!/story/2001239
Templating webhook notifications
Improve the quality of notifications generated from alerts. We want notifications
to be informative, concise and flexible.
Kolla deployment
Add support for deploying Monasca in Docker containers using the OpenStack Kolla
project. This change will support deploying Monasca in a high availability
configuration. Blueprints exist for `containers`_ and the `Ansible roles`_ to deploy
.. _containers:
.. _Ansible roles:
Query logs pipeline
`Add support`_ for querying ElasticSearch via the Monasca Log API to support tenant
scoped access to logs. This should include accessing the logs via Grafana.
.. _Add support: