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<!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
- [Create a new aggregation pipeline](#create-a-new-aggregation-pipeline)
- [Using existing generic aggregation components](#using-existing-generic-aggregation-components)
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# Create a new aggregation pipeline
Monasca Transform allows you to create new aggregation by creating *pre_transform_spec* and
*transform_spec* for any set of Monasca metrics. This page gives you steps on how to create a new
aggregation pipeline and test the pipeline in your DevStack environment.
Pre-requisite for following steps on this page is that you have already created a devstack
development environment for Monasca Transform, following instructions in
## Using existing generic aggregation components ##
Most of the use cases will fall into this category where you should be able to create new
aggregation for new set of metrics using existing set of generic aggregation components.
Let's consider a use case where we want to find out
* Maximum time monasca-agent takes to submit metrics over a period of an hour across all hosts
* Maximum time monasca-agent takes to submit metrics over period of a hour per host.
We know that monasca-agent on each host generates a small number of
[monasca-agent metrics](
The metric we are interested in is
* **"monasca.collection_time_sec"**: Amount of time that the collector took for this collection run
* **Step 1**: Identify the monasca metric to be aggregated from the Kafka topic
/opt/kafka_2.11- --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic metrics | grep "monasca.collection_time_sec"
"service":"monitoring"},"value":0.0340659618, "value_meta":null},
Note: "hostname" is available as a dimension, which we will use to find maximum collection time for each host.
* **Step 2**: Create a **pre_transform_spec**
"pre_transform_spec" drives the pre-processing of monasca metric to record store format. Look
for existing example in
"event_type":"monasca.collection_time_sec", <-- EDITED
"metric_id_list":["monasca_collection_host"], <-- EDITED
"required_raw_fields_list":["creation_time", "metric.dimensions.hostname"], <--EDITED
Lets look at all the fields that were edited (Marked as `<-- EDITED` above):
**event_type**: set to "monasca.collection_time_sec". These are the metrics we want to
**metric_id_list**: set to ['monasca_collection_host']. This is a transformation spec
identifier. During pre-processing record generator generates additional "record_store" data for
each item in this list. (To be renamed to transform_spec_list)
**required_raw_fields_list**: set to ["creation_time", "metric.dimensions.hostname"]
This should list fields in the incoming metrics that are required. Pre-processing will
eliminate or remove metrics which have missing required fields, during validation.
**Note:** "metric_id" is a misnomer, it is not really a metric identifier but rather identifier
for transformation spec. This will be changed to transform_spec_id in the future.
* **Step 3**: Create a "transform_spec" to find maximum metric value for each host
"transform_spec" drives the aggregation of record store data created during pre-processing
to final aggregated metric. Look for existing example in
"usage":"fetch_quantity", <-- EDITED
"setters":["set_aggregated_metric_name","set_aggregated_period"], <-- EDITED
"insert":["insert_data_pre_hourly"] <-- EDITED
"aggregated_metric_name":"monasca.collection_time_sec_host_agg", <-- EDITED
"aggregation_period":"hourly", <-- EDITED
"aggregation_group_by_list": ["host"],
"usage_fetch_operation": "max", <-- EDITED
"filter_by_list": [],
"dimension_list":["aggregation_period","host"], <-- EDITED
"metric_group":"monasca_collection_host", <-- EDITED
"metric_id":"monasca_collection_host" <-- EDITED
Lets look at all the fields that were edited (Marked as `<-- EDITED` above):
aggregation pipeline fields
* **usage**: set to "fetch_quantity" Use "fetch_quantity" generic aggregation component. This
component takes a "aggregation_group_by_list", "usage_fetch_operation" and "filter_by_list" as
* **aggregation_group_by_list** set to ["host"]. Since we want to find monasca agent
collection time for each host.
* **usage_fetch_operation** set to "max". Since we want to find maximum value for
monasca agent collection time.
* **filter_by_list** set to []. Since we dont want filter out/ignore any metrics (based on
say particular host or set of hosts)
* **setters**: set to ["set_aggregated_metric_name","set_aggregated_period"] These components set
aggregated metric name and aggregation period in final aggregated metric.
* **set_aggregated_metric_name** sets final aggregated metric name. This setter component takes
"aggregated_metric_name" as a parameter.
* **aggregated_metric_name**: set to "monasca.collection_time_sec_host_agg"
* **set_aggregated_period** sets final aggregated metric period. This setter component takes
"aggregation_period" as a parameter.
* **aggregation_period**: set to "hourly"
* **insert**: set to ["insert_data_pre_hourly"]. These components are responsible for
transforming instance usage data records to final metric format and writing the data to kafka
* **insert_data_pre_hourly** writes the to "metrics_pre_hourly" kafka topic, which gets
processed by the pre hourly processor every hour.
pre hourly processor fields
* **pre_hourly_operation** set to "max"
Find the hourly maximum value from records that were written to "metrics_pre_hourly" topic
* **pre_hourly_group_by_list** set to ["default"]
transformation spec identifier fields
* **metric_group** set to "monasca_collection_host". Group identifier for this transformation
* **metric_id** set to "monasca_collection_host". Identifier for this transformation spec.
**Note:** metric_group" and "metric_id" are misnomers, it is not really a metric identifier but
rather identifier for transformation spec. This will be changed to "transform_group" and
"transform_spec_id" in the future. (Please see Story
* **Step 4**: Create a "transform_spec" to find maximum metric value across all hosts
Now let's create another transformation spec to find maximum metric value across all hosts.
"usage":"fetch_quantity", <-- EDITED
"setters":["set_aggregated_metric_name","set_aggregated_period"], <-- EDITED
"insert":["insert_data_pre_hourly"] <-- EDITED
"aggregated_metric_name":"monasca.collection_time_sec_all_agg", <-- EDITED
"aggregation_period":"hourly", <-- EDITED
"aggregation_group_by_list": [],
"usage_fetch_operation": "max", <-- EDITED
"filter_by_list": [],
"dimension_list":["aggregation_period"], <-- EDITED
"metric_group":"monasca_collection_all", <-- EDITED
"metric_id":"monasca_collection_all" <-- EDITED
The transformation spec above is almost identical to transformation spec created in **Step 3**
with a few additional changes.
**aggregation_group_by_list** is set to [] i.e. empty list, since we want to find maximum value
across all hosts (consider all the incoming metric data).
**aggregated_metric_name** is set to "monasca.collection_time_sec_all_agg".
**metric_group** is set to "monasca_collection_all", since we need a new transfomation spec
group identifier.
**metric_id** is set to "monasca_collection_all", since we need a new transformation spec
* **Step 5**: Update "pre_transform_spec" with new transformation spec identifier
In **Step 4** we created a new transformation spec, with new "metric_id", namely
"monasca_collection_all". We will have to now update the "pre_transform_spec" that we
created in **Step 2** with new "metric_id" by adding it to the "metric_id_list"
"metric_id_list":["monasca_collection_host", "monasca_collection_all"], <-- EDITED
"required_raw_fields_list":["creation_time", "metric.dimensions.hostname"],
Thus we were able to add additional transformation or aggregation pipeline to the same incoming
monasca metric very easily.
* **Step 6**: Update "pre_transform_spec" and "transform_spec"
* Edit
and add following line.
**Note:** Each line does not end with a comma (the file is not one big json document).
* Edit
and add following lines.
* Run "" script as documented in devstack
[README](devstack/ to refresh the specs in the database.
vagrant@devstack:~$ cd /opt/stack/monasca-transform
vagrant@devstack:/opt/stack/monasca-transform$ tools/vagrant/
If successful, you should see this message.
* *
* SUCCESS!! refresh monasca transform done. *
* *
* **Step 7**: Verifying results
To verify if new aggregated metrics are being produced you can look at the "metrics_pre_hourly"
topic in kafka. By default, monasca-transform fires of a batch every 10 minutes so you should
see metrics in intermediate "instance_usage" data format being published to that topic every 10
/opt/kafka_2.11- --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic metrics_pre_hourly
"firstrecord_timestamp_string":"2018-04-11 06:20:04","quantity":0.0687000751}
"pod_name":"NA","usage_minute":"NA","service_group":"NA","lastrecord_timestamp_string":"2018-04-11 06:29:49",
"firstrecord_timestamp_string":"2018-04-11 06:20:04","quantity":0.0687000751}
Similarly, to verify if final aggregated metrics are being published by pre hourly processor,
you can look at "metrics" topic in kafka. By default pre hourly processor (which processes
metrics from "metrics_pre_hourly" topic) runs 10 minutes past the top of the hour.
/opt/kafka_2.11- --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic metrics | grep "_agg"
{"metric":{"timestamp":1523459468616,"value_meta":{"firstrecord_timestamp_string":"2018-04-11 14:00:13",
"lastrecord_timestamp_string":"2018-04-11 14:59:46","record_count":239.0},"name":"monasca.collection_time_sec_host_agg",
{"metric":{"timestamp":1523455872740,"value_meta":{"firstrecord_timestamp_string":"2018-04-11 13:00:10",
"lastrecord_timestamp_string":"2018-04-11 13:59:58","record_count":240.0},"name":"monasca.collection_time_sec_all_agg",
As you can see monasca-transform created two new aggregated metrics with name
"monasca.collection_time_sec_host_agg" and "monasca.collection_time_sec_all_agg". "value_meta"
section has three fields "firstrecord_timestamp" and "lastrecord_timestamp" and
"record_count". These fields are for informational purposes only. It shows timestamp of the first metric,
timestamp of the last metric and number of metrics that went into the calculation of the aggregated