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Welcome to Conductor, the Glazier orchestration engine!

Conductor is an Glazier orchestration engine that transforms object model sent by REST API service into a series of Heat and Glazier-Agent commands

This document describes Conductor for contributors of the project.

This documentation is generated by the Sphinx toolkit and lives in the source tree.

Installation Guide


Check out sources to some directory (<home>/glazier):

smelikyan@work:~/git clone ssh://<user>

Install Conductor:

smelikyan@work:~/cd glazier/conductor && sudo python install


Open configuration file for editing:

smelikyan@work:~/cd glazier/conductor/etc && nano conductor.conf

Configure according to you environment: [DEFAULT] log_file = logs/conductor.log debug=True verbose=True

[heat] auth_url = http://localhost:5000/v2.0

[rabbitmq] # this must be IP or hostname accessible from instances (VMs) host = YOUR.REAL.IP.HERE port = 5672 virtual_host = glazier login = glazier password = glazier


Run Conductor and supply valid configuration file:

smelikyan@work:~/cd glazier/conductor && conductor --config-file=./glazier/conductor/etc/conductor.conf