Ekaterina Chernova 8d6de8f471 Fix documentation errors and warnings
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2014-11-14 15:49:09 +04:00

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Dynamic UI Definition specification

The main purpose of Dynamic UI is to generate application creation forms "on-the-fly". Murano dashboard doesn't know anything about what applications can be deployed and which web form are needed to create application instance. So all application definitions should contain a yaml file which tells dashboard how to create an application and what validations are to be applied. This document will help you to compose a valid UI definition for your application.


UI definition should be a valid yaml file and should contain the following sections (for version 2):

  • Version - points out to which syntax version is used, optional
  • Templates - optional, auxiliary section, used together with an Application section, optional
  • Application - object model description which will be used for application deployment, required
  • Forms - web form definitions, required


Version of supported dynamic UI syntax. The latest version is 2. This is optional section, default version is set to 1. Version mapping: Murano 0.4 - version 1 Murano 0.5 - version 2

Application and Templates

In the Application section an application object model is described. This model will be translated into json and according to that json application will be deployed. Application section should contain all necessary keys that are required by murano-engine to deploy an application. Note that under ? section goes system part of the model. You can pick parameters you got from the user (they should be described in the Forms section) and pick the right place where they should be set. To do this YAQL is used. All lines are going to be checked for a yaql expressions. Currently, 2 yaql functions are provided for object model generation:

  • generateHostname is used for machine hostname generation; it accepts 2 arguments: name pattern (string) and index (integer). If '#' symbol is present in name pattern, it will be replaced with the index provided. If pattern is not given, a random name will be generated.
  • repeat is used to produce a list of data snippets, given the template snippet (first argument) and number of times it should be reproduced (second argument). Inside that template snippet current step can be referenced as $index.

Note that while evaluating YAQL expressions referenced from Application section (as well as almost all attributes inside Forms section, see later) $ root object is set to the list of dictionaries with cleaned forms' data. So to obtain cleaned value of e.g. field name of form appConfiguration , you should reference it as $ This context will be called as standard context throughout the text.


       adminPassword: $.serviceConfiguration.adminPassword
       name: generateHostname($.serviceConfiguration.unitNamingPattern, 1)
       flavor: $.instanceConfiguration.flavor
       image: $.instanceConfiguration.osImage

       adminPassword: $.serviceConfiguration.adminPassword
       name: generateHostname($.serviceConfiguration.unitNamingPattern, $index + 1)
       flavor: $.instanceConfiguration.flavor
       image: $.instanceConfiguration.osImage

  name: $
  primaryController: $primaryController
  secondaryControllers: repeat($secondaryController, $.serviceConfiguration.dcInstances - 1)


This section describes markup elements for defining forms (which are currently rendered and validated with Django). Each form has name, field definitions (mandatory) and validator definitions (optionally). Note that each form is splitted into 2 parts - input area (left side, where all the controls are located) and description area (right side, where descriptions of the controls are located).

Each field should contain:

  • name - system field name, could be any
  • type - system field type

Currently supported options for type attribute are:

  • string - text field (no inherent validations) with one-line text input
  • boolean - boolean field, rendered as a checkbox
  • text - same as string, but with a multi-line input
  • integer - integer field with an appropriate validation, one-line text input
  • password - text field with validation for strong password, rendered as two masked text inputs (second one is for password confirmation)
  • clusterip - specific text field, used for entering cluster IP address (validations for valid IP address syntax and for that IP to belong to a fixed subnet)
  • floatingip - specific boolean field, used for specifying whether or not an instance should have floating IP; DEPRECATED FIELD - use boolean field instead
  • domain - specific field, used for selecting Active Directory domain from a list (or creating a new Active Directory application); DEPRECATED FIELD - use instead
  • databaselist - Specific field, a list of databases (comma-separated list of databases' names, where each name has the following syntax first symbol should be latin letter or underscore; subsequent symbols can be latin letter, numeric, underscore, at the sign, number sign or dollar sign), rendered as one-line text input
  • flavor - specific field, used for selection instance flavor from a list
  • keypair - specific field, used for selecting keypair from a list
  • image- specific field, used for selecting instance image from a list
  • azone - specific field, used for selecting instance availability zone from a list
  • any other value is considered to be a fully qualified name for some Application package and is rendered as a pair of controls: one for selecting already existing Applications of that type in an Environment, second - for creating a new Application of that type and selecting it

Other arguments (and whether they are required or not) depends on field's type and other attributes values. Among the most common attributes are:

  • label - name, that will be displayed in the form; defaults to name being capitalized.
  • description - description, that will be displayed in the description area. Use yaml line folding character >- to keep the correct formatting during data transferring.
  • descriptionTitle - title of the description, defaults to label; displayed in the description area
  • hidden whether field should be visible or not in the input area. Note that hidden field's description will still be visible in the descriptions area (if given). Hidden fields are used storing some data to be used by other, visible fields.
  • minLength, maxLength (for string fields) and minValue, maxValue (for integer fields) are transparently translated into django validation properties.
  • validators is a list of dictionaries, each dictionary should at least have expr key, under that key either some YAQL <> expression is stored, either one-element dictionary with regexpValidator key (and some regexp string as value). Another possible key of a validator dictionary is message, and although it is not required, it is highly desirable to specify it - otherwise, when validator fails (i.e. regexp doesn't match or YAQL expression evaluates to false) no message will be shown. Note that field-level validators use YAQL context different from all other attributes and section: here $ root object is set to the value of field being validated (to make expressions shorter).
  • widgetMedia sets some custom CSS and JavaScript used for the field's widget rendering. Mostly they are used to do some client-side field enabling/disabling, hiding/unhiding etc. This is a temporary field which will be dropped once Version 3 of Dynamic UI is implemented (since it will transparently translate YAQL expressions into the appropriate JavaScript).

Besides field-level validators form-level validators also exist. They use standard context for YAQL evaluation and are required when there is need to validate some form's constraint across several fields.


  - serviceConfiguration:
        - name: name
          type: string
          label: Service Name
          description: >-
            To identify your service in logs please specify a service name
        - name: dcInstances
          type: integer
          hidden: true
          initial: 1
          required: false
          maxLength: 15
          helpText: Optional field for a machine hostname template
        - name: unitNamingPattern
          type: string
          label: Hostname template
          description: >-
            For your convenience all instance hostnames can be named
            in the same way. Enter a name and use # character for incrementation.
            For example, host# turns into host1, host2, etc. Please follow Windows
            hostname restrictions.
          required: false
          regexpValidator: '^(([a-zA-Z0-9#][a-zA-Z0-9-#]*[a-zA-Z0-9#])\.)*([A-Za-z0-9#]|[A-Za-z0-9#][A-Za-z0-9-#]*[A-Za-z0-9#])$'
          # FIXME: does not work for # turning into 2-digit numbers
          maxLength: 15
          helpText: Optional field for a machine hostname template
          # temporaryHack
            js: ['muranodashboard/js/support_placeholder.js']
            css: {all: ['muranodashboard/css/support_placeholder.css']}
        # if unitNamingPattern is given and dcInstances > 1, then '#' should occur in unitNamingPattern
        - expr: $.serviceConfiguration.dcInstances < 2 or not $.serviceConfiguration.unitNamingPattern.bool() or '#' in$.serviceConfiguration.unitNamingPattern
          message: Incrementation symbol "#" is required in the Hostname template
  - instanceConfiguration:
          - name: title
            type: string
            required: false
            hidden: true
            descriptionTitle: Instance Configuration
            description: Specify some instance parameters on which service would be created.
          - name: flavor
            type: flavor
            label: Instance flavor
            description: >-
              Select registered in Openstack flavor. Consider that service performance
              depends on this parameter.
            required: false
          - name: osImage
            type: image
            imageType: windows
            label: Instance image
            description: >-
              Select valid image for a service. Image should already be prepared and
              registered in glance.
          - name: availabilityZone
            type: azone
            label: Availability zone
            description: Select availability zone where service would be installed.
            required: false

Full example with Active Directory application form definitions is available here UI Definition Of AD App <adUI>