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Active-active L3 Gateway with Multihoming

Currently Neutron routers only support one external gateway port and ECMP default routes can only be added manually as extra static routes. Likewise, BFD is not configurable for ECMP routes. This specification provides an extension to the existing Neutron API for configuring multiple external gateways with automatic addition of ECMP default routes and BFD for those routes. It also discusses the problem of scheduling multiple gateway ports per router on different chassis OVN is chosen as a primary backend.

Problem Description

Some network designs include multiple L3 gateways to:

  • Share the load across different gateways: both in terms of different OVN chassis hosting different gateway ports and sharing the processing load and upstream gateways handling parts of the north-south flows;
  • Provide independent network paths for the north-south direction (e.g. via different ISPs) for resiliency without relying on the same L2.

Having multi-homing implemented at the instance level imposes additional burden on the end user of a cloud and support requirements for the guest OS, whereas utilizing ECMP and BFD at the router side alleviates the need for instance-side awareness of a more complex routing setup.

Adding more than one gateway port implies extending the existing data model which was described in the multiple external gateways spec. However, it left adding additional gateway routes out of scope leaving this to future improvements around dynamic routing. Also the focus of neutron-dynamic-routing has so far been around advertising routes, not accepting new ones from the external peers - so dynamic routing support like this is a very different subject. However, manual addition of extra routes does not utilize the default gateway IP information available from subnets in Neutron while this could be addressed by implementing an extra conditional behavior when adding more than one gateway port to a router.

ECMP routes can result in black-holing of traffic if the next-hop of a route becomes unreachable. BFD is a standard protocol adopted by IETF for next-hop failure detection which can be used for route eviction. OVN supports BFD as of v21.03.0 with a data model that allows enabling BFD on a per next-hop basis by associating BFD session information with routes, however, it is not modeled at the Neutron level even if a backend supports it.

Maintaining too many BFD sessions can have a performance impact as periodic protocol messages are going to consume CPU cycles of a host. The implementation will aim to minimize the amount of BFD sessions necessary per destination. One way to do it is to reuse the BFD session information across routers' default routes and extra routes if the peer endpoint and the rest of the session configuration matches. However, care should be taken by operators when it comes to the amount of routers they would like to use with BFD configured.

From the Neutron data model perspective, ECMP for routes is already a supported concept since ECMP support spec got implemented in Wallaby (albeit the spec focused on the L3-agent based implementation).

As for OVN and BFD, the OVN database state needs to be populated by Neutron based on the data from the Neutron database, therefore, data model changes to the Neutron DB are needed to represent the BFD session parameters.

Proposed Change

DB Impact

Core Model

Currently there are two ways in which router to gateway port relationship is expressed in Neutron:

  • The gw_port_id foreign key in the routers table which is set to a UUID of the router port that has a type of network:router_gateway;
  • The routerports table which was added for referential integrity purposes and stores router_id to port_id mappings along with a redundant port_type.

In terms of the representation of multiple gateway ports in the Neutron DB the proposal follows the multiple external gateways spec:

  • Keep the routers, routerports and ports tables as they are now but start storing multiple network:router_gateway ports per router in the routerports table;
  • For backwards-compatibility store a single gateway port id in routers.gw_port_id which will be present both in this field and also in the routerports table and in routers.gw_port_id).
  • Extend the neutron.db.models.l3.Router class with a new attribute gw_ports that will map to all relevant network:router_gateway ports stored in the routerports table.

BFD and ECMP Route Behavior Modeling

Each external gateway info dictionary of a router should contain additional information about the policy around handling of default routes derived from the subnets associated with the gateway ports of a router. This is needed so that Neutron as a CMS has the required state to specify to OVN whether ECMP routes are wanted and whether BFD needs to be enabled for them instead of just passing those options through at the time of addition of an external gateway to a router. Therefore, this information needs to be stored along the router.

The following additional columns are proposed for the routers table:

enable_default_route_ecmp is a router-level policy on whether ECMP default routes should be used or not (if the L3 service plugin supports them).

enable_default_route_bfd is a router-level policy on whether BFD should be used for checking whether the next-hop of a default route is reachable (if the L3 service plugin supports BFD).

OVN modeling of BFD will be used to implement the support for BFD sessions for default routes.

OVN allows making a BFD session for a particular static route use a different destination IP for checking reachability rather than the next hop of the static route itself (by storing the BFD peer IP address in the dst_ip field in the BFD table). This is a useful semantic for separating the control plane and data plane and can be used for static routes of Neutron routers too. However, when it comes to default routes inferred from gateway port to subnet associations, Neutron's behavior should be to use the next hop of the default route as a dst_ip.

OVN models the BFD table as follows (see ovn-nb docs for more information):

  • dst_ip - a BFD peer IP address;
  • mix_tx - an integer specifying the minimum interval (milliseconds, >=1) that OVN would use when transmitting the BFD control packet (minus jitter);
  • min_rx - an integer specifying the minimum interval (milliseconds) between the received BFD control packets that OVN is capable of supporting (minus the jitter applied by the sender). Can be set to 0 to state that BFD control packet transmission from the BFD peer is not desired;
  • detect_mult - an integer (>= 1) specifying the detection time multiplier. The negotiated transmit interval, multiplied by this value, provides the Detection Time for the receiving system in Asynchronous mode.
  • OVN includes the options field that includes a map of string-string pairs which is reserved for future use. A similar field or extra columns can be added later to the Neutron model to account for additional extensions.

The proposed approach for this spec is limited to optionally enabling BFD for inferred default routes only leaving a more advanced BFD model with per extra static route BFD sessions for the future iterations (e.g. during the implementation of this spec BFD support spec).

Rest API Changes

Router API

The API changes augment the changes from the multiple external gateways spec but also include additional changes behavioral changes, thus, a different name for an API extension is used in this specification: external-gateway-multihoming and API changes are listed here in full.

New attributes are also added as extra router attributes and the API is extended to handle those in the router API resource (a separate extension is added per attribute):

  • enable_default_route_ecmp is a router-level policy on whether ECMP default routes should be used or not (if the L3 service plugin supports them).
  • enable_default_route_bfd is a router-level policy on whether BFD should be used for checking whether the next-hop of a default route is reachable (if the L3 service plugin supports BFD).

With the external-gateway-multihoming extension a new router API resource attribute is added called external_gateways which is a list of external_gateway_info structures.

The first element of the external_gateways list is special for compatibility purposes as it contains the same information as the external_gateway_info does. When enable_default_route_ecmp is set on a router to false it also defines the default gateway placed into the routers routing table (in the multi-segment network case, the placement of a gateway port matters for inferring the default gateway based on the subnet used on a network segment).

The order of the rest of the list is ignored.

Duplicates in the list (that is multiple external gateways with the same network_id) are allowed: in that case multiple gateway ports will be attached to the same network (this can be used to have the active-active setup when external gateways are available on the same network).

Updating external_gateway_info also updates the first element of external_gateways and it leaves the rest of external_gateways unchanged. Setting external_gateway_info to an empty value removes a single (compatibility) gateway from the set of gateway ports of a router and chooses an existing extra gateway as a replacement for the compatibility gateway instead.

The external_gateways attribute cannot be set in POST /v2.0/routers or PUT /v2.0/routers/{router_id} requests, instead it can be managed via sub-methods:

  • PUT /v2.0/routers/{router_id}/add_external_gateways

    Accepts a list of external_gateway_info structures. Adding gateways to the same network is allowed provided that fixed IPs (if specified) are not used yet. If one or more gateways are present for a router already then the first item in the list for addition will become an extra gateway. If none are present, the first item will be treated as a compatibility gateway.

  • PUT /v2.0/routers/{router_id}/update_external_gateways

    Accepts a list of external_gateway_info structures. The external gateways to be updated are identified by the network_id field and external_fixed_ips found in the PUT request. Updating enable_snat is only possible at the per-router basis on the first item specified. Updating external_fixed_ips is possible without recreating a port only if there is a single port attached to a given network_id - in other cases it will cause a port to be reacreated with the new set of IPs.

  • PUT /v2.0/routers/{router_id}/remove_external_gateways

    Accepts a list of potentially partial external_gateway_info structures. A combination of network_id and external_fixed_ips fields from external_gateway_info structure is used to identify a particular gateway to be removed. Other keys can be present but their values are ignored.

The add/update/remove PUT sub-methods respond with the whole router object just as POST/PUT/GET /v2.0/routers.

Extra routes API: ECMP

As the ECMP support spec notes, there are no API changes to make to support ECMP routes per se: multiple routes to the same destination and different next-hops can already be specified when adding extra routes. However, that spec focused on the agent-based implementation - part of the work to implement this spec is to check whether the same is true for the OVN-based L3 implementation.

Extra routes API: BFD

In the absence of a full BFD API, users will have an option to specify a policy on the routers (enable_default_route_bfd) or routes (by supplying an additional option to the add_extraroutes API invocation called enable_bfd). Neutron will manage bfd_monitor records related to those options internally for now using route next hops as dst_ip fields.

Out of Scope

  • BFD session data model and API;
  • BFD authentication as it is not implemented in the OVN BFD implementation while it is present in the protocol RFC itself. Therefore, the data model should be extensible to support this in the future;
  • Enabling BFD for extra routes. For now the spec will only address the inferred routes leaving this for future iterations;
  • Solving the distributed SNAT problem. One direction is to use conntrack state synchronization between the gateway ports. Other ideas involve making smarter control plane choices about where this conntrack state should exist instead of distributing it everywhere - this can be done by ensuring that processing of flows is done locally to the instance but there are downsides to that as well which needs to be considered more carefully
  • Dealing with asymmetric routing:
    • Conntrack can be utilized to avoid responses generated by instances to go via the route different from the one the request came in on in presence of ECMP routes. OVN has support for making the reply traffic take the symmetric path. This can be configured by utilizing the options column in the logical router static routes table in OVN which allows configuring ECMP symmetric reply by setting ecmp_symmetric_reply option to true (it is modeled at the route level in OVN as well).
    • Routes in Neutron could have an ecmp_symmetric_reply option to specify a policy on whether to enable ECMP symmetric reply depending on whether the L3 service plugin supports it or not.
    • However, the commit introducing the feature in OVN notes a limitation on its use: it can only be used on gateway routers, not distributed routers that have a gateway port due to the dependency of the ingress pipeline logic of the logical router on the hypervisor-local CT state.
  • Accepting ECMP routes via dynamic routing protocols. The current aim is to utilize the default gateway information available in Neutron subnets to configure default gateway ECMP routes or to use the extra routes extension. This specification is a building block for the future support of dynamic routing.
  • Modeling of route metrics. While there are cases where one default route could be preferred over the other for the same destination, neither Neutron nor OVN model this concept today;
  • Implementation of BFD for the non-OVN L3 implementation based on Linux namespaces.



Work Items

  • Add the new REST API by making neutron-lib and Neutron changes to the API, core Neutron and OVN integration code;
  • Change the DB schema to add new attributes and create relevant DB migrations;
  • Update the CLI in order to utilize the newly added rest API;
  • Update the relevant documentation;
  • Implement relevant unit and functional tests using the existing facilities in Neutron.