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Add Port security extension support for ML2 plugin and IptablesFirewallDriver
This spec proposes to add support portsecurity extension to ML2 plugin and IptablesFirewallDriver to match it.
Problem Description
Neutron's security group always applies anti-spoof rules on the VMs. This allows traffic to originate and terminate at the VM as expected, but prevents traffic to pass through the VM. This is required in cases where the VM routes traffic through it. In order to run network services in VM instances (e.g. router service in VM [router_plugin_cisco], [vyatta_l3_plugin] or firewall service in VM), it is required by some services for VMs to be able to receive/send all packets without any kind of firewall, security group, anti spoofing on port. This is a basic requirement to run network service within VMs. The necessity depends on the type of services. Some services require it, some don't.
At this point Neutron has a port security extension to disable packet filtering. ([port_security_extension], [port_security_extension_db]) But currently the portsecurity extension isn't supported by any open source plugins/firewall driver. This blueprint is to add the extension support to the ML2 plugin when configured with OVS agents using the IptablesFirewallDriver.
Proposed Change
How portsecurity extension works
The original documentation for NSX plugin can be found at [port_security_base_class] and [quantum_port_security]. The extension adds a new attribute, "port_security_enabled", to network and port resources. The port_security_enabled of network is used as the default attribute value at port creation. When the attribute is set to True(by default), the behavior remains same to the one without portsecurity extension, security group and anti spoofing will act as before. When the attribute is set to False, security group and anti spoofing are disabled on the port, and it is not allowed to set security group or allowedaddresspair with such ports. Since this feature is related to security, only tenant owner is allowed to set/change the attribute.
Some clarifications
- The attribute of network affects only at port creation. The already created ports aren't affected when the value of network is changed.
- If the port is already associated with security group, it results in an error to try to change port_security_enabled to False.
- When port_security_enabled = False, it results in an error to set security group or allowedaddresspair
Add port-security extension as ML2 extension driver. And then add necessary feature in IptablesFirewallDriver. Port security extension is already added in neutron. Implementation of this extension in the ml2 plugin will allow enabling/disabling filters on the neutron port as required when using the ml2 plugin.
The sketch of implementation of ovs agent enhancement: OVS bridge and its flow rules are used to route packet, push/pop vlan tag, and tunneling. So openflow rules doesn't need to be touched. The security group/anti-spoofing are realized by iptables with linux bridge whose name is qbrxxx. The actual firewall driver is neutron.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.OVSHybridIptablesFirewallDriver
- $e<device name> chain in filter table is used for security group filtering of egress packet
- $i<device name> chain in filter table is used for security group filtering of ingress packet
- $s<device name> chain in filter table is used for anti-spoofing. This is only partially works. anti ARP spoofing isn't implemented. For that, ebtables is necessary. [bug1274034] NOTE: ARP spoofing will not implemented in the scope of this BP.
So those chains will be modified to ACCEPT. Or the parent chain of those chains is $sg-chain which demuxes packets to the above three chains. Another option is to change the rule in $sg-chain.
related bridges(take ovs plugging for example):
| VM |
+--------+ Linux bridge:
| qbrxxx | firewall are realized here as iptables chains/rules, which
+--------+ will be modified in the implement of this spec
+--------+ ovs bridge
| br-int |
+------------------+ ovs bridge
| br-tun/br-eth<N> |
Data Model Impact
portsecuritybindings and networksecuritybindings tables will be used by ml2 plugin. The tables already exist and will be use without modification, no new tables will be added. They could be refered to in neutron/db/portsecurity_db.py
Port security extension is cited here for convenience. This blueprints doesn't add this API, enables it.
Default value of port_security_enable for a network is True, and same attribute setting for port created from the network will inherit this value. Then it means the same behaviour without this extension. The behavior For the existing port (with or without security group) remain same as before. When port_security_enabled = False, security group and anti-spoofing are disabled on the port. It results in AddressPairAndPortSecurityRequired exception to try to set to allowed address pairs attribute.
The code could be refered from neutron/extensions/portsecurity.py
Security Impact
This feature is dangerous to the unwary. They should only be available to network owners to avoid compromise of other people's networks.
Notifications Impact
port_security_enabled attribute of network and port will be added to related notification.
Other End User Impact
None, because the port security attribute defaults to True, and therefore existing ports will be unaffected.
Performance Impact
OVS agent could be heavier because its port management task will be enhanced.
IPv6 Impact
Other Deployer Impact
Developer Impact
Since ML2 plugin will be changed to support port-security extension as first class citizen. And we will use the current framework to notify l2 agent when the attribute is changed. Iptables firewall driver would be updated to add/update chains to make packages passed through.
Community Impact
Portsecurity extension is desired by various parties, servicevm from various vendors who promotes virtual appliance.
Documentation can be done such that disable security (or to use other extension like allowed address pairs) to use the service YYY. However some features can't be disabled/enabled per port-wise and can't be done automatically as Neutron ports are created/deleted. It lacks flexibility. So simple documentation doesn't work.
Another alternative is to introduce keyed knobs to control security group and anti spoofing each instead of single knob, port_security_enabled. The value will be dict of
Example of value
'port_security_group_enabled': True,
{'port_anti_spoofing_enabled': True},
# dict value is adopted to allow more precise control for filtering in future
# e.g. 'port_filter_level': 1
'all_filtering_enabled': False},
{# all_filtering_enabled is special key to enable/disable all
# related filtering.
= 'port_security_enabled'
PORTSECURITY # or port_security_disabled to list only disabled filters
= {
EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES_2_0 'networks': {
'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
PORTSECURITY: {'validate': {}
'convert_to': attributes.convert_kvp_to_dict,
'enforce_policy': True,
'is_visible': True},
},'ports': {
'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
PORTSECURITY: {'convert_to': attributes.convert_kvp_to_dict,
'default': attributes.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED,
'enforce_policy': True,
'is_visible': True},
} }
Another approach is to add a new attribute in port binding extension, like one in "binding:profile". But with port binding extension, only admin is allowed to set the attribute and a way to specify default value for a network is necessary.
Implement the port security extension in ml2 plugin This introduces the ability to enable/disable the port_security_state in the ml2 plugin while creating/updating a port or a network. The create network function will assign a default port_security_state to all ports to be created in that network.
- Primary assignee:
- yalei-wang
- Shweta P <shweta-ap05>
- ijw-ubuntu (Ian Wells)
- Other contributors:
- yamahata (Isaku Yamahata)
- rui-zang
Work Items
(name) means task assignment.
- implement portsecurity extension as ML2 extension driver (Shweta and Isaku) ** convert dependent extension into extension driver if necessary (Shweta and Isaku)
- OVS agent and iptables firewall driver modification (Yalei)
- tests (everyone)
tempest will be enhanced to check if security group isn't applied. i.e. API tests for port-security extension and scenario tests for functional tests. * creation/deletion of ports with or without port_security_enabled=True/False * try to send/receive packets that is filtered by port filtering to other ports * check if the packets can be received/sent with other port
Tempest Tests
Related scenario test will be added.
Functional Tests
Necessary test will be added.
API Tests
port_security_extension unit test has been added in repo.
Documentation Impact
User Documentation
API and Admin guide will be updated so that it includes * configuration to enable portsecurity extension for ML2 OVS driver * new attributes and new CLI interfaces
Developer Documentation
Related Information
Support for extensions in ML2 Mechanism Drivers
spec review: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/89208/
etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ML2_MD_extensions
Modular L2 agent
spec review: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/99187/
Neturon Distributed Virtual Router for OVS https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/+spec/neutron-ovs-dvr
Open vSwitch-based Security Groups: Open vSwitch Implementation of FirewallDriver https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/+spec/ovs-firewall-driver https://review.openstack.org/#/c/89712/
Support for extensions in ML2 Mechanism Drivers https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/+spec/neutron-ml2-mechanismdriver-extensions
Add Port Security Implementation in ML2 Plugin duplicated proposal. consolidated to this one.
blueprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/+spec/port-security-ml2
spec review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/106222/
NFV unaddressed interfaces
blueprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/+spec/nfv-unaddressed-interfaces
spec review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/97715/
Add portsecurity extension support patch for ovs firewall driver https://review.openstack.org/#/c/126552/
related bugs: creating network without subnet and port without subnet https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1039665
- bug1274034
Neutron firewall anti-spoofing does not prevent ARP poisoning https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1274034
- port_security_base_class
Port Security API base class https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/+spec/port-security-api-base-class
- port_security_extension
port security extension http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/neutron/tree/neutron/extensions/portsecurity.py https://docs.google.com/document/d/18trYtq3wb0eJK2CapktN415FRIVasr7UkTpWn9mLq5M/edit
- port_security_extension_db
port security extension db part http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/neutron/tree/neutron/db/portsecurity_db.py
- quantum_port_security
Quantum Port Security https://docs.google.com/document/d/18trYtq3wb0eJK2CapktN415FRIVasr7UkTpWn9mLq5M/edit?pli=1
- router_plugin_cisco
Describes design of router service plugin for Cisco devices https://review.openstack.org/#/c/91071/
- vyatta_l3_plugin
Design Spec For Brocade Vyatta L3 Plugin https://review.openstack.org/#/c/101052/