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Add support for retargetable functional testing

Launchpad blueprint:

This blueprint describes the rational for adding support for retargetable functional testing to the Neutron test suite.

Problem description

The current Neutron unit test suite contains a large number of tests that are actually functional. Such tests exercise almost the full application stack through the Neutron REST API regardless of whether that is the appropriate level of abstraction to be writing to. Writing to the incorrect level of abstraction in this manner can result in excessive test implementation, maintenance, and execution costs.

There is also considerable duplication between the API-targeting tests in the Neutron tree and the Neutron API tests managed by the Tempest project. This results in a rough doubling of the cost of testing a given API with no increase in effectiveness.

The fact that formal API testing is left to Tempest has the added cost of delaying some test additions until after a feature has been merged.

Proposed change

The goal is to introduce the concept of a 'retargetable' functional api test. Such a test will target an abstract client class, and by varying the implementation of the client, the test can target multiple backends. One backend will be the programmatic plugin API, and another will be the Tempest REST client for the Neutron API, so that tests could be written and run directly against the plugin API (taking less time than the previous REST-targeting tests) , and then be configured to run against a live deployment with minimal effort.



Data model impact


REST API impact


Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact

Developers and reviewers will have to be educated as to this new strategy for implementing API tests. It will no longer be acceptable to accept API changes without corresponding test additions, and there will need to be a procedure to copy API tests into Tempest once a given API has stabilized or tests have been modified in a backwards-compatible way.



Primary assignee:


Work Items

  1. Implement a framework for retargetable testing that proves the concept of writing tests to an abstraction that can support targeting both the plugin api and the tempest rest client.
  2. Define a procedure for transfering responsibility for stablized API tests to Tempest.


The testscenarios library, already listed in the openstack/requirements repo, will become a test dependency of Neutron as a result of this spec being implemented:



Documentation Impact



Etherpad for summit session arguing for project-maintained API tests: