bp internal-dns-resolution Change-Id: Ic42aae2cbdf1fa3f6e6fa4227484cdba525884ef Partial-Bug: #1459030
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Internal DNS Resolution
- Author
Carl Baldwin <carl.baldwin@hp.com>
Users of an OpenStack cloud would like to look up their instances by name in an intuitive way using the Domain Name System (DNS). They boot an instance using Nova and they give that instance an "Instance Name" as it is called in the Horizon interface. That name is used as the hostname from the perspective of the operating system running in the instance. It is reasonable to expect some integration of this name with DNS.
Problem Description
Neutron already enables DNS lookup for instances using an internal dnsmasq instance. It generates a generic hostname based on the private IP address assigned to the system. For example, if the instance is booted with then the hostname generated is host-10-224-36-4.openstacklocal.
The first problem with this implementation is that the name used in DNS does not match what the instance knows as its host name. This creates problems with sudo and other software that expect to be able to look up its own hostname using DNS1.
The second problem with this implementation is that the end user does not know this name without some special knowledge. The generated name is not presented anywhere in the API and therefore cannot be presented in any UI either.
Proposed Change
This blueprint will reconcile the DNS name between Nova and Neutron. Neutron DHCP offers will use Nova's instance hostname value as its hostname instead of the Neutron generated hostname. Neutron DNS will reply to queries for the new hostname. See the corresponding Nova blueprint for more details about the hostname that will be passed2.
The Neutron Port API will be extended to add a dns_name field to the port. This field will be used by Nova to pass an intance's hostname during port creation or update. The valid values for this field are:
- A partially qualified domain name (PQDN).
- A fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
To handle existing installations, Neutron will fall back completely to the current behavior in the event that a dns_name is not supplied with the port.
Also, as another level of backwards compatibility, the DNS names formerly created by Neutron will continue to be available for forward DNS lookups in dnsmasq.
The Neutron API will add the dns_name field when showing port detail so that users can see it.
The following table shows how DNS will respond to various queries. The table uses example.com. rather than openstacklocal. to reflect that this will only be enabled when a domain name is associated.
Rec. Type | Query | dns_name | Response |
A | name.example.com. | name | |
A | host-10-224-36-4.example.com. | (n/a) | |
AAAA | name.example.com. | name | fd5d:19f:52e9::2 |
PTR | | (none) | host-10-224-36-4.example.com. |
PTR | | name | name.example.com. |
PTR | fd5d:19f:52e9::2.ip6.arpa | name | name.example.com. |
When Neutron cannot accept a name from Nova because it does not validate, Neutron will fail the port creation or update. See the Data model impact section for more details about this association.
A second read-only attribute, dns_fqdn, will be added to Neutron ports. The API will add this dns_fqdn attribute when showing the port details. This wiil enable users to see the fully qualifed name generated by Neutron based on the dns_name passed during port creation or update. The following table shows how FQDN's will be generated from dns_name with example.com. as the configured domain name:
dns_name | dns_fqdn |
vm01 | vm01.example.com. |
vm01.test1 | vm01.test1.example.com. |
vm01.test1.example.com. | vm01.test1.example.com. |
vm01.test1.other.com. | API will fail port creation or update |
Not specified by user | Null |
Based on above table, the rules for dns_fqdn generation can be summarized as follows:
- If dns_name is a FQDN, validate that the higher level labels match the configured domain name.
- If dns_name is a PQDN, append the configured domain name to form a FQDN.
- If dns_name is not specified by the user, dns_fqdn will be null.
Is Not
This change does not propose a model that would allow driver implementations to implement internal DNS using something other than dnsmasq. That could be done in a follow-on blueprint to this one. Some things to consider for the future are:
- The port that DNS listens on currently is the same as DHCP. This is how dnsmasq does it but it may not be natural with other resolvers. There are problems inherent with sharing this port. For example, there is little to no need for the DHCP ports to have predictable IP addresses. However, it is essential for DNS to have a predictable IP address. Problems have resulted from this3. It may be worth considering reserving IP addresses on the local network for use by the DNS resolver.
- Coupling the DNS resolver with the gateway router and using its IP address as the DNS IP address will not work on an isolated network where there is no gateway.
- For internal DNS, the resolver should provide both authoritative responses for the local domain and either forward other queries to an upstream resolver or provide recursive resolution.
Data Model Impact
This blueprint will add a dns_name field to the Port data model. Values will be validated as legal partially qualified domain names (PQDN) or fully qualified domain names (FQDN). Within these names, DNS labels will be validated according to RFC 1035, which describes the valid format as:
They must start with a letter, end with a letter or digit, and have as interior characters only letters, digits, and hyphen. There are also some restrictions on the length. Labels must be 63 characters or less.4
A complication is that DNS labels are treated as case insensitive5. Neutron will convert upper case characters to lower case before recording the name.
Validation will only be performed on the name when the user has enabled DNS for the port's network by associating a domain with the network.
A second read-only attribute, dns_fqdn, will be added to the Port data model. The API will add this dns_fqdn attribute when showing the port details and will store the FQDN generated by Neutron, as described in the 'Overview' section.
An appropriate database migration script will be provided along with the implementation to add these fields to the ports table on upgrade.
The default value for these fields will be null in order to maintain compatibility with existing installations. A null value corresponds to the field being unspecified in the API.
The addition of the dns_name and dns_fqdn fields to the port object in the data model will need correspending changes to the Ports API . These changes will be done in a way that maintains compatibility with the existing API.
Users will be able to specify the dns_name field for POST and PUT operations. Leaving it unspecified in the API call will result in a null value in the model. Any non-null value passed in this field will be validated at the API level as a PQDN or FQDN. The format is described in the Data model impact section.
dns_fqdn is a read-only attribute and will be included by the API when returning a port details as a result of POST, PUT or GET operations. This attribute will have a null value when the user has not specified a value to dns_name. The 'Overview' section describes how Neutron generates values for this attributes.
No policy changes are needed.
Security Impact
This change will enable collection of user data in the dns_name field. This data will be validated as a legal PQDN or FQDN. This user data will then be used to enable DNS lookup using the name internally to Neutron. I don't expect this to present any new security risks due to the design of this feature. As always, care should be taken in the code review to ensure that no risks creep in inadvertently.
Notifications Impact
Other End User Impact
The python-neutronclient may need modification to handle the new fields.
Performance Impact
Database operations for creating and updating a port may be affected marginally due to the addition of a new constraint on the dns_name field. No new database locks are needed so the effect is expected to be minimal.
IPv6 Impact
Other Deployer Impact
This change was carefully designed to allow new Nova and Neutron code to be deployed independently. The new feature will be available when both upgrades are complete.
If Neutron is upgraded before Nova, there is no problem because the dns_name field is not required and behavior defaults to old behavior.
If Nova is upgraded before Neutron then Nova will see errors from the Neutron API when it tries passing the dns_name field. Nova will recognize this error and retry the operation without the dns_name.
DNS names will only be passed for new instances after this feature is enabled. Existing instances will use the old Neutron generated generic names.
No new configuration options are introduced with this change.
Developer Impact
Community Impact
A number of folks in the community have complained about the lack of agreement between the compute instance hostname and the DNS name in Neutron. In addition to the bug mentioned several times in this blueprint, there have been IRC discussions6 and face-to-face discussions at summit about this problem. It is not the biggest problem in Neutron but has been around a while and annoys a number of people.
An alternative is to use the existing port name field in the API to allow Nova to pass the name to Neutron instead of adding a new field. The reasons for not doing this are:
- That field may be used by Neutron API consumers for other purposes.
- The field was not intended to carry a PQDN or FQDN and therefore does not validate values as such.
- Primary assignee:
- Other contributors:
Work Items
- Database upgrade script.
- API extension with validator.
- Change API to return dns_name or default generated name and dns_fqdn on GET.
- Moves default hostname generation to API server.
- Change to RPC to include dns names in the port section of network data requested by DHCP agent.
- Change to DHCP agent to write dns names to hosts file when updating dnsmasq.
In order for this to work end to end, we need coordinated change in Nova.
Tempest Tests
Tempest tests should be added or modified for the following use cases
- No name is specified in port create. DNS lookup should work using old method.
- A port create that duplicates a name on a network should fail.
- An instance created using the nova API can be looked up using the instance name.
I believe that the validation of input can be tested using unit tests.
Functional Tests
API Tests
Documentation Impact
User Documentation
Developer Documentation
REST api impact should be documented.