This patch adds doc for how to test VPNaaS with devstack in order to help developers, operators and users easy to understand VPNaaS as fast as possible. This patch addresses the gap and improves docs as discussed in Boston summit. The content of this patch is basic inheritted from wiki page [1] [1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Neutron/VPNaaS/HowToInstall Change-Id: I8465cb90645af0fc3ea8cda554b0477b15f01fbe Related-bug: 1692131
12 KiB
Testing VPNaaS with devstack
In order to use Neutron-VPNaaS with devstack a single node setup, you'll need the following settings in your local.conf.
You can find an example at devstack/local.conf.sample in the source tree.
Quick Test Script
This quick test script creates two sites with a router, a network and a subnet connected with public network. Then, connect both sites via VPN.
You can find an example at tools/test_script.sh in the source tree.
Using Two DevStack Nodes for Testing
You can use two DevStack nodes connected by a common "public" network
to test VPNaaS. The second node can be set up with the same public
network as the first node, except it will use a different gateway IP
(and hence router IP). In this example, we'll assume we have two
DevStack nodes (East
and West
), each running
on hardware.
- You can do the same thing with multiple VM guests, if desired.
- You can also create similar topology using two virtual routers with one devstack.
Example Topology
( - DevStack East)
[Neutron Router]
[Internet GW]
[Internet GW]
[Neutron Router]
( DevStack West)
DevStack Configuration
For East
you need to append the following lines to the
local.conf, which will give you a private net of and public
network of
For West
you can add the following lines to local.conf
to use a different local network, public GW (and implicitly router)
VPNaaS Configuration
With DevStack running on East
and West
connectivity confirmed (make sure you can ping one router/GW from the
other), you can perform these VPNaaS CLI commands.
On East
neutron vpn-ikepolicy-create ikepolicy1
neutron vpn-ipsecpolicy-create ipsecpolicy1
neutron vpn-service-create --name myvpn --description "My vpn service" router1
neutron vpn-endpoint-group-create --name my-locals --type subnet --value mysubnet
neutron vpn-endpoint-group-create --name my-peers --type cidr --value
neutron ipsec-site-connection-create --name vpnconnection1 --vpnservice-id myvpn \
--ikepolicy-id ikepolicy1 --ipsecpolicy-id ipsecpolicy1 --peer-address \
--peer-id --local-ep-group my-locals --peer-ep-group my-peers --psk secret
On West
neutron vpn-ikepolicy-create ikepolicy1
neutron vpn-ipsecpolicy-create ipsecpolicy1
neutron vpn-service-create --name myvpn --description "My vpn service" router1
neutron vpn-endpoint-group-create --name my-locals --type subnet --value mysubnet
neutron vpn-endpoint-group-create --name my-peers --type cidr --value
neutron ipsec-site-connection-create --name vpnconnection1 --vpnservice-id myvpn \
--ikepolicy-id ikepolicy1 --ipsecpolicy-id ipsecpolicy1 --peer-address \
--peer-id --local-ep-group my-locals --peer-ep-group my-peers --psk secret
Make sure setup security group (open icmp for vpn subnet etc)
You can spin up VMs on each node, and then from the VM ping to the other one. With tcpdump running on one of the nodes, you can see that pings appear as encrypted packets (ESP). Note that BOOTP, IGMP, and the keepalive packets between the two nodes are not encrypted (nor are pings between the two external IP addresses).
Once stacked, VMs were created for testing, VPN IPsec commands used to establish connections between the nodes, and security group rules added to allow ICMP and SSH.
Using single DevStack and two routers for testing
Simple instructions on how to setup a test environment where a VPNaaS IPsec connection can be established using the reference implementation (StrongSwan). This example uses VirtualBox running on laptop to provide a VM for running DevStack.
The idea here is to have a single OpenStack cloud created using DevStack, two routers (one created automatically), two private networks (one created automatically) and, a VM in each private network, and establish a VPN connection between the two private nets, using the public network (
Create a VM (e.g. 4 GB RAM, 2 CPUs) running Ubuntu 16.04, with NAT I/F for access to the Internet. Clone a DevStack repo with latest.
DevStack Configuration
For single DevStack and two routers case, You can find an example at devstack/local_AIO.conf.sample in the source tree.
Start up the cloud using ./stack.sh
and ensure it
completes successfully. Once stacked, you can change
option in local.conf to No.
Cloud Configuration
Once stacking is completed, you'll have a private network (, and a router (router1). To prepare for establishing a VPN connection, a second network, subnet, and router needs to be created, and a VM spun up in each private network.
# Create second net, subnet, router
source ~/devstack/openrc admin demo
neutron net-create privateB
neutron subnet-create --name subB privateB --gateway
neutron router-create routerB
neutron router-interface-add routerB subB
neutron router-gateway-set routerB public
# Start up a VM in the privateA subnet.
PRIVATE_NET=`neutron net-list | grep 'private ' | cut -f 2 -d' '`
nova boot --flavor 1 --image cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-uec --nic net-id=$PRIVATE_NET peter
# Start up a VM in the privateB subnet
PRIVATE_NETB=`neutron net-list | grep privateB | cut -f 2 -d' '`
nova boot --flavor 1 --image cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-uec --nic net-id=$PRIVATE_NETB paul
At this point, you can verify that you have basic connectivity.
DevStack will create a static route that will allow you to ping the private interface IP of router1 from privateB network. You can remove the route, if desired.
IPsec Site-to-site Connection Creation
The following commands will create the IPsec connection:
# Create VPN connections
neutron vpn-ikepolicy-create ikepolicy
neutron vpn-ipsecpolicy-create ipsecpolicy
neutron vpn-service-create --name myvpn --description "My vpn service" router1
neutron vpn-endpoint-group-create --name my-localsA --type subnet --value privateA
neutron vpn-endpoint-group-create --name my-peersA --type cidr --value
neutron ipsec-site-connection-create --name vpnconnection1 --vpnservice-id myvpn \
--ikepolicy-id ikepolicy --ipsecpolicy-id ipsecpolicy --peer-address \
--peer-id --local-ep-group my-localsA --peer-ep-group my-peersA --psk secret
neutron vpn-service-create --name myvpnB --description "My vpn serviceB" routerB
neutron vpn-endpoint-group-create --name my-localsB --type subnet --value subB
neutron vpn-endpoint-group-create --name my-peersB --type cidr --value
neutron ipsec-site-connection-create --name vpnconnection2 --vpnservice-id myvpnB \
--ikepolicy-id ikepolicy --ipsecpolicy-id ipsecpolicy --peer-address \
--peer-id --local-ep-group my-localsB --peer-ep-group my-peersB --psk secret
At this point (once the connections become active - which can take up to 30 seconds or so), you should be able to ping from the VM in the privateA network, to the VM in the privateB network. You'll see encrypted packets, if you tcpdump using the qg-# interface from one of the router namespaces. If you delete one of the connections, you'll see that the pings fail (if all works out correctly :)).
Because routerB is created manually, its public IP address may change ( in this case).
Multiple Local Subnets
Early in Mitaka, IPsec site-to-site connections will support multiple local subnets, in addition to the current multiple peer CIDRs. The multiple local subnet feature is triggered by not specifying a local subnet, when creating a VPN service. Backwards compatibility is maintained with single local subnets, by providing the subnet in the VPN service creation.
To support multiple local subnets, a new capability has been provided (since Liberty), called "Endpoint Groups". Each endpoint group will define one or more endpoints of a specific type, and can be used to specify both local and peer endpoints for IPsec connections. The Endpoint Groups separate the "what gets connected" from the "how to connect" for a VPN service, and can be used for different flavors of VPN, in the future. An example:
# Create VPN connections
neutron vpn-ikepolicy-create ikepolicy
neutron vpn-ipsecpolicy-create ipsecpolicy
neutron vpn-service-create --name myvpnC --description "My vpn service" router1
To prepare for an IPsec site-to-site, one would create an endpoint group for the local subnets, and an endpoint group for the peer CIDRs, like so:
neutron vpn-endpoint-group-create --name my-locals --type subnet --value privateA --value privateA2
neutron vpn-endpoint-group-create --name my-peers --type cidr --value --value
where privateA and privateA2 are two local (private) subnets, and and are two CIDRs representing peer (private) subnets that will be used by a connection. Then, when creating the IPsec site-to-site connection, these endpoint group IDs would be specified, instead of the peer-cidrs attribute:
neutron ipsec-site-connection-create --name vpnconnection3 --vpnservice-id myvpnC \
--ikepolicy-id ikepolicy --ipsecpolicy-id ipsecpolicy --peer-address \
--peer-id --local-ep-group my-locals --peer-ep-group my-peers --psk secret
- The validation logic makes sure that endpoint groups and peer CIDRs are not intermixed. - Endpoint group types are subnet, cidr, network, router, and vlan. However, only subnet and cidr are implemented (for IPsec use). - The endpoints in a group must be of the same type, although It can mix IP versions. - For IPsec connections, validation currently enforces that the local and peer endpoints all use the same IP version. - IPsec connection validation requires that local endpoints are subnets, and peer endpoints are CIDRs. - Migration will convert information for any existing VPN services and connections to endpoint groups. - The original APIs will work for backward compatibility.