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name = neutron
summary = OpenStack Networking
description-file =
author = OpenStack
author-email = openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org
home-page = https://docs.openstack.org/neutron/latest/
classifier =
Environment :: OpenStack
Intended Audience :: Information Technology
Intended Audience :: System Administrators
License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License
Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux
Programming Language :: Python
Programming Language :: Python :: 2
Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
packages =
data_files =
etc/neutron =
etc/neutron/rootwrap.d = etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/*
scripts =
wsgi_scripts =
neutron-api = neutron.server:get_application
console_scripts =
neutron-db-manage = neutron.db.migration.cli:main
neutron-debug = neutron.debug.shell:main
neutron-dhcp-agent = neutron.cmd.eventlet.agents.dhcp:main
Replace keepalived notifier bash script with Python ip monitor Previously L3 HA generated a bash script and copied it to a per-router configuration directory that was visible to that router's keepalived instance. This patch changes the in-line generated Bash script to a Python script that can be maintained in the repository. The bash script was used as a keepalived notifier script, that was invoked by keepalived whenever a state transition occured. These notifier scripts may be invoked by keepalived out of order in case it transitions quickly twice. For example, if the master failed and two slaves fight for the new master role. One will transition to master, and the other will often transition to master and then immidiately back to standby. In this case, the transition scripts were often fired out of order, resulting in the wrong state being reported. The proposed approach is to get rid of the keepalived notifier scripts entirely. Instead, monitor IP changes on the HA device. If the omnipresent IP address was configured on the HA device, it means that we're looking at a master instance. If it was deleted, the router transition to standby or fault. In order to keep the L3 agent CPU usage down, it will spawn a process per HA router. That process will start the ip address monitor. Whenever it gets an IP address change event, it will notify the L3 agent via a unix domain socket. Partially-Implements: blueprint report-ha-router-master Change-Id: I2022bced330d5f108fbedd40548a901225d7ea1c Closes-Bug: #1402010 Closes-Bug: #1367705
2015-03-12 19:50:43 -04:00
neutron-keepalived-state-change = neutron.cmd.keepalived_state_change:main
neutron-ipset-cleanup = neutron.cmd.ipset_cleanup:main
neutron-l3-agent = neutron.cmd.eventlet.agents.l3:main
neutron-linuxbridge-agent = neutron.cmd.eventlet.plugins.linuxbridge_neutron_agent:main
neutron-linuxbridge-cleanup = neutron.cmd.linuxbridge_cleanup:main
neutron-macvtap-agent = neutron.cmd.eventlet.plugins.macvtap_neutron_agent:main
neutron-metadata-agent = neutron.cmd.eventlet.agents.metadata:main
neutron-netns-cleanup = neutron.cmd.netns_cleanup:main
neutron-openvswitch-agent = neutron.cmd.eventlet.plugins.ovs_neutron_agent:main
neutron-ovs-cleanup = neutron.cmd.ovs_cleanup:main
neutron-pd-notify = neutron.cmd.pd_notify:main
neutron-server = neutron.cmd.eventlet.server:main
neutron-rpc-server = neutron.cmd.eventlet.server:main_rpc_eventlet
neutron-rootwrap = oslo_rootwrap.cmd:main
Add rootwrap daemon mode support This patch introduces support for rootwrap daemon mode. It adds a new config option, AGENT.root_helper_daemon with no default. To enable, set to something like: root_helper_daemon = sudo neutron-rootwrap-daemon /etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf The patch currently assumes that the root_helper_daemon value, and specifically the rootwrap config, will not change once calls to execute() happen. While it would not be hard to generate a rootwrap daemon client for each new config, I couldn't think of a legitimate reason to support it and left it out as YAGNI. This patch does change the behavior of the addl_env argument to create_process and execute. Previously, an environment dict would be passed to Popen. If a root helper was used, this environemnt would actually be passed to 'sudo' which would filter it before passing it to the underlying command. In the case of daemon mode, this would cause a problem as the enviornment is filtered by sudo only once, at daemon startup. Any environment variables added at execute time would then just be passed directly to the underyling command unfiltered. oslo.rootwrap 1.6.0 fixes this issue by denying the passing of environment variables to the daemon altogether. Instead, anything using rootwrap and needing to pass additional environment variables should define an EnvFilter and run the command with env var=val cmd. utils.execute/create_process have been modified to run code in this way (which netns.execute already did). No code in neutron currently uses both run_as_root=True and addl_env, so this change does not require any change in code or filters. DocImpact Implements: blueprint rootwrap-daemon-mode Change-Id: I567334bb611253c7b9d830d50c5be308a5153baf
2015-02-23 14:56:44 -06:00
neutron-rootwrap-daemon = oslo_rootwrap.cmd:daemon
neutron-usage-audit = neutron.cmd.eventlet.usage_audit:main
neutron-metering-agent = neutron.cmd.eventlet.services.metering_agent:main
neutron-sriov-nic-agent = neutron.cmd.eventlet.plugins.sriov_nic_neutron_agent:main
neutron-sanity-check = neutron.cmd.sanity_check:main
neutron.core_plugins =
ml2 = neutron.plugins.ml2.plugin:Ml2Plugin
neutron.service_plugins =
dummy = neutron.tests.unit.dummy_plugin:DummyServicePlugin
router = neutron.services.l3_router.l3_router_plugin:L3RouterPlugin
metering = neutron.services.metering.metering_plugin:MeteringPlugin
qos = neutron.services.qos.qos_plugin:QoSPlugin
tag = neutron.services.tag.tag_plugin:TagPlugin
flavors = neutron.services.flavors.flavors_plugin:FlavorsPlugin
auto_allocate = neutron.services.auto_allocate.plugin:Plugin
segments = neutron.services.segments.plugin:Plugin
network_ip_availability = neutron.services.network_ip_availability.plugin:NetworkIPAvailabilityPlugin
revisions = neutron.services.revisions.revision_plugin:RevisionPlugin
timestamp = neutron.services.timestamp.timestamp_plugin:TimeStampPlugin
trunk = neutron.services.trunk.plugin:TrunkPlugin
loki = neutron.services.loki.loki_plugin:LokiPlugin
log = neutron.services.logapi.logging_plugin:LoggingPlugin
neutron.ml2.type_drivers =
flat = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.type_flat:FlatTypeDriver
local = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.type_local:LocalTypeDriver
vlan = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.type_vlan:VlanTypeDriver
geneve = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.type_geneve:GeneveTypeDriver
gre = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.type_gre:GreTypeDriver
vxlan = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.type_vxlan:VxlanTypeDriver
neutron.ml2.mechanism_drivers =
logger = neutron.tests.unit.plugins.ml2.drivers.mechanism_logger:LoggerMechanismDriver
test = neutron.tests.unit.plugins.ml2.drivers.mechanism_test:TestMechanismDriver
linuxbridge = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.linuxbridge.mech_driver.mech_linuxbridge:LinuxbridgeMechanismDriver
macvtap = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.macvtap.mech_driver.mech_macvtap:MacvtapMechanismDriver
openvswitch = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.mech_driver.mech_openvswitch:OpenvswitchMechanismDriver
l2population = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.l2pop.mech_driver:L2populationMechanismDriver
sriovnicswitch = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.mech_sriov.mech_driver.mech_driver:SriovNicSwitchMechanismDriver
fake_agent = neutron.tests.unit.plugins.ml2.drivers.mech_fake_agent:FakeAgentMechanismDriver
faulty_agent = neutron.tests.unit.plugins.ml2.drivers.mech_faulty_agent:FaultyAgentMechanismDriver
neutron.ml2.extension_drivers =
test = neutron.tests.unit.plugins.ml2.drivers.ext_test:TestExtensionDriver
testdb = neutron.tests.unit.plugins.ml2.drivers.ext_test:TestDBExtensionDriver
port_security = neutron.plugins.ml2.extensions.port_security:PortSecurityExtensionDriver
qos = neutron.plugins.ml2.extensions.qos:QosExtensionDriver
dns = neutron.plugins.ml2.extensions.dns_integration:DNSExtensionDriverML2
data_plane_status = neutron.plugins.ml2.extensions.data_plane_status:DataPlaneStatusExtensionDriver
dns_domain_ports = neutron.plugins.ml2.extensions.dns_integration:DNSDomainPortsExtensionDriver
neutron.ipam_drivers =
fake = neutron.tests.unit.ipam.fake_driver:FakeDriver
internal = neutron.ipam.drivers.neutrondb_ipam.driver:NeutronDbPool
neutron.agent.l2.extensions =
qos = neutron.agent.l2.extensions.qos:QosAgentExtension
fdb = neutron.agent.l2.extensions.fdb_population:FdbPopulationAgentExtension
log = neutron.services.logapi.agent.log_extension:LoggingExtension
neutron.agent.l3.extensions =
fip_qos = neutron.agent.l3.extensions.fip_qos:FipQosAgentExtension
neutron.services.logapi.drivers =
ovs = neutron.services.logapi.drivers.openvswitch.ovs_firewall_log:OVSFirewallLoggingDriver
neutron.qos.agent_drivers =
ovs = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.extension_drivers.qos_driver:QosOVSAgentDriver
sriov = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.mech_sriov.agent.extension_drivers.qos_driver:QosSRIOVAgentDriver
linuxbridge = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.linuxbridge.agent.extension_drivers.qos_driver:QosLinuxbridgeAgentDriver
neutron.agent.linux.pd_drivers =
dibbler = neutron.agent.linux.dibbler:PDDibbler
neutron.services.external_dns_drivers =
designate = neutron.services.externaldns.drivers.designate.driver:Designate
oslo.config.opts =
neutron = neutron.opts:list_opts
neutron.agent = neutron.opts:list_agent_opts
neutron.az.agent = neutron.opts:list_az_agent_opts
neutron.base.agent = neutron.opts:list_base_agent_opts
neutron.db = neutron.opts:list_db_opts
neutron.dhcp.agent = neutron.opts:list_dhcp_agent_opts
neutron.extensions = neutron.opts:list_extension_opts
neutron.l3.agent = neutron.opts:list_l3_agent_opts
neutron.metadata.agent = neutron.opts:list_metadata_agent_opts
neutron.metering.agent = neutron.opts:list_metering_agent_opts
neutron.ml2 = neutron.opts:list_ml2_conf_opts
neutron.ml2.linuxbridge.agent = neutron.opts:list_linux_bridge_opts
neutron.ml2.macvtap.agent = neutron.opts:list_macvtap_opts
neutron.ml2.ovs.agent = neutron.opts:list_ovs_opts
neutron.ml2.sriov.agent = neutron.opts:list_sriov_agent_opts
neutron.ml2.xenapi = neutron.opts:list_xenapi_opts
nova.auth = neutron.opts:list_auth_opts
oslo.config.opts.defaults =
neutron = neutron.common.config:set_cors_middleware_defaults
neutron.db.alembic_migrations =
neutron = neutron.db.migration:alembic_migrations
neutron.interface_drivers =
ivs = neutron.agent.linux.interface:IVSInterfaceDriver
linuxbridge = neutron.agent.linux.interface:BridgeInterfaceDriver
null = neutron.agent.linux.interface:NullDriver
openvswitch = neutron.agent.linux.interface:OVSInterfaceDriver
neutron.agent.firewall_drivers =
noop = neutron.agent.firewall:NoopFirewallDriver
iptables = neutron.agent.linux.iptables_firewall:IptablesFirewallDriver
iptables_hybrid = neutron.agent.linux.iptables_firewall:OVSHybridIptablesFirewallDriver
openvswitch = neutron.agent.linux.openvswitch_firewall:OVSFirewallDriver
neutron.services.metering_drivers =
noop = neutron.services.metering.drivers.noop.noop_driver:NoopMeteringDriver
iptables = neutron.services.metering.drivers.iptables.iptables_driver:IptablesMeteringDriver
Port to oslo.messaging Now that all preparations are done, actually port the code to use oslo.messaging. This patch does as little as possible. Follow up patches that refactor and cleanup the code and configuration files, will be merged later. The reason for this is to make the patch as slim as possible, to make review process more smooth and concentrated. Details: * neutron/common/rpc.py: - added init() and cleanup() to set global RPC layer state. - added utility functions: get_server(), get_client(), get_notifier() that wrap up oslo.messaging API a bit, enforcing eventlet executor and setting serializer, among other things. - removed PluginRpcDispatcher, instead introduced PluginRpcSerializer to use as a default serializer for API callbacks. * neutron/common/rpc_compat.py: - emulated incubator RPC layer behaviour thru previously introduced stub classes (RpcCallback, RpcProxy, ...) using new oslo.messaging API. - switched to using new oslo.messaging exception types. * neutron/service.py: - expect multiple RPC listeners that are of MessageHandlingServer type, not GreenThread. * neutron/common/config.py: - initialize RPC layer in init() * setup.cfg: - added entry points for old notifier drivers to retain backward compatibility. * neutron/tests/...: - introduced fake_notifier to replace impl_fake. - faked out consume_in_thread() to avoid starting RPC listeners when running unit tests. - used 'fake' transport driver. - made sure neutron.test.* exceptions are caught. - initialize and clean up RPC layer for each test case. * Ported all affected code from using neutron.openstack.common.notifier API to oslo.messaging.Notifier. * rpc.set_defaults() was renamed to rpc.set_transport_defaults() * other changes not worth mentioning here. blueprint oslo-messaging DocImpact Change-Id: I5a91c34df6e300f2dc46217b1b16352fcc3039fc
2014-06-02 17:40:38 +02:00
all_files = 1
build-dir = doc/build
source-dir = doc/source
warning-is-error = 1
keywords = _ gettext ngettext l_ lazy_gettext
mapping_file = babel.cfg
output_file = neutron/locale/neutron.pot
directory = neutron/locale
domain = neutron neutron-log-error neutron-log-info neutron-log-warning
domain = neutron
output_dir = neutron/locale
input_file = neutron/locale/neutron.pot
universal = 1