Switch to openstackdocstheme 2.2.1 and reno 3.1.0 versions. Using these versions will allow especially: * Linking from HTML to PDF document * Allow parallel building of documents * Fix some rendering problems Update Sphinx version as well. Set openstackdocs_pdf_link to link to PDF file. Note that the link to the published document only works on docs.openstack.org where the PDF file is placed in the top-level html directory. The site-preview places the PDF in a pdf directory. Set openstackdocs_auto_name to use 'project' as name. Change pygments_style to 'native' since old theme version always used 'native' and the theme now respects the setting and using 'sphinx' can lead to some strange rendering. Remove docs requirements from lower-constraints, they are not needed during install or test but only for docs building. openstackdocstheme renames some variables, so follow the renames before the next release removes them. A couple of variables are also not needed anymore, remove them. See also http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2020-May/014971.html Change-Id: I780eea00c9c47f52dcc7928546fd22dec5d145b4
Neutron Release Notes Howto
Release notes are a new feature for documenting new features in OpenStack projects. Background on the process, tooling, and methodology is documented in a mailing list post by Doug Hellmann.
Writing release notes
For information on how to create release notes, please consult the reno documentation.
Please keep the following in your mind when you write release notes.
- Avoid using "prelude" section for individual release notes. "prelude" section is for general comments about the release.
- Use one entry per section (like "feature" or "upgrade"). All entries which belong to a same release will be merged and rendered, so there is less meaning to use multiple entries by a single topic.
Maintaining release notes
Avoid modifying an existing release note file even though it is related to your change. If you modify a release note file of a past release, the whole content will be shown in a latest release. The only allowed case is to update a release note in a same release.
If you need to update a release note of a past release, edit a corresponding release note file in a stable branch directly.