Update hacking to a more recent version, along with flake8-import-order. Remove N347 (import mock library) check as that is the default with later hacking versions. Update the builtins override of '_' to be the neutron.i18n version due to the code triggering a false positive. This is done in a couple of other projects as well. Fix a number of new warnings it found. Added some ignore directives for new whitespace issues found in the test tree, can fix later. TrivialFix Change-Id: I5923255af86cf1fa11ab8e3b03bb9efac7dd7b58
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Neutron Style Commandments
- Step 1: Read the OpenStack Style Commandments https://docs.openstack.org/hacking/latest/
- Step 2: Read on
Neutron Specific Commandments
Some rules are enforced by neutron-lib hacking factory while other rules are specific to Neutron repository.
Below you can find a list of checks specific to this repository.
- [N322] Detect common errors with assert_called_once_with
- [N328] Detect wrong usage with assertEqual
- [N329] Use assertCountEqual() instead of assertItemsEqual()
- [N330] Use assertEqual(empty, observed) instead of
assertEqual(observed, empty)
- [N331] Detect wrong usage with assertTrue(isinstance()).
- [N332] Use assertEqual(expected_http_code, observed_http_code) instead of
assertEqual(observed_http_code, expected_http_code).
- [N340] Check usage of <module>.i18n (and neutron.i18n)
- [N341] Check usage of _ from python builtins
- [N343] Production code must not import from neutron.tests.*
- [N344] Python 3: Do not use filter(lambda obj: test(obj), data). Replace it with [obj for obj in data if test(obj)].
- [N346] Use neutron_lib.db.api.sqla_listen rather than sqlalchemy
- [N348] Test code must not import six library
When adding a new hacking check to this repository or
, make sure its number (Nxxx) doesn't clash with
any other check.
As you may have noticed, the numbering for Neutron checks has gaps.
This is because some checks were removed or moved to
Creating Unit Tests
For every new feature, unit tests should be created that both test and (implicitly) document the usage of said feature. If submitting a patch for a bug that had no unit test, a new passing unit test should be added. If a submitted bug fix does have a unit test, be sure to add a new one that fails without the patch and passes with the patch.
All unittest classes must ultimately inherit from testtools.TestCase. In the Neutron test suite, this should be done by inheriting from neutron.tests.base.BaseTestCase.
All setUp and tearDown methods must upcall using the super() method. tearDown methods should be avoided and addCleanup calls should be preferred. Never manually create tempfiles. Always use the tempfile fixtures from the fixture library to ensure that they are cleaned up.