
40 KiB

Generic Resource Pools

This blueprint aims to address the problem of incorrect resource usage reporting by introducing the concept of a generic resource pool that manages a particular amount of some resources.


During the implementation of this spec developers realized that using two terms, resource provider and resource pool, was redundant. The term resource provider covers all cases and is now the preferred term. In this document the original 'resource pool' term is still used.

Problem description

Within a cloud deployment, there are a number of resources that may be consumed by a user. Some resource types are provided by a compute node; these types of resources include CPU, memory, PCI devices and local ephemeral disk. Other types of resources, however, are not provided by a compute node, but instead are provided by some external resource pool. An example of such a resource would be a shared storage pool like that provided by Ceph or an NFS share.

Unfortunately, due to legacy reasons, Nova considers resources as only being provided by a compute node. The tracking of resources assumes that it is the compute node that provides the resource, and therefore when reporting usage of certain resources, Nova naively calculates resource usage and availability by simply summing amounts across all compute nodes in its database. This ends up causing a number of problems [1] with usage and capacity amounts being incorrect.

Use Cases

As a deployer that has chosen to use a shared storage solution for storing instance ephemeral disks, I want Nova and Horizon to report the correct usage and capacity information for disk resources.

As an advanced Neutron user, I wish to use the new routed networks functionality and be able to have Nova understand that a particular pre-created Neutron port is associated with a specific subnet pool segment, and ensure that my instance is booted on a compute node that matches that segment.

As an advanced Cinder user, if I specify a Cinder volume-id on the nova boot command, I want Nova to be able to know which compute nodes are attached to a Cinder storage pool that contains the requested volume.

Proposed change

We propose a new RESTful placement API that allows the querying and management of resource providers, their inventory and allocation records, and their association to aggregates.

A resource provider exposes amounts of one or more resource types to multiple consumers of those resources. Resource providers are not specific to shared storage, even though the impetus for their design is to solve the problem of shared storage accounting in Nova.

A RESTful API is proposed (see below for details) that will allow administrative (or service) users to create resource providers, to update the capacity and usage information for those providers, and to indicate which compute nodes can use the provider's resources by associating the pool with one or more aggregates.

Scenario 1: Shared disk storage used for VM disk images

In this scenario, we are attempting to make Nova aware that a set of compute nodes in an environment use shared storage for VM disk images. The shared storage is an NFS share that has 100 TB of total disk space. Around 1 TB of this share has already been consumed by unrelated things.

All compute nodes in row 1, racks 6 through 10, are connected to this share.

  1. The cloud deployer creates an aggregate representing all the compute nodes in row 1, racks 6 through 10:

    AGG_UUID=`openstack aggregate create r1rck0610`
    # for all compute nodes in the system that are in racks 6-10 in row 1...
    openstack aggregate add host $AGG_UUID $HOSTNAME
  2. The cloud deployer creates a resource pool representing the NFS share:

    RP_UUID=`openstack resource-provider create "/mnt/nfs/row1racks0610/" \

    Under the covers this command line does two REST API requests. One to create the resource provider, another to associate the aggregate.

  3. The cloud deployer updates the resource pool's capacity of shared disk:

    openstack resource-provider set inventory $RP_UUID \
        --resource-class=DISK_GB \
        --total=100000 --reserved=1000 \
        --min-unit=50 --max-unit=10000 --step-size=10 \


The --reserved field indicates the portion of the NFS share that has been consumed by non-accounted-for consumers. When Nova calculates if a resource pool has the capacity to meet a request for some amount of resources, it checks using the following formula: ((TOTAL - RESERVED) * ALLOCATION_RATIO) - USED >= REQUESTED_AMOUNT

Scenario 2a: Using Neutron routed networks functionality

In this (future) scenario, we are assuming the Neutron routed networks functionality is available in our deployment. There are a set of routed networks, each containing a set of IP addresses, that represent the physical network topology in the datacenter. Let us assume that routed network with the identifier rnA represents the subnet IP pool for all compute nodes in rack 1 in row 3 of the datacenter. This subnet has a CIDR of Let us also assume that unmanaged devices are consuming the bottom 5 IP addresses on the subnet.

  1. The network administrator creates a network and routed network segments representing broadcast domains for rack 1 in row 3:

    NET_UUID=`openstack network create "routed network"`
    SEG_UUID=`openstack subnet pool create $NET_UUID`
    SUBNET_UUID=`openstack subnet create $SEG_UUID --cidr=`
  2. The cloud deployer creates an aggregate representing all the compute nodes in row 3, racks 1 through 5:

    AGG_UUID=`openstack aggregate create "row 3, rack 1"`
    # for all compute nodes in the system that are in racks 1 in row 3...
    openstack aggregate add host $AGG_UUID $HOSTNAME
  3. The cloud deployer creates a resource pool representing the routed network's pool of IPs:

    openstack resource-provider create "routed network rack 1 row 3" \
        --uuid=$SUBNET_UUID \


Please note that the --uuid field in the openstack resource-provider create call above is an optional argument to openstack resource-provider create. You may have noticed that in the first use case, we do not provide a UUID when creating the resource provider.

The --uuid parameter allows passing in a UUID identifier so that external systems can supply an already-known external global identifier for the resource pool. If the --uuid parameter is not provided in the call to openstack resource-provider create, a new UUID will automatically be assigned and displayed to the user.

In the case above, we are assuming that the call to the openstack subnet create returns some value containing a UUID for the subnet IP allocation pool (the segment).

  1. The cloud deployer updates the resource pool's capacity of IPv4 addresses:

    openstack resource-provider set inventory $RP_UUID \
        --resource-class=IPV4_ADDRESS \
        --total=254 --reserved=5 \
        --min-unit=1 --max-unit=1 --step-size=1 \


Instead of cloud deployer manually updating the resource pool's inventory, it's more likely that a script would call the neutron subnet-XXX commands to determine capacity and reserved amounts.

  1. The cloud user creates a port in Neutron, asking for an IP out of a particular subnet:

    PORT_UUID=`openstack port create --network-id=$NET_UUID --fixed-ip \
  2. The cloud user boots an instance, specifying the ID of the port created in step 5:

    openstack server create --nic port_id=$PORT_UUID --image XXX --flavor AAA
  3. During (or perhaps before) the scheduling process, Nova will want to answer the question, "if this port ID is a member of a resource pool containing IPV4_ADDRESS resources, which compute nodes are possible target destinations that are associated with that IPv4 subnet?".

    The Nova scheduler (or conductor) would be able to determine the set of compute nodes used in placement decisions by looking at the aggregates that the resource pool representing that subnet was associated with, which will in turn allow it to identify the compute nodes associated with those aggregates.

What this gives the cloud user is basic network affinity during scheduling, with the cloud user only needing to specify a port ID.

Scenario 2b: Live migration of instance booted in scenario 2a

Assume that the virtual machine launched in step #6 of Scenario 2a needs to be live-migrated -- perhaps because the compute host is failing or being upgraded. Live migration moves a workload from a source host to a destination host, keeping the workload's networking setup intact. In the case where an instance was booted with a port that is associated with a particular resource pool containing a routed network's set of IP addresses, we need to ensure that the target host is in the same aggregate as the source host (since the routed network only spans the compute hosts in a particular aggregate).

With the generic resource pool information, we can have the scheduler (or conductor) limit the set of compute nodes used in determining the live-migration's destination host by examining the resource providers that match the IPV4_ADDRESS resource class for the instance UUID as a consumer. From this list we can identify the aggregates associated with the resource provider and from the list of aggregates we can determine the compute hosts that can serve as target destinations for the migration.


An alternative approach to having an entity in the Nova system to represent these resource pools would be to have Nova somehow examine a configuration flag to determine whether disk resources on a compute node are using shared storage versus locally available. There are a couple problems with this approach:

  • This approach is not generic and assumes the only shared resource is disk space
  • This information isn't really configuration data but rather system inventory data, and therefore belongs in the database, not configuration files

Data model impact

A new many-to-many mapping table in the API database will be created to enable an aggregate to be associated with one or more resource pools:

CREATE TABLE resource_provider_aggregates (
    resource_provider_id INT NOT NULL,
    aggregate_id INT NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (aggregate_id, resource_provider_id),
    FOREIGN KEY fk_aggregates (aggregate_id)
        REFERENCES aggregates (id),
    FOREIGN KEY fk_resource_providers (resource_provider_id),
        REFERENCES resource_providers (id)

A new nova object model for resource providers will be introduced. This object model will allow querying for the aggregates associated with the resource provider along with the inventory and allocation records for the pool.

REST API impact

ALL below API calls are meant only for cloud administrators and/or service users.

Note: All of the below API calls should be implemented in /nova/api/openstack/placement/, not in /nova/api/openstack/compute/ since these calls will be part of the split-out placement REST API. There should be a wholly separate placement API endpoint, started on a different port than the Nova API, and served by a different service.

Microversion support shall be added to the new placement API from the start.

The API changes add resource endpoints to:

  • GET a list of resource providers
  • POST a new resource provider
  • GET a single resource provider with links to its sub-resources
  • PUT a single resource provider to change its name
  • DELETE a single resource provider and its associated inventories (if no allocations are present) and aggregates (the association is removed, not the aggregates themselves)
  • GET a list of the inventories associated with a single resource provider
  • POST a new inventory of a particular resource class
  • GET a single inventory of a given resource class
  • PUT an update to a single inventory
  • PUT a list of inventories to set all the inventories on a single resource provider
  • DELETE an inventory (if no allocations are present)
  • PUT a list of aggregates to associate with this resource provider
  • GET that list of aggregates
  • GET a list, by resource class, of usages
  • PUT a set of allocation records for one consumer and one or more resource providers
  • DELETE a set of allocation records for a consumer
  • GET a set of allocations by consumer
  • GET a set of allocations by resource provider

This provides granular access to the resources that matter while providing straightfoward access to usage information.

Details follow.

The following new REST API calls will be added:

GET /resource_providers

Return a list of all resource providers in this Nova deployment.


200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "resource_providers": [
      "uuid": "b6b065cc-fcd9-4342-a7b0-2aed2d146518",
      "name": "RBD volume group",
      "generation": 12,
      "links": [
           "rel": "self",
           "href": "/resource_providers/b6b065cc-fcd9-4342-a7b0-2aed2d146518"
           "rel": "inventories",
           "href": "/resource_providers/b6b065cc-fcd9-4342-a7b0-2aed2d146518/inventories"
           "rel": "aggregates",
           "href": "/resource_providers/b6b065cc-fcd9-4342-a7b0-2aed2d146518/aggregates"
           "rel": "usages",
           "href": "/resource_providers/b6b065cc-fcd9-4342-a7b0-2aed2d146518/usages"
      "uuid": "eaaf1c04-ced2-40e4-89a2-87edded06d64",
      "name": "Global NFS share",
      "generation": 4,
      "links": [
           "rel": "self",
           "href": "/resource_providers/eaaf1c04-ced2-40e4-89a2-87edded06d64"
           "rel": "inventories",
           "href": "/resource_providers/eaaf1c04-ced2-40e4-89a2-87edded06d64/inventories"
           "rel": "aggregates",
           "href": "/resource_providers/eaaf1c04-ced2-40e4-89a2-87edded06d64/aggregates"
           "rel": "usages",
           "href": "/resource_providers/eaaf1c04-ced2-40e4-89a2-87edded06d64/usages"


The generation field in the above output is a consistent view marker. We need to include this field in order for updaters of the inventory and allocation information for a resource provider to indicate the state of the resource provider when they initially read their information.

POST /resource_providers

Create one new resource provider.

An example POST request:

Content-type: application/json

    "name": "Global NFS share",
    "uuid": "eaaf1c04-ced2-40e4-89a2-87edded06d64"

The body of the request must match the following JSONSchema document:

    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "name": {
            "type": "string"
        "uuid": {
            "type": "string",
            "format": "uuid"
    "required": [
    "additionalProperties": False

The response body is empty. The headers include a location header pointing to the created resource provider:

201 Created
Location: /resource_providers/eaaf1c04-ced2-40e4-89a2-87edded06d64

A 409 Conflict response code will be returned if another resource provider exists with the provided name.

GET /resource_providers/{uuid}

Retrieve a representation of the resource provider identified by {uuid}.


GET /resource_providers/eaaf1c04-ced2-40e4-89a2-87edded06d64

200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "uuid": "eaaf1c04-ced2-40e4-89a2-87edded06d64",
  "name": "Global NFS share",
  "generation": 4,
  "links": [
       "rel": "self",
       "href": "/resource_providers/eaaf1c04-ced2-40e4-89a2-87edded06d64"
       "rel": "inventories",
       "href": "/resource_providers/eaaf1c04-ced2-40e4-89a2-87edded06d64/inventories"
       "rel": "aggregates",
       "href": "/resource_providers/eaaf1c04-ced2-40e4-89a2-87edded06d64/aggregates"
       "rel": "usages",
       "href": "/resource_providers/eaaf1c04-ced2-40e4-89a2-87edded06d64/usages"

If the resource provider does not exist a 404 Not Found must be returned.

PUT /resource_providers/{uuid}

Update the name of the resource provider identified by {uuid}.


PUT /resource_providers/eaaf1c04-ced2-40e4-89a2-87edded06d64

Content-type: application/json

    "name": "Global NFS share"

On success a 200 OK response will be returned with an application/json body in the same form as a response to a GET on the same URI.

If there is an error the HTTP response code will be one of the following:

  • 400 Bad Request for bad or invalid syntax.
  • 404 Not Found if a resource pool with {uuid} does not exist.
  • 409 Conflict if another resource pool exists with the provided name.

DELETE /resource_providers/{uuid}

Delete the resource provider identified by {uuid}.

This will also disassociate aggregates and delete inventories.

The body of the request and the response is empty.

The returned HTTP response code will be one of the following:

  • 204 No Content if the request was successful and the resource pool was removed.
  • 404 Not Found if the resource provider identified by {uuid} was not found.
  • 409 Conflict if there exist allocations records for any of the inventories that would be deleted as a result of removing the resource provider.

GET /resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories

Retrieve a list of inventories that are associated with the resource provider identified by {uuid}.


GET /resource_providers/eaaf1c04-ced2-40e4-89a2-87edded06d64/inventories

200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "resource_provider_generation": 4,
  "inventories": {
    "DISK_GB": {
      "total": 2048,
      "reserved": 512,
      "min_unit": 10,
      "max_unit": 1024,
      "step_size": 10,
      "allocation_ratio": 1.0
    "IPV4_ADDRESS": {
      "total": 256,
      "reserved": 2,
      "min_unit": 1,
      "max_unit": 1,
      "step_size": 1,
      "allocation_ratio": 1.0


The resource_provider_generation field in the output provides the caller with a consistent view marker. If the caller wishes to update the inventory, they return this generation field value in a call to PUT /resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories/{resource_class} and the server will ensure that if another process has updated the state of the resource provider's inventory or allocations in between the initial read of the generation and the update of inventory, that a 409 Conflict is returned, allowing the caller to retry an operation.

The returned HTTP response code will be one of the following:

  • 200 OK if the resource pools exists.
  • 404 Not Found if the resource provider identified by {uuid} was not found. If the resource provider exists but has no inventory, the request will succeed but the inventories key will have an empty dict as its value.

POST /resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories

Create a new inventory for the resource provider identified by {uuid}.


POST /resource_providers/eaaf1c04-ced2-40e4-89a2-87edded06d64/inventories
Content-Type: application/json

  "resource_class": "DISK_GB",
  "total": 2048,
  "reserved": 512,
  "min_unit": 10,
  "max_unit": 1024,
  "step_size": 10,
  "allocation_ratio": 1.0

The body of the request must match the following JSONSchema document:

    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "resource_class": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^[A-Z_]+"
        "total": {
            "type": "integer"
        "reserved": {
            "type": "integer"
        "min_unit": {
            "type": "integer"
        "max_unit": {
            "type": "integer"
        "step_size": {
            "type": "integer"
        "allocation_ratio": {
            "type": "number"
    "required": [
    "additionalProperties": False

The response body is an application/json representation of the inventory, the same as returned for a GET /resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories/{resource_class} request. The headers include a location header pointing to the created inventory:

201 Created
Location: /resource_providers/eaaf1c04-ced2-40e4-89a2-87edded06d64/inventories/DISK_GB


If some non-Nova things have consumed some amount of resources in the provider, the "reserved" field should be used to adjust the total capacity of the inventory.

The returned HTTP response code will be one of the following:

  • 201 Created if the inventory is successfully created
  • 404 Not Found if the resource provider identified by {uuid} was not found
  • 400 Bad Request for bad or invalid syntax (for example an invalid resource class)
  • 409 Conflict if an inventory for the proposed resource class already exists

PUT /resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories

Set all inventories for the resource provider identified by {uuid}.


PUT /resource_providers/eaaf1c04-ced2-40e4-89a2-87edded06d64/inventories
Content-Type: application/json

  "resource_provider_generation": 1
  "inventories": {
    "DISK_GB": {
        "total": 2048,
    "IPV4_ADDRESS": {
        "total": 255,
        "reserved": 2

The body of the request must match the following abridged JSONSchema document:

  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
  "resource_provider_generation": {
    "type": "integer"
  "inventories": {
    "type": "object",
    "patternProperties": {
      "^[A-Z0-9_]+$": {
        "type": "object",
        # the scheme for POST of one inventory above except for the
        # resource_class element, which is represented as the
        # patternProperty key.
  "required": [
  "additionalProperties": False

The response body is an application/json representation of all the inventories for the resource provider, in the same form as GET /resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories.

The returned HTTP response code will be one of the following:

  • 200 OK if the inventories are successfully set
  • 404 Not Found if the resource provider identified by {uuid} was not found
  • 400 Bad Request for bad or invalid syntax (for example an invalid resource class)
  • 409 Conflict if the changes total, reserved or allocation_ratio in any existing inventory would cause existing allocations to be in conflict with proposed capacity
  • 409 Conflict if another process updated any existing inventory record since the resource_provider_generation view marker was returned.

GET /resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories/{resource_class}

Retrieve a single inventory of class {resource_class} associated with the resource provider identified by {uuid}.


GET /resource_providers/eaaf1c04-ced2-40e4-89a2-87edded06d64/inventories/DISK_GB
200 OK
  "resource_provider_generation": 4,
  "total": 2048,
  "reserved": 512,
  "min_unit": 10,
  "max_unit": 1024,
  "step_size": 10,
  "allocation_ratio": 1.0

The returned HTTP response code will be one of the following:

  • 200 OK if the inventory exists
  • 404 Not Found if the resource provider identified by {uuid} was not found or an inventory of {resource_class} is not associated with the resource provider

PUT /resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories/{resource_class}

Update an existing inventory.


PUT /resource_providers/eaaf1c04-ced2-40e4-89a2-87edded06d64/inventories/DISK_GB
  "resource_provider_generation": 4,
  "total": 1024,
  "reserved": 512,
  "min_unit": 10,
  "max_unit": 1024,
  "step_size": 10,
  "allocation_ratio": 1.0

The body of the request must match the JSONSchema document described in the inventory POST above, except that resource_class is not required and if present is ignored.

If the request is successful the response body will be the same as that in GET /resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories/{resource_class}.

The returned HTTP response code will be one of the following:

  • 200 OK if the inventory is successfully created
  • 404 Not Found if the resource provider identified by {uuid} was not found
  • 400 Bad Request for bad or invalid syntax
  • 409 Conflict if the changes total, reserved or allocation_ratio would causes existing allocations to be in conflict with proposed capacity
  • 409 Conflict if another process updated the same inventory record since the resource_provider_generation view marker was returned.

DELETE /resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories/{resource_class}

Delete an existing inventory.


DELETE /resource_providers/eaaf1c04-ced2-40e4-89a2-87edded06d64/inventories/DISK_GB

The body is empty.

The returned HTTP response code will be one of the following:

  • 204 No Content if the inventory is successfully removed
  • 404 Not Found if the resource provider identified by {uuid} was not found or if there is no associated inventory of {resource_class}
  • 400 Bad Request for bad or invalid syntax
  • 409 Conflict if there are existing allocations for this inventory

GET /resource_providers/{uuid}/aggregates


Aggregates support was implemented in microversion 1.1.

Get a list of aggregates associated with this resource provider.


GET /resource_providers/eaaf1c04-ced2-40e4-89a2-87edded06d64/aggregates



The use of a name aggregates list preserves the option of adding other keys to the object later. This is standard api-wg form for collection resources.

The returned HTTP response code will be one of the following:

  • 200 OK if the resource provider exists
  • 404 Not Found if the resource provider identified by {uuid} was not found

PUT /resource_providers/{uuid}/aggregates


Aggregates support was implemented in microversion 1.1.

Associate a list of aggregates with this resource provider.


PUT /resource_providers/eaaf1c04-ced2-40e4-89a2-87edded06d64/aggregates


On success, the response body will be an application/json representation of the associated aggregates in the same form as GET /resource_providers/{uuid}/aggregates above.

The returned HTTP response code will be one of the following:

  • 200 OK if the aggregates are successfully updated
  • 404 Not Found if the resource provider does not exist
  • 400 Bad Request for bad or invalid syntax.

GET /resource_providers/{uuid}/usages

Retrieve a report of usage information for resources associated with the resource provider identified by {uuid}. The value is a dictionary of resource classes paired with the sum of the allocations of that resource class for this resource provider.


GET /resource_providers/eaaf1c04-ced2-40e4-89a2-87edded06d64/usages

  "resource_provider_generation": 4,
  "usages": {
    "DISK_GB": 480,
    "IPV4_ADDRESS": 2

The returned HTTP response code will be one of the following:

  • 200 OK if the resource provider exists. If there are no associated inventories the usages dictionary should be empty.
  • 404 Not Found if the resource provider does not exist.


Usages are read only. They represent the sum of allocated amounts of a resource class from a resource provider.

PUT /allocations/{consumer_uuid}

Creates one or more allocation records representing the consumption of one or more classes of resources from one or more resource providers by the designated consumer.


PUT /allocations/9a82ff67-26e2-4d0a-a7e1-746788a85646
  "allocations": [
      "resource_provider": {
        "uuid": "fa84d9e3-ab3b-4240-8eee-e8f1138b3423"
      "resources": {
        "DISK_GB": 10
      "resource_provider": {
        "uuid": "7dd1cd8a-4058-4f58-a24a-e38a5f4d563e"
      "resources": {
        "VCPU": 2,
        "MEMORY_MB": 1024


Allocations for one consumer are set against multiple resource providers in one request to allow the request to be serviced in a single transaction.

The body of the request must match the following JSONSchema document:

  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "allocations": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
            "resource_provider": {
              "type": "object",
              "properties": {
                "uuid": {
                  "type": "string",
                  "format": "uuid"
              "additionalProperties": false,
              "required": ["uuid"]
            "resources": {
              "type": "object",
              "patternProperties": {
                  "type": "object",
                  "patternProperties": {
                    "^[A-Z_]+$": {"type": "integer"}
              "additionalProperties": false
          "additionalProperties": false,
          "required": [
  "required": ["allocations"],
  "additionalProperties": false

The returned HTTP response code will be one of the following:

  • 204 No Content if the allocation record is successfully created
  • 400 Bad Request for bad or invalid syntax
  • 409 Conflict if there is no available inventory in any of the resource providers for any specified resource classes

DELETE /allocations/{consumer_uuid}

Delete all allocation records for a consumer on all resource providers it is consuming.


DELETE /allocations/9a82ff67-26e2-4d0a-a7e1-746788a85646

The body is empty.

The returned HTTP response code will be one of the following:

  • 204 No Content if the allocation record is successfully removed
  • 404 Not Found if there are no associated allocation records for


GET /allocations/{consumer_uuid}

List all allocation records for a single consumer on all the resource providers it is consuming.


GET /allocations/9a82ff67-26e2-4d0a-a7e1-746788a85646

  "allocations": {
    "63d56264-1f3f-4495-a8b7-0efa5e6c9670": {
        "generation": 2,
        "resources": {
            "DISK_GB": 4,
            "VCPU": 2
    "5af2c770-6878-4dc6-b739-1164cf990fc5" {
        "generation": 99,
        "resources": {
            "DISK_GB": 6,
            "VCPU": 3

If there are no allocations for the provided consumer identifier, then an empty allocations dictionary will be returned.


At this time there is no validation of the consumer identifier, so no 404 response is possible.

GET /resource_providers/{uuid}/allocations

List all allocations against the resource provider identified by uuid.


GET /resource_providers/5af2c770-6878-4dc6-b739-1164cf990fc5/allocations

  "resource_provider_generation": 99,
  "allocations": {
    "9a82ff67-26e2-4d0a-a7e1-746788a85646": {
        "resources": {
            "DISK_GB": 6,
            "VCPU": 3
    "aeaf9aa1-8d4a-46e6-8dec-cf2c704b5976": {
        "resource": {
            "DISK_GB": 2,
            "VCPU": 1

If the resource provider exists, the response will be 200 OK. If there are no allocations, the allocations object will be empty.

If the resource provider does not exist, the response will be 404 Not Found.

Security impact


Notifications impact

We should create new notification messages for when resource providers are created, destroyed, updated, associated with an aggregate and disassociated from an aggregate, and when inventory and allocation records are created and destroyed.

Other end user impact

New openstackclient CLI commands should be created for the corresponding functionality:

  • openstack resource-provider list
  • openstack resource-provider show $UUID
  • `openstack resource-provider create "Global NFS share" --aggregate-uuid=$AGG_UUID [--uuid=$UUID]`
  • openstack resource-provider delete $UUID
  • openstack resource-provider update $UUID --name="New name"
  • openstack resource-provider list inventory $UUID
  • `openstack resource-provider set inventory $UUID --resource-class=DISK_GB --total=1024 --reserved=450 --min-unit=1 --max-unit=1 --step-size=1 --allocation-ratio=1.0`
  • `openstack resource-provider delete inventory $UUID --resource-class=DISK_GB`
  • openstack resource-provider add aggregate $UUID $AGG_UUID
  • openstack resource-provider delete aggregate $UUID $AGG_UUID

Performance Impact


Other deployer impact

Deployers who are using shared storage will need to create a resource pool for their shared disk storage, create any host aggregates that may need to be created for any compute nodes that utilize that shared storage, associate the resource pool with those aggregates, and schedule (cronjob or the like) some script to periodically run openstack resource-provider set inventory $UUID --resource-class=DISK_GB --total=X --reserved=Y.

We should include a sample script along with the documentation for this.

Developer impact




Primary assignee:


Other contributors:


Work Items

  • Create database models and migrations for new resource_provider_aggregates table.

  • Create nova.objects models for ResourceProvider

  • Create REST API controllers for resource provider querying and handling

  • Modify resource tracker to pull information on aggregates the compute node is associated with and the resource providers available for those aggregates. If the instance is requesting some amount of DISK_GB resources and the compute node is associated with a resource provider that contains available DISK_GB inventory, then the resource tracker shall claim the resources (write an allocation record) against that resource provider, not the compute node itself.

  • Modify the scheduler to look at resource provider information for aggregates associated with compute nodes to determine if request can be fulfilled by those associated resource providers

    For this particular step, the changes to the existing filter scheduler should be minimal. Right now, the host manager queries the list of all aggregates in the deployment upon each call to select_destinations(). This call to nova.objects.AggregateList.get_all() returns a set of aggregate objects that are then collated to the hosts that are in each aggregate. During certain filter host_passes() checks, the aggregate's extra specs can be queried to determine if certain capability requests are satisfied. We will want to return inventory and usage information for each resource pool assigned to each aggregate so that filters like the DiskFilter can query not just the host's local_gb value but also the aggregate's inventory information for share disk storage.

  • Docs and example cronjob scripts for updating capacity and usage information for a shared resource pool of disk

  • Functional integration tests in a multi-node devstack environment with shared storage


  • policy-in-code Blueprint must be completed before this one since we want to use the new policy framework in the new placement API modules
  • resource-classes Blueprint must be completed before this one.
  • resource-providers Blueprint must be completed before this one in order to ensure the resource-providers, inventories and allocations tables exist.
  • compute-node-inventory-newton Blueprint must be completed in order for all compute nodes to have a UUID column and a record in the resource_providers table. This is necessary in order to determine which resource providers are resource pools and not compute nodes.
  • The part of the resource-providers-allocations blueprint that involves migrating the inventories, allocations, aggregates, resource_providers tables to the top-level API database must be completed before this


Full unit and functional integration tests must be added that demonstrate proper resource accounting of shared storage represented with a generic resource pool.

Documentation Impact

Developer docs should be added that detail the new resource providers functionality, how external scripts can keep capacity and usage information updated for a resource provider that provides a shared pool of resources.


[1] Bugs related to resource usage reporting and calculation:


Release Name Description
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