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Get Me a Network

Neutron added the auto-allocated-topology API in Mitaka1. Nova intends on using this API to automatically allocate a private network for a project when creating server instance if no specific network is provided in the create request and none are available to the project. This should also bring some feature parity for the server create flow between Neutron and the VlanManager in nova-network. There is still some deployer setup for networking in both cases, but after that the networking service handles automatically setting up the network topology for the project.

Problem description

With nova-network, users typically don't specify anything for networking when creating a simple instance. With Neutron, the project needs to have access to a network and subnet in Neutron before it can get networking setup for an instance in Nova.

The point of this change is to reduce the complexity for users to simply boot an instance and be able to ssh into it without having to first setup networks/subnets/routers in Neutron and then specify a nic when booting the instance.

Use Cases

As an end user, I want to create an instance in Nova and have networking automatically allocated for my project so I can ssh into the instance once it's active.

Proposed change

Nova will add a microversion to the API which requires a specific nic value when creating an instance.

How create server requests work today with Neutron

Currently a user can create an instance and specify the following networking values with Neutron as the network API in Nova:

  1. Request a specific fixed IP.
  2. Request a specific port (or ports).
  3. Request a specific network (or duplicate networks as of Juno2).
  4. Request a specific fixed IP and network (Nova will create a port in that network and use the fixed IP address).
  5. Not providing anything on the create request.

You cannot request a fixed IP and a port together because the port already has a fixed IP associated with it. When requesting a specific port, the network that the port is in is implied in the create request.

In the last case (nothing is requested), Nova will attempt to lookup an available network to use by searching for:

  1. A private network for the project.
  2. A public (shared=True) network.

If this search results in more than one network, then it results in an ambiguous network error.

There is also existing behavior in Nova where you can create an instance with no networking when the user does not provide a specific network to use and the project does not have access to a network in Neutron. This is not an error since you can later attach a network with the os-attach-interfaces API.

How create server requests will work with auto-allocation

The networks object in the create server request will now be either a list or an enum with the following values:

  1. auto:
  • This means auto-allocate the network for me if one is not available to the project. For nova-network this is the default and existing behavior with the VlanManager. For Neutron this means using the auto-allocated-topology API.
  • The 'auto' value cannot be used when specifying a port uuid because a port implies a network that the project would already have access to.


Specifying 'auto' means Nova will do it's best to auto-allocate the network for the instance. This is not a guarantee that it will work since there is initial setup required from the cloud operator to enable this functionality (which is also true of nova-network). See Other deployer impact for details.

  1. none:
  • This means do not even attempt to setup networking. The compute manager will avoid network API calls when creating the server instance. Any networking needed for the instance will have to be attached later.

Internally the 'auto' or 'none' value will be stored in the nova.objects.network_request.NetworkRequest.network_id field.

Error Conditions

  • If nothing is specified on the request for networks, a 400 will be returned.

  • Specifying 'auto' with any other network values (ports, 'none', 'auto' or a specific network uuid) results in a 400 response.

  • Specifying 'none' with any other network values (ports, 'auto' or a specific network uuid) results in a 400 response.

  • If 'auto' is specified and nova-network fails to provide networking, fail the instance build request (which may trigger a reschedule to another compute node).

  • If 'auto' is specified, and Nova can determine during the lifecycle of the API request that it cannot honor auto-allocating the network, a 400 is returned. If auto-allocation fails after the API request has returned, the instance is sent to ERROR state.

  • Another failure scenario would be that Neutron is new enough and is setup to support auto-allocated-topology, but the deployment still has compute nodes that are not running the allocation code for creating the network resources automatically. Because of this, we will have to restrict the ability to use the new microversion with 'auto' or 'none' values for network uuid to when all of the compute services are running the version that adds that support.

    If 'auto' or 'none' is requested but the minimum compute service version is not high enough, the API will act as if networks were not requested. This means:

    • A request of 'auto' changing to None: the instance will get networking if there is a network available to the project, which is how it works today. If there are no networks available, then the instance will not have a network.
    • A request of 'none' changing to None: this is basically the same as the None case above - there is no way to explicitly request that no networks are setup today. This may come as a surprise to anyone requesting 'none' and then they get networking, but this is considered an edge case. We could fail the request but since we require that something is requested for networking in this microversion, the only recourse the user has is to specify a lower microversion with no networks but they may still end up with networking so it's no better.

    Once all of the computes are upgraded to a Newton version that supports auto-allocation from the compute node, then the request will be honored, i.e. we will have a chance to call the auto-allocated-topology API in Neutron.

Compute API changes

The compute API calls the network API to validate the request. There will need to be changes for the network API validation code to handle the 'auto' and 'none' cases for the network uuid.

In the case of 'none', the validation is simply a no-op since the compute manager will not allocate networks when building the instance.

In the case of 'auto' and the Neutron API, if the project has no available network to use, then validate that:

  • The auto-allocated-topology extension is available in the Neutron API. Note that the auto-allocated-topology extension is not optional in Neutron so as long as the version of Neutron is new enough to have the API, the extension will be available and enabled.
  • The auto-allocated-topology Neutron API passes with the dry-run option which checks that there is a default public external network and default subnet pool to use. If that setup is not ready, the API returns a 409 error which Nova will raise back to the user as a 400 error.

In the case of 'auto' and nova-network, the validation is a no-op since we will not know if networking will be provided until we get to the compute node to build the instance and allocate the network.

We will also have to check that when 'auto' or 'none' is requested that the minimum compute service version in the deployment supports auto-allocation. This check could be removed in Ocata when all of the computes should be at at least running Newton code.

Network API changes

The nova.objects.NetworkRequestList that is passed to the network API's allocate_for_instance method should contain enough information for the network API to handle the 'auto' and 'none' cases.

The nova.objects.NetworkRequest.network_id field is a nullable String. Therefore if the network_id is None, it's the pre-microversion case before Get Me a Network. Otherwise the network_id would have a specific network uuid, 'auto' or 'none' where 'none' means do not allocate a network.

The NetworkRequest/NetworkRequestList object will likely have some helper methods for easily determining if the request is for the special 'auto' or 'none' cases.


The 'auto' case for the nova-network API will be such that the network_id in the (single-entry) NetworkRequestList will be set to None before it's passed over RPC to the network manager. This maintains the existing behavior in the manager when a specific network is not requested when creating the instance.


The 'auto' case for Neutron will mean that if there are no available networks for the project, the auto-allocated-topology API will be called to create one. Note that the port-security-enabled attribute on the network will be the default value, which is based on whether or not the 'Port Security' extension is enabled.


There will be a potential for races on the compute node when auto-allocating the network in Neutron, especially when creating multiple instances with a single server creat request. This is a one-time operation per project so the first server create for a project that requests auto-allocation will create the network. If concurrent requests for the same project are made, Neutron has a rollback mechanism in place based on a unique constraint for the project_id in the auto_allocated_topologies table. So a second concurrent request should fail and be rolled back, but the API will return the network that was already created for that project. In other words, the provisioning call is idempotent and in case of concurrent requests the first one committing the request wins. Nova is not required to implement any retry mechanism.


Two alternatives have been discussed in the microversion thread in the openstack-dev ML and an operator feedback thread:

  1. If no network info is provided at boot and none are available, don't provide a network (existing behavior). If the user wants a network auto-allocated, they have to specify --nic net-id=auto.

    In this case the user has to opt into auto-allocating the network.

  2. If no network info is provided at boot and none are available, Nova will attempt to auto-allocate the network from Neutron. If the user specifically does not want networking on instance create (for whatever reason), they have to opt into that behavior by specifying --nic net-id=none.

    This is closer in behavior to how booting an instance works with nova-network, but it is a change in the default behavior for the Neutron case, and that is a cause for concern for any users that have written tools to expect that default behavior.

Ultimately it was decided that it is best to require API users to be explicit in the request with what they want (auto/none/uuid). And to make the user experience better in the CLI, the CLI will default to 'auto' when nothing is specified (and the server supports the microversion).

Data model impact


REST API impact

  • A microversion will be added for creating a new server which requires a specific value for the network.
    • Method type: POST

    • Normal http response code: 202

    • Expected error http response code(s): 400, 403

    • URL for the resource

    • JSON schema definition for the request body data if allowed

      • The server create API schema will be more restrictive with the networks object which must be a list or enum with value 'auto' or 'none'.
      'type': 'object',
      'properties': {
          'server': {
              'type': 'object',
              'properties': {
                  'imageRef': parameter_types.image_ref,
                  'flavorRef': parameter_types.flavor_ref,
                  'adminPass': parameter_types.admin_password,
                  'metadata': parameter_types.metadata,
                  'networks': {
                      'oneOf': [
                          {'type': 'array',
                           'items': {
                              'type': 'object',
                               'properties': {
                                  'fixed_ip': parameter_types.ip_address,
                                  'port': {
                                      'oneOf': [{'type': 'string', 'format': 'uuid'},
                                                {'type': 'null'}]
                                  'uuid': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'uuid'},
                              'additionalProperties': False,
                         {'type': 'string', 'enum': ['none', 'auto']},
              'required': ['name', 'flavorRef', 'networks'],
              'additionalProperties': False,
      'required': ['server'],
      'additionalProperties': False,


      The requested network uuid is not currently required to be a strict uuid because of some legacy behavior in the original Neutron v1 API which didn't enforce network IDs to be uuids and would allow IDs with a br- prefix. With the proposed schema change, a requested network uuid must be a strict uuid value, the br- prefix will no longer be supported and will result in an error if specified.

    • JSON schema definition for the response body data if any

      • This does not change from how the server create API works today.


  • Booting a server with a specific network uuid:
REQ: curl -g -i -X POST \
http://localhost:8774/v2.1/812d057b80bf42fdb7db62d68f3c6983/servers \
-H "User-Agent: python-novaclient" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" -H "X-OpenStack-Nova-API-Version: 2.26" \
-H "X-Auth-Token: {SHA1}0ecb2c6e137a5bd778b5561fd9dc48a0919f85a5" \
-d '{"server": {"name": "net-uuid-test", \
"imageRef": "883db132-0312-411c-b546-5cad477864c6", "flavorRef": "1", \
"max_count": 1, "min_count": 1, \
"networks": [{"uuid": "c92eed77-c1c0-498f-8729-c0f4c21796e5"}]}}'
  • Booting a server with the 'auto' network ID:
REQ: curl -g -i -X POST \
http://localhost:8774/v2.1/812d057b80bf42fdb7db62d68f3c6983/servers \
-H "User-Agent: python-novaclient" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" -H "X-OpenStack-Nova-API-Version: 2.26" \
-H "X-Auth-Token: {SHA1}0ecb2c6e137a5bd778b5561fd9dc48a0919f85a5" \
-d '{"server": {"name": "net-auto-test", \
"imageRef": "883db132-0312-411c-b546-5cad477864c6", "flavorRef": "1", \
"max_count": 1, "min_count": 1, "networks": "auto"}}'
  • Booting a server with the 'none' network.
REQ: curl -g -i -X POST \
http://localhost:8774/v2.1/812d057b80bf42fdb7db62d68f3c6983/servers \
-H "User-Agent: python-novaclient" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" -H "X-OpenStack-Nova-API-Version: 2.26" \
-H "X-Auth-Token: {SHA1}0ecb2c6e137a5bd778b5561fd9dc48a0919f85a5" \
-d '{"server": {"name": "net-none-test", \
"imageRef": "883db132-0312-411c-b546-5cad477864c6", "flavorRef": "1", \
"max_count": 1, "min_count": 1, "networks": "none"}}'

Security impact

None; there is nothing new about this that a user could not already do, this just adds some convenient orchestration behind the covers so the user does not have to setup networking in Neutron before they get to create a server instance in Nova.

Notifications impact


Other end user impact

The Nova REST API will require that a networks value is specified.

However, the CLI will default to 'auto' if no nics are requested in the boot command and the server can support the new microversion (and the user is not specifying a lower microversion).

Performance Impact

Anytime Nova is calling Neutron there is additional overhead. There will be two additional checks in the compute API for the network request validation in the case that 'auto' is specified and there are no available existing networks for the project:

  1. That the auto-allocated-topology extension is available. The extensions are already cached in so this should be minimal overhead.
  2. That the auto-allocated-topology API passes the dry-run validation check. This is a one-time cost per tenant since after the first time a network is auto-allocated by Neutron for the tenant, subsequent checks for available networks will find the previously allocated network and we won't need to check the auto-allocated-topology API for that tenant, unless the tenant network was deleted for some reason.


Nova could offset the cost of doing this validation with Neutron by caching positive results using something like oslo.cache with an expiration timer (maybe re-validate every hour). "Positive" results in this case means only cache the result when the validation passes so we don't hit a case where validation fails, we cache that result, the admin fixes the problem, then the next request fails on the cached result even though things should be passing (and then the user has to wait for the cached value to expire).

Other deployer impact

For the automatic network allocation to work with Neutron, the following must happen:

  • The auto-allocated-topology extension must be enabled in the Neutron API.
  • Ensure the public external network is the default external network.
  • The deployment must contain a default subnet pool: one ipv4 pool, or one ipv6 pool, or one of each. The subnet_allocation extension is required for this.

See the Networking Guide for more details.

There is a devstack change to enable this also which can be used as a reference.3

Developer impact




Primary assignee:

Matt Riedemann (mriedem)

Other contributors:


Work Items

  • REST API changes in Nova for the microversion and auto/none/uuid logic.
  • API changes to check that the minimum compute service version in the deployment is at least the version that adds the auto-allocation logic to the compute service, which includes the network API. This check can be removed in Ocata.
  • Updates in the compute API to not call network_api.validate_networks if NetworkRequest.network_id == 'none'.
  • Updates to method for the 'auto' case when no networks are requested and none are available. Also potentially caching the results of the validation with Neutron.
  • Updates to the compute manager to not call allocate_for_instance if network_id is 'none'. This is simpler to do in one spot in the compute manager than in both allocate_for_instance methods in each network API, especially when we have to cast to the network manager in the case of nova-network.
  • Updates to to fail if no network info is allocated and NetworkRequest.network_id == 'auto'.
  • Updates to to auto-allocate a network if none are specified and none are available for the project.
  • Updates to python-novaclient to handle the new microversion and if no nics are requested and the microversion will be satisfied, default to pass 'auto' to the Nova REST API.
  • Unit tests for all changes.
  • Functional tests for the REST API microversion changes.
  • Tempest tests for the full end-to-end scenario with Nova / Neutron.

The Nova changes will be made in the following order so we can test the HEAD of the branch with the Tempest changes:

  1. Network API changes.
  2. Compute API/manager changes.
  3. REST API changes. This is what the Tempest change will depend on. If this is not passing tests, then something is wrong in the stack of changes and we cannot land any of them until the REST API changes are passing tests.


  • The Neutron API changes defined in the get-me-a-network spec.4 This was implemented in Mitaka.
  • Devstack changes for Tempest testing.5 This was implemented in Mitaka.
  • The python-neutronclient python API changes for auto-allocated-topology.6 This was implemented in Mitaka and available in the 4.1.0 release of python-neutronclient.


Unit tests

Unit tests for anything and everything.

Functional tests in Nova

Will add tests for the WSGI / microversion changes and negative scenarios.

Negative tests include:

  • Specifying 'auto' or 'none' and a specific network_id/fixed_ip/port-uuid.
  • Not specifying anything for network after the microversion.
  • Specifying 'auto' or 'none' before the microversion (v2.1).

Tempest tests

  • Microversion testing after the microversion using the 'auto' value.
  • Testing with 'auto' and 'none' for nova-network and Neutron.
    • nova-network + auto: should work as it does today in the gate
    • nova-network + none: verify that no networking is allocated (this could also be tested with a functional test in Nova, but it should work the same regardless of which networking service is being used so it might be fine in Tempest too).
    • neutron + auto: should allocate a network for the project when booting an instance. This can only work when the auto-allocated-topology extension is enabled in Neutron. It also requires the default public network and subnet pool setup so this will require a feature toggle in Tempest (devstack enables this already so it will work in the gate jobs).
      • Should also test that a second boot with the same project using 'auto' doesn't auto-allocate a new unique network, it should re-use the same one from the first request.
      • We should also test booting multiple instances from the same project using 'auto' and make sure it's atomic.

Documentation Impact



Release Name Description
Newton Introduced
Newton Amended for auto/none as enum design change.





