Balazs Gibizer c684c5f2b6 Placement: support mixing required traits with any traits
The previous spec I57c5611d7443070c176d213118857261b37eca0c proposed
to allow querying traits in the form of required=in:TRAIT1,TRAIT2.
This spec goes one step forward and propose to allow repeating the
required query parameter to support mixing both
required=TRAIT1,TRAIT2,!TRAIT3 and required=in:TRAIT1,TRAIT2 format
in a single query. This is needed for Neutron to be able to express
that a port needs a resource provider having a specific vnic_type
trait but also having one of the physnet traits the port's network maps

bp mixing-required-traits-with-any-traits

Change-Id: I9695f0cb2c0263cd0e8ca552d3a9dd720690e466
2018-08-29 12:46:32 +02:00

5.1 KiB

Support mixing required traits with any traits

The any-traits-in-allocation-candidates-query spec proposed to allow querying traits in the form of required=in:TRAIT1,TRAIT2. This spec goes one step further and proposes to allow repeating the required query parameter to support mixing both required=TRAIT1,TRAIT2,!TRAIT3 and required=in:TRAIT1,TRAIT2 format in a single query. This is needed for Neutron to be able to express that a port needs a resource provider having a specific vnic_type trait but also having one of the physnet traits the port's network maps to.

For example:

GET /allocation_candidates?required1=CUSTOM_VNIC_TYPE_DIRECT&

requests a networking device RP in the candidates that supports the direct vnic_type and is connected either to physnet_foo or physnet_bar or both.

Problem description

Neutron through Nova needs to be able to query Placement for allocation candidates that are matching to at least one trait from the list of traits as well as matching another specific trait in a single query.

Use Cases

Neutron wants to use this any(traits) query to express that a port's bandwidth resource request needs to be fulfilled by a Network device RP that is connected to one of the physnets the network of the given port is connected to. With Neutron's multiprovider network extension a single Neutron network can consist of multiple network segments connected to different physnets. But at the same time Neutron wants to express that the same RP has a specific vnic_type trait as well.

Proposed change

Extend the GET /allocation_candidates and GET /resource_providers requests to allow repeating the required and required<N> query param to support both the required=TRAIT1,TRAIT2,!TRAIT3 and required=in:TRAIT1,TRAIT2 syntax in a single query.



Data model impact


REST API impact

In a new microversion the GET /allocation_candidates and the GET /resource_providers query should allow repeating the required query parameter more than once while supporting both normal and any trait syntax in the same query.

The GET /allocation_candidates query having required=CUSTOM_VNIC_TYPE_NORMAL& required=in:CUSTOM_PHYSNET1,CUSTOM_PHYSNET2 parameters should result in allocation candidates where each allocation candidate has the traits CUSTOM_VNIC_TYPE_NORMAL and either CUSTOM_PHYSNET1 or CUSTOM_PHYSNET2 (or both).

The GET /resource_providers query having required=CUSTOM_VNIC_TYPE_NORMAL& required=in:CUSTOM_PHYSNET1,CUSTOM_PHYSNET2 parameters should result in resource providers where each resource provider has the traits CUSTOM_VNIC_TYPE_NORMAL and either CUSTOM_PHYSNET1 or CUSTOM_PHYSNET2 (or both).

The response body of the GET /allocation_candidates and GET /resource_providers query are unchanged.

Note the following two queries express exactly the same requirements:



Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact

The osc-placement client plugin needs to be updated to support the new Placement API microversion. This means the the CLI should support providing the --required parameter more than once supporting both normal and any trait syntax.

Performance Impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact


Upgrade impact




Primary assignee:


Work Items

  • Extend the resource provider and allocation candidate DB query to support more than one set of required traits
  • Extend the Placement REST API with a new microversion that supports repeating the required query param
  • Extend the osc-placement client plugin to support the new microversion


  • The any-traits-in-allocation-candidates-query spec


Both new gabbi and functional tests needs to be written for the Placement API change. Also the osc-placement client plugin will need additional functional test coverage.

Documentation Impact

The Placement API reference needs to be updated.




Release Name Description
Rocky Introduced
Stein Reproposed