Eric Fried cfbfa18082 Granular: group_policy={none|isolate}
After much discussion [1], we have agreed to implement both
"anti-affinity" and "any fit" in the granular request syntax by
requiring a `group_policy` queryparam when more than one numbered
request group is specified.  The queryparam may have one of two values:

`isolate`: Different numbered request groups will be satisfied by
different providers (forced anti-affinity).

`none`: Different numbered request groups may be satisfied by different
providers or common providers ("any fit").


Change-Id: I116089b2d4f3faeb985329fd33507ece9e9ca944
2018-04-19 10:25:21 -05:00

574 lines
20 KiB

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Granular Resource Request Syntax
As `Generic`_ and `Nested Resource Providers`_ begin to crystallize and be
exercised, it becomes necessary to be able to express:
* _`Requirement 1`: Requesting an allocation of a particular resource class
with a particular set of traits, and requesting a *different* allocation of
the *same* resource class with a *different* set of traits.
* _`Requirement 2`: Ensuring that requests of certain resources are allocated
from the *same* resource provider (affinity).
* _`Requirement 3`: Ensuring that requests of certain resources are allocated
from *different* resource providers (anti-affinity).
* _`Requirement 4`: The ability to spread allocations of effectively-identical
resources across multiple resource providers in situations of high
saturation ("any fit").
This specification attempts to address these requirements by way of a numbered
syntax on resource and trait keys in flavor extra_specs and the ``GET
/allocation_candidates`` `Placement API`_.
.. note:: This document uses "RP" as an abbreviation for "Resource Provider"
Problem description
Up to this point with generic and nested resource providers and traits, it is
only possible to request a single blob of resources with a single blob of
traits. More specifically:
* The resources can only be expressed as an integer count of a single
resource class. There is no way to express a second *resource_class*:*count*
with the same resource class.
* All specified traits apply to all requested resources. There is no way to
apply certain traits to certain resources.
* All resources of a given resource class are allocated from the same RP.
The `Use Cases`_ below exemplify scenarios that cannot be expressed within
these restrictions.
Use Cases
Consider the following hardware representation ("wiring diagram"):
.. code::
| CN1 |
| NIC1 | | NIC2 |
+-+---+--+---+-+ +-+---+--+---+-+
|PF1| |PF2| |PF3| |PF4|
+-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+
\ \__ __/ /
\ \ / /
| X |
| ____/ \____ |
| / \ |
+-+--+-+ +-+--+-+
| NET1 | | NET2 |
+------+ +------+
Assume this is modeled in Placement as:
.. code::
RP1 (represents PF1):
NET_EGRESS_BYTES_SEC=1250000000, # 10Gbps
RP2 (represents PF2):
NET_EGRESS_BYTES_SEC=1250000000, # 10Gbps
RP3 (represents PF3):
NET_EGRESS_BYTES_SEC=125000000, # 1Gbps
traits: [CUSTOM_NET1]
RP4 (represents PF4):
NET_EGRESS_BYTES_SEC=125000000, # 1Gbps
traits: [CUSTOM_NET2]
Use Case 1
As an Operator, I need to be able to express a boot request for an instance
with **one SR-IOV VF on physical network NET1 and a second SR-IOV VF on
physical network NET2**.
I expect the scheduler to receive the following allocation candidates:
* ``[RP1(SRIOV_NET_VF:1), RP2(SRIOV_NET_VF:1)]``
* ``[RP1(SRIOV_NET_VF:1), RP4(SRIOV_NET_VF:1)]``
* ``[RP3(SRIOV_NET_VF:1), RP2(SRIOV_NET_VF:1)]``
* ``[RP3(SRIOV_NET_VF:1), RP4(SRIOV_NET_VF:1)]``
This demonstrates the ability to get *different* allocations of the *same*
resource class from *different* providers in a single request (`Requirement
Use Case 2
Request: **one VF with egress bandwidth of 10000 bytes/sec**. (No, it doesn't
make sense that I don't care which physnet I'm on -- mentally replace NET with
SWITCH if that bothers you.)
This demonstrates the ability to ensure that allocations of *different*
resource classes can be made to come from the *same* resource provider
(`Requirement 2`_).
Use Case 3
* **One VF on NET1 with bandwidth 10000 bytes/sec**
* **One VF on NET2 with bandwidth 20000 bytes/sec on a NIC with SSL
acceleration** (This one should always land on RP2.)
This demonstrates *both* `Requirement 1`_ and `Requirement 2`_.
Use Case 4
In a high-availability scenario, request **two VFs on NET1 from different
* ``[RP1(SRIOV_NET_VF:1), RP3(SRIOV_NET_VF:1)]``
But **not** either of:
* ``[RP1(SRIOV_NET_VF:2)]``
* ``[RP3(SRIOV_NET_VF:2)]``
This demonstrates `Requirement 3`_.
Use Case 5
As an Operator, I need to be able to express a request for more than one VF and
have the request succeed even if my PFs are nearly saturated. For this use
case, assume that **each PF resource provider has only two VFs unallocated**.
I need to be able to express a request for **four VFs on NET1**.
Expect: ``[RP1(SRIOV_NET_VF:2), RP3(SRIOV_NET_VF:2)]``
This demonstrates `Requirement 4`_.
Proposed change
Numbered Request Groups
With the existing syntax (once `Dependencies`_ land), a resource request can be
logically expressed as:
.. code-block:: python
resources = { resource_classA: rcA_count,
resource_classB: rcB_count,
... },
required = [ TRAIT_C, TRAIT_D, ... ]
Semantically, each resulting allocation candidate will consist of
``resource_class``\ *N*: ``rc``\ *N*\ ``_count`` resources spread arbitrarily
across resource providers within the same tree (i.e. all resource providers in
a single allocation candidate will have the same ``root_provider_uuid``).
*Each* resource provider in *each* resulting allocation candidate will possess
*all* of the listed ``required`` traits.
.. note:: When shared resource providers are fully implemented, the above will
read, "...spread arbitrarily across resource providers within the
same tree *or aggregate*".
Also, it is unsupported for resource classes or traits to be repeated.
The proposed change is to augment the above to include numbered resource
groupings as follows:
Logical Representation
.. code-block:: python
resources = { resource_classA: rcA_count,
resource_classB: rcB_count,
... },
required = [ TRAIT_C, TRAIT_D, ... ],
resources1 = { resource_class1A: rc1A_count,
resource_class1B: rc1B_count,
... },
required1 = [ TRAIT_1C, TRAIT_1D, ... ],
resources2 = { resource_class2A: rc2A_count,
resource_class2B: rc2B_count,
... },
required2 = [ TRAIT_2C, TRAIT_2D, ... ],
resourcesX = { resource_classXA: rcXA_count,
resource_classXB: rcXB_count,
... },
requiredX = [ TRAIT_XC, TRAIT_XD, ... ],
group_policy = "none"|"isolate"
The term "results" is used below to refer to the contents of one item in the
``allocation_requests`` list within the ``GET /allocation_candidates``
* The semantic for the (single) un-numbered grouping is unchanged. That is, it
may still return results from different RPs in the same tree (or, when
"shared" is fully implemented, the same aggregate).
* However, a numbered group will always return results from the *same* RP.
This is to satisfy `Requirement 2`_.
* With ``group_policy=none``, separate groups (numbered or un-numbered) may
return results from different RPs *or* the same RP (assuming isolation is not
otherwise forced e.g. via traits or inventory/usage constraints).
* With ``group_policy=isolate``, numbered request groups are guaranteed to be
satisfied by *separate* RPs. This applies only to numbered request groups.
That is, resources within the un-numbered group are still able to be provided
by any RPs in the tree (or aggregate); and there is no restriction between
the RPs satisfied by the un-numbered group and those satisfied by the
numbered groups.
* The ``group_policy`` option is **required** when more than one numbered group
is specified; omitting it will result in a 400 error.
* It is still not supported to repeat a resource class within a given (numbered
or un-numbered) ``resources`` grouping, but there is no restriction on
repeating a resource class from one grouping to the next. The same applies
to traits. This is to satisfy `Requirement 1`_.
* A given ``required``\ *N* list applies *only* to its matching ``resources``\
*N* list. This goes for the un-numbered ``required``/``resources`` as well.
* The numeric suffixes are arbitrary. Other than binding ``resources``\ *N* to
``required``\ *N*, they have no implied meaning. In particular, they are not
required to be sequential; and there is no semantic significance to their
* For both numbered and un-numbered ``resources``, a single
*resource_class*:*count* will never be split across multiple RPs.
While such a split could be seen to be sane for e.g. VFs, it is clearly not
valid for e.g. DISK_GB. If you want to be able to split, use separate
numbered groups. This satisfies `Requirement 4`_.
* Specifying a ``resources`` (numbered or un-numbered) without a corresponding
``required`` returns results unfiltered by traits.
* It is an error to specify a ``required`` (numbered or un-numbered) without a
corresponding ``resources``.
Syntax In Flavors
In reference to the `Logical Representation`_, the existing (once
`Dependencies`_ have landed) implementation is to specify ``resources`` and
``required`` traits in the flavor extra_specs as follows:
* Each member of ``resources`` is specified as a separate extra_specs entry of
the form:
.. parsed-literal::
resources:*resource_classA*\ =\ *rcA_count*
* Each member of ``required`` is specified as a separate extra_specs entry of
the form:
.. parsed-literal::
trait:*TRAIT_B*\ =required
For example::
**Proposed:** Allow the same syntax for numbered resource and trait groupings
via the number being appended to the ``resources`` and ``trait`` keyword:
.. parsed-literal::
resources\ *N*:*resource_classC*\ =\ *rcC_count*
trait\ *N*:*TRAIT_D*\ =required
A given numbered ``resources`` or ``trait`` key may be repeated to specify
multiple resources/traits in the same grouping, just as with the un-numbered
Specify inter-group affinity policy via the ``group_policy`` key, which may
have the following values:
* ``isolate``: Different numbered request groups will be satisfied by
*different* providers.
* ``none``: Different numbered request groups may be satisfied by different
providers *or* common providers.
For example::
Syntax In the Placement API
In reference to the `Logical Representation`_, the existing (once
`Dependencies`_ have landed) `Placement API`_ implementation is via the ``GET
/allocation_candidates`` querystring as follows:
* The ``resources`` are grouped together under a single key called
``resources`` whose value is a comma-separated list of
``resource_class``\ *N*:``rc``\ *N*\ ``_count``.
* The traits are grouped together under a single key called ``required`` whose
value is a comma-separated list of *TRAIT_Y*.
For example::
GET /allocation_candidates?resources=VCPU:2,MEMORY_MB:2048
**Proposed:** Allow the same syntax for numbered resource and trait groupings
via the number being appended to the ``resources`` and ``required`` keywords,
and require a ``group_policy`` to be specified when more than one numbered
grouping is given. In the following example, groups 1 and 2 represent `Use
Case 3`_::
GET /allocation_candidates?resources=VCPU:2,MEMORY_MB:2048
The following example demonstrates the use of ``group_policy=isolate`` and
represents `Use Case 4`_ by ensuring that the two VFs come from different
providers, even though they are otherwise identical::
GET /allocation_candidates
There is no change to the response payload syntax.
* `Requirement 2`_ could also be expressed via aggregates by associating each
RP with a unique aggregate, once shared resource providers are fully
* We could allow the "number" suffixes to be any arbitrary string. However,
using integers is easy to understand and validate, and obviates worries about
escaping/encoding special characters, etc.
* There has been discussion over time about the need for a JSON payload-based
API to enable richer expression to request allocation candidates. While this
is still a possibility for the future, it was considered unnecessary in this
case, as the current requirements can be met via the proposed (relatively
simple) enhancements to the querystring syntax of the existing ``GET
/allocation_candidates`` API.
* Much discussion has occurred around whether and how to satisfy both
anti-affinity (`Requirement 3`_) and "any fit" (`Requirement 4`_). See the
`separate_providers proposal`_, the `can_split proposal`_, and the `mailing
list thread`_ for details.
Data model impact
REST API impact
See `Syntax In the Placement API`_. To summarize, the ``GET
/allocation_candidates`` `Placement API`_ is modified to accept arbitrary query
parameter keys of the format ``resources``\ *N* and ``required``\ *N*, where
*N* can be any integer. The format of the values to these query parameters is
identical to that of ``resources`` and ``required``, respectively.
Otherwise, there is no REST API impact.
Security impact
Notifications impact
Other end user impact
Operators will need to understand the `Syntax In Flavors`_ and the `Semantics`_
of the changes in order to create flavors exploiting the new functionality.
See `Documentation Impact`_.
There is no impact on the nova or openstack CLIs. The existing CLI syntax is
adequate for expressing the newly-supported extra_specs keys.
Performance Impact
Use of the new syntax results in the ``GET /allocation_candidates`` `Placement
API`_ effectively doing multiple lookups per request. This has the potential
to impact performance in the database by a factor of N+1, where N is the number
of numbered resource groupings specified in a given request. Clever SQL
expression may reduce or eliminate this impact.
There should be no impact outside of the database, as this feature should not
result in a significant increase in the number of records returned by the ``GET
/allocation_candidates`` API (if anything, the increased specificity will
*decrease* the number of results).
Other deployer impact
Developer impact
Developers of modules supplying Resource Provider representations (e.g. virt
drivers) will need to be aware of this feature in order to model their RPs
Upgrade impact
* efried
Work Items
Implementation work was begun in Queens. Several patches were merged; the
remaining patches have been started but are waiting on dependencies.
* Negotiate microversion capabilities with the `Placement API`_.
* Recognize and parse the new `Syntax In Flavors`_.
* If the new flavor extra_specs syntax is recognized and the `Placement API`_
is not capable of the appropriate microversion, error.
* Construct the ``GET /allocation_candidates`` querystring according to the
flavor extra_specs.
* Send the ``GET /allocation_candidates`` request to Placement, specifying the
appropriate microversion if the new syntax is in play.
* Publish a new microversion.
* Recognize and parse the new ``GET /allocation_candidates`` querystring key
formats if invoked at the new microversion.
* Construct the appropriate database query/ies.
* Everything else is unchanged.
This work builds on reapproval and completion of the `Nested Resource
Providers`_ effort.
Functional tests, including gabbits, will be added to exercise the new syntax.
New fixtures may be required to express some of the more complicated
configurations, particularly involving nested resource providers. Test cases
will be designed to prove various combinations and permutations of the items
listed in `Semantics`_. For example, a ``GET /allocation_candidates`` request
using both numbered and un-numbered groupings against a placement service
containing multiple nested resource provider trees with three or more levels
and involving trait propagation. Migration scenarios will also be tested.
Documentation Impact
* The `Placement API`_ reference will be updated to describe the new syntax to
the ``GET /allocation_candidates`` API.
* The `Placement Devref`_ will be updated to describe the new microversion.
* Admin documentation (presumably the same as introduced/enhanced via the
`Traits in Flavors`_ effort) will be updated to describe the new `Syntax In
* `Traits in Flavors`_ spec
* `Traits in the GET /allocation_candidates API`_ spec
* `Generic`_ Resource Providers original spec
* `Nested Resource Providers`_ spec
* `Placement API`_ reference
* `Placement Devref`_
* `<>`_
* `<>`_
.. _`Traits in Flavors`:
.. _`Traits in the GET /allocation_candidates API`:
.. _`Generic`:
.. _`Nested Resource Providers`:
.. _`Placement API`:
.. _`Placement Devref`:
.. _`separate_providers proposal`:
.. _`can_split proposal`:
.. _`mailing list thread`:
.. list-table:: Revisions
:header-rows: 1
* - Release Name
- Description
* - Queens
- Introduced, approved, implementation started
* - Rocky
- Reproposed