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.. _queens-priorities:
Queens Project Priorities
List of efforts the Nova development team is prioritizing for reviews in the
Queens release (in no particular order).
Cells v2
In Pike, the control plane was made multi-cell aware. However, there are some
`limitations`_. Priorities in Queens are related to removing some of those
* `Efficient multi-cell instance listing`_: Improve the performance of listing
instances across multiple cells and merge sort the results. This is achieved
by concurrently querying the cells and then sorting the results as they are
* `Alternate hosts`_: Support rescheduling across compute hosts within a cell
during the initial create or migration of an instance by having the scheduler
provide a primary selected host and a list of alternate hosts. The alternate
hosts will be used within the cell to reschedule in case the primary selected
host fails to build / migrate the instance. This avoids the need for the
cell conductor service to need to communicate back up to the scheduler
.. _limitations:
.. _Efficient multi-cell instance listing:
.. _Alternate hosts:
* `Migration allocations`_: Remove technical debt introduced in the Pike
release with how resource allocations are tracked in the Placement service
during a move operation (cold and live migrate). Rather than "double"
allocations for an instance on both the source and destination compute node
resource providers, the instance allocation will be created on the
destination node and the current source node allocation will be temporarily
tracked against the migration record until the operation completes, at which
point the migration allocation against the source node is deleted.
* `Nested resource providers`_: Add the ability to model a tree of resource
providers within the Placement service such that more complicated resource
relationships can be tracked and used during scheduling, such as a compute
node resource provider with child physical functions which in turn have
child virtual functions for modeling SR-IOV capabilities.
.. _Migration allocations:
.. _Nested resource providers:
Volume multi-attach
This is a two-part effort.
* `Use the Cinder volume attachments API`_: Introduced with the block storage
`3.27 API microversion`_, Cinder can accurately track multiple attachments
for a single volume, including storing the storage backend
``connection_info`` and compute host ``connector``, which historically is
stored in the Nova ``block_device_mappings`` database table. This is an
internal plumbing change to Nova and will be transparent to end users of the
compute API. This will improve the separation of duties between the compute
and block storage services, reduce technical debt in the compute service
long-term, and build a foundation on which volume multi-attach support can
be added.
* `Support multi-attachable volumes`_: Once Nova can support new-style volume
attachments we can work on adding the changes to the API and at least the
libvirt driver to attach a volume to more than one instance. There will be
some changes needed to the block storage API for modeling volume storage
backends that use shared targets, and Cinder will introduce policy rules so
operators can configure if and how you can use multi-attach volumes, but
basic support should be available, including boot from a multi-attach volume.
.. _Use the Cinder volume attachments API:
.. _3.27 API microversion:
.. _Support multi-attachable volumes: