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Virt image properties boot time override

This extends the Nova boot API so that it is possible to override any image metadata properties at instance creation time. This avoids the need to upload the same image to glance multiple times in order to set slightly different properties for special use cases.

Problem description

Nova has the ability to use various metadata properties recorded against images in glance, to tailor the way an instance is configured at boot time. For example, it might customize the type of hardware devices exposed, or set a specific NUMA topology, or specify kernel command line arguments.

This works pretty well in general, but there are a significant number of scenarios where the same image may need to be booted with a variety of different properties set. Currently the only way to deal with this is to upload the same image to glance multiple times, setting different properties against each upload. This does not scale at all well, particularly if the properties need to be different for every single instance booted.

Use Cases

A tenant user may wish to make use of Nova compute as a service for building disk images. This will entail running an operating system installer, such as Fedora's Anaconda, in the virtual instance. There are two ways to boot such installers. First they can boot from CDROM, in which case the tenant user is presented with an interactive BIOS console where they can customize kernel boot args used by the installer. Second they can boot from kernel+initrd, in which case the kernel boot args can be passed programmatically. The latter approach is necessary if any degree of automation of the install process is desired. This requires the ability to customize the kernel arguments on a per-instance basis.

A tenant user with NFV applications will wish to have fine control over aspects of the virtual hardware policy, in particular usage of NUMA, hugepages and CPU pinning policies. While some images they use have a standard policy to be applied, it is not uncommon to want to change aspects of the policy at instance boot time to suit a specific deployment need. For example, depending on the size of the resources associated flavour they are booting, they may wish to have different hugepage sizes used, or different number of NUMA nodes created.

Proposed change

The Nova boot API will be extended to include a new parameter which accepts a dict of parameters. The keys in this dict will match those permitted by the nova.objects.ImageMetaProps object fields.

In the Nova compute manager, the metadata properties from the image will be augmented / overridden with the properties provided via the boot API. This merged set of properties will be recorded as the image system metadata for the instance. In this way no changes will be required to downstream code in the virt drivers. The virt drivers will automatically see the per-instance customized set.

The Nova client API will be extended to allow these new parameters to be passed to the API, and the shell will gain a new --image-prop-override argument to set this

nova boot \
    --image IMAGE-ID \
    --image-prop-override "hw_os_command_line=console=ttyS0" \
    --image-prop-override "hw_numa_nodes=2" \
    --flavour m1.small \
    ...other args...


Instead of allowing arbitrary override of the image metadata properties, it would be possible to define a smaller set of allowed properties for the boot time API. The intention behind such an approach would be to have a more restrictive per-instance customization. The problem with such an approach would be deciding just which properties to allow override of at boot time. This would likely result in a never ending stream of requests from users to add support for "just one more" property. Thus it is is considered simpler to just allow override of any property defined by the ImageMetaProps object.

Instead of doing image metadata property overide, special case the specific features that are needed. For example, the boot API could gain a new "kernel command line" parameter. This would be extrememly niche and would ultimately require many extra parameters to be added to the boot API to cover all scenarios. This would in turn lead to lots more special case code in the compute manager and virt drivers. It is far simpler to just customize the existing defined image metadata properties.

Add support for soft-cloning with reference counting to Glance, so that it is possible to cheaply create multiple images with different metadata, all sharing the same underlying content. This could certainly be useful in some scenarios where you are going to be repeatedly using the same set of image metadata properties to boot multiple VMs. When you have a completely one-off image metadata properties on every single boot attempt, creating and then deleting images in glance each time is an undesirable burden on the user.

Do nothing is always an alternative. In such a case, tenant users would have to carry on with the current workaround which is to upload multiple copies of the same image and set different properties against each copy. Glance could potentially be enhanced to recognise when the same image content is uploaded and de-duplicate the disk space consumed. This is still a rather tedious approach for users though, particularly when every single instance wants a slightly different override, as would be the case when using Nova to run distro OS installers automatically.

Data model impact


The compute manager boot code will take the new parameters from the boot API and merge them into the existing image metadata dict which is stored in the system metadata table. As such no new storage is required.

REST API impact

The POST method on the '/servers' location will be extended to gain a new 'image_props_override' parameter. This will be a simple dict of key/value strings. The accepted keys will be any of those permitted by the nova.objects.ImageMetaProps object.

Taking the 'nova boot' example earlier, the JSON passed in the request would look like this:

    'server' : {
        'accessIPv4': '',
        'accessIPv6': '80fe::',
        'name' : 'new-server-test',
        'imageRef' : '',
        'flavorRef' : '',
        'metadata' : {
          'My Server Name' : 'Apache1'
        'image_props_override' : {
          'hw_os_command_line' : 'console=ttyS0',
          'hw_numa_nodes' : '2',

This will need a new API microversion

Security impact

Glance has a facility to set image property protection, to prevent a tenant user from setting specific properties on an image. Since the image property overrides are completely done in Nova, this is invisible to glance's access control rules. To deal with this there will be a nova.conf property provided that whitelists/blacklists what properties can be overridden at instance boot time.

Notifications impact


Other end user impact

The nova client API will support the new parameter and the 'boot' shell command will gain an '--image-prop-override' argument for specifying image property override.

Performance Impact


Other deployer impact

When an adminsitrator sets up property protections in glance, they need to also consider whether the nova.conf property override whitelist needs to be updated too.

Developer impact




Primary assignee:


Other contributors:


Work Items

  • Extend the Nova servers resource create method to accept the new parameter
  • Extend the Nova compute manager to merge the boot time overrides with the image metadata properties, storing the result in the system metadata
  • Extend the python nova client to pass in the new parameters


It depends in the compute manager being converted to use the ImageMetaProps object, which is being completed in,n,z


New tempest test will be needed to boot a guest with image meta property overrides and verify that the guest configuration was correspondingly changed.

Documentation Impact

The new Nova client 'boot' command parameters will need to be documented


Previous related blueprints:

This blueprint comes out of feedback on those previous specs which were considered to be too special cased and overly generic respectively.