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Instance tasks - A short history and primer

This starts as a story about exposing errors to users.

From very early on, if not the beginning, the Nova API has had a concept of an instance fault. This is a record that contains information on a failure that occurred within Nova while doing something with an instance. It is extremely useful for conveying information to users when there is a failure but it has two major drawbacks. The first is that it's only visible when the instance is in an ERROR state, and the second is that only the latest fault is visible. With the advent of API v2.1 it may be possible to address these issues.

Before API v2.1 was in progress two things, called instance-actions and instance-action-events, were added to Nova to address the shortcomings of instance faults. Instance-actions is a user visible log of API actions that a user has requested with a success or failure status. Instance-action-events are an admin facing log which goes into more details of the compute methods invoked and any stack traces that occurred. These made it possible to expose failures without needing to set an instance to ERROR. The biggest drawback to these is that they're not well publicized so users may not know to look at them.

Along the way we realized that the concept of displaying most errors on the instance was flawed and what we needed was a way to represent a task on an instance and a corresponding success or failure of the task. For example something like rebooting an instance can fail before affecting the power state of an instance and the instance isn't affected. In that case we want to say that the reboot failed and not have to consider the instance to have a fault/error on it because it is still running normally. This lead to the idea that from an API perspective we want an action to be, or lead to, the creation of a task with an associated status rather than a POST to /actions on the instance. However as an intermediate step we could have that POST create a task resource and return a link to it. A proposal for how this could look was provided by jaypipes at

Beyond the API impact there are other reasons to introduce a task concept to Nova, keeping in mind that a task could mean something high level like rebuild or the multiple individual units of work needed to accomplish rebuild:

  1. The Nova code implements a rudimentary state machine for instances with logic for what to do spread across multiple modules. However it's not always clear that there aren't dead ends in the state machine or states that can't be reached. If the logic for various actions could be pulled into task modules we could more easily create proper state machines for them.
  2. In conjunction with the above idea tasks should be the mechanism of change within Nova. Right now we send an instance to a method like rebuild() and that contains the logic for rebuild. What I envision instead is sending the task object via RPC and having it drive the state changes on an instance. Ultimately conductor/compute could just have a single method like execute_task_on_instance(task, instance). That's a bit unrealistic but that could be the general concept.
  3. Actions on instances should be able to be stopped and resumed. This is important for being able to restart services. If the state of a task can be persisted then when a service restarts it could pick up and resume the task. This implies that tasks should be idempotent, which is unlikely, or that they should have checkpoints.
  4. A future idea could be to strip nova-compute to being a tasks worker which has very little logic in it and is mostly responsible for pulling tasks from a queue. This moves us closer to a place where multiple nova-computes could be running for a single hypervisor just pulling work from multiple conductors. Then nova-compute would not be a single point of failure. This idea has not been discussed within the community and is simply something I've considered and should be considered completely out of scope here. But it is an example of the type of thing that tasks could enable.

The early work on tasks was focused on introducing the concept at the API level. The idea was to get the interface in place and then rework the Nova internals to match that concept. There's some merit to that approach but this can be done differently as well. The focus could start on the internals of Nova and getting that framework in place and then exposing it in the API once the details are understood. The main advantage I saw to working on the API first is that we could rework the internals of Nova without being completely bound by the state machine that the API currently exposes. The main advantage I see to working on the internals first is that we currently have to guess at how tasks should be exposed and what fields they should contain but by implementing them within Nova that will become clear.

What about TaskFlow? TaskFlow is a potential implementation detail in all of this work but I believe it is too early to talk about integrating it into Nova. There's a lot of work to do to untangle the mess of RPC cast/calls and the implicit state machine within Nova and start to centralize some of that within conductor before something like TaskFlow looks like a good fit. My suggestion would be to work on iterating towards a task model within Nova and if the solution starts to look like a fit for TaskFlow then that discussion can happen. In other words let's not change Nova to fit TaskFlow but use TaskFlow if it fits in Nova.

Finally, instance faults and instance-actions should be deprecated by implementing them on top of tasks. Instance faults should be doable by exposing the last failed task as an instance fault. Instance actions is a simplified view of the list of tasks. But there is one instance-action per API operation and potentially multiple tasks so one task will need to be selected to be exposed as the instance-action.

Problem description


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