Michael Still 30d5bacb19 Mark liberty specs as implemented
This review syncs the state of launchpad with the spec repo for
things implemented up to liberty-3. There are no changes to the
specs, just things being moved around.

Change-Id: I930d33532b268b6e933c8be06a0569c20fd09586
2015-09-30 10:17:33 +10:00

5.0 KiB

Add 'locked' in server Detail Response

Currently admin or owner can lock/unlock the instance but there is no way to know whether instance is locked. This spec is to propose a way to know lock information by adding new 'locked' attribute in server GET APIs Response.

Problem description

Currently Instance can be locked and unlocked by admin or owner. But there is no way to get to know who locked the instance. Even users cannot know whether that instance is locked or not.

Use Cases

User can know whether instance is locked. When user want to perform any action on instance and it is locked then it return error about instance not in proper state. If there is prior way to know whether instance is locked, it will be easy for user/admin to do appropriate action accordingly.

As lock/unlock action can be performed by admin or owner (more than one role), 'locked' information can be very useful.

Project Priority


Proposed change

Add new attribute 'locked' in server detail response which will provide instance lock information.

Returned value by 'locked' attribute will be-

  • True - If instance is locked.
  • False - If instance is not locked.

When user will query about instance details (List Detail or Show), 'locked' information will be returned in response.

When "locked" is "true", it means there is a lock on instance, it does not mean instance is locked for requested users. For example - When instance is locked by the owner but listed by an admin, "locked" will be "true" even admin can override the owner lock.

So "locked" provides only concrete information whether instance is locked or not.

We could have provide lock information by exposing "locked_by" (which holds the lock owner information in current implementation) directly but as in most cases instance will not be locked so its value will be null. And its always better to expose the simple and concrete information than implementation one which can be changed in future as lock things can be expanded in future.

NOTE-Lock can be made it's own resource at a later time which will help to know complete information about instance lock (locked by whom, lock reason, time stamp etc). New lock API can looks like something - servers/server_id/lock.


User can get to know locked status from exception returned on performing invalid action on locked server. But there will not be any way to know who locked instance.

Data model impact


REST API impact

  • Specification for the method
    • Description
      • API Show server details & List servers details
    • Method type
      • GET
    • Normal http response code
      • 200, no change in response code
    • Expected error http response code(s)
      • No change in error codes
    • URL for the resource
      • /v2.1
    • JSON schema definition for the body data if allowed
      • A request body is not allowed.
    • JSON schema definition for the response data if any
  'status_code': [200],
  'response_body': {
    'type': 'object',
    'properties': {
      'server': {
        'type': 'object',
        'properties': {
          'id': {'type': 'string'},
          'name': {'type': 'string'},
          'status': {'type': 'string'},
          'locked': {'type': 'boolean'},
          'OS-EXT-STS:task_state': {'type': ['string', 'null']},
          'OS-EXT-STS:vm_state': {'type': 'string'},
          'OS-EXT-STS:power_state': {'type': 'integer'},
    'required': ['server']

Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact

python-novaclient needs to be updated in order to show the 'locked' in the 'nova show' commands.

Performance Impact

None. Locked by information is already present in Instance object, this will just show that information to user.

Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Primary assignee:


Other contributors:


Work Items

  • Add 'locked' in server GET APIs (Show and List Detail) Response.
  • Modify Sample and unit tests accordingly.




Currently Nova functional test will cover these changes testing. After discussion of micro version testing in Tempest, these changes can be tested accordingly.

Documentation Impact

server GET APIs doc will be updated accordingly.
