Support nested alloc cands with sharing providers

This patch enables nested allocation candidates in cases where
sharing providers are also in the environment.

The logic is mainly added to the existing function
_alloc_candidates_nested_no_shared() renaming it to

Because this new function is also available when there is neither
sharing providers nor nested providers, this patch merges the
existing _alloc_candidates_with_shared() and _get_all_with_shared()
function to _alloc_candidates_multiple_provider().

Change-Id: Ib1738fb4a4664aa7b78398655fd23159a54f5f69
Blueprint: nested-resource-providers-allocation-candidates
This commit is contained in:
Tetsuro Nakamura 2018-05-09 11:06:18 +09:00
parent 0a781ea98c
commit 068c56f55d
3 changed files with 269 additions and 769 deletions

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@ -427,19 +427,23 @@ def _get_aggregates_by_provider_id(context, rp_id):
def _anchors_for_sharing_provider(context, rp_id):
"""Given the internal ID of a sharing provider, return the UUIDs of all the
unique root providers of trees associated with the same aggregate as the
sharing provider. (These are the providers that can "anchor" a single
def _anchors_for_sharing_providers(context, rp_ids, get_id=False):
"""Given a list of internal IDs of sharing providers, returns a set of
tuples of (sharing provider UUID, anchor provider UUID), where each of
anchor is the unique root provider of a tree associated with the same
aggregate as the sharing provider. (These are the providers that can
"anchor" a single AllocationRequest.)
The sharing provider may or may not itself be part of a tree; in either
case, its root provider UUID is included in the result.
case, an entry for this root provider is included in the result.
If the sharing provider is not part of any aggregate, the empty list is
If get_id is True, it returns a set of tuples of (sharing provider ID,
anchor provider ID) instead.
# SELECT COALESCE(rps.uuid, shr_with_sps.uuid)
# SELECT sps.uuid, COALESCE(rps.uuid, shr_with_sps.uuid)
# FROM resource_providers AS sps
# INNER JOIN resource_provider_aggregates AS shr_aggs
# ON = shr_aggs.resource_provider_id
@ -449,7 +453,7 @@ def _anchors_for_sharing_provider(context, rp_id):
# ON shr_with_sps_aggs.resource_provider_id =
# LEFT JOIN resource_providers AS rps
# ON shr_with_sps.root_provider_id =
# GROUP by shr_with_sps.root_provider_id
rps = sa.alias(_RP_TBL, name='rps')
sps = sa.alias(_RP_TBL, name='sps')
@ -468,11 +472,14 @@ def _anchors_for_sharing_provider(context, rp_id):
# root_provider_id values are NOT NULL
join_chain = sa.outerjoin(
join_chain, rps, shr_with_sps.c.root_provider_id ==
sel =[func.coalesce(rps.c.uuid, shr_with_sps.c.uuid)])
if get_id:
sel =[, func.coalesce(,])
sel =[sps.c.uuid, func.coalesce(rps.c.uuid,
sel = sel.select_from(join_chain)
sel = sel.where( == rp_id)
sel = sel.group_by(shr_with_sps.c.root_provider_id)
return [r[0] for r in context.session.execute(sel).fetchall()]
sel = sel.where(
return set([(r[0], r[1]) for r in context.session.execute(sel).fetchall()])
@ -1202,348 +1209,6 @@ def _get_providers_with_shared_capacity(ctx, rc_id, amount, member_of=None):
return [r[0] for r in ctx.session.execute(sel)]
def _get_all_with_shared(ctx, resources, member_of=None):
"""Uses some more advanced SQL to find providers that either have the
requested resources "locally" or are associated with a provider that shares
those requested resources.
:param resources: Dict keyed by resource class integer ID of requested
amounts of that resource
:param member_of: a list of list of aggregate UUIDs or None
# NOTE(jaypipes): The SQL we generate here depends on which resource
# classes have providers that share that resource via an aggregate.
# We begin building a "join chain" by starting with a projection from the
# resource_providers table:
# FROM resource_providers AS rp
# in addition to a copy of resource_provider_aggregates for each resource
# class that has a shared provider:
# resource_provider_aggregates AS sharing_{RC_NAME},
# We then join to a copy of the inventories table for each resource we are
# requesting:
# {JOIN TYPE} JOIN inventories AS inv_{RC_NAME}
# ON = inv_{RC_NAME}.resource_provider_id
# AND inv_{RC_NAME}.resource_class_id = $RC_ID
# SELECT resource_provider_id, SUM(used) AS used
# FROM allocations
# WHERE resource_class_id = $RC_ID
# GROUP BY resource_provider_id
# ) AS usage_{RC_NAME}
# ON = usage_{RC_NAME}.resource_provider_id
# For resource classes that DO NOT have any shared resource providers, the
# {JOIN TYPE} will be an INNER join, because we are filtering out any
# resource providers that do not have local inventory of that resource
# class.
# For resource classes that DO have shared resource providers, the {JOIN
# TYPE} will be a LEFT (OUTER) join.
# For the first join, {JOINING TABLE} will be resource_providers. For each
# subsequent resource class that is added to the SQL expression, {JOINING
# TABLE} will be the alias of the inventories table that refers to the
# previously-processed resource class.
# For resource classes that DO have shared providers, we also perform a
# "butterfly join" against two copies of the resource_provider_aggregates
# table:
# +-----------+ +------------+ +-------------+ +------------+
# | last_inv | | rpa_shared | | rpa_sharing | | rp_sharing |
# +-----------| +------------+ +-------------+ +------------+
# | rp_id |=>| rp_id | | rp_id |<=| id |
# | | | agg_id |<=| agg_id | | |
# +-----------+ +------------+ +-------------+ +------------+
# Note in the diagram above, we call the _get_providers_sharing_capacity()
# for a resource class to construct the "rp_sharing" set/table.
# The first part of the butterfly join is an outer join against a copy of
# the resource_provider_aggregates table in order to winnow results to
# providers that are associated with any aggregate that the sharing
# provider is associated with:
# LEFT JOIN resource_provider_aggregates AS shared_{RC_NAME}
# ON = shared_{RC_NAME}.resource_provider_id
# The above is then joined to the set of aggregates associated with the set
# of sharing providers for that resource:
# LEFT JOIN resource_provider_aggregates AS sharing_{RC_NAME}
# ON shared_{RC_NAME}.aggregate_id = sharing_{RC_NAME}.aggregate_id
# AND sharing_{RC_NAME}.resource_provider_id IN($RPS_{RC_NAME})
# If the request specified limiting resource providers to one or more
# specific aggregates, we then join the above to another copy of the
# aggregate table and filter on the provided aggregates.
# We calculate the WHERE conditions based on whether the resource class has
# any shared providers.
# For resource classes that DO NOT have any shared resource providers, the
# WHERE clause constructed finds resource providers that have inventory for
# "local" resource providers:
# WHERE (COALESCE(usage_vcpu.used, 0) + $AMOUNT <=
# (inv_{RC_NAME}.total - inv_{RC_NAME}.reserved)
# * inv_{RC_NAME}.allocation_ratio
# inv_{RC_NAME}.min_unit <= $AMOUNT AND
# inv_{RC_NAME}.max_unit >= $AMOUNT AND
# $AMOUNT % inv_{RC_NAME}.step_size == 0)
# For resource classes that DO have shared resource providers, the WHERE
# clause is slightly more complicated:
# inv_{RC_NAME}.resource_provider_id IS NOT NULL AND
# (
# (
# COALESCE(usage_{RC_NAME}.used, 0) + $AMOUNT <=
# (inv_{RC_NAME}.total - inv_{RC_NAME}.reserved)
# * inv_{RC_NAME}.allocation_ratio
# ) AND
# inv_{RC_NAME}.min_unit <= $AMOUNT AND
# inv_{RC_NAME}.max_unit >= $AMOUNT AND
# $AMOUNT % inv_{RC_NAME}.step_size == 0
# ) OR
# sharing_{RC_NAME}.resource_provider_id IS NOT NULL
# )
# Finally, we GROUP BY the resource provider ID:
# To show an example, here is the exact SQL that will be generated in an
# environment that has a shared storage pool and compute nodes that have
# vCPU and RAM associated with the same aggregate as the provider
# representing the shared storage pool, and where the request specified
# aggregates that the compute nodes had to be associated with:
# FROM resource_providers AS rp
# INNER JOIN inventories AS inv_vcpu
# ON = inv_vcpu.resource_provider_id
# AND inv_vcpu.resource_class_id = $VCPU_ID
# SELECT resource_provider_id, SUM(used) AS used
# FROM allocations
# WHERE resource_class_id = $VCPU_ID
# GROUP BY resource_provider_id
# ) AS usage_vcpu
# ON = usage_vcpu.resource_provider_id
# INNER JOIN inventories AS inv_memory_mb
# ON = inv_memory_mb.resource_provider_id
# AND inv_memory_mb.resource_class_id = $MEMORY_MB_ID
# SELECT resource_provider_id, SUM(used) AS used
# FROM allocations
# WHERE resource_class_id = $MEMORY_MB_ID
# GROUP BY resource_provider_id
# ) AS usage_memory_mb
# ON = usage_memory_mb.resource_provider_id
# LEFT JOIN inventories AS inv_disk_gb
# ON inv_memory_mb.resource_provider_id = \
# inv_disk_gb.resource_provider_id
# AND inv_disk_gb.resource_class_id = $DISK_GB_ID
# SELECT resource_provider_id, SUM(used) AS used
# FROM allocations
# WHERE resource_class_id = $DISK_GB_ID
# GROUP BY resource_provider_id
# ) AS usage_disk_gb
# ON = usage_disk_gb.resource_provider_id
# LEFT JOIN resource_provider_aggregates AS shared_disk_gb
# ON = shared_disk.resource_provider_id
# LEFT JOIN resource_provider_aggregates AS sharing_disk_gb
# ON shared_disk_gb.aggregate_id = sharing_disk_gb.aggregate_id
# AND sharing_disk_gb.resource_provider_id IN ($RPS_SHARING_DISK)
# INNER JOIN resource_provider_aggregates AS member_aggs
# ON = member_aggs.resource_provider_id
# INNER JOIN placement_aggregates AS p_aggs
# ON member_aggs.aggregate_id =
# AND p_aggs.uuid IN ($MEMBER_OF)
# (
# COALESCE(usage_vcpu.used, 0) + $AMOUNT_VCPU <=
# ( - inv_vcpu.reserved)
# * inv_vcpu.allocation_ratio
# ) AND
# inv_vcpu.min_unit <= $AMOUNT_VCPU AND
# inv_vcpu.max_unit >= $AMOUNT_VCPU AND
# $AMOUNT_VCPU % inv_vcpu.step_size == 0
# ) AND (
# (
# COALESCE(usage_memory_mb.used, 0) + $AMOUNT_MEMORY_MB <=
# ( - inv_memory_mb.reserved)
# * inv_memory_mb.allocation_ratio
# ) AND
# inv_memory_mb.min_unit <= $AMOUNT_MEMORY_MB AND
# inv_memory_mb.max_unit >= $AMOUNT_MEMORY_MB AND
# $AMOUNT_MEMORY_MB % inv_memory_mb.step_size == 0
# ) AND (
# inv_disk.resource_provider_id IS NOT NULL AND
# (
# (
# COALESCE(usage_disk_gb.used, 0) + $AMOUNT_DISK_GB <=
# ( - inv_disk_gb.reserved)
# * inv_disk_gb.allocation_ratio
# ) AND
# inv_disk_gb.min_unit <= $AMOUNT_DISK_GB AND
# inv_disk_gb.max_unit >= $AMOUNT_DISK_GB AND
# $AMOUNT_DISK_GB % inv_disk_gb.step_size == 0
# ) OR
# sharing_disk_gb.resource_provider_id IS NOT NULL
# )
rpt = sa.alias(_RP_TBL, name="rp")
# Contains a set of resource provider IDs for each resource class requested
sharing_providers = {
rc_id: _get_providers_with_shared_capacity(ctx, rc_id, amount)
for rc_id, amount in resources.items()
name_map = {
rc_id: _RC_CACHE.string_from_id(rc_id).lower() for rc_id in resources
# Dict, keyed by resource class ID, of an aliased table object for the
# inventories table winnowed to only that resource class.
inv_tables = {
rc_id: sa.alias(_INV_TBL, name='inv_%s' % name_map[rc_id])
for rc_id in resources
# Dict, keyed by resource class ID, of a derived table (subquery in the
# FROM clause or JOIN) against the allocations table winnowed to only that
# resource class, grouped by resource provider.
usage_tables = {
rc_id: sa.alias([
_ALLOC_TBL.c.resource_class_id == rc_id
name='usage_%s' % name_map[rc_id],
for rc_id in resources
# Dict, keyed by resource class ID, of an aliased table of
# resource_provider_aggregates representing the aggregates associated with
# a provider sharing the resource class
sharing_tables = {
rc_id: sa.alias(_RP_AGG_TBL, name='sharing_%s' % name_map[rc_id])
for rc_id in resources
if len(sharing_providers[rc_id]) > 0
# Dict, keyed by resource class ID, of an aliased table of
# resource_provider_aggregates representing the resource providers
# associated by aggregate to the providers sharing a particular resource
# class.
shared_tables = {
rc_id: sa.alias(_RP_AGG_TBL, name='shared_%s' % name_map[rc_id])
for rc_id in resources
if len(sharing_providers[rc_id]) > 0
# List of the WHERE conditions we build up by looking at the contents
# of the sharing providers
where_conds = []
# Primary selection is on the resource_providers table and all of the
# aliased table copies of resource_provider_aggregates for each resource
# being shared
sel =[])
# The chain of joins that we eventually pass to select_from()
join_chain = None
for rc_id, sps in sharing_providers.items():
it = inv_tables[rc_id]
ut = usage_tables[rc_id]
amount = resources[rc_id]
rp_link = join_chain if join_chain is not None else rpt
# We can do a more efficient INNER JOIN when we don't have shared
# resource providers for this resource class
joiner = sa.join
if sps:
joiner = sa.outerjoin
# Add a join condition winnowing this copy of inventories table
# to only the resource class being analyzed in this loop...
inv_join = joiner(rp_link, it,
sa.and_( == it.c.resource_provider_id,
it.c.resource_class_id == rc_id))
usage_join = sa.outerjoin(inv_join, ut, == ut.c.resource_provider_id)
join_chain = usage_join
usage_cond = sa.and_(
((sql.func.coalesce(ut.c.used, 0) + amount) <=
( - it.c.reserved) * it.c.allocation_ratio),
it.c.min_unit <= amount,
it.c.max_unit >= amount,
amount % it.c.step_size == 0)
if not sps:
sharing = sharing_tables[rc_id]
shared = shared_tables[rc_id]
cond = sa.or_(
it.c.resource_provider_id != sa.null(),
sharing.c.resource_provider_id != sa.null())
# We need to add the "butterfly" join now that produces the set of
# resource providers associated with a provider that is sharing the
# resource via an aggregate
shared_join = sa.outerjoin(join_chain, shared, == shared.c.resource_provider_id)
sharing_join = sa.outerjoin(shared_join, sharing,
shared.c.aggregate_id == sharing.c.aggregate_id,
join_chain = sharing_join
# If 'member_of' has values, do a separate lookup to identify the
# resource providers that meet the member_of constraints.
if member_of:
rps_in_aggs = _provider_ids_matching_aggregates(ctx, member_of)
if not rps_in_aggs:
# Short-circuit. The user either asked for a non-existing
# aggregate or there were no resource providers that matched
# the requirements...
return []
sel = sel.select_from(join_chain)
sel = sel.where(sa.and_(*where_conds))
sel = sel.group_by(
return [r for r in ctx.session.execute(sel)]
class ResourceProviderList(base.ObjectListBase, base.VersionedObject):
@ -3197,7 +2862,7 @@ def _get_providers_with_resource(ctx, rc_id, amount):
def _get_trees_matching_all(ctx, resources, required_traits, forbidden_traits,
sharing, member_of):
"""Returns a list of two-tuples (provider internal ID, root provider
internal ID) for providers that satisfy the request for resources.
@ -3230,6 +2895,9 @@ def _get_trees_matching_all(ctx, resources, required_traits, forbidden_traits,
:param forbidden_traits: A map, keyed by trait string name, of trait
internal IDs that a resource provider must
not have.
:param sharing: dict, keyed by resource class ID, of lists of resource
provider IDs that share that resource class and can
contribute to the overall allocation request
:param member_of: An optional list of lists of aggregate UUIDs. If
provided, the allocation_candidates returned will only be
for resource providers that are members of one or more of
@ -3254,13 +2922,30 @@ def _get_trees_matching_all(ctx, resources, required_traits, forbidden_traits,
return []
rc_trees = set(p[1] for p in rc_provs_with_inv)
provs_with_inv |= set((p[0], p[1], rc_id) for p in rc_provs_with_inv)
sharing_providers = sharing.get(rc_id)
if sharing_providers:
# There are sharing providers for this resource class, so we
# should also get combinations of (sharing provider, anchor root)
# in addition to (nested provider, anchor root) we already have.
rc_provs_with_inv = _anchors_for_sharing_providers(
ctx, sharing_providers, get_id=True)
rc_provs_with_inv = set(
(p[0], p[1], rc_id) for p in rc_provs_with_inv)
rc_trees |= set(p[1] for p in rc_provs_with_inv)
provs_with_inv |= rc_provs_with_inv
# Filter trees_with_inv to have only trees with enough inventories
# for this resource class. Here "tree" includes sharing providers
# in its terminology
if trees_with_inv:
trees_with_inv &= rc_trees
if not trees_with_inv:
return []
trees_with_inv = rc_trees
if not trees_with_inv:
return []
# Select only those tuples where there are providers for all requested
# resource classes (trees_with_inv contains the root provider IDs of those
# trees that contain all our requested resources)
@ -3285,10 +2970,13 @@ def _get_trees_matching_all(ctx, resources, required_traits, forbidden_traits,
return []
provs_with_inv = set(p for p in provs_with_inv if p[1] in rps_in_aggs)
if not required_traits and not forbidden_traits:
if (not required_traits and not forbidden_traits) or (
# If there were no traits required, there's no difference in how we
# calculate allocation requests between nested and non-nested
# environments, so just short-circuit and return
# environments, so just short-circuit and return. Or if sharing
# providers are in play, we check the trait constraints later
# in _alloc_candidates_multiple_providers(), so skip.
return list(provs_with_inv)
# Return the providers where the providers have the available inventory
@ -3607,8 +3295,9 @@ def _alloc_candidates_single_provider(ctx, requested_resources, rps):
# AllocationRequest for every possible anchor.
traits = [ for trait in rp_summary.traits]
if os_traits.MISC_SHARES_VIA_AGGREGATE in traits:
for anchor in _anchors_for_sharing_provider(
anchors = set([p[1] for p in _anchors_for_sharing_providers(
ctx, [])])
for anchor in anchors:
# We already added self
if anchor == rp_summary.resource_provider.root_provider_uuid:
@ -3618,7 +3307,7 @@ def _alloc_candidates_single_provider(ctx, requested_resources, rps):
return alloc_requests, list(summaries.values())
def _alloc_candidates_nested_no_shared(ctx, requested_resources,
def _alloc_candidates_multiple_providers(ctx, requested_resources,
required_traits, forbidden_traits, rp_tuples):
"""Returns a tuple of (allocation requests, provider summaries) for a
supplied set of requested resource amounts and tuples of
@ -3628,13 +3317,8 @@ def _alloc_candidates_nested_no_shared(ctx, requested_resources,
This is a code path to get results for a RequestGroup with
use_same_provider=False. In this scenario, we are able to use multiple
providers within the same provider tree to satisfy different resources
involved in a single request group.
Currently this function should be used only for cases where no sharing
providers exist in the system for any requested resource. If sharing
providers exist, we use _alloc_candidates_with_shared() instead,
but it is not aware of nested trees yet.
providers within the same provider tree including sharing providers to
satisfy different resources involved in a single request group.
:param ctx: nova.context.RequestContext object
:param requested_resources: dict, keyed by resource class ID, of amounts
@ -3685,6 +3369,11 @@ def _alloc_candidates_nested_no_shared(ctx, requested_resources,
# resource class names and amounts to consume from that resource provider
alloc_requests = []
# Build a list of the sets of provider internal IDs that end up in
# allocation request objects. This is used to ensure we don't end up
# having allocation requests with duplicate sets of resource providers.
alloc_prov_ids = []
# Let's look into each tree
for root_id, alloc_dict in tree_dict.items():
# Get request_groups, which is a list of lists of
@ -3697,9 +3386,15 @@ def _alloc_candidates_nested_no_shared(ctx, requested_resources,
# Using itertools.product, we get all the combinations of resource
# providers in a tree.
for res_requests in itertools.product(*request_groups):
if not _check_traits_for_alloc_request(res_requests, summaries,
prov_traits, required_traits, forbidden_traits):
all_prov_ids = _check_traits_for_alloc_request(res_requests,
summaries, prov_traits, required_traits, forbidden_traits)
if (not all_prov_ids) or (all_prov_ids in alloc_prov_ids):
# This combination doesn't satisfy trait constraints,
# ...or we already have this permutation, which happens
# when multiple sharing providers with different resource
# classes are in one request.
AllocationRequest(ctx, resource_requests=list(res_requests),
@ -3707,191 +3402,6 @@ def _alloc_candidates_nested_no_shared(ctx, requested_resources,
return alloc_requests, list(summaries.values())
def _alloc_candidates_with_shared(ctx, requested_resources, required_traits,
forbidden_traits, ns_rp_ids, sharing):
"""Returns a tuple of (allocation requests, provider summaries) for a
supplied set of requested resource amounts and resource providers.
The allocation requests will contain BOTH resource providers that locally
have all the resources to satisfy each requested resource amount AND
combinations of resource providers and shared providers in same aggregate
that can collectively satisfy requested resource.
:param ctx: nova.context.RequestContext object
:param requested_resources: dict, keyed by resource class ID, of amounts
being requested for that resource class
:param required_traits: A map, keyed by trait string name, of required
trait internal IDs that each *allocation request's
set of providers* must *collectively* have
associated with them
:param forbidden_traits: A map, keyed by trait string name, of trait
internal IDs that a resource provider must
not have.
:param ns_rp_ids: List of resource provider IDs for providers that EITHER
match all of the requested resources or are associated
with sharing providers that can satisfy missing requested
resources. In other words, this is the list of resource
provider IDs for all providers that are NOT sharing a
:param sharing: dict, keyed by resource class ID, of a list of resource
provider IDs that share that resource class
# We need to grab usage information for all the providers identified as
# potentially fulfilling part of the resource request. This includes
# non-sharing providers returned from the call to _get_all_with_shared() as
# well as all the providers of shared resources. Here, we simply grab a
# unique set of all those resource provider internal IDs by set union'ing
# them together
all_rp_ids = set(ns_rp_ids)
for rps in sharing.values():
all_rp_ids |= set(rps)
# Short out if no providers have been found at this point.
if not all_rp_ids:
return [], []
# Grab usage summaries for each provider (local or sharing)
usages = _get_usages_by_provider(ctx, all_rp_ids)
# Get a dict, keyed by resource provider internal ID, of trait string names
# that provider has associated with it
prov_traits = _provider_traits(ctx, all_rp_ids)
# Get a dict, keyed by resource provider internal ID, of ProviderSummary
# objects for all providers involved in the request
summaries = _build_provider_summaries(ctx, usages, prov_traits)
# Next, build up a list of allocation requests. These allocation requests
# are AllocationRequest objects, containing resource provider UUIDs,
# resource class names and amounts to consume from that resource provider
alloc_requests = []
# Build a list of the sets of provider internal IDs that end up in
# allocation request objects. This is used to ensure we don't end up
# having allocation requests with duplicate sets of resource providers.
alloc_prov_ids = []
# Get a dict, keyed by resource provider internal ID, of sets of aggregate
# ids that provider has associated with it
prov_aggregates = _provider_aggregates(ctx, all_rp_ids)
for ns_rp_id in ns_rp_ids:
# Build a dict, keyed by resource class ID, of lists of
# AllocationRequestResource objects
res_req_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
if ns_rp_id not in summaries:
# This resource provider is not providing any resources that have
# been requested. This means that this resource provider has some
# requested resources shared *with* it but the allocation of the
# requested resource will not be made against it. Since this
# provider won't actually have an allocation request written for
# it, we just ignore it and continue
# NOTE(jaypipes): The "ns_" prefix for variables in this code block
# indicates the variable is something related to the non-sharing
# provider involved in the request
ns_rp_summary = summaries[ns_rp_id]
ns_rp_uuid = ns_rp_summary.resource_provider.uuid
anchor_rp_uuid = ns_rp_summary.resource_provider.root_provider_uuid
ns_resource_class_names = ns_rp_summary.resource_class_names
ns_resources = set(
rc_id for rc_id in requested_resources
if _RC_CACHE.string_from_id(rc_id) in ns_resource_class_names
# Identify traits which are forbidden and exclude those providers.
ns_prov_traits = set(prov_traits.get(ns_rp_id, []))
conflict_traits = set(forbidden_traits) & ns_prov_traits
if conflict_traits:
LOG.debug('Excluding non-sharing provider %s: it has '
'forbidden traits: (%s).',
ns_rp_uuid, ', '. join(conflict_traits))
has_none = len(ns_resources) == 0
if has_none:
# This resource provider doesn't actually provide any requested
# resource. It only has requested resources shared *with* it.
# We do not list this provider in allocation_requests but do
# list it in provider_summaries.
# Get AllocationRequestResource(s) from the non-sharing provider
for rc_id, amount in requested_resources.items():
if rc_id not in ns_resources:
ctx, resource_provider=ResourceProvider(ctx,
# Build a dict, keyed by resource class ID, of lists of
# AllocationRequestResource objects that represent each
# resource provider for a shared resource
sharing_resource_requests = _shared_allocation_request_resources(
ctx, ns_rp_id, requested_resources,
sharing, summaries, prov_aggregates)
# Get AllocationRequestResource(s) from sharing provider(s)
for rc_id in sharing_resource_requests:
sharing_res_reqs = sharing_resource_requests[rc_id]
# Get request_groups, lists of lists of AllocationRequestResource
# for each resource class, which makes no distinction between
# non-sharing resource providers and sharing resource providers.
request_groups = res_req_dict.values()
# Add an AllocationRequest that includes resources from the
# non-sharing provider AND shared resources from each sharing
# provider of that resource class. This is where we construct all the
# possible permutations of non-shared resources and shared resources.
for res_requests in itertools.product(*request_groups):
# Before we add the allocation request to our list, we first need
# to ensure that the resource providers involved in this allocation
# request have all of the traits and that we don't have this
# combination in alloc_requests yet
all_prov_ids = _check_traits_for_alloc_request(res_requests,
summaries, prov_traits, required_traits, forbidden_traits)
if not all_prov_ids or all_prov_ids in alloc_prov_ids:
req = AllocationRequest(ctx, resource_requests=list(res_requests),
# The process above may have removed some previously-identified resource
# providers from being included in the allocation requests due to the
# sharing providers not satisfying trait requirements that were missing
# from "local providers". So, here, we need to remove any provider
# summaries for resource providers that do not appear in any allocation
# requests.
alloc_req_rp_uuids = set()
for ar in alloc_requests:
for rr in ar.resource_requests:
# Look up the internal ID for each identified rp UUID
alloc_req_rp_ids = set()
for rp_uuid in alloc_req_rp_uuids:
for rp_id, summary in summaries.items():
if summary.resource_provider.uuid == rp_uuid:
p_sums_ids = set(summaries)
eliminated_rp_ids = p_sums_ids - alloc_req_rp_ids
for elim_id in eliminated_rp_ids:
del summaries[elim_id]
return alloc_requests, list(summaries.values())
def _provider_traits(ctx, rp_ids):
"""Given a list of resource provider internal IDs, returns a dict, keyed by
@ -4322,13 +3832,9 @@ class AllocationCandidates(base.VersionedObject):
amount, member_of)
for rc_id, amount in resources.items()
# We check this here as an optimization: if we have no sharing
# providers, we fall through to the (simpler, more efficient)
# algorithm below.
if any(sharing_providers.values()):
# Okay, we have to do it the hard way: the request may be
# satisfied by one or more sharing providers as well as (maybe)
# the non-sharing provider.
# If there aren't any providers that have any of the
# required traits, just exit early...
if required_trait_map:
# TODO(cdent): Now that there is also a forbidden_trait_map
# it should be possible to further optimize this attempt at
@ -4337,24 +3843,11 @@ class AllocationCandidates(base.VersionedObject):
trait_rps = _get_provider_ids_having_any_trait(
context, required_trait_map)
if not trait_rps:
# If there aren't any providers that have any of the
# required traits, just exit early...
return [], []
# rp_ids contains a list of resource provider IDs that EITHER
# have all the requested resources themselves OR have some
# resources and are related to a provider that is sharing some
# resources with it. In other words, this is the list of
# resource provider IDs that are NOT sharing resources.
rps = _get_all_with_shared(context, resources, member_of)
rp_ids = set([r[0] for r in rps])
return _alloc_candidates_with_shared(
context, resources, required_trait_map,
forbidden_trait_map, rp_ids, sharing_providers)
rp_tuples = _get_trees_matching_all(context, resources,
required_trait_map, forbidden_trait_map, member_of)
return _alloc_candidates_nested_no_shared(context, resources,
required_trait_map, forbidden_trait_map,
sharing_providers, member_of)
return _alloc_candidates_multiple_providers(context, resources,
required_trait_map, forbidden_trait_map, rp_tuples)
# Either we are processing a single-RP request group, or there are no

View File

@ -1999,11 +1999,12 @@ class AllocationCandidatesTestCase(tb.PlacementDbBaseTestCase):
req_traits = {}
forbidden_traits = {}
member_of = []
sharing = {}
# Before we even set up any providers, verify that the short-circuits
# work to return empty lists
trees = rp_obj._get_trees_matching_all(
self.ctx, resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, member_of)
trees = rp_obj._get_trees_matching_all(self.ctx,
resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, sharing, member_of)
self.assertEqual([], trees)
# We are setting up 3 trees of providers that look like this:
@ -2046,8 +2047,8 @@ class AllocationCandidatesTestCase(tb.PlacementDbBaseTestCase):
# has inventory we will use...
tb.set_traits(cn, os_traits.HW_NIC_OFFLOAD_GENEVE)
trees = rp_obj._get_trees_matching_all(
self.ctx, resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, member_of)
trees = rp_obj._get_trees_matching_all(self.ctx,
resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, sharing, member_of)
# trees is a list of two-tuples of (provider ID, root provider ID)
tree_root_ids = set(p[1] for p in trees)
expect_root_ids = self._get_root_ids_matching_names(cn_names)
@ -2074,8 +2075,8 @@ class AllocationCandidatesTestCase(tb.PlacementDbBaseTestCase):
tb.allocate_from_provider(cn2_pf1, fields.ResourceClass.SRIOV_NET_VF,
trees = rp_obj._get_trees_matching_all(
self.ctx, resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, member_of)
trees = rp_obj._get_trees_matching_all(self.ctx,
resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, sharing, member_of)
tree_root_ids = set(p[1] for p in trees)
self.assertEqual(2, len(tree_root_ids))
@ -2103,8 +2104,8 @@ class AllocationCandidatesTestCase(tb.PlacementDbBaseTestCase):
req_traits = {,
trees = rp_obj._get_trees_matching_all(
self.ctx, resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, member_of)
trees = rp_obj._get_trees_matching_all(self.ctx,
resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, sharing, member_of)
tree_root_ids = set(p[1] for p in trees)
self.assertEqual(1, len(tree_root_ids))
@ -2134,8 +2135,8 @@ class AllocationCandidatesTestCase(tb.PlacementDbBaseTestCase):,,
trees = rp_obj._get_trees_matching_all(
self.ctx, resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, member_of)
trees = rp_obj._get_trees_matching_all(self.ctx,
resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, sharing, member_of)
tree_root_ids = set(p[1] for p in trees)
self.assertEqual(0, len(tree_root_ids))
@ -2147,8 +2148,8 @@ class AllocationCandidatesTestCase(tb.PlacementDbBaseTestCase):
forbidden_traits = {,
trees = rp_obj._get_trees_matching_all(
self.ctx, resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, member_of)
trees = rp_obj._get_trees_matching_all(self.ctx,
resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, sharing, member_of)
tree_root_ids = set(p[1] for p in trees)
self.assertEqual(1, len(tree_root_ids))
@ -2190,6 +2191,156 @@ class AllocationCandidatesTestCase(tb.PlacementDbBaseTestCase):
cn3_pf1, fields.ResourceClass.SRIOV_NET_VF, 8)
trees = rp_obj._get_trees_matching_all(
self.ctx, resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, member_of)
trees = rp_obj._get_trees_matching_all(self.ctx,
resources, req_traits, forbidden_traits, sharing, member_of)
self.assertEqual([], trees)
def test_simple_tree_with_shared_provider(self):
"""Tests that we properly winnow allocation requests when including
shared and nested providers
# We are setting up 2 cn trees with 2 shared storages
# that look like this:
# compute node (cn1) ----- shared storage (ss1)
# / \ agg1 with 2000 DISK_GB
# / \
# numa cell 1_0 numa cell 1_1
# | |
# | |
# pf 1_0 pf 1_1(HW_NIC_OFFLOAD_GENEVE)
# compute node (cn2) ----- shared storage (ss2)
# / \ agg2 with 1000 DISK_GB
# / \
# numa cell 2_0 numa cell 2_1
# | |
# | |
# pf 2_0 pf 2_1(HW_NIC_OFFLOAD_GENEVE)
# The second physical function in both trees (pf1_1, pf 2_1) will be
# associated with the HW_NIC_OFFLOAD_GENEVE trait, but not the first
# physical function.
# We will issue a request to _get_allocation_candidates() for VCPU,
# SRIOV_NET_VF and DISK_GB **without** required traits, then include
# a request that includes HW_NIC_OFFLOAD_GENEVE. In the latter case,
# the compute node tree should be returned but the allocation requests
# should only include the second physical function since the required
# trait is only associated with that PF.
cn1 = self._create_provider('cn1', uuids.agg1)
cn2 = self._create_provider('cn2', uuids.agg2)
tb.add_inventory(cn1, fields.ResourceClass.VCPU, 16)
tb.add_inventory(cn2, fields.ResourceClass.VCPU, 16)
numa1_0 = self._create_provider('cn1_numa0', parent=cn1.uuid)
numa1_1 = self._create_provider('cn1_numa1', parent=cn1.uuid)
numa2_0 = self._create_provider('cn2_numa0', parent=cn2.uuid)
numa2_1 = self._create_provider('cn2_numa1', parent=cn2.uuid)
pf1_0 = self._create_provider('cn1_numa0_pf0', parent=numa1_0.uuid)
pf1_1 = self._create_provider('cn1_numa1_pf1', parent=numa1_1.uuid)
pf2_0 = self._create_provider('cn2_numa0_pf0', parent=numa2_0.uuid)
pf2_1 = self._create_provider('cn2_numa1_pf1', parent=numa2_1.uuid)
tb.add_inventory(pf1_0, fields.ResourceClass.SRIOV_NET_VF, 8)
tb.add_inventory(pf1_1, fields.ResourceClass.SRIOV_NET_VF, 8)
tb.add_inventory(pf2_0, fields.ResourceClass.SRIOV_NET_VF, 8)
tb.add_inventory(pf2_1, fields.ResourceClass.SRIOV_NET_VF, 8)
tb.set_traits(pf2_1, os_traits.HW_NIC_OFFLOAD_GENEVE)
tb.set_traits(pf1_1, os_traits.HW_NIC_OFFLOAD_GENEVE)
ss1 = self._create_provider('ss1', uuids.agg1)
ss2 = self._create_provider('ss2', uuids.agg2)
tb.add_inventory(ss1, fields.ResourceClass.DISK_GB, 2000)
tb.add_inventory(ss2, fields.ResourceClass.DISK_GB, 1000)
tb.set_traits(ss1, 'MISC_SHARES_VIA_AGGREGATE')
tb.set_traits(ss2, 'MISC_SHARES_VIA_AGGREGATE')
alloc_cands = self._get_allocation_candidates(
{'': placement_lib.RequestGroup(
fields.ResourceClass.VCPU: 2,
fields.ResourceClass.SRIOV_NET_VF: 1,
fields.ResourceClass.DISK_GB: 1500,
# cn2 is not in the allocation candidates because it doesn't have
# enough DISK_GB resource with shared providers.
expected = [
[('cn1', fields.ResourceClass.VCPU, 2),
('cn1_numa0_pf0', fields.ResourceClass.SRIOV_NET_VF, 1),
('ss1', fields.ResourceClass.DISK_GB, 1500)],
[('cn1', fields.ResourceClass.VCPU, 2),
('cn1_numa1_pf1', fields.ResourceClass.SRIOV_NET_VF, 1),
('ss1', fields.ResourceClass.DISK_GB, 1500)]
self._validate_allocation_requests(expected, alloc_cands)
expected = {
'cn1': set([
(fields.ResourceClass.VCPU, 16, 0)
# NOTE(tetsuro): In summary, we'd like to expose all nested providers
# in the tree.
# 'cn1_numa0': set([])
# 'cn1_numa1': set([])
'cn1_numa0_pf0': set([
(fields.ResourceClass.SRIOV_NET_VF, 8, 0)
'cn1_numa1_pf1': set([
(fields.ResourceClass.SRIOV_NET_VF, 8, 0)
'ss1': set([
(fields.ResourceClass.DISK_GB, 2000, 0)
self._validate_provider_summary_resources(expected, alloc_cands)
# Now add required traits to the mix and verify we still get the
# inventory of SRIOV_NET_VF.
alloc_cands = self._get_allocation_candidates(
{'': placement_lib.RequestGroup(
fields.ResourceClass.VCPU: 2,
fields.ResourceClass.SRIOV_NET_VF: 1,
fields.ResourceClass.DISK_GB: 1500,
# cn1_numa0_pf0 is not in the allocation candidates because it
# doesn't have the required trait.
expected = [
[('cn1', fields.ResourceClass.VCPU, 2),
('cn1_numa1_pf1', fields.ResourceClass.SRIOV_NET_VF, 1),
('ss1', fields.ResourceClass.DISK_GB, 1500)]
self._validate_allocation_requests(expected, alloc_cands)
expected = {
'cn1': set([
(fields.ResourceClass.VCPU, 16, 0)
# NOTE(tetsuro): In summary, we'd like to expose all nested providers
# in the tree.
# 'cn1_numa0': set([])
# 'cn1_numa1': set([])
# 'cn1_numa0_pf0': set([
# (fields.ResourceClass.SRIOV_NET_VF, 8, 0)
# ]),
'cn1_numa1_pf1': set([
(fields.ResourceClass.SRIOV_NET_VF, 8, 0)
'ss1': set([
(fields.ResourceClass.DISK_GB, 2000, 0)
self._validate_provider_summary_resources(expected, alloc_cands)

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@ -922,8 +922,8 @@ class TestResourceProviderAggregates(tb.PlacementDbBaseTestCase):
aggs = rp.get_aggregates()
self.assertEqual(0, len(aggs))
def test_anchors_for_sharing_provider(self):
"""Test _anchors_for_sharing_provider with the following setup.
def test_anchors_for_sharing_providers(self):
"""Test _anchors_for_sharing_providers with the following setup.
: :
@ -988,30 +988,42 @@ class TestResourceProviderAggregates(tb.PlacementDbBaseTestCase):
# r2 via agg2 AND via agg3 through c2
# r3 via agg2 and agg3
# s5 via agg1 and agg2
expected = [rp.uuid for rp in (s1, r1, r2, r3, s5)]
expected = set([(s1.uuid, rp.uuid) for rp in (s1, r1, r2, r3, s5)])
expected, rp_obj._anchors_for_sharing_provider(self.ctx,
expected, rp_obj._anchors_for_sharing_providers(self.ctx, []))
# s2 gets s2 (self) and r3 via agg4
expected = [s2.uuid, r3.uuid]
expected = set([(s2.uuid, rp.uuid) for rp in (s2, r3)])
expected, rp_obj._anchors_for_sharing_provider(self.ctx,
expected, rp_obj._anchors_for_sharing_providers(self.ctx, []))
# s3 gets self
[s3.uuid], rp_obj._anchors_for_sharing_provider(self.ctx,
set([(s3.uuid, s3.uuid)]), rp_obj._anchors_for_sharing_providers(
self.ctx, []))
# s4 isn't really a sharing provider - gets nothing
[], rp_obj._anchors_for_sharing_provider(self.ctx,
set([]), rp_obj._anchors_for_sharing_providers(self.ctx, []))
# s5 gets s5 (self),
# r1 via agg1 through c1,
# r2 via agg2
# s1 via agg1 and agg2
expected = [rp.uuid for rp in (s5, r1, r2, s1)]
expected = set([(s5.uuid, rp.uuid) for rp in (s5, r1, r2, s1)])
expected, rp_obj._anchors_for_sharing_provider(self.ctx,
expected, rp_obj._anchors_for_sharing_providers(self.ctx, []))
# validate that we can get them all at once
expected = set(
[(, for rp in (r1, r2, r3, s1, s5)] +
[(, for rp in (r3, s2)] +
[(, for rp in (s3,)] +
[(, for rp in (r1, r2, s1, s5)]
expected, rp_obj._anchors_for_sharing_providers(self.ctx,
[,,,,], get_id=True))
class TestAllocation(tb.PlacementDbBaseTestCase):
@ -2274,159 +2286,3 @@ class SharedProviderTestCase(tb.PlacementDbBaseTestCase):
self.assertEqual([], got_ids)
def test_get_all_with_shared(self):
"""We set up two compute nodes with VCPU and MEMORY_MB only, a shared
resource provider having DISK_GB inventory, and associate all of them
with an aggregate. We then call the _get_all_with_shared() function to
ensure that we get back the two compute node resource provider records.
# The aggregate that will be associated to everything...
agg_uuid = uuidsentinel.agg
# Create the two compute node providers
cn1 = self._create_provider('cn1')
cn2 = self._create_provider('cn2')
# Populate the two compute node providers with inventory, sans DISK_GB
for cn in (cn1, cn2):
tb.add_inventory(cn, fields.ResourceClass.VCPU, 24,
tb.add_inventory(cn, fields.ResourceClass.MEMORY_MB, 1024,
# Create the shared storage pool
ss = self._create_provider('shared storage')
# Give the shared storage pool some inventory of DISK_GB
tb.add_inventory(ss, fields.ResourceClass.DISK_GB, 2000,
# Mark the shared storage pool as having inventory shared among any
# provider associated via aggregate
tb.set_traits(ss, "MISC_SHARES_VIA_AGGREGATE")
resources = self._requested_resources()
# Before we associate the compute nodes and shared storage provider
# with the same aggregate, verify that no resource providers are found
# that meet the requested set of resource amounts
got_rps = rp_obj._get_all_with_shared(
got_ids = [ for rp in got_rps]
self.assertEqual([], got_ids)
# Now associate the shared storage pool and both compute nodes with the
# same aggregate
# OK, now that has all been set up, let's verify that we get the ID of
# the shared storage pool when we ask for some DISK_GB
got_rps = rp_obj._get_all_with_shared(
got_ids = [ for rp in got_rps]
self.assertEqual([,], got_ids)
# Now we add another compute node that has vCPU and RAM along with
# local disk and is *not* associated with the agg1. We want to verify
# that this compute node, because it has all three resources "locally"
# is also returned by _get_all_with_shared() along with the other
# compute nodes that are associated with the shared storage pool.
cn3 = self._create_provider('cn3')
tb.add_inventory(cn3, fields.ResourceClass.VCPU, 24)
tb.add_inventory(cn3, fields.ResourceClass.MEMORY_MB, 1024,
tb.add_inventory(cn3, fields.ResourceClass.DISK_GB, 500,
got_rps = rp_obj._get_all_with_shared(
got_ids = [ for rp in got_rps]
self.assertEqual([,,], got_ids)
# Consume all vCPU and RAM inventory on the "local disk" compute node
# and verify it no longer is returned from _get_all_with_shared()
tb.allocate_from_provider(cn3, fields.ResourceClass.VCPU, 24,
tb.allocate_from_provider(cn3, fields.ResourceClass.MEMORY_MB, 1024,
got_rps = rp_obj._get_all_with_shared(
got_ids = [ for rp in got_rps]
self.assertEqual([,], got_ids)
# Now we consume all the memory in the second compute node and verify
# that it does not get returned from _get_all_with_shared()
for _ in range(3):
# allocation_ratio for MEMORY_MB is 1.5, so we need to make 3
# 512-MB allocations to fully consume the memory on the node
tb.allocate_from_provider(cn2, fields.ResourceClass.MEMORY_MB, 512)
got_rps = rp_obj._get_all_with_shared(
got_ids = [ for rp in got_rps]
self.assertEqual([], got_ids)
# Create another two compute node providers having no local disk
# inventory and associated with a different aggregate. Then create a
# storage provider but do NOT decorate that provider with the
# MISC_SHARES_VIA_AGGREGATE trait and verify that neither of the new
# compute node providers are returned by _get_all_with_shared()
# Associate the new no-local-disk compute nodes and the non-shared
# storage provider with an aggregate that is different from the
# aggregate associating the shared storage provider with compute nodes
agg2_uuid = uuidsentinel.agg2
cn4 = self._create_provider('cn4', agg2_uuid)
cn5 = self._create_provider('cn5', agg2_uuid)
# Populate the two compute node providers with inventory, sans DISK_GB
for cn in (cn4, cn5):
tb.add_inventory(cn, fields.ResourceClass.VCPU, 24,
tb.add_inventory(cn, fields.ResourceClass.MEMORY_MB, 1024,
# Create the storage provider but do NOT mark it sharing its inventory
# with other providers
ns = self._create_provider('non_shared storage', agg2_uuid)
# Give the shared storage pool some inventory of DISK_GB
tb.add_inventory(ns, fields.ResourceClass.DISK_GB, 2000,
# Ensure neither cn4 nor cn5 are in the returned providers list,
# because neither has DISK_GB inventory and although they are
# associated with an aggregate that has a storage provider with DISK_GB
# inventory, that storage provider is not marked as sharing that
# DISK_GB inventory with anybody.
got_rps = rp_obj._get_all_with_shared(
got_ids = [ for rp in got_rps]
self.assertEqual([], got_ids)