Remove more deprecated nova-manage commands

These were all deprecated in newton in change:


The network and floating IP commands can't be removed yet
because devstack still relies on them, which is being worked
in I5c4291509841325e6123520131f30b64c847a17f.

Change-Id: I0c02d409c5726b5e0532fc91fb9b8c5d3196499f
This commit is contained in:
Matt Riedemann 2016-10-14 17:30:10 -04:00
parent 12327ff595
commit 15e962b3a0
4 changed files with 10 additions and 227 deletions

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Run without arguments to see a list of available command categories:
Categories are project, shell, vpn, and floating. Detailed descriptions are below.
You can also run with a category argument such as user to see a list of all commands in that category:
``nova-manage floating``
``nova-manage db``
These sections describe the available categories and arguments for nova-manage.
@ -119,41 +119,6 @@ Nova Project
usage record matches the actual used. If a key is not specified
then all quota usages relevant to the project/user are refreshed.
``nova-manage project scrub <project-id>``
Deletes data associated with project.
Nova VPN
``nova-manage vpn list``
Displays a list of projects, their IP port numbers, and what state they're in.
``nova-manage vpn run <projectname>``
Starts the VPN for the named project.
``nova-manage vpn spawn``
Runs all VPNs.
Nova Floating IPs
``nova-manage floating create <ip_range> [--pool <pool>] [--interface <interface>]``
Creates floating IP addresses for the given range, optionally specifying
a floating pool and a network interface.
``nova-manage floating delete <ip_range>``
Deletes floating IP addresses in the range given.
``nova-manage floating list``
Displays a list of all floating IP addresses.
Nova Images

View File

@ -114,36 +114,6 @@ def param2id(object_id):
return object_id
class VpnCommands(object):
"""Class for managing VPNs."""
description = ('DEPRECATED: VPN commands are deprecated since '
'nova-network is deprecated in favor of Neutron. The '
'VPN commands will be removed in the Nova 15.0.0 '
'Ocata release.')
@args('--project', dest='project_id', metavar='<Project name>',
help='Project name')
@args('--ip', metavar='<IP Address>', help='IP Address')
@args('--port', metavar='<Port>', help='Port')
def change(self, project_id, ip, port):
"""Change the IP and port for a VPN.
This will update all networks associated with a project
not sure if that's the desired behavior or not, patches accepted.
# TODO(tr3buchet): perhaps this shouldn't update all networks
# associated with a project in the future
admin_context = context.get_admin_context()
networks = db.project_get_networks(admin_context, project_id)
for network in networks:
{'vpn_public_address': ip,
'vpn_public_port': int(port)})
class ShellCommands(object):
def bpython(self):
"""Runs a bpython shell.
@ -322,126 +292,10 @@ class ProjectCommands(object):
return 2
@args('--project', dest='project_id', metavar='<Project name>',
help='Project name')
def scrub(self, project_id):
"""DEPRECATED: Deletes network data associated with project.
This command is only for nova-network deployments and nova-network is
deprecated in favor of Neutron. This command will be removed in the
Nova 15.0.0 Ocata release.
admin_context = context.get_admin_context()
networks = db.project_get_networks(admin_context, project_id)
for network in networks:
db.network_disassociate(admin_context, network['id'])
groups = db.security_group_get_by_project(admin_context, project_id)
for group in groups:
db.security_group_destroy(admin_context, group['id'])
AccountCommands = ProjectCommands
class FixedIpCommands(object):
"""Class for managing fixed IP."""
description = ('DEPRECATED: Fixed IP commands are deprecated since '
'nova-network is deprecated in favor of Neutron. The '
'fixed IP commands will be removed in the Nova 15.0.0 '
'Ocata release.')
@args('--host', metavar='<host>', help='Host')
def list(self, host=None):
"""Lists all fixed IPs (optionally by host)."""
ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
if host is None:
fixed_ips = db.fixed_ip_get_all(ctxt)
fixed_ips = db.fixed_ip_get_by_host(ctxt, host)
except exception.NotFound as ex:
print(_("error: %s") % ex)
instances = db.instance_get_all(context.get_admin_context())
instances_by_uuid = {}
for instance in instances:
instances_by_uuid[instance['uuid']] = instance
print("%-18s\t%-15s\t%-15s\t%s" % (_('network'),
_('IP address'),
all_networks = {}
# use network_get_all to retrieve all existing networks
# this is to ensure that IPs associated with deleted networks
# will not throw exceptions.
for network in db.network_get_all(context.get_admin_context()):
all_networks[] = network
except exception.NoNetworksFound:
# do not have any networks, so even if there are IPs, these
# IPs should have been deleted ones, so return.
print(_('No fixed IP found.'))
has_ip = False
for fixed_ip in fixed_ips:
hostname = None
host = None
network = all_networks.get(fixed_ip['network_id'])
if network:
has_ip = True
if fixed_ip.get('instance_uuid'):
instance = instances_by_uuid.get(fixed_ip['instance_uuid'])
if instance:
hostname = instance['hostname']
host = instance['host']
print(_('WARNING: fixed IP %s allocated to missing'
' instance') % str(fixed_ip['address']))
print("%-18s\t%-15s\t%-15s\t%s" % (
hostname, host))
if not has_ip:
print(_('No fixed IP found.'))
@args('--address', metavar='<ip address>', help='IP address')
def reserve(self, address):
"""Mark fixed IP as reserved
arguments: address
return self._set_reserved(address, True)
@args('--address', metavar='<ip address>', help='IP address')
def unreserve(self, address):
"""Mark fixed IP as free to use
arguments: address
return self._set_reserved(address, False)
def _set_reserved(self, address, reserved):
ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
fixed_ip = db.fixed_ip_get_by_address(ctxt, address)
if fixed_ip is None:
raise exception.NotFound('Could not find address')
db.fixed_ip_update(ctxt, fixed_ip['address'],
{'reserved': reserved})
except exception.NotFound as ex:
print(_("error: %s") % ex)
class FloatingIpCommands(object):
"""Class for managing floating IP."""
@ -1540,14 +1394,12 @@ CATEGORIES = {
'cell': CellCommands,
'cell_v2': CellV2Commands,
'db': DbCommands,
'fixed': FixedIpCommands,
'floating': FloatingIpCommands,
'host': HostCommands,
'logs': GetLogCommands,
'network': NetworkCommands,
'project': ProjectCommands,
'shell': ShellCommands,
'vpn': VpnCommands,

View File

@ -37,49 +37,6 @@ from nova.tests import uuidsentinel
CONF = conf.CONF
class FixedIpCommandsTestCase(test.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(FixedIpCommandsTestCase, self).setUp()
self.output = StringIO()
self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch('sys.stdout', self.output))
self.commands = manage.FixedIpCommands()
def test_reserve(self):
address = db.fixed_ip_get_by_address(context.get_admin_context(),
def test_reserve_nonexistent_address(self):
self.assertEqual(2, self.commands.reserve(''))
def test_unreserve(self):
address = db.fixed_ip_get_by_address(context.get_admin_context(),
def test_unreserve_nonexistent_address(self):
self.assertEqual(2, self.commands.unreserve(''))
def test_list(self):
self.assertNotEqual(1, sys.stdout.getvalue().find(''))
def test_list_just_one_host(self):
def fake_fixed_ip_get_by_host(*args, **kwargs):
return [db_fakes.fixed_ip_fields]
self.assertNotEqual(1, self.output.getvalue().find(''))
class FloatingIpCommandsTestCase(test.NoDBTestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(FloatingIpCommandsTestCase, self).setUp()

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
- |
The following deprecated nova-manage commands have been removed:
* ``nova-manage account scrub``
* ``nova-manage fixed *``
* ``nova-manage project scrub``
* ``nova-manage vpn *``