Rajesh Tailor 9ebf9a5aa5 Trivial-Fix: Fix typos
Change-Id: I09a87b7a13cf551f18ef1fb27aa9f5406baebab4
2016-06-13 06:41:08 +00:00

267 lines
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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2011 Citrix Systems, Inc.
# Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation
# Copyright 2011 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# NOTE: XenServer still only supports Python 2.4 in it's dom0 userspace
# which means the Nova xenapi plugins must use only Python 2.4 features
# TODO(sfinucan): Resolve all 'noqa' items once the above is no longer true
# XenAPI plugin for reading/writing information to xenstore
import base64
import commands # noqa
import json
except ImportError:
import simplejson as json
import time
import XenAPIPlugin
import pluginlib_nova
import xenstore
PluginError = pluginlib_nova.PluginError
_ = pluginlib_nova._
class TimeoutError(StandardError):
class RebootDetectedError(StandardError):
def version(self, arg_dict):
"""Get version of agent."""
timeout = int(arg_dict.pop('timeout', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT))
arg_dict["value"] = json.dumps({"name": "version", "value": "agent"})
request_id = arg_dict["id"]
arg_dict["path"] = "data/host/%s" % request_id
xenstore.write_record(self, arg_dict)
resp = _wait_for_agent(self, request_id, arg_dict, timeout)
except TimeoutError, e: # noqa
raise PluginError(e)
return resp
def key_init(self, arg_dict):
"""Handles the Diffie-Hellman key exchange with the agent to
establish the shared secret key used to encrypt/decrypt sensitive
info to be passed, such as passwords. Returns the shared
secret key value.
timeout = int(arg_dict.pop('timeout', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT))
# WARNING: Some older Windows agents will crash if the public key isn't
# a string
pub = arg_dict["pub"]
arg_dict["value"] = json.dumps({"name": "keyinit", "value": pub})
request_id = arg_dict["id"]
arg_dict["path"] = "data/host/%s" % request_id
xenstore.write_record(self, arg_dict)
resp = _wait_for_agent(self, request_id, arg_dict, timeout)
except TimeoutError, e: # noqa
raise PluginError(e)
return resp
def password(self, arg_dict):
"""Writes a request to xenstore that tells the agent to set
the root password for the given VM. The password should be
encrypted using the shared secret key that was returned by a
previous call to key_init. The encrypted password value should
be passed as the value for the 'enc_pass' key in arg_dict.
timeout = int(arg_dict.pop('timeout', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT))
enc_pass = arg_dict["enc_pass"]
arg_dict["value"] = json.dumps({"name": "password", "value": enc_pass})
request_id = arg_dict["id"]
arg_dict["path"] = "data/host/%s" % request_id
xenstore.write_record(self, arg_dict)
resp = _wait_for_agent(self, request_id, arg_dict, timeout)
except TimeoutError, e: # noqa
raise PluginError(e)
return resp
def resetnetwork(self, arg_dict):
"""Writes a request to xenstore that tells the agent
to reset networking.
timeout = int(arg_dict.pop('timeout', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT))
arg_dict['value'] = json.dumps({'name': 'resetnetwork', 'value': ''})
request_id = arg_dict['id']
arg_dict['path'] = "data/host/%s" % request_id
xenstore.write_record(self, arg_dict)
resp = _wait_for_agent(self, request_id, arg_dict, timeout)
except TimeoutError, e: # noqa
raise PluginError(e)
return resp
def inject_file(self, arg_dict):
"""Expects a file path and the contents of the file to be written. Both
should be base64-encoded in order to eliminate errors as they are passed
through the stack. Writes that information to xenstore for the agent,
which will decode the file and intended path, and create it on the
instance. The original agent munged both of these into a single entry;
the new agent keeps them separate. We will need to test for the new agent,
and write the xenstore records to match the agent version. We will also
need to test to determine if the file injection method on the agent has
been disabled, and raise a NotImplemented error if that is the case.
timeout = int(arg_dict.pop('timeout', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT))
b64_path = arg_dict["b64_path"]
b64_file = arg_dict["b64_contents"]
request_id = arg_dict["id"]
agent_features = _get_agent_features(self, arg_dict)
if "file_inject" in agent_features:
# New version of the agent. Agent should receive a 'value'
# key whose value is a dictionary containing 'b64_path' and
# 'b64_file'. See old version below.
arg_dict["value"] = json.dumps({"name": "file_inject",
"value": {"b64_path": b64_path, "b64_file": b64_file}})
elif "injectfile" in agent_features:
# Old agent requires file path and file contents to be
# combined into one base64 value.
raw_path = base64.b64decode(b64_path)
raw_file = base64.b64decode(b64_file)
new_b64 = base64.b64encode("%s,%s" % (raw_path, raw_file))
arg_dict["value"] = json.dumps({"name": "injectfile",
"value": new_b64})
# Either the methods don't exist in the agent, or they
# have been disabled.
raise NotImplementedError(_("NOT IMPLEMENTED: Agent does not"
" support file injection."))
arg_dict["path"] = "data/host/%s" % request_id
xenstore.write_record(self, arg_dict)
resp = _wait_for_agent(self, request_id, arg_dict, timeout)
except TimeoutError, e: # noqa
raise PluginError(e)
return resp
def agent_update(self, arg_dict):
"""Expects an URL and md5sum of the contents, then directs the agent to
update itself.
timeout = int(arg_dict.pop('timeout', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT))
request_id = arg_dict["id"]
url = arg_dict["url"]
md5sum = arg_dict["md5sum"]
arg_dict["value"] = json.dumps({"name": "agentupdate",
"value": "%s,%s" % (url, md5sum)})
arg_dict["path"] = "data/host/%s" % request_id
xenstore.write_record(self, arg_dict)
resp = _wait_for_agent(self, request_id, arg_dict, timeout)
except TimeoutError, e: # noqa
raise PluginError(e)
return resp
def _get_agent_features(self, arg_dict):
"""Return an array of features that an agent supports."""
timeout = int(arg_dict.pop('timeout', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT))
tmp_id = commands.getoutput("uuidgen")
dct = {}
dct["value"] = json.dumps({"name": "features", "value": ""})
dct["path"] = "data/host/%s" % tmp_id
xenstore.write_record(self, dct)
resp = _wait_for_agent(self, tmp_id, dct, timeout)
except TimeoutError, e: # noqa
raise PluginError(e)
response = json.loads(resp)
if response['returncode'] != 0:
return response["message"].split(",")
return {}
def _wait_for_agent(self, request_id, arg_dict, timeout):
"""Periodically checks xenstore for a response from the agent.
The request is always written to 'data/host/{id}', and
the agent's response for that request will be in 'data/guest/{id}'.
If no value appears from the agent within the timeout specified,
the original request is deleted and a TimeoutError is raised.
arg_dict["path"] = "data/guest/%s" % request_id
arg_dict["ignore_missing_path"] = True
start = time.time()
reboot_detected = False
while time.time() - start < timeout:
ret = xenstore.read_record(self, arg_dict)
# Note: the response for None with be a string that includes
# double quotes.
if ret != '"None"':
# The agent responded
return ret
# NOTE(johngarbutt) If we can't find this domid, then
# the VM has rebooted, so we must trigger domid refresh.
# Check after the sleep to give xenstore time to update
# after the VM reboot.
exists_args = {
"dom_id": arg_dict["dom_id"],
"path": "name",
dom_id_is_present = xenstore.record_exists(exists_args)
if not dom_id_is_present:
reboot_detected = True
# No response within the timeout period; bail out
# First, delete the request record
arg_dict["path"] = "data/host/%s" % request_id
xenstore.delete_record(self, arg_dict)
if reboot_detected:
raise RebootDetectedError(_("REBOOT: dom_id %s no longer "
"present") % arg_dict["dom_id"])
raise TimeoutError(_("TIMEOUT: No response from agent within"
" %s seconds.") % timeout)
if __name__ == "__main__":
{"version": version,
"key_init": key_init,
"password": password,
"resetnetwork": resetnetwork,
"inject_file": inject_file,
"agentupdate": agent_update})