melanie witt 8f0817f078 Add documentation for unified limits
This adds documentation for unified limits and signals deprecation of
the nova.quota.DbQuotaDriver.

Related to blueprint unified-limits-nova-tool-and-docs

Change-Id: I3951317111396aa4df36c5700b4d4dd33e721a74
2023-08-30 19:33:50 +00:00

8.4 KiB




As of Nova release 28.0.0 (2023.2 Bobcat), the nova.quota.DbQuotaDriver has been deprecated and the default quota driver configuration will be changed to the nova.quota.UnifiedLimitsDriver in the 29.0.0 (2024.1 Caracal) release. See the unified limits documentation </user/unified-limits>.

Nova uses a quota system for setting limits on resources such as number of instances or amount of CPU that a specific project or user can use.

Quota limits and usage can be retrieved using the command-line interface.

Types of quota

Quota name Description
cores Number of instance cores (VCPUs) allowed per project.
instances Number of instances allowed per project.
key_pairs Number of key pairs allowed per user.
metadata_items Number of metadata items allowed per instance.
ram Megabytes of instance ram allowed per project.
server_groups Number of server groups per project.
server_group_members Number of servers per server group.

The following quotas were previously available but were removed in microversion 2.36 as they proxied information available from the networking service.

Quota name Description
fixed_ips Number of fixed IP addresses allowed per project. This number must be equal to or greater than the number of allowed instances.
floating_ips Number of floating IP addresses allowed per project.
networks Number of networks allowed per project (no longer used).
security_groups Number of security groups per project.
security_group_rules Number of security group rules per project.

Similarly, the following quotas were previously available but were removed in microversion 2.57 as the personality files feature was deprecated.

Quota name Description
injected_files Number of injected files allowed per project.
injected_file_content_bytes Number of content bytes allowed per injected file.
injected_file_path_bytes Length of injected file path.


Project quotas

To list all default quotas for projects, run:

$ openstack quota show --default


This lists default quotas for all services and not just nova.

For example:

$ openstack quota show --default
| Field                | Value    |
| backup-gigabytes     | 1000     |
| backups              | 10       |
| cores                | 20       |
| fixed-ips            | -1       |
| floating-ips         | 50       |
| gigabytes            | 1000     |
| health_monitors      | None     |
| injected-file-size   | 10240    |
| injected-files       | 5        |
| injected-path-size   | 255      |
| instances            | 10       |
| key-pairs            | 100      |
| l7_policies          | None     |
| listeners            | None     |
| load_balancers       | None     |
| location             | None     |
| name                 | None     |
| networks             | 10       |
| per-volume-gigabytes | -1       |
| pools                | None     |
| ports                | 50       |
| project              | None     |
| project_name         | project  |
| properties           | 128      |
| ram                  | 51200    |
| rbac_policies        | 10       |
| routers              | 10       |
| secgroup-rules       | 100      |
| secgroups            | 10       |
| server-group-members | 10       |
| server-groups        | 10       |
| snapshots            | 10       |
| subnet_pools         | -1       |
| subnets              | 10       |
| volumes              | 10       |

To list the currently set quota values for your project, run:

$ openstack quota show PROJECT

where PROJECT is the ID or name of your project. For example:

$ openstack quota show $OS_PROJECT_ID
| Field                | Value                            |
| backup-gigabytes     | 1000                             |
| backups              | 10                               |
| cores                | 32                               |
| fixed-ips            | -1                               |
| floating-ips         | 10                               |
| gigabytes            | 1000                             |
| health_monitors      | None                             |
| injected-file-size   | 10240                            |
| injected-files       | 5                                |
| injected-path-size   | 255                              |
| instances            | 10                               |
| key-pairs            | 100                              |
| l7_policies          | None                             |
| listeners            | None                             |
| load_balancers       | None                             |
| location             | None                             |
| name                 | None                             |
| networks             | 20                               |
| per-volume-gigabytes | -1                               |
| pools                | None                             |
| ports                | 60                               |
| project              | c8156b55ec3b486193e73d2974196993 |
| project_name         | project                          |
| properties           | 128                              |
| ram                  | 65536                            |
| rbac_policies        | 10                               |
| routers              | 10                               |
| secgroup-rules       | 50                               |
| secgroups            | 50                               |
| server-group-members | 10                               |
| server-groups        | 10                               |
| snapshots            | 10                               |
| subnet_pools         | -1                               |
| subnets              | 20                               |
| volumes              | 10                               |

To view a list of options for the openstack quota show command, run:

$ openstack quota show --help

User quotas


User-specific quotas are legacy and will be removed when migration to unified limits </admin/unified-limits.html> is complete. User-specific quotas were added as a way to provide two-level hierarchical quotas and this feature is already being offered in unified limits. For this reason, the below commands have not and will not be ported to openstackclient.

To list the quotas for your user, run:

$ nova quota-show --user USER --tenant PROJECT

where USER is the ID or name of your user and PROJECT is the ID or name of your project. For example:

$ nova quota-show --user $OS_USERNAME --tenant $OS_PROJECT_ID
| Quota                       | Limit |
| instances                   | 10    |
| cores                       | 32    |
| ram                         | 65536 |
| metadata_items              | 128   |
| injected_files              | 5     |
| injected_file_content_bytes | 10240 |
| injected_file_path_bytes    | 255   |
| key_pairs                   | 100   |
| server_groups               | 10    |
| server_group_members        | 10    |

To view a list of options for the nova quota-show command, run:

$ nova help quota-show